Mom and Me - Cover

Mom and Me


Chapter 14

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 14 - She thought it was her husband who came back for more, she was in for a surprise.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter  

They were a beautiful group, Betty thought, self-consciously crossing her legs and wishing that she had something with which to cover her breasts as she sat at the bar and watched Linda herd the others into the room for a council.

It must have been quite a session upstairs, she thought. Glenn was sheepish and his cock was shrunken as he came to the bar for a drink. Her son's penis was partly erect, but well used and reddened. And Little Nikki-- the girl was trying to be very casual, but the goosebumps on her naked skin and the blush on her piquant face gave away her inner emotional turmoil.

Impulsively, Betty held out her arms to her youngest child, and with a sigh, Nicole ran into them. It felt strange to hold her like this, Betty thought, both of them naked, and with Nikki pressing her elfin body against her mother's hairy mound, Nikki burying her face into the milky globes of her mother's breasts.

But it felt wonderful, too. There was nothing between them-- no cloth or plastic or dishonesty, and when Nikki lifted a fearful face, Betty kissed her daughter's eyes, then, her cheeks, and lastly her tremulous young mouth.

It was a different kiss-- love and passion mixed, a darting of their tongues, a promise of things to be between them, and Nikki said breathlessly, "Oh mom-- you're so great!"

"Thank you, darling; I think you're great too."

Danny came to stand with them, and Glenn moved to kiss his wife, then to stand uncertainly beside her. Linda said, "We have to do something about daddy. He's sulking in his room, and it's all because he can't conceive of Danny screwing mom. Everything else is all right, it seems, but he went into a state of shock when I talked about Danny. But there's a real tip-off in her reaction: he didn't mention Nicole's name. He's been screwing me, as you all know, and I can control him on just about everything, but I think his real yen now is for little Nicole."

Nikki looked into her mother's eyes. "Mom? Will it-- can I swing with daddy, and it'll be okay with you?"

"Of course, dear, "Betty said, and patted the sleek little flank. "But your father has a very large penis. Do you think you cant take that?"

"I-- I don't know," Nikki said, dropping her eyes.

"Sure she can," Danny added. "She's tight and narrow, but Glenn loosened her up some, after me. She's still all greasy inside, so that'll help dad get it in."

Nikki said into Betty's breasts, "I'd like to try it. Especially if it will keep us all together, without any trouble."

"Good," Linda said. "We'll get him into your room, Nikki; then mom and Danny can get in Danny's room. That adjoining door will work out just right. I mean, once we can get daddy sticking it to Nikki, we can open the door and show him Danny mounted on Mom. That ought to knock hell out of any inhibitions he has left."

"That's a wild idea," Glenn said. "How about Chad-- is he drinking?"

Linda grinned. "We'll be lucky if he isn't sleeping it off. What do you say, Nikki? Are you ready?"

"May I have a small drink?" Nikki asked. "He-- well, the idea scares me a little bit. And how do I go about it?"

"I'll help things along, " Linda said. "But give us time to get started, before the rest of you come upstairs. Maybe just you, mom, so you can peep through and see how it's all going. After awhile, Danny and Glenn can come up. We'll get it all together one way or another, because if daddy doesn't go for putting it to Nikki, then we'll just have to hold him down and have her climb on top. Rape him, if we get forced to that."

Glenn chuckled. "Once he get a fell of Nikki's little ass, nobody will have to rape old Chad: he'll go ape like I did. Mrs. Maddox, you sure raised some girls with educated cunts."

"Ready, Nikki?" her sister wanted to know.

"I guess," the girl said, and Betty hold her daughter's hand as they followed Linda up the stairs. Betty looked at her older daughter's tail, saw it swinging in gracefully erotic movement, and wondered again about the rest of love-making with Linda, about them giving oral gratification to each other. Would it be so much different, with another woman? She remembered the thrill of their pussy-to-pussy encounter, and shivered in delicious anticipation.

