Mom and Me - Cover

Mom and Me


Chapter 13

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 13 - She thought it was her husband who came back for more, she was in for a surprise.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter  

Downstairs, Betty locked the kitchen door, then passed to the front and bolted that one, also. On a Saturday, no telling who might drop by unexpectedly, and she certainly didn't want anybody visiting. No Disturbances, she thought; no interference with the ultimate closeness that was so fast developing in her family. They needed nobody but themselves, for who could offer them more?

Wearing her robe, but barefoot now, Betty moved toward the family room, not sure of what she would find there, but needing some kind of communication with her husband. She did love him, and right now, possibly more than she had ever loved him in their entire married life. For love wasn't all taking, and it wasn't hiding, nor jealousy, and love wasn't composed of tight little restrictions and a whole list of no-noes.

Love was giving, and sharing, and what better way to share than the ecstasies of their bodies and the invitational openings of their minds? When Betty screwed her son, she accepted his love, the adoration of his hard young prick for her soft and motherly cunt. When her son fucked his sisters, he was going beyond the sibling affection required by convention; he was truly showing his sentiment for them, in the most solid form possible.

Chad had screwed his older daughter, and at the end, it had turned into a battle, a frantic attempt for who dispensed largess and discipline. But Linda had won the contest, and now Chad had retreated.

She had to bring him back, Betty thought, not as the domineering father figure, but as the lover she knew him to be, gentle and sexy and sometimes impetuous. He could be the same to his daughters, fucking and ardent, sucking and devoted, giving them the benefit of his years of experience. They would be enchanted with him, as Betty had been, and was quickly becoming again.

Just inside the archway, Betty paused, peering into the half gloom caused by drawn drapes. She made them out across the room by the bar, where her daughter sat naked and leg-spread upon one of the stools, her heels hooked onto a rung. She had a glass of whiskey in one had, and as Betty watched, Linda spilled some of the dark liquid down her belly, and into the deep, springy bush of her pubic hair.

Only then did Betty see her husband, and Linda's daddy, there at the girl's feet, crouched and appearing curiously defenseless in his nudity.

Linda said, "Here's a drink for you, daddy. Come lick it off my tummy, and out of my cunt hairs. Come on, daddy-- before I get mad at you."

"Baby," Chad said, "I love you, you know that, but--"

Linda gestured imperiously, and splashed more of the liquor into her crotch. "But if you want to fuck me again, you have to do as I tell you. And you like being told what to do, really, you love me bossing you, making you my slave. Now, father; lick me!!"

Betty took a step forward and put out one hand, but let it fall, Maybe Chad did like to be dominated by his daughter, to be humbled and even degraded. If he did, she had no right to horn into his pleasures. She waited quietly, standing and looking at the naked back of her husband as he kneeled before Linda ; and Licked the whiskey from her pale white belly.

"All over," she commanded. "My hips, and deep into my belly button. Ah, yes-- now you're being a good boy. Lick right on down into my pussy, daddy dear-- stick your nice not tongue on into my hair and suck them all dry."

"Yes, darling," Chad mumbled, and hurried to complete his task, lapping and nuzzling at the spilled whiskey, cleaning the stuff from his daughter's mound with his eager mouth.

Betty moved closer, her tits lifting, their nipples hard with a sudden ache as she watched the scene. It was exciting, the girl dominant, the man passive and obedient, docile. It might be a kick to do it herself, she thought-- but Chad probably wouldn't want it, from her.

Linda saw her the, and smiled, beckoned to her with one had; the other lay upon her father's head, holding his face into her pussy. "hi, mom."

Chad tried to move, and his daughter lifted one leg to curl around his neck and shoulders. "No, daddy! Don't you move. Stay right there, you hear? Mom isn't he sweet? Just like a big puppy dog, but a puppy with a hard on-- and he'd have to be a Saint Bernard to have a cock like that."

