Aunt Karen - Cover

Aunt Karen

by Mule

Copyright© 1999 by Mule

Erotica Sex Story: A boy's ordeal growing up in a female dominated family.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Brother   Sister   Aunt   Nephew   DomSub   FemaleDom   Masturbation   .

Chapter 1 - A Bird in the Hand

I was always fond of my Aunt Karen; she was a grown-up for sure, but really not that much older than my sister and I. She occasionally baby sat us and we always had a fun time with her. As I got older and started to have "manly urges," I also noticed that she was a very attractive woman. I thought the world of her. That is, until that summer she spent at my house when she brought that world crashing down around me.

I was twelve, and my sister, Carol, was eight at the time. Aunt Karen was taking some summer courses at the college in town, so it was agreed (by my mom) that she live in with us for the summer before moving back into the dorm in the fall.

Translated into plain and simple English, I lost my room. My aunt took possession of my bedroom and I was relegated to a day-bed on the enclosed porch. Not that I minded the physical arrangements. The bed was comfortable, it was neat to feel the cool night breezes, and I loved to hear the rain beat on the tin roof of the shed out back. What bothered me the most was my loss of privacy.

Several months before Aunt Karen arrived, I discovered the joys of masturbation. I had always played with myself, but there's that special time in a boy's life when he first comes with sperm that makes the occasion all the more enjoyable. And now, all that was missing.; I seemed never to be left alone.

So I was greatly excited the evening when Aunt Karen announced that she would be taking Carol shopping at the mall across town the following day. I slept fitfully planning the possibilities of penis play in the house all alone for hours at a time.

I awoke with the typical hard-on that proclaimed my entry into puberty. I couldn't tell if Aunt Karen noticed it or not. The thought that she might see it embarrassed me tremendously. I had a tough time concentrating all morning. Mom went to work, and I tried watching TV while Aunt Karen did some chores around the house. Carol was still sleeping. I swear, that girl could sleep all day! If only she would get up, and the two of them get out to the mall.

Carol eventually did rouse from her slumber and after an all-too- leisurely breakfast, finally got dressed. My aunt and my sister departed at 11 o'clock. Two minutes later, I was in the bathroom with my magazine spread out on top of the toilet tank. I had my penis in hand already, and was sinking to my knees in front of the toilet while fumbling at the vanity for the hand lotion. Damn! It wasn't there. Then I remembered mom using it the previous night in the kitchen.

Shoving my penis back into my pants, I ran downstairs to retrieve it. As I was busy at the counter in the kitchen, my aunt's car pulled back into the driveway, and my sister bounded out of the car, came charging through the front door, and ran up the steps. She yelled an out-of- breath, "Auntie forgot her purse," as she passed though the living room.

Meanwhile my aunt was making a much slower, but more graceful entrance into the house. From upstairs we heard my sister's urgent call, "Auntie, come up here!"

I knew what it was as soon as I heard it. I wanted to shrink into the floor. My aunt took the steps two at a time. I stood in the living room like I did on the porch whenever a thunderstorm approached. All was silent; all was clam, yet I knew that violence and noise was soon to follow. I could hear the clock tick in the living room. The second hand must have made about a quarter of a sweep before I heard my aunt shout, "David, get up here!"

I decided to face the inevitable and slowly marched up the steps to my fate. My fate wasn't exactly what I thought it would be. I was expecting the lecture part but what followed was never a part of my darkest dreams or wildest fantasies.

My aunt stood at the top of the stairs, legs panted firmly apart, with one hand knuckled on her waist, and the other waving the magazine menacingly. "What is the meaning of this?" she bellowed. God, she sounded just like my mom! In spite of the nearly 15 years difference in their ages, here was no doubt that they were sisters.

"I don't know," I said defensively.

"Where did you get such filth? ANSWER ME, young man!"

I could see Carol in the corner, stifling a giggle. She always liked it when she could get the best of me.

I stammered, "I got it from my friend, Bobby Richards. I traded him a baseball glove for it."

"And do you like looking at pictures of naked women?" she retorted.


"No? Don't lie to me. You like doing it, or you wouldn't give up a glove for it. I bet you get all hard looking at these pictures, don't you."

