Mom and Me - Cover

Mom and Me


Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - She thought it was her husband who came back for more, she was in for a surprise.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter  

She was liquid; she was soft and giving, and the melted core of her body was warm, so warm. Oh lord, she thought; I've been a terrible woman, doing something that cannot be forgiven. I have fucked my own son.

Turning her face into the pillow, Betty shuddered. There was some excuse-- some minor rationalizing-- over Danny screwing her in ; that sneaky move. But after she'd hidden him from his father, she should have ordered him from her bed, slapped him, told him sternly that there'd be no more of such an impossible situation.

Instead, she had allowed him to go down on her, to eat into the vagina that still held both his semen and that of his father. She twisted and squirmed upon his boyishly eager mouth and hunched her cunt to him; she had begged her young son to eat her pussy.

Oh lord, she thought-- of my lord. If Chad ever finds out, he'll kill us both; I know he will. He's big and jealous, and he can be violent at times. If he ever somehow discovered that his son was fucking his wife, he'd go out of him mind with rage.

She sat up, and swinging her breasts reminded her that her body was still aroused, that she had just gone through a sex session which was the wildest and longest lasting of her life. First Chad had screwed her, in one of his rare early morning hungers then Danny fucked her from behind; then her son sucked her pussy until she damned near fainted. And Betty realized that only the noise of her daughter had prevented him from topping he at least once more. When he agreed to go out and fix his sister breakfast, his prick had still be stiff as a broom handle, but far more beautiful.

Betty touched the swollen nipples of her tits; Danny said he loved those tits, that the sight of her ass turned him on, and the touch of her pussy-- well, that simply freaked him out. He'd told her that he cunt was gorgeous, that I was tighter and hotter than the cunts of the young girls he'd been screwing.

Smiling to herself, Betty slid one hand down and rested it upon the hairy black mound between her thighs. I was nice to know that she could be a real sex symbol for someone yet, that she could make a young and handsome male raise a hard by the enticing roll of her ass and the lifting of her tits. Even if the male was her own son.

She climbed out of bed, and her thighs kissed softly. She stood awhile before her full length bedroom mirror, staring at her newly awakened and freshly fucked body. Not since she was sixteen years old, had she felt so thrilled; blissful sensations were still rising and falling within her vagina.

He had called her beautiful, and the mirror affirmed that at least her body was yet firm and taut, that her breasts stood high and the cheeks of her ass didn't sag, that her belly was almost flat and that her skin was good. Betty preened a bit before the mirror, sweeping back her long black hair and staring from lowered lashes at the reflection of blue eyes. Maybe not really beautiful, she thought, but still attractive still sexy.

She found her robe and slippers, left her bedroom and went into the bath. The room still smelled of Chad, of her husband's soap and shaving lotion, and she winced again at the almost palpable presence of him. The fever subsided within her flesh, and she felt like a complete wanton, as if she had betrayed Chad Maddox in the worst possible way.

Betty brushed her teeth and climbed hurriedly into the shower. The glass doors were laced with droplets left from her husband's shower, and she shivered, picturing his big body in here with the water purling over it-- while she and his son were fucking beyond the wall.

Soaping down her own skin, she felt again its tremendous sensitivity, the warm satiny texture of it. Danny, she thought; her son Danny was so eager, so hungry to taste her skin, to love every inch of her stimulated body. But of course, they couldn't do it again. I was finished now, over and done with, and from here on, she would do her level best to eradicate the memory from her brain.

She rinsed in cold water and turned off the shower, to step out onto the bath mat and towel her flesh vigorously. Betty forced her mind to other things, to her daughter Nicole. Little Nikki was small and sweet, and she would be shocked into trauma if she even suspected an incestuous affair between her brother and her mother.

And her older daughter, Linda; Betty found it difficult to believe that Linda had already been married for two years, and was now a well adjusted housewife, all of twenty-one years old. Linda would go up the all in outrage, if she learned of her mother and her younger brother clandestinely sharing illegal and immoral sex.