Betty said softly, "I thought you and I-- now that the other thing is done?"

Linda held one hand over her father's head, and Betty took it, standing so close that her knees brushed her husband's back. Linda said, "That's where Glenn is, then-- getting his share?"

Nodding, Betty squeezed her daughter's strong, smooth hand. "But I was also fretting over Chad. There's so much to do yet, and I wondered--"

"It's just perfect," Linda said. "we're here now, and everyone else is busy, so why don't you and I and daddy --"

Chad trembled against her knees, and Betty shivered in response. "You mean-- you and I--with Chad watching, or--"

"Or joining in, when he has a the room and the inclination. Why not? Poor daddy; I haven't let him screw me yet today, and his big, angry prick must be about to split!"

"But his wife and his daughter?"

Linda removed her leg, put one small foot against her daddy's hairy chest and nudged him aside. The rich brown hairs of her cunt gleamed, where he had been licking them. She said, "You've never had a woman, huh, mom? Remember I told you about the oral love with a boy before I married Glenn? Well, there was a girl, also. And it's as much fun with one as the other-- more, in some ways. Gee, I'm glad to be the one to teach you."

Betty said, "Chad," but he climbed up and poured himself a big drink, his back to her and his stiff rod pushing against the padded leatherette of the bar front.

"Daddy," Linda said, " you just sit and watch if you want to, but if you want to jump in, later-- you can. You have my permission. And you can fuck either of us, or both of us."

Betty saw her husband's shoulders quiver, but there wasn't time to say anything else to him, because her daughter slid off the barstool and advanced toward her, both arms held wide, and Betty just naturally went into them.

Her large breasts covered Linda's smaller, firm ones, and their bellies merged, their mounds pushing tenderly against each other. Betty was slightly taller, and more full bodied, but her daughter was well modeled, and with a wickedly longing stare in her eyes, an intent dampness about her mouth."

"Just hold me the way you do daddy, or Glenn, " Linda said. "oooh, mother' your big tits feel so good, all soft and cuddly, and your belly is like white satin, your mound-- ooohhh, mom-- your pussy is so hairy and deep; oh wow, how wonderful it is; how fabulous it must be to fuck such a tender cunt."

Betty looked past her daughter's shoulder, held her very closely and squirmy and looked at Chad as he turned slowly on the barstool; his penis was huge it knob glowing, purple, and wet. He stared at them, his eyes fixed and his mouth slightly open. His chest was rising and falling with the rapid pace of his breathing.

That's when Linda moved her mother back a step or two, then pulled her gently to the floor, going down to the soft carpet with her. "Lie back, mom; you be the woman and I'll be the man."

Feeling warm and relaxed all over, Betty sank back, her thighs falling open, her arms upheld for her lovely daughter. And Linda came into them, but slowly and with a tantalizing fondling of her mother's body. The girl's soft hand ran over Betty's breasts, pinching the nipples, pressing the mounds almost flat and letting them pop up again.

She caressed her mother's rib cage, then her hips and belly, and put both hands delicately between Betty's thighs to cup the quivering softness of her mound. But only for a moment, only for the space of time it takes to deposit a fleeting caress. Then the girl lay down atop Betty's pulsating body, as a male lover would mount her. Linda's mouth sought Betty's, and her lips were sweet, her tongue a flickering blaze that searched over Betty's tongue, asking love in return.

Tit to tit, belly to belly, they lay gasping together, and Betty arched her back, lifted her knees high so that she could wrap her long legs around her daughter's slim waist. They were rocking, heaving together, the lips of the cunts rubbing wetly, their hairy crotches meeting and twisting in a primeval hunger.

Why, Betty thought dizzily, it's very much like being fucked by a man, except there's no real penetration-- only the thrilling kiss of pussy to pussy, and the massaging of one clitoris upon the other. Linda had such a rich cunt, she thought, and her flesh was satiny, her mouth a damply demanding furnace that drew her mother's tongue in and halfway down her throat.