I blushed. Partly because here was my aunt, and she knew about hard- ons; mostly because she was announcing it in front of my kid sister. I looked over to Carol; she knew something was up, but didn't comprehend. Aunt Karen caught my glance and her puzzled look and came to the same conclusion.

She turned to Carol and asked, "Do you know what we're talking about, sweetheart?"

Carol simply shook her head no.

"Well, when boys get sexually excited they get erections, or hard- ons."

Carol nodded at that, "I heard some boys at school talk about hard- ons. I didn't know what they meant."

"Did you ever hear them talk about `jerking off?'" my aunt queried.

"Yes, one boy said that another boy did it and then the other boy got mad."

"Do you know what jerking off is, Carol."

"No Auntie."

"Well, it's about time you learn."

Carol's Sex Education

"Get your butt into that bathroom, David!" my aunt commanded. "If you want to play with yourself while looking at women, we'll give you your chance. Only this time, you'll be the one that's naked, and we'll be the ones who are looking."

It never occurred to me to disobey my aunt. She sounded so authoritative. I marched with head hung low into the bathroom. I could hear Carol snicker, but I couldn't make eye contact with her.

My aunt pointed to the toilet. "OK, pervert, pull `em down and do it!"

I felt so embarrassed. I always fantasized about my aunt, and now instead of being though well of by her, I was being humiliated by her. The feeling was amplified by the presence of my 8- year-old sister ogling my every move.

As I was pulling my shorts down my aunt challenged, "I bet you've been jerking off a lot lately."

"Oh, no Auntie," I answered truthfully, "Honestly! I swear!"

"Come on, when's the last time you got it off?" she asked.

"Last week. -- the day you arrived... when mom picked you up at the airport."

"Good, then you'll put on a good show for your sister and me."

By now I was naked from the waist down. I knelt at the toilet. Carol took up her position against the door facing me. Aunt Karen looked in from the side. A fleeting glance at Carol told me that she was excited. Her eyes were opened wide and she was biting her lower lip nervously. She finally got brave enough to speak, "Auntie, it looks different."

"What do you mean, Carol?"

"It's big and it sticks out all by itself."

I knew that Carol knew what boys looked like. I'm sure mom had that talk with her and used the same book that she used with me. Carol had an anatomically correct boy-doll, and she had watched as one of my mom's friends changed her infant son. I also suspected that she had experiences with boys near her own age, watching them "make pee." None of them; however: book, doll, infant, little boys, had erections.

"That's a hard-on, dear. It means that David is excited and wants to do this for us? Girls can make boys have erections just about any time they want. Isn't that right, David?"

"Yes Auntie." I wouldn't dare disagree with her.

"Well, David, what are you waiting for? Go ahead. Do it!"

"I have to get some hand lotion to make it slippery." I complained.

"No you don't," my aunt challenged. "We can make it slippery for you." "Carol, help me spit on his penis." The two females leaned over, pursed their lips and let their saliva drip onto my penis. Within moments I had enough girl spit on my organ to start my assigned task.

I started playing with myself. There comes a point to which I can tease myself, and I either have to stop or have go on. It's a very fine line, and once I step over it I have to continue. There's a "danger zone" were I am over the line and excited, but still haven't ejaculated yet. When I'm in this condition, I am at the total mercy of my body and I just have to keep on masturbating until I come. I remember being there and aware of what I was doing and who was watching. I really didn't care about the circumstances -- that I was forced to do this with a female audience looking on. I hear d Carol giggle. I even heard my aunt gasp. I reached the line from the very moment I first started stroking; I had to go on. Nothing could stop me.

I pumped my penis for a matter of moments before I exploded with my first ejaculation of the day. After such a long abstinence, it felt great... I deposited a large load into the toilet. My first squirt shot clear across the bowl and landed on the seat on the far side. The rest made audible splats as they hit the water. I looked down and saw the clouds of come floating in the bowl.

"Very good," my aunt complimented. "You weren't lying. You haven't been playing with yourself recently."

"How can you tell, Auntie?" Carol asked.

"Boys have to recharge. They can't come all the time. The more times they do it in a day, the less stuff comes out when they do it. I'll show you more about that later."

