Mom and Me - Cover

Mom and Me


Chapter 3

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3 - She thought it was her husband who came back for more, she was in for a surprise.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter  

Nikki came home early, and Betty barely untangled from her son in time to dash for her bedroom and get dressed. They heard the door slam downstairs, and for one startled moment, Betty thought that he husband was coming in, that Chad had somehow dropped in from the office and would catch his son and his wife clinging naked to each other in the bathroom.

"Later, Mom," Danny said, and got into his shorts to go calmly and casually down the stairwell to see who it was.

It was almost fifteen minutes later when Betty got herself together and stepped weak-kneed down the carpeted stairs to join her son and daughter, limp with relief when she heard Nikki's voice there instead of Chad's

Shakily, she made lunch, hardly realizing what she was putting into the sandwiches, barely listening to Nikki's running account of how her friend Sally had this poison oak from camp and had to go to the doctor today.

Chad, she thought it could just as easily have been her husband dropping in unexpectedly. He did that sometimes. And he often came bounding up the stairs with some bit of news. If he'd done that this time, he'd have found Danny putting the prick to his son's mother, found his son with his cock buried in his wife's cunt.

"Wow, mom," Nikki said, "but you look great, Difference, like."

Did it show, Betty wondered. Could somebody just look at her and tell she had just come from committing incest with her boy? Maybe it was stamped on her face like some horrible mark of betrayal.

I know what it is," her daughter said brightly. "It's your hair; you're wearing it loose down your back. You ought to keep it like that, mom-- real groovy."

Betty relaxed, and her son grinned across the table at her. She found it difficult to meet his eyes, and was certain that she blushed too often for comfort. She had done it, or rather, it had been done to her, at least the first time. But she had actually screwed Danny and reveled in her wanton behavior; Betty couldn't quite believe it.

Watching her young daughter, she knew a stab of shame, and the usual appreciation of the girl's fresh and elfin beauty. Nicole was a lovely little doll, and would soon be grown to womanhood. Physically, Nikki was already a female, and no doubt boys were already besieging her.

Blinking and turning her face away, Betty wondered how on earth she could eve bring herself to discipline her child for staying out late, or possibly letting some eager boy paw her sweet young body when he brought her home from a date. biting her lip, Betty thought that the child might have already-- that Nikki could possibly have-- but no; just because her brother was so sexually advanced for his age didn't mean that the girl wasn't still virgin.

She looked up and Danny winked at her. Betty flushed again and took a long swallow of her soft drink. There was just a touch of arrogance to Danny's look now, a shade of certainty and a glimmering of the conquering male. He had the right to be pleased, she admitted; he had gambled and won.

But if Betty continued to take chances with him, she could lose everything. She loved her husband; yes-- she really loved Chad and was comfortable with him. Like an old shoe is comfortable? She looked into her glass where ice cubes accused her. No, not like that; they had enjoyed a lot of good, exciting sex together, right from the time when he had married her at sixteen, right from the time when he had married her at sixteen. It was just that lately, as the years kept whipping by with frightening speed-- they kind of got bored with each other. It was the sameness, she thought, the habit patterns.

She sat bolt upright. Had Chad ever taken a mistress? He was a tall and handsome guy, and it stood to reason that other women looked at him and wondered how he would be in bed, if he could screw with love and excitement. Had her husband been fucking some other woman -- or women -- for some time now? Maybe that's why he had cooled toward her.

He'd put it to her only this morning, she thought, and felt ashamed for rationalizing her own guilt, for projecting her own sins upon poor Chad. Even if he had been playing around, it wasn't with his own daughter. Even if he was screwing somebody else, the girl wasn't Linda or Nikki, and infidelity wasn't the same as incest. Not by a long shot.

"Good, mom," Danny said, and she focused upon his face with some surprise. He said, "Great sandwiches. Anything we can do to help you around the house this afternoon?"

"Hey," Nikki said, getting quickly up from the table. "Speak for yourself. I have to get over to the pool. I mean, all the kids were talking about going swimming today and--"

"Go ahead," Danny said. "I'll give mom a hand."

"Good," Nikki said, and hurried from the kitchen and from the house.

The front door slammed after her.

Danny said, "We' alone again."

"Now look," Betty said, "don't start anything else, Danny Maddox. Do you understand? That could just as easily have been your father coming into the house unexpectedly, and what then?"

"The same thing." he said, rising from the table. "Only a lot safer; like this time we make it in my room, on my bed. Dad never comes in there."