But such thrilling sex. Betty wrapped the towel about her waist and stepped to the sink. How many times had she come? Once with Chad, at least twice with Danny, and maybe even more. She'd gotten too dizzy to count, knowing only that great surges of feeling were thundering over her clitoris and through her pussy.

She wondered just how long her son had been screwing, where he head leaned his cunnilingus technique, what girl had been the first to feel his rigidly yearning young penis. Betty knew a tiny bite of jealousy at the idea, and wished somehow that she could have been the woman to instruct her son in the ways of the flesh. But of course, she would never have even thought of such a thing. And she had better stop dwelling on the idea now.

She had to be strong, to cut this insane affair off before it grew any bigger, and deeper. She had to stand firm and deny any hint of physical familiarity with Danny. Sooner or later, if they came together again-- even if it was only once or twice, to slake their thirst for each other's newly discovered bodies-- there would be the chance of their being found out, exposed.

Betty rubbed cleansing cream into her face and massaged the skin under her eyes, at their corners, then around her mouth. Danny thought she was sensual and beautiful, that she was the best fuck he had ever know. His father didn't say things like that anymore; Chad only screwed her once or twice a week and then it was more like a habit or a duty. He must have had an erotic dream this morning, and come awake with a hard on, and she'd been right there for him to stick it into.

But that worked out wonderfully, for Danny had come in to swipe one of his daddy's shirt and seen them screwing. The sight had made him so hot that he couldn't hold out any longer, turned him on so much he'd made the desperate gamble with her, hoping he could fuck his mother and that she wouldn't expose him.

Wiping her face, Betty began to fix her eyes, touching up the dark lashes, seeing a new life swirling within their dark blue depths, a new ardor that trembled upon her mouth. She stared, wondering what her reaction would be, the nest time her husband laid her. Would she be guilty, could she respond favorable, would she turn cold?

She added a touch of pale lipstick and a dab of powder, then applied the powder-puff and talcum liberally all over her body. Wouldn't it be awful, she thought, if Danny had screwed her before the Pill had been invented? She was reaching for her robe, the towel still draped across her hips, when the bathroom door swung open and Danny stepped inside.

He shut the door behind him. "Wow", he breathed, "now I can get a real good look at you, mom. Those big tits are the greatest!"

"Get--get out," Betty said, drawing the robe up to her breasts, covering them. "Your sister is--"

"Nikki's long gone," he said. "I gave her a quarter and she took off for her friend's house,. She'll be gone most of the day."

Betty swallowed, tried to make her voice firm. "Please let me get dressed, Danny. Then we'll sit out in the kitchen and have a talk about-- well, about what happened accidentally, and--"

He grinned at her, his smile big and bright, his blue eyes dancing. Danny was wearing only his summer shorts, no shirt, no shoes, and Betty could see a bulge in front of the little pants. Surely, he couldn't still be having an erection, she thought.

Danny said, "I like it fine in here. You know, when nobody else was home, and I knew you were taking a shower, I'd sneak up here and peek through the wall in my room. I drilled little hole in it a long time ago, and I never could see much at once, but sometimes I'd catch a glimpse of your tits, or see that beautiful black hair around your pussy, or maybe I'd see you swinging that nicely rounded ass when you walked to the shower. Then I'd jack off, hoping to see you do the same, hoping maybe that dad would go into the bathroom and put the meat to you, so I could see how crazy you were when you got fucked."

"D-- don't talk to me like that," she said, moistening her lips with the tip of her tongue. "Its' not right and it's not nice, and I don't want to hear you saying things like that to-- to your own mother."

He took a step toward her, his right hand running up and down over the swelling in his shorts. So golden, she thought, so handsome and slim-hipped; all the little girls must go insane over him.

"Sure, you want to hear it," he said. "You like the sound of the dirty words, because you're the hottest piece of ass going. You're all sexed up right now, watching me handle my prick, and you know damned good and well that I'm going to fuck you again, mother. Right here and right now, I'm going to stick this hard cock back into that gorgeous cunt and fuck you until I can't get it up any more."

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