My aunt wasn't kidding. She kept me naked well into the afternoon. Every half hour, like clockwork, she would take me to the bathroom and make me masturbate for her and Carol. By the time it was ready for my mom to come home, I was orgasming with only the weakest dribble on each ejaculation.

My aunt summarized the lesson for Carol. "That's how you can tell if a boy has been playing with himself. Make him jack off for you. If he has big squirts like David did this morning, then he's been a good boy. Otherwise, he's been naughty."

Chapter 2
Best Laid Plans for Mice and Men

Once my mother came home, I hoped that my punishment was over and my misdeed forgotten. Nothing was mentioned at dinner or afterwards. I thought I had escaped with a single afternoon of embarrassment. Little did I realize that my ordeal had just begun. Late that night as I lay in bed listening to the crickets, I overheard my aunt talking to my mother. To my horror, she was recounting the events of the day. Her version of the story was a little different than the truth.

As I lay there I managed to pick out their conversation. I heard my aunt say, ", we found him there, kneeling in front of the toilet... looking at this (I heard the magazine rustle)... and playing with himself. Carol was scandalized, but I calmed her down. There was nothing to do but make the most out of a bad situation, so I figured that since she already saw what was going on that I might as well explain it to her. I made David finish while we watched."

My mother responded, "I'm so concerned about David. It's tough raising a boy. I know that they're oversexed. I don't want him growing up like so many other men who abuse women. If he's looking at this stuff when he's 12, what's he going to be like when he's 16 or 21?"

"I think today's episode was good for him, Sis." I heard my aunt say.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that I think he got a good dose of `feminine appreciation.' Being sexually embarrassed by me in front of Carol made him think twice about his attitude towards women. Now he knows what it's like to be a sex object."

I heard my mom laugh, "Yeah, my son, the masher -- Why is it that all men seem to think with their dicks? I really don't want him to turn into some sort of pervert. I don't like the idea of his masturbating to some fantasy (I heard the magazine rattle again). I hope that this doesn't get out of control..."

"In a sense it already has," my aunt said. "We weren't gone but a few minutes when he started playing with himself. Lord knows what he'd do if we were gone for the whole day like we planned."

I heard my mother sigh.

"I got an idea, Sis. If he can't control his penis, then maybe we can control it for him."

"What do you mean?" mom asked.

"It's simple. He's a boy, right?"


"That means that he's going to play with himself no matter what we do."


"Then we'll make sure we supervise the way he plays with himself. We'll decide when, how often, and how much."

"When you say, `we' Karen, who do you mean?"

"Well, with your work schedule, you're too busy to take care of this, so why don't you let me handle it"

"That's OK for the summer, but what about when you go back to school in the fall?"

"Then I'll train Carol to take care of it."

"Carol! MY Carol? She's only a girl!"

"Yes, but she's already seen it. There's no more secrets there. She's a smart girl, very mature for her 8 years. She can handle it."

I heard silence as my mom obviously pondered this proposal. After a while she finally spoke hesitantly, "OK, I guess... if you think that this will work."

"Trust me, Sis. This will work out. It will not only be good for David, but Carol will benefit as well. David will learn how to behave towards women, and Carol will develop that confidence around men that most women never get."

"OK, Karen, we'll talk to the kids tomorrow morning."

At Her Command

The next morning after breakfast, mom held one of those, "family meetings." The four of us assembled in the living room. I looked at her and could see her uncomfortablness. She looked towards her sister. Aunt Karen gave a very subtle nod, and my mom began.

"I'd like to talk about what went on here yesterday. David, I understand that you're a young man, and that your sex urges are high. I know that you have no control over the changes that are going on in your body, but you are going to have to learn how to live with them. I'm afraid you've let them get out of control. For the last couple of months, I've been washing stains out of your sheets. I know what you've been doing. And yesterday..."

She stopped, and let the silence reign. "and yesterday," she resumed, "we found you with this." She waved "people's exhibit A" in front of my face. "Don't you know what this kind of thing can do to you?" I looked down at my toes, and she continued, "This kind of filth ruins your mind. It puts bad thoughts into you head, and makes you play with yourself incessantly. It's degrading and teaches you that women are sex toys for men to play with. Well, that's not going to happen in my house."