She stared at him. "I-- you mean that you still-- that you haven't had enough sex for the day? That even if I--"

He patted the front of his shorts. "I watch you and think of that marvelous hot pussy, and I get a hard on. I see you move your ass and see your big tits jiggle and know it's worse for me, in one way. I mean, I get so hot to fuck you again that I can't wait to be alone with you. Before, when I only dreamed about how your cunt would feel, when I only imagined how soft and wet and wonderful it would be for me in your hairy box, my prick in there where dad is always sticking his-- well, that was torture, all right. But now I know how fabulous your cunt is, how it feels and tastes, and now I know how you love to be fucked by me, and I'm going to get all that crazy ass I can.

When he talked to her that way, she melted in side. She looked at the growing lump in his shorts and knew that all Danny would have to do was touch her wit it, and she'd come apart. She was turning into some kind of sex maniac, going into heat when he said anything about sex. Already to day-- just today? - - she had been screwed three times and sucked once.

Betty glanced at the kitchen clock; it was only three p. m. They had time for a long, loving session before Chad came home at six or so. Maybe Nikki would come back before then, but that wasn't certain. She sat hesitating until her son came around the table and leaned down to kiss her lips. So soft and young and sweet his mouth was. His hand on her upper arm, she got up and said, " your room, then"

At the stairs, he had her go first, so that he could follow behind and stroke the cheeks of her ass. When she got into the upper halls, her breasts were rising and falling with such urgency that it didn't seem possible she had already reached orgasm so many time today. It was almost as if she was a virgin bride, going to Chad for her initial screwing. Chad had been gentle and understanding. He had taken her cherry with a worshipful kind of tenderness, and she had always loved her husband for that consideration.

At her son's bedroom door, she turned and said, "I-- I love your father, you know."

"Sure," Danny answered. "Sure, you do. I love him, too. But I love his wife's pussy more, my mother's rich and wild pussy."

They were inside, and he took her to his narrow bed and pushed her gently down upon it to strip away her robe and leave her naked to his gaze once more; Betty shivered at the touch of his hands.

He was standing before her, his feet still planted firmly upon the floor, and the intriguingly shaped head of his prick was close to her face. Betty stared at it in fascination, and moved her gaze down the length of the shaft to the luxuriantly haired balls that had already manufactured so much lovely semen to be jetted into her vagina.

Danny said softly, "Have you ever gone down on dad?"

Betty clamped her thighs together. "I-- why do you want to know?"

"Don't be embarrassed, mother. I've eaten your cunt, and I'll do it again, and I think that oral sex is the greatest. Have you ever eaten my father's prick?"

She turned her face away from him. "Not-- not really. I-- well, I kissed it a few times, when we were first married, but he was-- Chad always seemed anxious to take it away from my lips- -- and put it into my vulva."

"Eat me, mom," he said then. "Take my cock into your pretty mouth and eat it--"

She trembled. "I don't know if I can. I mean, I never did- it--"

"Not ever to any other guy?" her son asked.

She whirled on the bed, angry at him. "Of course not! I-- I've never had another man even touch me, except-- you."

Danny put his hands upon her head as she braced it upon her palm. He moved closer, prodding at her, offering the glowing head of his prick, and she could not refuse it. It was lovely, and she wasn't afraid of it. She fought down the barricades that had always been erected in her mind, remembering that Chad had gone down on her many times when they were young, knowing that this beautiful son of theirs had performed masterful job of cunnilingus upon her already. It was only that she had never taken a penis into her own mouth, and wasn't at all certain how to go about it.

Her son moved again, and she felt the faint stickiness of the- pre-seminal fluid upon the tip of his glans. Betty kissed the little mouth and tasted the musk, the vague saltiness of the juice, and found it good. Pursing her lips, she opened them and allowed the head of Danny's prick to slide inside them.

"Oh mom," he breathed, and she stared at the curling hairs, the rich, light chocolate brown pubic hairs that made a beguiling vee around the base of his cock. "Oh, mom-- just lick it and bit it, and then suck my prick until I come.!"

Betty reached her left hand out and turned the palm up to cup her son's balls. The head of his cock was past her teeth now, and he was urging it even further. She touched the tip of her tongue into the sticky little slot and curled it around the shaping of the glans itself. Excitement raced roaring through her mind and turned on every sensual switch in her body. She wanted this penis-- wanted it wit a maddening need she could not understand just then.

Gulping, Betty pulled Danny's strong, hard prick far into her mouth, drawing it across her tongue and sliding it along the velvet of her mouth's roof. The head choked her throat, and she had to pull back a little, but she began to suck lustily upon it, eating prick for the first time in her life.

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