Mom and Me - Cover

Mom and Me


Chapter 10

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 10 - She thought it was her husband who came back for more, she was in for a surprise.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter  

Linda was dancing with her father when they came in, and Danny was nowhere in sight. The music was slow and easy, and Betty could see that Chad was so wrapped up in their daughter that he hadn't even heard them enter the house.

Both Chad and Linda wore robes, and were barefoot. The robes, Betty knew were a concession to propriety, considering that the shock of Linda's husband seeing her nude with her equally naked daddy might shake things up too much.

As it was, Glenn went along the wall to the bar and drank deeply from the mouth of a bottle, paused and drank again, only glancing at this wife and Chad as they turned slowly and tightly together, moving to the music.

Betty watched them for a while, seeing her husband's face buried in their daughter's curly brown hair, seeing them glide and snuggle, the robes falling open as their bodies touched and kissed in rhythm. Then she moved to them and tapped Chad on the shoulder.

"May I cut in?"

His face whipped around to stare at her. "Huh? Hey-- well, - now-- Betty. What--"

She slid into his arms as Linda moved back. Chad was really snockered, but he could still dance. Betty moved to him and with him as Linda walked somewhat unsteadily over to discuss things with here still shocked husband.

Lips against her husband's ear, Betty said, "Did Linda have time to talk to you, dear?"

"Yeah," he grunted, dancing more stiffly now, trying to be sober and perhaps dignified. "Betty, I don't know how -- I man, I didn't intend to-- but it happened and-- oh, hell."

"I know just how you feel," she soothed, "and isn't it wonderful?"

"maybe. You and-- and Glenn: I don't know how to take that. But I guess-- I guess I don't have any grip coming. Tit for tat, and at least you're not screwing your own kid."

"Darling" she said, and kept her belly close to his, kept moving her breasts into the opening of his robe as they danced. "Don't worry about that; honestly, don't fret. It isn't like it used to be, a long time ago. Women are much freer now, and can be happier. Look, Chad: I don't mind if you screw Linda, and now that her husband and I have had a little fun, I'm sure Glenn doesn't mind either. In fact, he's kind of excited about, all stirred up and ready to go some more."

"Dammit," he answered. "You're talking about is as if-- lie it's all some kind of game, and--"

"It is a game," she said, "a wonderful sex game we can all play. Tel the truth, Chad-- you've never been so aroused, have you? And you want to lay your daughter again, to have her do all the sensual tricks to you."

"Yeah, damn it," he said gruffly. "But-- a man's different, - and--"

"Different, hell!" Betty said sharply. "You want to screw another woman-- your daughter-- but you don't want me fucking another man. Well, I already have, and I'm going to fuck him some more. And if you want to stick that half-hard on you're- carrying-- if you want to stick that into Linda's pussy again, you'll have to face the facts."

She left him standing in the middle of the room, wearing a dazed expression on his face. At the bar, she said, "Pour one for mamma, please."

Linda said, "Did daddy--"

"He will," Betty promised. "He's wrestling with his conscience, but he's going to win out. Your father has no other choice.

Glenn blinked at her. "Hey, Mrs. Maddox-- I'm sure glad you came to pick me up. I've been telling Linda what a ball we had, and I've been feeling up my wife under her robe."

"Good," Betty said. "Don't get too drunk, though. Just hang tight and see how Chad reacts to this move."

She whipped off her blouse and unhooked the bra., dropping them to the floor; then she wiggled out of her white shorts and peeled down her lacy panties, seeing a wet spot in them. Putting one foot up on the bar rail, Betty Maddox took her time and drank a long, clod drink, keeping her naked back to her staring husband.

"Look at those tits," Glenn breathed in awe, and Linda said, "Aren't they wonderful?"

Betty poured herself another glass of liquor, and said to her daughter. "Slip out of that robe. We'll show him two naked women."

Linda stood nude beside her mother, their smooth, warm hips touching, and in the bar mirror, Betty saw her husband move, saw him come hesitantly toward them. She said, "Glenn-- might as well get undressed, too... Chad just pinned his conscience in three straight falls."