"I'm going to take a shower-- clean myself up," Betty said, "Then open the door between Nikki's room and Danny's just a crack. If your father gets going good, hold him back a little, don't let him reach orgasm until Danny gets her."

"I'll be sure," Linda said, and kissed Betty's mouth. "Here we go, mom-- wish us luck."

" you're two beautiful girls," Betty said. "Your daddy has all the luck."

"Thanks," Linda said, and took her little sister's hand.

Betty stepped into the shower and scrubbed herself all over, but quickly. She was eager to see what the girls would do with Chad, anxious to know how he would respond to their combined attack. Rinsing, Betty hopped from the tub enclosure and dried hurriedly, then used cologne and powder. If all went well, in just a few minutes, Chad would be putting the prick to Nikki, and Danny would be mounting his mother, long, stiff cock in his hand.

Then it would all be out in the open, all gone honest, and aboveboard. Chad would have to accept a single sexual standard for the entire family, and grant her the right to copulation with their boy, as well as his fucking their girls. Glenn was in a enviable position, because he could lay all three of the women, without any kind of moral hindrance or objection put up by Chad.

But they were also available to Chad, and to each other, and if Chad was stupid and stubborn enough to continue to resist letting Danny into the family party, then they would have to take some other drastic action-- such as cutting Chad off entirely from any pussy.

She went damp from the bathroom into Danny's bedroom, and straight to the connecting door, which she found already cracked open just about the required amount. Kneeling to be more comfortable, Betty peered into the next room, thinking that half the fun of all this was in the watching of it, the voyeurism that turned her on so. And why not, she thought; she could do the things she like best now; any of them could, if Chad just cooperated properly.

She saw Chad sitting upon the bed, and realized that he had sneaked a fifth of bourbon from the bar when he departed in such a huff. It was on the bedside table, and Chad was weaving back and forth as he sat there. Linda was furious with him; Betty could see that, see the tapping of the riding crop along the girl's thigh. Nikki was standing to one side, one hand demurely over her mound.

"Damn you," Linda grated, swishing the quirt. "You want all the goodies, but you want them on your own terms. Well, daddy- dear--that's not how it's going to be. You've fucked me, and watched my husband screw mother, so you're not going to go moral on us now."

Linda slapped his belly with the riding crop, and Chad jerked erect, his penis immediately beginning to swell, to climb upright to its great length and breadth. Chad tried to cover it with his hands, ashamed because his younger daughter was in the room and seeing his nudity, witnessing his humiliation.

But Linda flicked the leather at his hands, and Chad flinched back, exposing his erect cock. His daughter said, "You're going to screw Nikki-- and right now, do you hear? You're damned lucky to even get the chance, and don't worry about her being a cherry. She's not. Little Nicole has been balling two kids her own age, and she has also taken on Danny and Glenn, so that only makes you fifth in line, daddy dear. But you're lucky to have the opportunity to stick that big cock into her tiny pussy, because if you weren't being forced to lay Nikki, you'd never get up the nerve to fuck her yourself. But you've got eyes for her, all right; I've watched you sweat her out for years, when you thought nobody else was looking, when you thought you could eye this trim little ass and dream about someday getting into it. Well, darling-- here's the place and the time."

She strode around the bed and snatched down two pillows, put them one atop the other and positioned them halfway down the bed. Then Linda motioned to her sister, and Nikki went shyly to her, moving with her face held down and her eyes almost closed. Watching, Betty saw that her youngest child's nipples were erect, showing her passionate need, an urgency that defied her retiring nature.

Nikki hesitated beside the bed, glanced at her father's back, then climbed up as her sister pointed the riding crop at the pillow. "up there, Nikki," Linda said. "Since dad has such a big, thick penis, and since you're built so small, that lovely little cunt is so tight, it's best if you put your ass up here, so you can spread your legs wide and kind of tilt your pelvis up at him. It spreads your vagina wider, opens you up more. Of course, once he's got that hard prick socked home, then you can act as you please, but I can tell you now, he'll sure as hell hit bottom."

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