Naughty Fourteen - Cover

Naughty Fourteen


Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Novel-Pocketbook  

Mitch Holden was quick to notice Desiree back on the floor again, he tried to catch her eye but she seemed to be purposefully ignoring him. Damn it... he fumed to himself, hardly able to concentrate on his guitar, I've got to talk to her at the next break. I've got to know if she's forgiven me for my outrageous behavior today... I've just got to.

Desiree was well aware that Mitch was trying to get her attention but she didn't feel that she could talk to him yet. She didn't know quite what to say but she knew that she would have to cool him out for a while, it wouldn't be good for him to be seen with her, the Chief of Police might get nasty. She knew that he wanted her now, now that he had enjoyed her so much she knew that it would go on for awhile, she had to protect Mitch as best as she could but she didn't know how to do that, not yet anyway, but she would find a way... she had to!

It was the end of the evening however before Mitch finally was able to talk with Desiree, she had managed to avoid him until that moment. She had pulled her coat on and was hurrying through the trailer park to her trailer when Mitch caught up with her.

"Mind if I walk with you," he asked anxiously, convinced now that she was angry with him.

"I'm tired Mitch, I have to sleep," Desiree said feebly not wanting to talk to her young lover.

"You don't love me anymore," Mitch pouted, tears bursting from his eyes as he clutched Desiree's hand.

"It's not that, I just can't see you for a while. Please leave me alone Mitch... I need sometime by myself," Desiree said a little more firmly now.

"If that's the way you want it," Mitch said angrily and ran off into the night, leaving the older woman suddenly alone.

"Oh God, now I've lost him," Desiree thought as she stared into the darkness after the receding figure. It's better this way though, he won't get hurt this way... at least I hope not!

"Julia, is your mother there, I want to talk to her," Mitch Holden said tremblingly into the telephone.

"She's not home Mitch, she went to work earlier tonight, I don't know why," Julia Patton said quietly, "but you could come to see me," she added hopefully.

Julia Patton was fourteen and she was in love for the first time in her life, the only problem was that she was in love with the boy who was in love with her mother. Oh God! Why did life have to be so complicated... she knew, deep in her heart she could never compete with her mother and yet she wanted him so badly. It was painful for her to even see him standing with her mother when she wanted so much to be the one. She would love him too, not like her mother, she wouldn't give him a hard time, she could really love him with all her heart and soul... if only he would let her.

Mitch was aware of the long silence on the telephone, he didn't know what to say. He liked Julia Patton, she was a pretty girl but she wasn't Desiree... she just wasn't Desiree, that was the problem.

"Think I'll take a rain check this time, Julia, if you don't mind. I'll see your mother later at the Club I guess, I had just hoped that I could see her before work," the young boy said sadly. "Thanks Julia."

Julia Patton hung up the telephone and stared out of the window. I don't care, she thought wildly to herself now, trying desperately to combat the sexual feelings that were surging through her loins, I'll get him if I can, that's all, mother or no mother... I want him too. It's not fair that the boy I love should love my mother... it's not fair!

Desiree Patton had received a telephone call earlier in the day from Jim Saunders asking her to work extra hours that evening and Desiree had agreed. Apparently some big gambling party was going on in the back-rooms and Tulip would be working the tables. That had left Jim a little short- handed he told Desiree and he needed her to work. Desiree readily agreed, she felt that she wanted to stay very busy to get her mind off of Mitch, she couldn't stop thinking about him and working was a good way to ease her confusion... at least at the restaurant she had too much to think about to worry.

The Restaurant was hopping when Desiree arrived, she'd never seen it that way before, there were even two girls working the tables she'd never worked with before either, apparently, they told her, they were called in for special occasions. Desiree noticed that Janey wasn't working either, she's probably doing her strip, she mused to herself. Desiree had been shocked at first to find out that Janey sometimes did a strip number in the back-rooms when a gambling party was going on... but this was the first time that such d party had happened since Desiree had worked at the Restaurant. Sure turns everything upside down, she thought to herself.

