Sibling Rivalry - Cover

Sibling Rivalry

Copyright© 1999 by Zor Prime

Chapter 8: Little Pig Let Me In

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8: Little Pig Let Me In - It began with her accidental exposure at the doctor's office. But one thing led to another and her brother took a big part in her humiliation.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Mult   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Blackmail   BiSexual   MaleDom   Humiliation   Oral Sex   Exhibitionism  

Monday arrived and Mindy dragged herself out of bed. She felt sore from the numerous fuckings she'd received two days earlier and severely depressed over being humiliated at the hands of her snot-nosed little brother James and his friends.

But she had a plan. During her night of peace and solitude after returning home from the shopping mall, Mindy had devised a plot to reclaim all the evidence against her. This would limit her potential for further humiliation by reducing the arguments of the four boys to what would seem to be ordinary pompous exaggeration. She didn't so much that all knew, nor that they had fucked her and she had let them. What mattered more was that they had hard evidence to prove it to others and that such evidence might get both her and Jennifer expelled before graduation or might keep them from final acceptance at the state university.

She went to school and followed her daily routine. She kept everything quiet so as not to arouse suspicion. She didn't even tell Jennifer of her plan for fear someone would overhear. But when shepassed Matt and Rick during lunchtime, she instinctively raised her arms to cover her chest and looked the other way.

When school let out for the day, Mindy followed Rick home, keeping half a block to a full block away to avoid suspicion. He went in alone and after five minutes had not left. With luck he hadn't already taken his roll of film to be developed.

Mindy took a deep breath and strode to his front door. She rang the bell and waited a minute before Rick opened the door. His face brightened up immediately. "Wow Mindy, this is quite a surprise. What's up?"

"Can I come in and, uhh, use your bathroom?"

"Sure thing, help yourself. It's down the hall and on the left. Second door."

Mindy entered and made her way slowly to the hallway. "Are your parents home?"

"Nope, won't be for another couple of hours," he replied.

Mindy spun on her heel, grabbed the front of Rick's shirt, and pushed him against the nearest wall. Through clenched teeth she hissed, "I want my roll of film and if I don't get it, I may do serious bodily harm to you, little boy."

Rick was stunned. He had wondered what she was doing at his house, but hadn't really thought too much of it, as James was a close friend of his and their two families often spent time together. Mindy, though, had never paid any attention to any of her brother's friends, considering them to be below her.

To show she wasn't joking, Mindy placed her knee against Rick's groin, insinuating clearly that she could make him cry with one swift motion.

"Uhh, hey! I-- I-- uhh," he stammered. "I didn't want to do it. Honest! Matt and James, they made me do it. And and and... things just got out of hand, that's all. I'll give you the film back if you want it."

Mindy bared her teeth as she let him go. He scampered down the hall to his room and returned a moment later with a roll of film. She couldn't be certain it was HER roll of film, but it was at least of the same brand and was used.

"Get me something to crack this open with," she barked. He rushed to the back room to get a toolbox which he brought to her. She took a pair of vise grips and tightened them around the small canister until it popped open. She carefully removed the roll of negative film and held it up to the light. It was hard to make out detail, but she could clearly see an ass and two legs spread apart in one frame, and in another she saw herself dancing around with her hands on her head.

"Good boy," she said, patting him on the head. "I won't have to immasculate you now. Where do Matt and Stephen live?"

Rick gulped and licked his lips. His prized posession had just been destroyed and now the other two rolls of film were in line for destruction. He stuttered that Steve lived just a few blocks away. He gave exact directions and even offered to draw her a map when she told him he was being too vague. "Not good enough," she said. "You're coming with me." She grabbed him by the arm and dragged him out to her car. "Just remember, I know where you sleep. If you double cross me, I WILL come find out and make you very, very sorry."

Arriving at Stephen's house, Mindy left her keys in the ignition and told Rick to stay in the car while she went to get her property. She rang the bell and Stephen opened the door, dressed to go play baseball. Mindy pushed into his home, pressed him against the nearest wall, and as with Rick threatened to knee him in the balls if he didn't give her the roll of film.

Stephen smiled and invited her to knee all she wanted. "I'm wearing a cup. You wouldn't get very far with such an attack." Just to be sure, Mindy kneed him in the groin and came up with a bit of pain in her knee. Stephen smiled. "Until you can knee me harder than a sixty mile an hour fastball, you're shit outta luck." He shut the front door and stared into Mindy's blue eyes. "I'll give you the film, if you want it bad enough. But you're gonna have to beg for it."

Mindy figured this wasn't as bad as her Saturday fiasco and got down on one knee. She clasped her hands together and held them up as if praying. "Please, let me have my roll of film and I'll go."

"Not quite that simple. Take off all your clothes and then beg."

"Like hell you little scum bucket!"

Stephen shrugged. "It's either that or I keep the film and pass the pictures around school tomorrow."

"You couldn't even have them developed by tomorrow."

"There's a one hour photo lab in the mall," he reminded her. "I could have them done by the time I get home from baseball practice today."

Mindy grit her teeth and slowly removed all her clothes, laying them in a neat pile on the sofa. Completely naked in a strange house, she knelt before Stephen and pleaded with him to give her the roll of film she wanted.

"I'll think about it on my way to my room. You follow me on your hands and knees. If I catch you walking, you don't get the film. Crawl after me all the way to my room and be a good girl, and I'll be nice and let you have it. Besides, I've got friends who have just as much evidence and we'll all share. One less roll of film won't kill me."

Mindy smiled inwardly at the irony. This would be two rolls down, and she would get the video tape from James, which had the REALLY nasty stuff on it, later tonight.

Stephen started down the hall to his bedroom with Mindy crawling along behind him, her huge tits hanging down and swaying close to the tan carpet as she moved. The motion also had her pussy lips rubbing together, sending a bit of heat up through her womanhood. It was nothing she couldn't handle, though.

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