Mom and Me - Cover

Mom and Me


Chapter 11

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 11 - She thought it was her husband who came back for more, she was in for a surprise.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter  

She helped Linda steer her wobbly father into Danny's room and put him to bed. "He'll be all right, dear. If you'd rather stay with Glenn and me--"

"No,, mom. I'd like to be with you, but later, okay? I want to get used to daddy, to see that he feels really comfortable with me. And I get so turned on, because I can order him to do anything I want, and he does it. Besides, there's poor Danny--"

"He's waiting in my bed, " Betty said. "When Glenn finishes taking his shower, I'll work something out with both of them."

Linda kissed her mother's cheek, then took her in her arms, and kissed her mouth. "Mother, you're wonderful. Don't tire yourself too much, now."

Betty touched the tip of her tongue to her daughter's. "won't dear. Once in awhile I think I'm getting tired, but then something real sexy happens, and I'm enthusiastic again. Take care of your father, now."

Linda put her hands upon Betty's tits, hefted them and rolled the nipples lightly between her thumbs and forefingers. Then she slid both hands down to her mother's waist, down over the glossy hips, and once of them moved gently to touch Betty's mound, to tenderly explore the pubic hair.

"You take care of Danny and Glenn, " she said, kissing Betty again, fondling between her legs. "I envy those boys, and soon as we all catch our breath, it will be you and me, mom."

"Soon, baby," Betty promised, and felt a tingle all over her body at the prospect. With regret, she closed the bedroom door upon Chad and Linda, then switched on the table lamp in Little Nicole's room, as she always did when the girl was out late.

Pausing at the bathroom door, she listened a moment to the shower going, then walked into their own bedroom, or rather the room she shared with her husband. And now with their son. She stood inside the door and let the robe fall from her shoulders, looking across the room at Danny Maddox as he lay naked upon the bed.

Her son was on his back, his feet spread wide apart, and as he looked back at her, he slid one hand up and down upon his stiff prick. Betty could see the juice upon its lavender head and the beautiful hairy cluster of his crotch, then veined and wrinkled sack of his youthful testicles.

"Mom," he said, "oh mom-- you handled everything perfectly down there. I tried to hold it back, but when daddy was fucking Linda so hard, and there you were with Glenn between your legs-- I came all over my hand and onto the couch, too. Wow-- I never realized how huge dad's prick is, and to see it ramming into my sister's snatch that way-- to watch you control it all and screw Glenn so smoothly, all I can say is terrific."

"I worried about you suffering," she said, moving slowly toward the bed. "Oh Danny, how much I wanted you to come on in and join us, to have you fuck me and your sister. But you heard how your father was about me, even though he was feeling guilty about screwing Linda. He really didn't want Glenn to lay me, even though he'd been sticking his daughter and going down on her too. So I was afraid you'd cause an uproar by coming in, at that moment. I suspect that we're going to have to keep your daddy full of liquor, as it is."

Danny said, "I was hoping, after Linda--"

Betty sat upon the edge of the bed. "I know, dear, I know. But don't be too disappointed. We'll get to him yet. All he needs is time and the release of his inhibitions. He has to learn not to be jealous, but to love that was the lesson you taught me."

He kissed the outthrust nipple of her tit, and continued to play with his hard cock. "Okay, mother; so long as I can fuck you, that's all that counts, really. Does Glenn know about me?"

"Yes, darling," Betty said, turning sot that her son could better take her nipple into his warm mouth. "I thought we might show him how you and I love each other, and if you like, we'll have him join us."

Danny ran his tongue around her nipple bit down tenderly upon it, then shoved it out of his lips with the end of his tongue. "Both of us fucking you? At the same time?"

"Or whatever," Betty said, stroking her son's hair. "We'll make it a real nightcap, before your younger sister come home. I've always wanted to have two men make love to me, together."

"Yeah," Danny breathed, his eyes shining. "Like you're our slave, and we can make you do anything. Like suck us off and fuck us and -- oh wow; this is going to be far out, mom."

"Listen," she said, "Glenn has turned off the shower. He'll be here in a minute."

She lay down upon the bed beside Danny, who propped himself up on an elbow and ran his free hand over her body, from tits to box and back again. Glenn came into the room, a towel around his middle, and stopped to look wide-eyed at them.

"Hi, Glenn," Danny said. "We're glad you're here. Come over and help me fuck my mother. She wants us both to dick her."

Glenn dropped the towel and came over to the bed, his cock rising and swelling with each step he took. "You know, I always wanted to screw my mom, but I never had the guts to try. She's only in her forties now, so maybe it's no too late yet."

Betty looked up at the pulsing cock, at the bronze hair between h is legs and the muscled body; she said: "Your mother will no doubt love it. There's mother better than being screwed by a son-- unless it's also by a son-in-law."

"Damn," Glenn said, "I thought I was through for the night, after blasting two loads into that pretty black pussy, but now I'm ready to go again. What do we do first, Danny?"

Danny looked at Glenn. "Did you ever eat her?"

"N-- no; I never did that to anybody, not even Linda. I mean, it doesn't seem like I'd enjoy that, and--"

"Man, it's great," Danny said. "Here, let me show you--"

Betty spread her legs and Danny crawled between them. He kissed her tits and her rib cage, and drew a hot wet trail down her belly with his tongue. When his face was poised inches from the humid mound, he said, "It's beautiful. Oh mother, your cunt is so beautiful. I'm going to kiss it now, and stick in my tongue, and then I'm going to suck your pussy until you come. I just love eating your cunt, mom."

"All right, dear," she murmured, and lifted her hips slightly as her son plunged his seeking mouth deeply into the steamy dampness of her labia. As he worked his tongue and teeth, she reached for Glenn's hand and drew him down to the bed with them.

"Oh," she said, "it's so wonderful, feeling his mouth in me, feeling his wet tongue running around inside my vagina and tickling my clitoris. Danny is such a fantastic cunt eater."

Glenn wet his lips with his tongue, staring down at the sight of Danny burrowing his face hungrily into his mother's hairy pussy. "Yeah," he said, "that looks okay. Excites me."

Betty took hold of his stubby cock and ran her thumb around the widely flaring head. "It's lovely, Glenn. It's so soft and intimate, ooohh, Danny! Oh yes, darling--mother loves you, loves your hot mouth, your teeth, loves your tongue in her cunt... Uh, uh! Oh Glenn, see how I'm fucking him, but instead of riding his beautiful prick, I'm fucking my son in his handsome face."

Glenn moved his cock in her fingers, and she could hear the harsh rasping of his breath. Then Danny lifted his face from his mother's cunt and said through dripping lips, "Come on, Glenn. You just do what comes naturally, and while you eat mom's pussy, I'll climb up and titty fuck her while she blows me. After you make her come by sucking her sweet cunt, just climb on up and lift her ass so you can shove your cock where your tongue was."

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