Mom and Me - Cover

Mom and Me


Chapter 1: test

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1: test - She thought it was her husband who came back for more, she was in for a surprise.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter  

She was warm and snug in bed, and she had just been loved. It wasn't often that Chad put it to her early in the morning, not anymore. But that made it just that much better when he did wake up with his thing hard and eager.

Betty pulled a pillow over her head and listened to the vague sounds in the bathroom next door, where her husband was getting ready to go to work. She drifted back into sleep, relaxed and content, knowing that Chad still loved her and wanted her. His semen was still sticky between her inner thighs, and she rubbed them together in her half awake, half-asleep dreaming. It was nice to screw languorously, as if they were teenagers again, instead of so long married and kind of in a rut with their sex lives.

She dreamed on, safe in the dark of their bedroom, the curtains tightly drawn to keep out the light. She dreamed of Chad caressing her body, of him pushing lightly and sensuously against the cheeks of her ass. So hard, his thing was, so nice and warm when she shifted her tail and opened her thighs slightly so that he could slide it between her buttocks and let it nestle in her pubic hair. His penis lifted neatly against her vulva, the length of it along the length of her labia, and she squirmed against it, hunching her tail back against him.

Good, it was very good, and Betty was all soft and giving in her sweet dreaming, tender and limp once the distended head of the penis began to prod gently for the opening of her vulva.

"Ummmm," she murmured aloud, sighed it between her pillows, and the tender hands fondled the cheeks of her ass, cruised up to her waist, one of them slipping under and the other continuing higher until her left breast was in its palm. The fingers teased her already erect nipple, tolling it between them... Betty said, "ummmm", again.

The knob of his rod pushed at the lips of her pussy, and Betty felt the spongy thrill of it, wiggled to help it fit inside. And suddenly it was sliding on up into her vagina, very still, long and slim and lovely. One hand on her tit, one on her belly, he pulled her ass to him, and ground his penis deep, shoved it all the way home until Betty could feel his testicles all silken-haired against her thighs.

Somehow, it was different than it had ever been, when they made it together. There was a strange feel to his staff, a hunger in it that she hadn't known for some years now. It even seemed to reach farther up into her sheathing, even if it wasn't as thick as she remembered.

His cock worked into her, eased back out almost to the flanged head, thrust strongly back inside the clinging softness of her cunt. Stroke and stroke and the head of it churning, seeking, pushing; Betty moaned into the pillow, muffling the sound so she wouldn't disturb anyone in the other room.

Nicole was asleep in one bedroom, and her brother Danny in the other; it wouldn't do for their two youngest children to wake and listen to their parents screwing.

But-- it was different, different, and even in Betty's dreams, screwing Chad shouldn't be all that odd. His was the only penis she had ever known, from the time he first put it to her at sixteen until now. so she ought to recognize the thrusting of it, should know the feel and length and heft of the meaty staff. She had screwed it thousands of times.

Betty's eyes came open between her pillows, and the seesawing movements of the cock within her vagina didn't stop. Her clitoris was throbbing, stimulated again by the satiny-hard passage of the stiff organ reaching in and out of her quivering- pussy-- again!

She wasn't asleep now, she was awake, and the hard cock was doing a fine job in her fevered cunt, lunging and jamming. The breath was panting hotly against the back of her neck where her hair had fallen aside, and the hands held tightly, desperately, to her body, held tit and belly. His pelvis surged against the cheeks of her ass and he tried frantically to bury his lurching prick impossibly deeper into her steamy cleft.

"Chad?" she whispered. "Chad-- did you come back for seconds? You'll be late for work dear." Then the voluptuous rhythm of the fucking really got to her, and her clit thrummed madly as the sweet, hot feeling centered in her lower cunt. Betty rolled her ass and reached down to take the solid male balls in her hand, to caress them while the swollen rod above hammered into her.

Her fingers touched, recoiled and went stiff in shock. They weren't her husbands balls!! But the prick pounding so hungrily into her wetly responsive pussy was lifting her to an orgasm, bringing her up and up while the good felling spread from her clitoris to take in all her cunt, her cervix, her belly, and swept hotly down to make her anus draw tight in ecstasy.

