Naughty Fourteen - Cover

Naughty Fourteen


Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 -

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Novel-Pocketbook  

Despite the fact that Mitch hadn't gotten all the way into her body, Desiree had been in seventh heaven all night long. She was so much in love with the young rock and roll musician that it showed. She didn't realize it either until Jim Saunders came up to her and asked her if she'd gotten fucked that night.

"Jim, really!" she answered, "I've never heard you speak that way before."

"Well, you're hot tonight baby," Jim sniggered. "Take a look around the room, practically every man in town is here and believe me honey you could make a fortune tonight if you wanted to."

"Jim, I don't do things like that," the voluptuous young widow said firmly. "I might look like a swinger but I'm not."

"Well honey you've got the Chief turned on for sure. I've told you that he likes to have things his way, I might own this joint but he could break me if he wanted to. I've got to tell you baby, that if you don't come through for the inspector then you're job goes, plus your boyfriend's band."

"Oh... how do you know he's my boyfriend," Desiree gasped, innocent of the plot that the older man had laid for her.

"I only suspected it honey but now I know for sure. You'd better watch your step, that kid's been in trouble before."

"What kind of trouble," Desiree said slowly, a pain darting into her heart at the thought of her darling Mitch being in trouble.

"A drug bust if you must know. The only reason he got off is because his father is a Judge, believe me, there were several people in town who'd like to have seen him behind bars... including the Chief of Police. So think about it honey. No-one need ever know and it will mean more money for you."

"More money!" Desiree said curiously, thinking of how much money she needed to buy new clothes for Julia, let alone for herself.

"Sure, the Chiefs a generous man, to those that give to him... and baby, he wants you... think about it!"

Desiree watched her boss walk away and she gazed thoughtfully after him. The Chief of Police isn't such a bad looking man, she thought to herself and if it means that I can keep my job, and Mitch can keep his band and I can get more money. Maybe I'd better think about it, good jobs are hard to come by these days... oh God! what a hard decision to have to make, I only want to make love to Mitch, I don't want an old man and yet... I need my job and I need some more money!

About an hour later, Desiree moved over to her boss Jim Saunders again and casually told him that she was ready to see the Chief of Police as and when he was ready. She watched him leave the main restaurant and suspected that he was going to the private room the Chief liked to hang out in.

She knew also that there was a gambling room somewhere back there but she had never been allowed in it. Tulip seemed to be the favored waitress for the gambling room and she never talked about what went on back there. Desiree knew her job was at stake and she respected her for keeping her mouth shut... she always looked satisfied however when she came back into the restaurant from the back office and somewhere deep inside of Desiree she was curious as to just what did go on in the Chief of Police's room!

Jim Saunders came back into the restaurant now and smiling to Desiree beckoned her over to him. "Okay, the Chief is ready for you, go casually so as not to arouse attention and Desiree, you're doing the right thing, believe me... the Chief is a powerful man, it's good to be on the right side of him."

Desiree was shocked as she entered the back room to see that the Chief of Police was wearing only a dressing-gown. His enormous German Shepherd lay at his side and the television was on softly.

"Ah, little Desiree, so you have come at last to see the old inspector, eh! Had to use a little blackmail didn't we... too bad, I wish you had come to me without that, but we shall see. In time you will grow to want me so badly, you'll beg for me," he grinned, leaning over to turn off the television and as he did so exposing his naked genitals to the shocked widow's distraught gaze.

She stood silently now as the Chief of Police leaned back in his chair and staring intently at her body proceeded to mentally strip her. She could feel his eyes boring into her body and she wanted to cringe, to run, to hide and yet she knew that she must bear it, she must for the sake of Julia for the sake of Mitch... she must bear it.

The Chief of Police lay back in his chair now, his crotch completely exposed and Desiree stared at him utterly amazed.

"Tell me my dear, do my bare cock and balls frighten you?"

Desiree stood still, rigid with fear not knowing quite what to say to the older man. He was so totally different from any other man she had ever met and yet she found herself drawn to him in some strange masochistic way. It was almost as if she wanted him to hurt her in some way, she couldn't quite explain it even to herself.

"So baby, you're silent eh. Well, one thing's for sure, you need the money otherwise you wouldn't be here. You didn't come to fuck me or suck my cock because as your name says you Desire me. But that's alright as I said earlier on. I know about your beautiful little daughter, she's quite a woman already."

