Mom and Me - Cover

Mom and Me


Chapter 6

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6 - She thought it was her husband who came back for more, she was in for a surprise.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter  

When Betty gave her younger daughter two dollars and told her to take her friend to the movies, Nikki grabbed the bills and flew out of the house without argument.

Danny looked after her, and said, "She's going to get suspicious, after a while."

"We'll worry about that when it happens," Betty said. "Right now, we have to get the situation ironed out with Linda. Danny, are you sure--"

"Sure as I can be," he said. "did you call Linda?"

"While you were taking a bath. She's on her way over; said she was bored at home and needed a change."

Danny laughed. "I'll try to give her a change, all right. Linda's about ripe for a new cock, and mine is certainly available."

Betty shook her head and poured glasses of cold punch. Tasting the mix, she made a face. "How much rum did you put in this?"

"The whole bottle," he said. "Linda never could hold her juice, and if she get smashed right away, we can get it on that much sooner. Otherwise, it's going to be a long, dry weekend, with dad home all the time and us not able to get together for even one quick fuck."

She drank down the cold punch and felt a little shiver in her tummy. It was the way her son talked about everything, as if they were discussing his schoolwork, or the grocery list. He was casual about discussing their sex acts, and this plan for the seduction of his married sister.

She stared at him as he slouched in the kitchen chair, his slim, bare legs stuck out, the feathering of hair on them bronzed by the sun. The table, she thought; oh lord-- he had screwed her right on this very table last night, when everyone else in the house was asleep. He'd lifted her to the tabletop and spread her legs to walk in between them with his perpetually hard prick in his hand. Her son had fucked her as eagerly as if he'd never touched her before, and it had been good, wild for both of them...

"Where will you-- do it?" she asked. "If your sister goes along, that is." Betty felt like a procurer, or some equally bad kind of traitor. She was helping her daughter to break her marriage vows, and being instrumental in bringing Linda into incest.

"The family room," Danny said. "I'll get the stereo going with her favorite tapes, and put the punch on ice in there. We can get her talking, and drinking, and then-- I guess we have to play it by ear. If she pays too much attention to you being around, you'll have to slip out-- at least for awhile."

"All right," Betty said, and drank another glass of potent punch before carrying the punch bowl into the family room and placing it on the little bar there.

He son followed her and put his hands on her waist as she stood at the bar. Betty was wearing a pair of white shorts that accented her pale and lustrous skin, and a thin, see-through blouse that showed her lacy cup bra. She felt wicked in the outfit, and of course she was.

Leaning back against him, Betty felt her son's erection, felt him pushing against her buttocks. He kissed the back of her neck and cupped her heavy tits with both hands.

"You have the most fabulous tits I ever felt, mother."

She turned her face, kissed his cheek, and snuggled her ass tightly to his rod, to the hard bulge in his cutoff jeans. "How many tits have you felt?"

"A few; not too many, I guess. I felt up six or eight girls before I screwed any of them, so I guess they don't count; only the ones I fucked."

Betty knew a delicious intimacy. A curious gnawing of something else-- jealousy? She said, "How many did you-- fuck?"

"Just four," Danny said. "Three chicks in class and my English teacher."

"Your teacher?"

He ground his crotch into the cheeks of her ass. "Sure; she's only twenty-eight, and I had this thing for older women, since I was so horny to lay you. It took some work, because she's cute and half the guys in class were trying to make her. But she's not nearly as good a fuck as you are, mom. I mean, you're just the best, the greatest."

She moved away from him then, mollified, feeling the jolt of rum she wasn't used to drinking, feeling more than a little bitchy, too. "You'd better save that hard on for your sister; she should be here any minute now. Remember, she's an older woman, too."

He grinned. "Only twenty-one; just four years older than me. I like them riper-- like you; but I'll admit I always had an idea about screwing Linda. She was always had an idea about screwing Linda. She was always flitting around and showing her legs clear to her ass, or letting me get a good peep at her tits. And lots of times, she'd come in from a date and tell me how guys were feeling her up, especially Glenn, before she married him. I think she was trying to turn me on."

Betty felt a little better, and a little drunker. She poured herself another small cup of the punch and sipped it. Maybe it ran in the blood, she thought; something slightly twisted in her genes that had been passed along to her children. She had always wanted to be screwed by her son; she confessed that to herself now. Oh, it hadn't been out in the open, but she'd always liked to touch him, and she had often cast glances at his tightly shaped ass, as his lumpy crotch.

And these impulses had been inherited by Danny, thank goodness, or badness, whichever. He possessed this dark and overwhelming passion that demanded he fuck his mother, that drove him to come into the vagina that had given him birth. She was glad; she was damned happy for that urge.

Linda, then; very attractive Linda Maddox Forrester. The young housewife was shorter than her mother, at five feet, six inches; she had rich brown hair, a shade darker than Danny's, Betty remembered, and was proud of the girl's exceptional figure.

