Mom and Me - Cover

Mom and Me


Chapter 4

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 4 - She thought it was her husband who came back for more, she was in for a surprise.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter  

Dinner was a disaster, but Chad didn't seem to notice, and neither did little Nicole. Betty was on edge, fumbling her silverware, pushing food around on her plate. She avoided looking at her son as much as possible, and when her husband said something to her, she either talked too much or missed his meaning.

Lord, she thought; ;she was tired. It was a good kind of weariness, but she felt as is she could just lie down on the rug and sleep for at least a week. There had been so much intense living compressed into the past few hours, and so much uprooting of all her former morals, those standards she had thought so firmly entrenched.

Guiltily, she chanced a look at her husband through lowered lashes, but Chad was busy with his desert, and she couldn't remember serving it. She had been laid by him only this morning, screwed once by her lawful wedded husband. Then his son had fucked her several times, and gone down on her, and she had eaten the boy's penis. It was fantastic, some creation our of Arabian Nights, and she wanted to think it had really been a dream.

But her tired body told her the truth, and her over stimulated tissues reminded her that she had been swept to fabulous heights of passion and fulfillment. But in incest, she thought; in taboo rites with her own blood. If Chad knew--he would beat her senseless, and Danny, too. Then he would probably throw both of them out into the street and file for divorce.

Betty shivered; Chad could ruin her in a courtroom, and there d be no question of his custody of Nikki. Her older daughter, Betty thought: oh good lord, Linda; what would she think of a mother who had been caught screwing Linda's seventeen year old brother?

"Got a chill, dear? Chad's voice was solicitous.

She blinked at him. "What? Oh-- oh no; just the sherbet, I guess.

He stood up. "Come on, Betty. You seem a little pale, and I think it would do us both good to hit the bed early for a change. The kids have just volunteered to run the dishwasher."

"Did we?" Nikki asked, tilting her elfin face to one side. "I didn't hear me."

"Come on, Nikki, " Danny said. "Mom deserves a break."

Chad stared at them and reached for her arm. "Nikki seems normal, but Danny must have caught the germ, whatever it is."

Danny shrugged. "It just seems to me that mom should get a little more help from us all. Good night, mother; see you tomorrow, when you're feeling better. In the morning."

She didn't dare look at him. In the morning, he said, making it plain that he would be eager for her body the, and ready to make lover to her once more. The boy was insatiable, she thought, and felt a tiny lift of arousal because he craved her fucking so much, when he could instead be out sticking that lovely meat to any number of young and willing girls.

Meekly, she walked ahead of Chad, climbing the stairs. She jumped when he touched her butt, and he laughed behind her. Oh no, she hoped; not from him again so soon; not tonight, after she had been so thoroughly and almost continually screwed by her son all day long. Beside, she didn't know how she was going to react to her husband's sexual advances; she might very well crumble and confess all to him, or simply fly into a fine case of hysterics.

Would Chad know? Could he tell? Maybe her vagina had been loosened by so much intercourse, or maybe she had run out of lubrication for it. If her vagina stayed dry inside, was that a sign that she had been doing too much screwing?

In their bedroom, she caught up her robe and slippers. "A bath," she mumbled, "need a quick bath, dear."

"Sure," he said, his face puzzled as he sat on the edge of their bed to take off his shoes.

Their bed; the same bed where Danny Maddox had sneaked his first piece of ass from his mother, making her believe in her warm drowsiness that Chad had returned to fuck her some more. That bed would never be the same for her now. And neither would Danny's room, or the bathroom she was going into. There were only three or four more rooms where she hadn't screwed her son, and after them, the entire house would be contaminated by their forbidden copulations.

She stood on the bathmat and stared down at it. Right there, she had spread her thighs for him, and he had wanted to fuck her the same way his daddy did it, on top and with her long legs thrown passionately around him.

Betty took a long time in her bath, letting the hot water soak into her flesh, soaping her body over and over again. Through the wall in her bedroom, she heard the small radio going, and knew that Chad hadn't fallen asleep, as she'd hoped he would. She dried carefully and took a cleansing douche, talcumed herself out of habit and put her robe back on. The, because there was not other way to delay the move, she went back into the bedroom and climbed into the bed with Chad.

"Damn," he said, "I thought you were going to take forever."

"Sorry," she said, and put her back to him.

"Hey," he aid, and kissed the back of her neck, nuzzling into the tender skin there and the soft curling of her nape hair. His hands slid around her and cupped her breasts.