A plan was brewing in Jim Saunders mind. He was satisfied now that the Chief liked Desiree and he felt that that gave him a little leeway with Tulip. Jim Saunders had wanted to make it with Tulip for a long time but the Chief had had the hots for her and to Jim that was hands off. Tonight though, the Chief had told Jim that he wanted Desiree, in fact he had told him, until further notice I don't want any other woman but Desiree. Jim had never known the Chief to be so taken with one girl, even Tulip serviced him along with several others but now he wanted only Desiree... he had the hots for her alright... and for her alone.

The Club owner sauntered into the back-room now and eyed the gambling tables. Only rich men came here to gamble, others would die at the amounts won and lost. It was a private game, only known to the inner circle and totally protected by the Chief of Police... it was a cinch and it made Jim Saunders a fat package of money whenever a game happened.

Janey was already in the room giving the boys a little floor show, that was also part of the deal and Jim liked to give his customers satisfaction. The seductive chestnut haired girl was writhing and undulating now to the music coming through from the Club, she was throwing her fantastic body around to the Dead beat's rhythm, her voluptuous body making every man in the room ooze with desire.

Her jutting, full breasts swayed heavily from side to side as she moved with the powerful rhythm of the music. Suddenly she picked up a dildo from behind her and slowly and languously moved it lovingly over the hot flesh of her inner thighs, then she moved it up her almost nude body to her bare breasts and held it out, nipple jutting toward the near- mesmerized audience. She turned her ass around now to reveal her almost naked buttocks, wobbling and tensing at the audience. Jim watched her as she gradually bent her slim back forward, leaning away from the men that were gaping at her almost breathlessly, until the breadth of her lush buttocks was jutting toward them and rotating gently as if in obscene invitation. Then slowly and sensually she did her panties down over her body until now she was totally naked, her strong shapely thighs spread slightly and as she leaned down her black-haired vaginal lips were presented head-on to the spectators, the thin, pink, dividing slit yet unopened to them, She lay the dildo on the floor in front of her, then reached back with her white slender arms and gently pulled apart her buttocks with her fingers, disclosing in an even more lewd gesture her tiny pink wrinkled anus between, as if she were welcoming a sodomizing attack.

Around her little, revealed rectum, a few jet black hairs fringed to taunt the men even more-so while her bottom rotated as if on its own axis in time to the stimulating music. Then she moved her hands away from her anus and back over her satin-smooth buttocks down her thighs to the floor where she slowly retrieved the stimulated prick from where it lay.

Jim ran his tongue over dry lips, his cock jerking inside her shorts as he watched Janey... then he gasped as she opened her legs wide, spreading her feet firmly on the floor and lowering herself backward in a lithe double-jointed posture, until her hands reached the floor behind her head, the long plastic prick clasped firmly in one, and once more her vaginal lips were presented head-on to the men. With a gymnastic dexterity, she moved her head forward between her legs until she was practically looking the men in the face, concentrated... and finally, her cunt lips opened and her vagina was wide and moistly smiling at an audience of bulging, transfixed eyes. It was then that she performed the impossible... slowly raising her right hand containing the thick, long phallus; she eased the smooth round head between the damp, pink open lips of her cunt, and while the crowd stared with feverish, salacious eyes, she slowly, tantalizingly, pressed the heavy white shaft into the small, elasticized mouth of her vagina, the coral-hued ring expanding across the room, the massive cudgel continued to disappear inside her swallowing moist pink hole almost to its entirety.

Jim Saunders felt his own organ swollen to a near-aching hardness as he watched Janey's licentious. performance before the hot, flushed faces of her half drunk, lust-aroused group of gamblers. He looked across at Tulip waiting on them and knew that he had to have her, he just had to fuck Tulip and tonight was his chance. The Chief hadn't arrived yet and besides when he did he would ask for Desiree, he already knew that. Janey had almost finished her act and could take over the bar for Tulip. He motioned to Al, his assistant.

