Preacher's Wife - Cover

Preacher's Wife

Copyright© 1999 by OneSickPuppy

Chapter 6: Solution

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6: Solution - Her preacher husband is not doing what he's supposed to be doing.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son  

The next day Janet called a family meeting and explained to the girls her intention that John wear rubbers when he fucked them during their fertile days. She told them that she believed that they were too young to have children of their own, and besides, it would cause talk if such young girls turned up pregnant.

The plan was not popular with the twins. May especially objected, but after June whispered in her ear for a few minutes she calmed down and accepted her mother's plan as better than the alternative (not having John fuck them at all).

John didn't particularly care for the idea of wearing a condom when he did his sisters, but he kept his doubts to himself. 'Shit' he thought, 'I've got my own little in-the-family harem. Don't rock the fuckin' boat!'

He didn't have to worry about rubbers that night anyway. Janet had advised him that the girls might be a little sore after their virgin fucks, especially May. She suggested he teach his little sisters about cocksucking that night, while he sampled the taste of hairless pussy. John thought it was a wonderful idea, and so it went.

A week after their first fuck session John took both girls' ass cherries, and Janet was there, helping. She lubed the girl's assholes and John's cock and she placed his cock at each pink rosebud in turn.

She and her girls got so turned on that they followed the ass fucking up with a daisy chain. John stared in wonder as his pregnant mother ate June's pussy, while she ate May's and May ate their mother. Then they switched so June could taste pregnant cunt while Janet compared May's pussy flavor to her twin.

When they were done John grabbed his mother and fucked her in her daughter's presence for the first time. He was almost bestial in his rutting and Janet screamed out four climaxes before her son poured his come into her cunt.

John, his mother, and his sisters were in a sexual paradise.

Bill Riordan on the other hand was in a completely different universe. He had entered a "fugue state". Not only did ignore what his wife and children were doing he was unaware of it. In his universe his wife was faithful, her unborn child was his, his son and daughters were pure and virginal, and the sun was always shining.

It got to the point where the incestuous lovers tried to get his attention, vying to see who could be the most outrageous in their behavior. John assfucked his pregnant mother in the livingroom while his father watched TV without noticing. June and May ate each other out on the kitchen table while their father drank his morning coffee. One day John took May to his father's church office and fucked her on his desk. When Bill came in he merely noted that there was an unusual odor in the room and he would have to have it aired out.

And if it hadn't been for June he might have never been forced to acknowledge the reality of his situation.

Janet was just entering her eighth month. The family was gathered at the dinner table and to anyone from the outside it would have looked like a Norman Rockwell cover. Then June threw a bombshell onto the table.

"Mom, Dad, John, I'm pregnant."

It was a calm, matter-of-fact statement delivered in a normal tone of voice. But she had said the only words that could cut through Bill's denial. He dropped his fork and stared at his family with clear eyes for the first time in months. And he could hear them as well.

"Explain yourself, young lady!" demanded Janet. "Who have you been with? Name the boy. NOW!"

"Mother," June said quietly, "you know perfectly well that I haven't been with anyone but John. I love him just as much as you do, and I would never cheat on him."

Janet turned on her son angrily. "You promised you'd use a condom when you fucked them during their fertile days!"

"I did, Mom! I swear it!" the boy protested, wondering what kind of trouble his sister had gotten him into this time.

"Mom," said May. "Johnny is telling the truth. He did wear a rubber, but we tricked him. We switched beds during June's fertile time and John fucked me with the condom thinking it was her. Then when he went to do me, it was really her and he was barebacked."

"And I suppose you pulled the same trick and we can expect you to turn up preggers any day now," Janet demanded of her other daughter.

Again the child was much calmer than the adult and her answer was delivered clearly and without anger.

"No, Mother, that is not going to happen. I don't want to trick Johnny. When we make our baby I want both of us to know we are doing it. I want to look into his eyes when he shoots the baby into my womb. I want to see his desire to knock me up when we make our children."

Janet remembered the night she and John had made the child now in her belly and smiled. "It's a lovely idea, honey."

May smiled back. "I admit that one of the reasons I went along with Junie's plan was that I figured that if she was pregnant you might drop you objections to my having a baby. I mean, it wouldn't be fair to make me wait for years if she has a kid when she's only twelve."

"You're right, May, it wouldn't be fair," replied her mother.

"In fact, Mom, I think it's the right time of the month right now."

Janet smiled, "Well, in that case I think you should take your brother back to your room and make a baby. You can keep him with you all night to make sure."

"MOM!" wailed June. "What about me?"

"Oh," said Janet, "I thought us old pregnant ladies might go to my room and have a nice night of pussy sucking."

June grinned. "DEAL! You're not mad at me for making you grandmother so young?"

"Well," said Janet, "I think you should have waited until you were a bit older, but that was for your benefit, not mine. Besides, according to one school of thought, I made myself a grandmother a good eight months before you did!"

Bill hadn't said a thing all through the conversation, but it was killing him. He had heard his dear, sweet, little May, his most beloved child declare her intention to bear an incestuous child and he had watched as she and her brother retired to her bed to conceive their hell spawned bastard.

And his other daughter and his wife were even now indulging in an abomination. Woman would lie with woman and defile his home even further.

Desperate measures were called for. Bill thought of cleansing the house by killing his wife and children, but found he couldn't bring himself to do it. And that just increased his sense of impotence and helplessness. He was useless, he would be better off dead.

That was it! He would kill himself. The cops would come and catch his lewd family and the law would stop them!

Bill decided that his death should be spectacular. Like many preachers he had a tendency to flamboyance and his suicide should be one that would attract attention. He decided to drive his car over a cliff. A nice explosion that nobody could miss, just like in the movies.

But some plans just don't ever come to fruition. As Bill crossed Main Street he was so engrossed in his impending death that he didn't notice the fire engine roaring up the avenue. Indeed he passed from one plane of existence to the next so quickly that he never even knew it was there.

Detective Juan Ramirez approached the Riordan home wearily. He had been sent to inform the family of the accident because he was member of the reverend's congregation and the chief thought it would be better coming from him.

He thought it strange that he had to knock hard three times before there as any response. They couldn't be in bed, it was only nine o'clock. Finally the door opened and Janet, holding a dressing gown over her swollen stomach let him in.

"If you're looking for Bill, I'm afraid he's not here. He left about an hour ago."

"No, Janet, I have some bad news. There was an accident, and well, Bill is dead. It was quick though, he didn't suffer," said the detective.

Juan had been prepared for a number of reactions, tears, fainting, hysterics, maybe even premature labor. He didn't expect Janet to sit down calmly and nod her head. He didn't expect to see the late preacher's daughters moving close to their brother.

Juan looked around the room and took in several things at once. First was the fact that despite the fact it was early all the Riordan's were in some sort of bed clothes, all of it obviously hastily thrown on. And he saw a look that passed between Janet and her son. A look that a woman gave her husband in moments in stress. And the way John held his sisters was less protective than possessive. And he saw June put her hand to her abdomen, just as her mother had when he broke the news, as if she was checking to make sure that an unborn child was okay.

When May settled onto the couch the policeman moved over to her in apparent concern. "Are you okay, May?" he asked.

"Uh, yes, just startled."

Juan knew she was fine, he just wanted to get close to her. 'Yeah, ' he thought, 'she reeks of sex!' Some things began to add up. Juan would have to think carefully before he made any decisions, however. He had to be sure.

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