"Betty," he said at her shoulder, "Betty, you're right and-- migod, seeing the two of you bare-assed and side by side like this, it drives me crazy."

She turned to face him, her large breasts lifting, her nipples hard and pointy. "Take your choice, Chad. You and fuck you wife or your daughter-- or both of us."

"Take your pick, Chad," Glenn chortled. "I'll take the other one."

"I-- I don't know if I can do it right here, with everybody in the room," Chad muttered. "It's all so mixed up, and they're both so beautiful, so sexy--"

Betty reached down and petted her erection, then threw back the robe so that all could see his massive cock. Working his arms from the sleeves, she said, "I'll make it easy for you, darling. You're still eager for more of the new stuff, for that young cunt of your daughter's. So I'll just take Glenn over here on the couch and start the ball rolling.

You can stay and watch, or go somewhere else to fuck Linda."

Linda said quickly, "Here, daddy. Oh please, stay here with me so I can see how Glenn screws mom. She saw us do it, so it's only fair!"

"Linda, I don't know--"

She said: "I'm staying and you'd better."

Smiling at the tone of command in her daughter's voice, Betty took her son- in-law by the hand and led him to the couch. Seen in the light like this, Glenn was a well put up, heavily muscled young man; the hair on his wide chest was blonde, and around his crotch it was a deeper gold. Their pubic hair would blend well together, Betty thought, gold hairs and black hairs mixing.

She lay down upon the couch and tilted a table lamp so that there would be no shadow between her thighs, so that everyone could see in bright light as she took Glenn's prick into her vulva. She wanted her husband to see it all, and she knew that from some hidden vantage point, her son was watching every movement. Danny would have such a hard on, she thought.

"Glenn, take your time, darling. Kiss me and hold me and do anything you like--and when you're ready, fuck me"

"Yes, ma'am." Naked and trembling in eagerness, stimulated beyond himself by the presence of his wife and Betty's husband, Glenn Forester sat beside her as she lay full length upon the couch and began to caress her tits.

"My husband likes to play with my tits," Betty said. "He like to suck on them, too."

"Yes, Mrs. Maddox," Glenn said huskily, and kissed her mouth first, then her breasts. He took the right nipple into his mouth first, licking and sucking on it, while his other hand cupped her left breast.

She said, looking across the room to where her husband stood, with his daughter's fingers closed around his stiff cock, "His mouth feels good on my nipple, Chad-- and look how I'm stroking his prick. It's a nice prick, darling-- so hot and hard."

"Man, man," Glenn panted, and leaned across her to switch nipples, his hand sliding to her hips, one of them continuing to move over her taut belly and to find her hairy, pulsing mound. His finger tickled her labia, then pushed on inside her vagina where it was hot and wet.

She stroked his head and rolled her hips, her eyes fixed upon her husband, upon their daughter. Glenn paid no attention to anything but the woman he had his hand on, the lush female body he was kissing and fondling. His mouth trailed down from her tit to her belly, and he slid his tongue into her navel while Betty writhed in rapture. But he only kissed he vulva lightly, and climbed up on the couch to kneel between her legs.

His prick was in one hand, the widely flared head leaking a clear and shining drop of pre-seminal fluid: he pointed it down and moved forward, aiming for the black forest between her thighs.

"What a beautiful cunt," Glenn said. "Those lips are ripe and red, all surrounded by lovely black hair, just waiting for the head of my prick."

"Put it in, darling," Betty said. "Can you see all right, you two? Can you see Glenn's cock going into my pussy?"

"Come on," her daughter said, "come on, daddy--I want to see it all!"

Betty saw her husband tugged nearer, saw his hairy body tense as Linda made him stand close to where his wife was just about to be fucked. His own cock was straight, stiff and thick, the heavy balls swinging below. His pubic hair was lighter than their daughter's, Betty saw with interest; Linda's pussy hair was a deeper, richer brown.

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