Sibling Rivalry - Cover

Sibling Rivalry

Copyright© 1999 by Zor Prime

Chapter 6: Jennifer's First Sleepover

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6: Jennifer's First Sleepover - It began with her accidental exposure at the doctor's office. But one thing led to another and her brother took a big part in her humiliation.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Mult   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Blackmail   BiSexual   MaleDom   Humiliation   Oral Sex   Exhibitionism  

Matt, Rick, and Stephen had all left about the time James and Mindy's parents got home. They had each taken a roll of film from earlier in the day to be sure Mindy couldn't get out of her blackmail by sweet talking any single one of them. James kept the video tape of both his nineteen year old sister Mindy and her best friend Jennifer becoming familiar with each other's bodies, being fucked by two guys apiece, and giving blowjobs to the pizza delivery man and the cable installer.

James wasn't at all interested in his sister's part in the video, except the part where she drooled a guy's sperm into Jennifer's waiting mouth. He thought that was especially cool. He was far more interested in the tape's portayal of the sweet and innocent looking Jennifer as a cock hungry slut. He had big plans for that tape.

So when Donna and John Chase got home from their day sorting out inventory at their family store, James brightly announced that his super sister had paid to get cable installed. Mindy was taken into a back room and chastised for not asking permission before doing something expensive like that.

Meanwhile, James twirled a finger through Jennifer's lavendar hair and casually remarked, "You're going to spend the night tonight. You'll announce your intention when my sister gets back, and she's going to accept. In fact, you're going to be spending the night here twice a week, once on Wednesdays and then on Saturdays, until I decide otherwise."

"Why? Why am I going to spend the night?" Jennifer asked, bewildered.

"Because if you don't, I still have the video tape and all my friends have photos that we'll show around school, and then LOTS of people are going to demand that you spend the night with them." He laughed diabolically into her left ear before kissing it. Jennifer started to pull away but realized she had nowhere to run. She'd started out toying with Mindy as a joke, but she'd gotten in too deep and now there seemed no way out. James continued whispering into Jen's ear. "And when you sleep with my sister, you will be naked. Completely naked. And if I want to come in and feel you up or get my cock sucked in the middle of the night, you will do it. And if I tell you to eat my sister out, you will. Resistance, as they say, is futile." He let his right hand wander down to her chest and squeeze her breasts through her shirt. He had made her leave her bra off as a souvenir for himself. She shuddered.

"Of course we can afford it," Mindy said as she made her way back into the living room to see what her little monster of a brother was doing with her best friend. "I'll get a summer job to pay for it. Hey, my little brother is worth it." Mindy stepped in to see his brother sitting nonchalantly on the recliner in the front corner and Jennifer sitting across the room between the coffee table and the sofa. "Alright you little fucker," she growled at James. "You get to keep cable but I'll get you back for this. You're gonna wish you'd never been born by the time I'm done with you."

Jennifer slowly raised her gaze to Mindy, her cheeks puffing out with a mixture of remembered humiliation, rage, and defenselessness. "Mindy, do you-- would you mind if I slept over tonight? With you, I mean."

"I was kind of thinking that, under the circumstances, we'd sleep over at your place tonight," Mindy said.

"No, I'd rather sleep here, with you. I-- I need to." Jennifer's gaze lowered to the table once more.

Mindy began to understand what James had been up to in her absence. She glanced at her brother to see him smiling widely. "Yeah sure, alright."

James went up to his room to watch his video tape on his small TV/VCR combo and jerk off.

That night, after dinner, James returned to his room and waited for the opportunity to strike further humiliation into his sister and his new sex toy Jennifer. When he heard the shower turn on in the bathroom, he leapt off his bed, grabbed the camcorder he'd stashed up here earlier, and went to investigate. Sure enough, there was Jennifer, wrapped only in a towel, getting ready to step into the shower. James himself was wearing only a t-shirt and boxer shorts.

"Alright, now I'm going to call the shots and you act without speaking. This'll be a silent movie just between you and me -- as long as you play along, that is." He brought the device up to shoulder level and pushed the record button, getting a good full body shot of Jennifer standing by the open shower door. "Now turn around, release the towel and let it fall, then turn back around with your arms out to your sides."

"Can't I just--"

"I said this was a silent movie. No talking."

Jennifer did as she was told, turning away and letting the towel drop to the floor. She pondered not turning back around but knew what the punishment would be for disobedience. She turned slowly, raising her arms to the sides as she went, and found James zoomed in on her ass, hips, and finally her brown pussy hair as she completed her turn. He panned up to her chest and then zoomed out for a full body shot again. Jennifer watched as his penis grew and rose under his underpants. She didn't want that thing inside her again. It was just too embarrassing to get fucked by a guy three years younger, especially when he was your best friend's brother!

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