"Coming!" the voice panted against her neck, but softly, softly, "Oh-- Ooohh! I'm coming!

Just as the first spurting of semen hurled itself wet and hot and thick into her spasming pussy, Betty Maddox recognized the whispering voice. She knew it as well as her own, better maybe. But she didn't want to know it now; her mind reeled even as her cunt drank thirstily of the man juice that kept flooding into it. Her mind said oh no, oh no! And her cunt said yes, yes, yes.

Betty's hand felt around, caught the wrist of the hand on her tit, caught the other one on the hand that was fondling down into her wet pussy where the length of that rigid cock was still buried. She turned her head, hissed back over he shoulder: "Danny! What are you-- oh, what have you-- how could you-- "

"Shhhh!" The murmur tickled into her ear. "Daddy's still in the bathroom; hear the shower?"

Heart racing wildly, the pulse beating in her throat, Betty heard the pelting of water in the bath, only inches away from her head through the wall-- only inches from their heads!

"Don't scream," Danny said as she clung numbly to his wrists. "If you do, Daddy will kill me."

"But--" she whispered back, "but-- but--"

Betty couldn't make the words, couldn't untrack herself. She lay there in her bed, her own bed shared so long with her husband, and she had Danny's thing up her. Her own son had just screwed her, sneaked into bed and slipped his young cock into her freshly fucked vulva while she lay in a state of semi- awareness.

And while his father took a shower only inches away!

She tried to pull his hands away, and he burrowed his still hard penis into her pussy, so that she could feel the oozing of his semen as it worked out of her inflamed slot. "Danny! I-- you--"

"Shhh," he murmured, "shhh, mother. Don't let him hear you."

Oh no, she thought dazedly; it was an impossible, unimagined thing, but the stark truth of it was not to be denied: her son had his prick in her; her son had streamed a load of come into her. He'd fucked his own mother-- and she had screwed him back, loving it!

But not when she knew it was Danny's penis. She hadn't realized it was him; she thought it was he husband. She did, she did!

"Please," Danny sighed into her ear, his staff flexing within her flesh, "oh please, mom-- don't freak out. Listen; listen to me, please, please,"

She couldn't yell. If she did, Chad would come roaring into the bedroom and find his son screwing his wife, Chad's wife! He'd crush Danny, fling him into the walls. Chad had a violent temper when he was aroused, and this-- this would make him crazy.

But she couldn't just lie there with her son's semen leaking between he taut thighs. Oh lord, she thought--it had been mixed with her husband's ejaculation. The idea made her head swim, and the drumming of the shower in the next room sounded like a thousand arrows coming down on a tin roof. He hands fell limply from Danny's wrists.

Immediately, he dipped them into her crotch, cupping and fingering her mound. "Oh, mom, mom-- you don't know how I've ached to get into you, to make love to you like this. Years and years, trying to keep from getting a hard on whenever you brushed my leg with yours, whenever I caught a peep down your robe at those beautiful tits. Oh mother-- I love you, Love you!"

"You-- you can't, ' she said low and quiet, just as the shower went off. "not love me like this-- only as-- a son should love his mother."

A grunt came through the thin wall, and Betty pictured her husband climbing out of the tub, hair tousled and body dripping. He'd shave now, humming and whistling at the mirror, If he even suspected that his wife had another penis in her body- -

His lips touching her ear, his hot breath sending involuntary ripples through her skin, Danny said: "I have loved you like this. It's wonderful, great-- crazy and wild as I dreamed it might be. Oh mom, you have the loveliest body, the greatest ass, and your big, firm tits..."

Her son began to move again, to slowly stroke again, and now his fingertips massaged her pubic mound, penetrated into her labia, touched her clitoris, and the combined sensations were maddening.

In the bathroom, her husband whistled the melody from an old song, something from their young married days, and Betty thought that she was going insane. She'd never dreamed of this, never. Danny was tall and slim, handsome and of course attractive, but for her to think of him sexually--

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