This was the moment of truth, Betty thought; this was the time when she would know, and she caught her breath, held it to find out her reaction. Her nipples stiffened as Chad rolled them between his fingers, and it seemed as if her entire breasts swelled. Not cold, she thought, but suddenly warm again-- not withdrawn, but responding swiftly and with such a wave of lust that she was surprised by it, and checked the involuntary movement of her ass.

"That's more like it, " he breathed into her ear. "That's my loving wife."

"You--you're a little more loving than usual, aren't you?"

He said. "Ain't it nice?" and pushed the thickness of his expanded staff into the crack of her ass, nestling it up and down in the hairy cleft and shoving his balls against the smoothness of her thighs.

Up against her ass, the same way his son-- her son-- had made his first try at screwing her this morning; her husband, Danny's father, hunching longingly to her tail, rubbing his heavy penis into her, needing, wanting her.

O course she could fuck him, and of course she would. Not only because it was her wifely duty, but also because she was eager for him, and wanted him, too. It was wild, she thought; it was crazy, but it seemed that the more she was screwed, the more she wanted it. Suppose she had turned nymphomaniac at this time of her life?

Enjoy it, she thought, and opened her thighs for her husband to slide his big cock between them. He rubbed it along the length of her labia, and Betty felt the heat of her steamy response. Chad had a wonderful prick, too-- it was hard and massive and he used it well. She was lucky to have him, to be so needed.

Reaching down, Betty found his cock with her fingers and steered the bulbous head of it into her hairy entranceway of her vulva. Chad's hands tightened on her tits as he shoved his prick strongly up into the receptive, oily slit, and her labia stretched to take him in, her ass rolled and hiked seductively.

Then she did something different. With her husband's hard staff locked into the hot sheathing of her cunt, Betty slid her hand away from his balls and brought it instead to caress her torrid mound. As Chad fucked into her pussy with long, sensuous rod, along the velvet skin of it turned greasy from its dipping into her love salves.

It thrilled Chad; he wiggled more, grunted into her ear and played with her tits. She probed farther up, following the sliding prick until she found the hood that protected her clitoris. Her finger followed the working prick, moved searchingly along her stretched cunt lips and burrowed itself into the tender tissues surrounding the clit.

The thick penis slid in and out, and she played teasingly with her clitoris as the meaty staff passed it. The sensation was terrific, and Betty wondered why she had never thought of checking it out before now. But then, she had never been so constantly and completely aroused before now, either. Fucking had been good before, where now it was sensational.

Arching her ass, Betty brought her other hand around and took his swinging balls, squeezed them and played with them as Chad screwed her, as he laid his thick cock up into the glad gripping of her pussy. Betty masturbated in sexy luxury, being fucked at the same time, fondling prick and balls and her own cunt-- and it was ecstatic.

"Oh Chad, Chad," she moaned. "Oh my darling husband-- fuck me, fuck me!"

"Yes, baby!" he panted into her ear. "Yes, darling-- I'm fucking you, and about to come!"

"Come!" she said loudly. "Come into me and let me feel that hot juice wash my cunt."

"Ahh!" he said, and let it go. "Ahh-- baby, baby!"

It hosed sweetly within her laboring pussy, creamy and boiling, and Chad kept stroking it into his released semen. He always did that, she knew, kind of screwing into the extra lubrication caused by his own come.

His son was different; Danny sort of froze when he came, going all still and static. She could compare them now, their actions when they screwed, the way they came, the sizes of their pricks. Betty knew them both well.

Her finger quivered against her clitoris and that seat of passion shook like a reed in a high wind. The prick flexed again within her cunt, and she rolled it, then tightened her thighs and found herself carried along in a gushing tornado of rapture.

"Ooohhh!" she cried. "Oohhh Chad-- I'm coming, too! It's so wonderful-- so-- Ohhhhh!"

She was drowsy when he took his penis from her, but wiggled as it slipped out to leave a sticky path down her thigh. Sleepily, she murmured, "That was good, Chad."

"It was more than good, baby; it was great. You-- I never knew you to play with yourself like that while I was putting it to you. That excited me."

"Excited me, too," she said, rolling over and putting her arms around him, putting her crotch to he so she could feel the softening of his prick against her belly. "Love you, Chad."

"I love you," he said, and snuggled her, pressing her tits flat against his chest.

All her fears had been for nothing, Betty thought. Sex with her husband had been better, and for both of them. The breaking down of old restraints had released her, made her more honest in her desires and slaking of them. She was more alive, much more excitable, and with Danny's entrance into her pussy, she had uncovered a flaming core of sensuality only suspected before.

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