Joyously, Betty abandoned any residual clinging to outmoded restrictions, and surged strongly, positively, against the hot caress of her daughter's pussy. Each time their clits touched, a violent thrill shot through her body, and the sweaty rubbing on their bellies, the slippery hunching and squirming of their mounds, made every sensation erotic, electric.

"Oh mama, " Linda breathed, "oh sweet mother-- what a soft pussy you have! We're screwing each other, mama dear; we're fucking, you and I-- rubbing our cunts together and I'm in between your thighs, just like daddy make it. Fuck me back, mama darling-- oh, rub that crazy pussy into mine until we come!"

Yes, baby!" Betty gasped. "Oh, yes, my lovely daughter. Oh, your mouth, your tits-- that steamy young cunt against mine- oohhh, I could just squeeze you to death with my legs. Sweet baby, pretty girl with the boiling hot pussy--oh, how your mother loves you!"

Twisting, pulling her daughter's crotch violently down into her own, Betty fucked savagely into the voluptuous cunt that pushed into her, and in turn, covered hers. Slippery and skidding, wet and greasy, their hairy labia shook and quivered. They humped and shoved, wiggled and churned, and Linda was the first to cry out.

"Mama-- oh, mama!" she moaned, rolling her belly. "I'm about to come, sweetheart-- oh mother dear, my cunt is on fire-- I coming--I'm coming!"

Desperately, she clamped the girl in her arms her teeth raking across Linda's, her cunt slamming into her daughter's, her legs squeezing the girl's waist.

Betty's head whirled and she couldn't get her breath. She fell back panting, and Linda fastened her mouth to one of her nipples. Waves of foaming orgasm heaved and fell within Betty's pussy, and her asshole contracted in jealous reaction. Inside her thighs, tremors raced up and down, and every time her daughter's cunt flexed, Betty felt it against her own lascivious mound.

They embraced only for a little while longer, then, sighing, Linda raised her body from her mother's supine one; their cunts came apart with a suctioning noise, and Linda murmured, "You're very sweet, mother-- and very beautiful."

The girl climbed erect and Betty lay still, resting, still melted together inside her body. She looked up at her daughter, at the shapely legs and thick, brown vee, at the satiny belly and the firmly jutting tits and thought what a lucky man Glenn was, to have picked this lovely, highly passionate girl for his wife.

Only then did Betty remember that her own husband had been close by, all the time she and her daughter had been fucking, that Chad had been staring transfixed at this wife and his oldest child as they ground and humped and screwed together.

But Linda had kept it in mind all the time, evidently. She posed sexily for her father, stood imperiously with her cunt thrust forward and her tits proudly high. Chin up, she strode past where he sat on the barstool with his massive penis erectly throbbing. When she came from behind the bar, Linda carried a thin riding crop. They'd brought it back from Mexico some summers ago, and it was part of the wall decoration. Now Linda was about to put it to use.

She pointed it at her father. "Dad-- go lie down over there, right beside mother. Do as I say!"

Chad seemed to fold into himself, to actually cringe as Linda shook the crop at him, but he didn't climb off the stool. Embarrassed, Betty got off the floor and stood uncertainly, enthralled by this sexual domination their daughter had achieved over her father. For Betty could see that Chad actually wanted to be mastered by Linda, that he was waiting eagerly for it. And his daughter did not disappoint him.

Moving forward, regal as a queen, Linda flicked her daddy on the head of his swollen prick with the end of the leather riding crop. He winced, but Betty could see white juice spring from the slot of his glans and realized that he enjoyed the dollop of pain, or perhaps the symbol of chastisement. He climbed from the stool and moved stiffly to the middle of the carpet, standing with his hairy back to them until his daughter popped the crop across his ass. Then he lay down quickly, rolling over onto his back with his monstrous staff pointing straight up and perhaps distended farther than Betty had ever seen it before. It was a magnificent erection!

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