"Listen Al, as soon as Janey finishes her act, send Tulip upstairs," the Club owner commanded his assistant.

"Sure Boss, does the Chief want her," Al asked innocently, unaware of any change in plan.

"Not tonight, but I do Al. Keep your mouth shut though, I don't want to scare Tulip off."

"Sure Boss, sure, I'll bring her up to you," grinned Al lewdly, now fully aware of his employer's intentions.

Back in his own office, Jim Saunders paced the room. He didn't take many women, not many appealed to him but Tulip had for a long time and now he was going to get his chance with her. He felt his cock pulsating inside his pants and unzipping them he began to fondle its bloated purple head, murmuring to his cock as he did so, "not long now baby, not long now."

Jim Saunders moved over to his bar and made up a batch of martinis, he knew Tulip liked them, then he slipped a little aphrodisiac into the drink, the one that the Chief liked to use sometimes and sitting down in his armchair he waited anxiously for Tulip.

Then there was a knock on his door, "Come in," Jim Saunders called out and the door opened to reveal the beautiful young Tulip, her long, jet black hair tumbling over her white shoulders, a look of surprise on her face.

"You wanted to see me Jim," she inquired nervously.

"Sure, come in Tulip, take a seat," Jim said formally. "Here have a drink," he said quickly pouring one of the fatal drinks for Tulip, being careful not to mix it up with his already poured drink.

"Thanks Jim, don't mind if I do. It's mad tonight."

"I know, the gambling nights always are, this is only your second, am I right?"

"Right and this one seems wilder than the last."

Not as wild as it's going to get, thought Jim sadistically to himself as he drank in the beautiful body of his employee.

"Does the Chief want to see me," Tulip asked, certain that the answer was going to be yes.

"Not tonight Tulip."

"Oh," Tulip said a little crestfallen. She was fully aware that Desiree had gone into see the Chief after her last night and now she felt insecure. She didn't want her nose to be put out by someone new and that was what she suspected was happening. Suddenly the young girl began to feel a little strange, as if the room were receding, nothing seemed quite real to her anymore. She took a long drink of her martini to steady her nerves but found that it only served to make her feel even stranger.

"What's wrong Tulip," Jim Saunders asked with mock concern.

"I don't know I feel strange," Tulip answered.

"Lie down on the couch Tulip, you'll feel better in a moment," Jim said solicitously helping the young girl to the couch.

Tulip lay down on the couch but it didn't help, the room seemed to be dissolving and now what was happening, the boss was sliding her panties down her body and spreading her legs, oh no... oh God! What was the Boss doing to her, she felt hands on her naked buttocks and down through the crevice toward the open flesh of her vagina.

Slowly and sensually Jim Saunders massaged the naked girl's buttocks, unbuttoning his shirt with his other hand and slipping it off, changing hands to make sure that he never left Tulip's body for a moment.

Tulip was hardly aware what was happening except that her boss was massaging her naked buttocks and it felt good even though it was strange. She wanted to struggle but she couldn't, she felt that all the life had gone out of her body, she felt like air and yet she couldn't fly, all she could do was to lie on the couch. Suddenly she looked up and to her horror she saw that her Boss was naked and before she could stop him, he was leaping on top of her, pulling off her flimsy bra top until she was entirely naked and helplessly pinned beneath him. His hungry hands were clutching at her naked breasts, tweaking her nipples and tears of hot shame began to cascade down her cheeks. She wanted the Chief of Police she didn't want Jim Saunders, she didn't want him to touch her... Oh God! he was slimy. "Please stop," she begged, "please stop!"

Then Jim jumped off the young girl and grabbed a statue from the table and threw himself back onto her. He planted himself between her full white thighs, resting on his knees, the delicious slit of her pink, naked cunt open to him, and he stretched her soft buttocks apart so that he could see her rosy anus. Then, all of a sudden, he began to wield the long sleek statue down her buttocks with fury, letting it sink in.

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