Had Linda received the same hot combination of genes that made incest so compelling for her mother and her brother? They would soon find out; Betty heard the car pull up in the driveway, and smiled at Danny. "Here she is."

Danny stroked his softened penis. "Yeah. I hope she's anxious for this. But I'll be cool."

Linda bounced into the house, full of energy and blooming with youthful vitality. "Hi! What was all the big secret, getting me over here in the middle of the day? Not that I wasn't glad to get out of that damned apartment."

Betty kissed her daughter's cheek, and felt the brush of her breast against Linda's. It felt tingly, now that she had more in mind than a motherly embrace. But Danny just loved motherly embraces.

"Hey now," Linda said. "You've been juicing it up. What's the occasion?"

Danny came from the family room bearing gifts-- two cups of the powerful punch. "Mom and I just decided to spend the afternoon with you. You look wonderful, sis; prettier than ever.

Linda took the cup and gave him a fleeting kiss on the mouth as Betty watched. "My favorite brother," Linda said. "You're growing up every day."

Linda was wearing a mini, and Betty looked over the flawless thighs and well-shaped legs the skirt exposed. As her son had said, Linda' breasts weren't as big as her mother's, but they were high and firm.

"you never acted bratty, like a brother," Linda was saying. "I always felt as if I could talk to you, Danny."

"You can," he said. "Come on in and sit. I've got your old tapes on."

Betty followed after, not quite certain of her role, but eager to be part of it, to be in on the action from the start. Linda's tail had a suggestive swing to it, she noticed, and found herself wondering if her son-in-law had gotten into Linda before they were married. Probably, she decided; the girl was passionate and lovely. Why not? Glenn would have been some kind of fool if he hadn't kept trying until he fucked her.

And Betty's son-in-law didn't look that foolish; he looked yummy and lithe, and Betty wondered how screwing him could become tiresome. She'd have to ask her daughter.

Linda was laughing on the couch, and Danny was sitting beside her refilling her glass. Betty went to the punchbowl, but hesitated; her head was already light and there was a warmly woozy sensation in her veins.

"Great," Danny said, "just great. And that's a fab skirt, Linda. You should never hide legs that wonderful."

The music swirled through the room, and Linda stretched out her legs for them to admire. Downing her second drink, she said, "Glenn kind of ignores them now. I don't mean he forget them, but he doesn't eye them the way he used to. Marriage-- yekk."

Betty said carefully, "Doesn't he-- love you as often?"

Linda turned her head. "Why, mom!" Have you been nipping at this tasty punch for awhile? I never heard you ask anything like that before."

Danny said, "You'd be surprised at how mom is blossoming out. Didn't you dig those while shorts?"

Linda stuck out her lips while Danny poured some more juice into her glass. "I always wished my legs were that long and sleek. But wiggling around in shorts and a see-through--have you gotten yourself a lover, mom?"

Laughing, Linda drank some more, and spluttered when her brother said, "Yes; mother has a lover, and a good one."

"Damn!" Linda said, with feeling. "I was kidding around, - but-- you, mom? Making it on the side with another man?"

Betty took a deep breath, but her head was still a little fuzzy. "Is that so difficult to believe? Does it shock you that much?"

Her daughter shook her head. "N-- no, but you-- you've always been so uptight about sex, and-- well, hell; good for you! I hope you have a great time balling the guy, and I wish I could find somebody just as exciting. Look, I don't mean that Glenn and I don't make it; we do. It's just that after two years, we know everything that each other is going to do. It's kind of boring, and I think if I get laid by some other man, it might actually stimulate my sex life with my husband."

"It will," said Betty. "It really will."

"Wow, Linda breathed, her rich drown hair falling over one side of her face and her lips just a little slack. "Never thought I could talk to you like this, mom. Now ol' Danny here- -"

She put one hand on her brother's bare leg, and Danny slid closer on the couch, moved his butt down a bit so that her hand was pushed up his thigh. He said, "You know the guy mom's swinging with."

"I do?" Linda's head wobbled, but she tried to focus on her mother. "Who is it, mom?"

Danny had a hard on now; Betty could see the heavy bulge in his short jeans. He took his sister's hand and lay it upon his stiff cock. He said, "Guess who, sis."

Linda's head swiveled back so fast it threw her off balance and she almost fell off the couch. Her brother used his other hand to help her catch her balance, and it was no accident that it moved from the small of her back down to the trimly modeled haunch.

"Wh-- what? What?" Linda asked. "You and -- and mother? - How-- what--"

Danny had a good grip on the cheek of his sister's ass now, and in her shock, she hadn't even tried to remove her hand from the erection at his crotch. He hunched it against her hand and played with her ass. Linda's eyes looked blurred, and he said to her: "Sure, me and mom. Why not? She's beautiful and hot, and I dig her like crazy; she digs me, too. we fuck day and night."

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