My Aunt Cathy - Cover

My Aunt Cathy

by Jeremy

Copyright© 1999 by Jeremy

Incest Sex Story: His aunt teases him sexually until he gets her back by making her pregnant!

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   NonConsensual   Drunk/Drugged   Heterosexual   Incest   Aunt   Nephew   Pregnancy   .

I am a relatively normal male aged 18, 6'1" tall, with blond hair and green eyes, and a fairly muscular body. I have always masturbated, fantasised and collected pornography. Several years ago I discovered magazines and web sites featuring older women, and found myself uncontrollably aroused. I began to fantasise about sex with my aunt.

At school that day, my friend gave me this miracle-making stuff. I already had a feeling what it would be. It was a prescription medicine bottle with several white pills inside. The label read "Rohypnol"-or something like that. My buddy told me that it was most effective if I gave it to a woman in her alcohol. Didn't sound too complicated.

I came home that afternoon practically glowing with excitement. I was sitting in my room, planning, and thinking, How am I supposed to get this into some alcohol for her to drink?

The women in our family are quite good looking. My mother Sue is only 46, with a tight little country club body, blond hair and green eyes. My aunt Cathy is 42 and a little chunkier, but with dark blue eyes. Both have killer smiles and a nice set of breasts. They are also both sexually active, having divorced young and never remarried. A typical weekend involves the two sisters having a cocktail at our house, then going out bar hopping. They usually get quite drunk and frequently bring men home for a frolic.

Late one night, they returned from a bender.

"Hi sweetie!" said Aunt Cathy greeting me lovingly enough, though not how I'd like. She put a hand on my shoulder, and asked, "So how was school today? Be a love and get your two favourite women a drink"

I was both annoyed and intrigued. Annoyed they were disturbing me, but intrigued that they were drunk, dancing and giggling. I wondered if what they said about Rohphynol was true. If it was I was going to sniff Aunt Cathy's arse tonight and lick her fat tits. I got them both a drink and slipped a 'roofie' into Aunt Cathy's drink and watched to make sure that she drank it and not my mother. She slurped the drink down in one gulp and demanded another. I gave her what she asked for and retired to my room. Eventually the noise died down, and there was a knock on the door of my room. My mother, barely understandable, slurred: "Cathy's drunk, will you take her home?" I shook my head in feigned disgust and grabbed my keys. I had to half-carry Aunt Cathy to the car and pour her into her seat.

As I drove the four blocks to her house, I couldn't help noticing her legs. They were long, lean and tan. She was curled-up in the seat, her muscles were partially flexed, and her mini-skirt was riding up her thighs. I tried to ignore my mild hard-on and the growing anticipation that I might be fucking her tonight and pulled into her driveway. Cathy was completely passed out and I had to carry her inside. Just how strong was that tablet I wondered??????

I put Cathy down on the couch in the living room and took off her jacket. She didn't wake up. I shook her and said "Aunt Cathy? I have to go now. Can you get yourself to bed?" Her silk blouse was unbuttoned to her stomach, and fell open as she moved. I froze. She was wearing a red satin bra. I could see her breast and nipple through the lacy material. It was slightly tanned, with a large dark nipple and the faintest sign of stretch marks.

"Aunt Cathy?" I asked, as I nudged her. "Cathy?!" I yelled, as I shook her. Nothing. I shook her once more, but there was no response. I paused. Then I knelt down and slowly, hesitatingly reached inside her blouse to touch her breast. It felt wonderful and the more I cupped and caressed it, the more erect her nipple became. Next I unbuttoned her blouse and beheld two of the most gorgeous tits I had ever seen. She had a little fat around her mid section, but it was more like baby fat than cellulite. I massage her breasts through her bra, while I admired her mouth. I was getting a raging hard-on! I lifted first one tit then the other over the top of her bra. What a sight!!! Two huge 40DD breasts held up by the scaffold of her sumptuous brassiere... My mouth suckled her massive nipples. biting and nibbling them until they were hard. Worried that she might soon wake up I decided to put her to bed.

I went into her bedroom to pull back the bed clothes. I looked in her bedside drawer... tampons, panties, bras, all the usual female accoutrements and her vibrator! I caressed and licked it, imagining where it had been... I went back to carry her to her bed. She was heavy and I deliberately dropped her on the bed. She was still out for the count...

I leaned forward and kissed her supple lips, which were warm and wet. She remained lifeless, but her breathing increased slightly. I kissed her passionately as I lightly touched my dick. It was ready to burst, but I held back. Next I gently unzipped her skirt from the side, and pulled it over her thighs and feet. A powerful odour wafted upward, through her panties and tights. I removed her tights and stroked the outside of her knickers. I shook her once more. "Cathy? Cathy?" Again nothing.

I twisted her around and I gently spread her legs bending them at the knee and had a clear view of her cunt mound through her panties. It was twisted and dark, but quite beautiful. I pulled her panties to one side and admired her cunt lips. A thin trickle of white discharge linked some of her pubic hairs. I gently used my fingers to open her vagina... more of the white discharge was on view. As I massaged and played, her cunt started to get mildly lubricated and open. She was breathing heavier now, but still somewhat dead to the world.

By now my dick was going crazy, my heart pounding so much I thought it would burst. In the heat of the moment, I had to make a decision. When I started a few minutes earlier, I was only going to fondle her. But now I was completely horny and she was just lying there, waiting to be fucked. Without really thinking about my actions, I took my cock out of my pants and started to stroke it. Before I knew it, I was grabbing her body and pulling it toward me, while I spread her legs. I was inches away and my cock was fully erect, sticking out from my jeans. I spread her pussy lips with my fingers, and placed the head of my penis at the mouth of her vagina. The tip was already dripping pre-cum. I stopped and thought... what contraception does she use? I could make her pregnant even at her age. I ferreted through her bedside drawers again. Please be on the Pill I pleaded, but no sign of the packets. No condoms either. Then came the answer... in a small dome shaped plastic container I found it... her diaphragm... She had a rubber cap with a half empty aerosol can of spermicide.

How the hell do you insert that in a woman? There was no way I was going to attempt it so what now? Finding it meant she was still sexually 'viable' and pregnancy was a risk. Maybe she was due a period? I found her diary and there was an entry "period started" from 2 weeks ago. Shit! That means she was between periods... fertile as fuck... and I needed to shag it. What should I do?... I know... pull it out at the end... simple...

I placed my hand behind her head and pulled it toward me, then kissed her full lips deeply. As I probed my tongue past her sleeping lips, I positioned my dick against my Aunt's cunt. I pushed forward and the tip actually entered her! I moved back and forward again. In seconds I was balls deep inside my Aunt Cathy! Her tits started to jiggle as I pumped her again and again, fucking her hard and deep. I was fucking my mother's sister and loving it. Her cunt juice lubricated my erection with a white ring of cream. Within a few seconds I was beyond the point of no return, and reached decision time. To come in her or not... Shit... I mustn't and pulled out with a milli-second to spare... Uhh, uhh, uhh... My white torrent spattered her inner thighs and belly. God, I nearly ejaculated inside her... What an amazing fuck she was!

After lying back on the floor to catch my breath, I started to clean-up the scene. I wiped my dangerous jism from her beautiful skin and pulled her panties over her crotch to make her decent again. A thin 'smile' of her vaginal discharge leaked through the gusset winking at me. She was lucky it wasn't my semen that was leaking from her vaginal lips. What if I had I done her? What if I had made her pregnant with my baby?

There is more of this story...

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