"My daughter, when did you see her," Desiree spat out angrily, not caring now how she behaved.

"Ah... your Achilles heel. Don't worry, I won't touch her, I don't go in for girls that young, not yet anyway. Yes, you're quite loyal I should say... then of course there's the Holden boy."

"Mitch!" Desiree said in anguish.

"Yes, now if you know what's good for you and good for him, for a while anyway you'd better tell him to get lost. I don't want to make things sticky for him but I might. Think about it Desiree, you're not exactly in a bargaining position. I happen to know the amount you have in the bank, not even enough money to run away with. I'd say for a Colonel's wife you're on the down-stretch. Can't understand why--you're a beauty. Still life holds many tales for us all."

"You wouldn't do anything to Mitch would you," Desiree whimpered, thinking of her beautiful young lover and how she would hate to see him in jail.

"If you play ball with me Desiree, I won't investigate him anymore. He got off the last drug bust because of his goddamned father but he's not doing any better now. I know he's dealing stuff himself, I'm not a dummy. He'd better stay out of my way otherwise I'll get him and this time his father won't have a word to say. You can help him though Desiree. Give yourself to me for a little while, give the boy some story, I don't care what and I promise I'll leave him alone and make sure no harm comes to your daughter."

Desiree could hardly believe that it was the Chief of Police talking to her, he sounded more like a hood than a man of the law and yet she knew enough to listen to him. He might not be serious about Julia, but could she take a chance and it was true she did need some extra money, desperately. Maybe this way she could save a little money up and leave town, perhaps even with Mitch. If she could get him to forgive her for hurting him. How did she get herself into this nightmare, only earlier today everything had seemed beautiful, even when Mitch had tried to make lover to her, it had been beautiful. It was his timing that was all off that was the only problem, she had been so uptight and afraid that Julia would come home at any moment. I hope he understood that, she thought inwardly to herself, of course if I do as the Chief wishes me to do, it would be perfect. He would just think I was angry with him for the way he behaved today. Oh God! what shall I do! She felt helpless and trapped in a pit of darkness that she had carved for herself, somehow unknowingly and now was going to have to dishonor herself to climb out of.

"Well my little Desiree have you made up your mind," the Chief of Police said in a slow voice, the timbre sending sensations of lascivious desire through the young widow's voluptuous body. She couldn't help but be turned on by the very perversity of the situation, she was being asked to sell her body and despite her repulsion she had to admit to herself that it was turning her on in some strange kind of way.

"Well Desiree... I'm waiting."

"I'll do as you say, whatever you say," the young widow said, her face blushing a little at the boldness of her decision.

"Ah, my little lotus blossom," he said, reaching down to pat his German Shepherd's massive head. "I want to see you... naked!" He grinned salaciously, "there's no time like the present as they say in show business."

Desiree felt herself tremble at the very lewdness of the situation. Whoever would believe it, she thought to herself. Whoever would believe that the Chief of Police is asking for me to strip and pretty soon is going to either fuck me or order me to suck his cock. God! only knows... I don't!

Slowly and seductively Desiree reached behind her and unzipped her already flimsy costume. She had to remember that she was doing this for her daughter's safety and her lover's job and honor.

"Come closer baby, I don't want to miss a thing," the Chief of Police said hungrily.

Hesitantly, but forcing herself, Desiree responded, moving within his reach. Then, she felt his hands on her leg beneath her skimpy skirt and she steeled herself to his touch.

"Are you scared Desiree," he said in a soft and tender voice.



"I-I've never done this before... only for my husband and a few lovers but never well... like this."

She watched his lust-contorted face grinning up at her and she knew that it turned her on to know that she was scared of him. Still she knew that she must go through with it, she had to give him what he wanted... she just had to.

She pulled the zipper down on her top and heard the Chief of Police gasp as her melon-like breasts sprang free of their confining garment. "Quick baby, get it all off," she heard him whimper, "I can't wait to see the rest."

Suddenly Desiree found herself feeling just a little bit turned on, she couldn't help it, the Chief of Police was so taken with her body it flattered her ego... even though she knew she was a beautiful woman, it felt good to have someone acknowledge that fact.