"From now on, you are going to learn how to respect women. Your aunt, assisted by your sister, will be in charge of your training. First of all, you're going to take a trip to the library and we are going to get you something more suitable to read. You're going to check out some books about women. You will study these books and make a report every night at the dinner table about a famous woman and her contribution to history."

"Secondly, you are going to start to pull your fair share of the housework around here. You will not only do your assigned chores, you will also do your sister's chores and anything else Aunt Karen tells you to do."

"Next, to appreciate what it is to be a girl, we're going to treat you like one. Aunt Karen will take you to the mall, and she's going to buy a new wardrobe for you. While you are in this house, you will be dressed in girls' clothes unless Auntie gives you permission otherwise."

I looked up and opened my mouth to object, but mom cut me off with a sharp glance.

"Finally, girls don't have penises, and they don't play with themselves like you do. You are forbidden to take matters into your own hands again. I know that boys need relief, but you can't be trusted to control yourself. From now on, if you want to masturbate, you can, but you first have to get permission from myself, Aunt Karen or your sister."

"Mom!" I exclaimed.

"You have a problem with this?"

"Mom, Carol's only eight. She can't tell me what to do."

"She can now! And if you don't obey her, you'll have to answer to me or Aunt Karen."

"," I muttered meekly.

"Now where was I... Oh, masturbation. You must get permission from one of the women in the house. Furthermore, you'll have to wait until one of us is available to watch you do it. You will never do it alone. Not only that, you will be required to masturbate on command. If any of us asks you to masturbate, you'll do it for us immediately. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, mommy."

"Good... Karen, I have to go to work now. He's all yours."

My mom hugged me, and kissed me and said, "I really don't want to do this this way. I love you, but this is for your own good. Behave yourself, and mind Aunt Karen and your sister."

Mom left and the three of us sat in the living room in silence. My aunt was the first to break it, "Since we don't have any `girl clothes' to wear right now, we'll have to make you take off what you have on. You'll have to get used to being naked while we have our clothes on."

I would have liked to object, but what was the point. So I got undressed. I felt totally foolish standing there without a stitch of clothing on in the middle of the living room with my aunt and sister looking on. The shame was causing me to have an erection.

"Carol," my aunt said, " you're going to have to learn how to take control of your brother, and give him orders. Look at his penis. I think he needs to masturbate. What do you think?"

Carol looked at my aunt blankly, and before she could answer, I interrupted, "No I don't, Auntie. I did it so many times yesterday."

My aunt turned towards me and said, "You heard what your mom said. If any of us gives you an order to masturbate, you will obey it immediately. You have to understand that from now on us girls decide when you will be allowed to be able to come, and when you won't. You gave up your rights to your penis when you proved that you couldn't control yourself."

"Carol?" she asked.

"OK, David." my sister said timidly, "I want you to go play with yourself.

"Be more forceful," my aunt advised.

"David, play with yourself... NOW!" my sister barked.

"Much better." my aunt complimented.

I was confused, "Here? Now?"

"Yes now, and we'll do it in your room." my aunt responded. "Get that ass of yours moving now."

The two girls had me lay on my back on the bed and stroke my organ. This time, I didn't need any artificial lubrication. There was something in the events that just transpired that had me exceptionally excited and leaking. I came with a healthy splattering of come which landed all over my stomach.

"Auntie, how come he's the only one who gets to touch it?" my sister asked.

"It doesn't have to be that way, sweetie. You can touch him any time you want. Let's get him cleaned up and I'll show you a couple of things about boys."

I was directed to go into the bathroom and wash up. I did so like the "good little boy" that I was. When I came out, Carol was sitting at my desk. Auntie was leaning over her shoulder and was drawing a picture and pointing out things. It was like a scene from a school room: teacher and student. When I approached, I saw what they were working on and recognized it immediately. It was a diagram of the male reproductive system!

"Ah, here's our subject now!" I heard my aunt announce.

"Subject?" I thought, "That's sounds so clinical."

"Come here and stand still," my aunt commanded. "Carol, come over here so you can see better."

There is more of this story...

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