"Christ! you're beautiful," he moaned as he reached out to touch her bare shoulders with his trembling fingers. "Come closer baby, come closer," he groaned. "You're like velvet... so smooth, so smooth."

Desiree felt the Chief of Police's lips on her soft, naked shoulders, "let me do the rest," he whispered urgently his mouth brushing urgently against her firm white breasts, nibbling tauntingly at one ruby-red nipple causing it to quiver into almost immediate hardness.

God! I'm turned on, Desiree thought to herself, surprised but not angry... she knew that once her mind was made up she would go through with the venture and enjoy herself, she always did. She just had to make her mind up first, that was all.

Desiree's breath caught in her throat as he massaged and kneaded, stroked and caressed her naked, palpitating breasts, pinching at the tiny, hard, cherry-nipples and rolling them between his fingers, causing new wild sensations to jolt excitedly through her whole body. Then, he was gently drawing her skirt down over her tapered thighs and then her panties over her buttocks and hips from behind and she closed her eyes and raised her hand in the intoxicating delight that was enveloping her... his lips suddenly and wetly kissing each of her soft white buttocks, making her tremble... until, at last, as she stood there, her brain swirling in the erotic madness that was rapidly gaining control of her too-long, love-starved body, she felt him spread her buttocks apart with his hands, and the worming hot dampness of his tongue burrowing into the cleft of her soft, quivering behind... finally licking from the bottom of the smooth white crevice to its top and following right up her back until he stood once more with his arms around her.

Christ! what a delicious creature, he thought. Of all the women he'd ever fucked she was one of the most beautiful that was for sure. It was hard to tell how old she was she was so stunning... he knew that almost every man in the restaurant and nightclub desired her but now she was going to be his and not even that punk Holden was going to get her.

He had forced the long thick length of his aching cock downward as he moved in close behind her, insinuating it between the soft voluptuous globes of her beautiful ass, while his hands reached around to clutch at her firm, rotund breasts, then... he pressed her forward to the davenport, removing his robe, his massive rod cleaving the air before him like a great, frightening bowsprit.

Desiree didn't resist; she'd gone this far... already sold herself to all intents and purposes, so why fight it now? And truly whatever she had thought of this man only a short time before, for some unfathomable reason it was no longer the same inside her. Just as the touch of his gentle hands had more than converted her... it had rekindled all of the want and need she had loyally, if stupidly, struggled against within her unfulfilled, hungry body. Yet, she couldn't deny the unbelievable immoralness of her actions, either... not fighting his lustful attentions, but rather, accepting them with growing desire... even finding justification in the fact that at least he was a man, not a boy... and the sight of his huge heavy-veined cock wouldn't let her forget that.

She found herself dropping to the davenport obediently and laying back as he eased down beside her, his handsome, masculine face opposite her own and as he stretched out against her, she lay and waited for his kiss.

He kissed her, smashing his tongue between her tender lips, into her mouth and throat, his one huge hand traversing over her breast and down her side, across her belly, finally reaching the moist velvetness of her vibrant, sensitive vaginal split, toying momentarily in the sparse blonde pubic hair, then, searchingly discovering her already excited, erect clitoris. He tweaked it and he gasped into his mouth. He pinched it and she repeated the gasp, then he ran his fingers down through the damp, sensitive, raw flesh to the small opening of her vagina, and while he tongue-fucked into her delicious, receptively sucking mouth, he slipped his middle finger up into the moist quivering passage.

Desiree moaned uncontrollably. "Ooooooohhhhhhh... Godd!"

How long had it been since she'd known erotic happiness? She couldn't remember. But one thing was certain, she couldn't recall it ever being like this! she just couldn't... ! Her whole being had seemingly come alive with a seething sexual desire. His wonderful hands were setting her right off into space! Had she ever known anything to compare? Who was this man making love to her... the devil, himself? And then, his finger was slipping smoothly in and out of her rapidly dilating passage, and a wave of new exciting sensations rippled over her flesh.

Oh... ohhhhh! I'm lost... my God! His finger is like a soothing balm inside my cunt... and I've needed it so bad... so long... I'm a bitch! That's what I am! Nothing but a slut-whore... but I don't care... I don't! Forgive me, Julia baby... forgive me, Mitch... oh God, please forgive me!

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