Twins Brad and Barry - Cover

Twins Brad and Barry


Chapter 4: Version 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 4: Version 2 - Brad and Mary find a porn magazine that starts them exploring sexually with each other. Their mother finds out and decides to help them back to the correct path.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   mt/mt   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister  

When Bonnie and the twins saw that bid grey bus roll to a stop they could hardly contain themselves long enough to let Amy get off the bus. They seen each other for six long months and each was dying to see how the other had been and to let them know how much they had been missed.

When Amy stepped off the bus Barry was the first to sweep her up and he gave her a squeeze that nearly crushed her ribs. She immediately noticed how he had grown. She couldn't beleive that this was her baby brother who not long ago was barely as tall as her shoulders. Now he was nearly at eye level with her and she could the beginnings of a hard young body that had sprouted while she was gone. "Take it easy brother. I've missed you to". She gave him a light kiss on the cheek as he set her down and then turned to face her mom and Brad. "Hi, mom. Is it ever good to see you. You can't beleive how much I've been missing you all". She gave her mother a hug and a kiss and then waited to see if Brad would give her the same tight squeeze as Barry. "Well, haven't you got a hug for your big sister too"?

When Brad had first seen her step off the bus he couldn't beleive his eyes. When she left he had only thought of her as his older sister. The girl who always teased him and Barry about being the bobbsie twins and never really spent alot of time with them. But now, after the things he had learned in the past few months, it was as if he saw somebody totally different. Now he noticed how nice her butt looked in her tight jeans. How her breast pushed against the material of her tank top, just begging to be released. And those legs now came together and formed what could be a promise of sheer delight.

"Oh yea, Hi Amy. It sure will be nice to have you home for the sumer. You are staying home all summer aren't you"?

"Of course I am you silly boy. I never thought I'd be saying this, but I actually missed you guys while I was away. I wouldn't go back early for anything". She quickly hugged him and started to walk over to the luggage that was now sitting next to the bus.

"I'll get that sis, you got to be tired after riding that thing all night", and Brad and Barry quickly grabbed up her bags.

During the ride home the two women made small talk in the front seat and the boys were kind of left to themselves. Brad was day-dreaming about what she must look like under those tight clothes and it was causing him feel a little warm and it was also giving him the early stages of a stiff prick.

They soon arrived home and they all helped Amy get settled back into her room. After the twins and her mom left her alone to freshen up, Amy started thinking about the way Brad had been looking her over. "I wonder if that little rascal has started fooling around the neighborhood girls"? She thought to herself. "Well he is sixteen and I guess thats about when I first started to wonder about boys. Well let him imagine about this girls body". She giggled to herself then decided to take a quick shower before going downstairs for lunch. "Man, did you see how sweet she looked in those jeans". Brad now had a full fledged hard-on and it was threatening to burst through his zipper.

"What are you talking about? We haven't seen Amy in six months and thats all you can think about is how nice an ass she's got"?

"Come on Barry. You can't tell me you didn't noticed what nice tits she's got. You sure did squeeze her awful hard back there at the bus stop". Brad had started to rub his cock through his pants, but he knew that that would never do.

"I didn't even give it a thought. We haven't seen her

for so long. I really missed her. Didn't you"? Barry was starting to get a little ticked-off at his insensitive brother.

"Of course I missed her stupid. But I couldn't help but notice how good she looks. Do you think she fools around while she's away at college"? Brad now had his cock out and was starting to stroke it as he thought about those lucious tits.

"Maybe she does screw around. I know I would if I were in college. In fact we screw around enough right now, and we're still in high school". When Barry noticed his brother stroking his erect member he decided that two could play that game and he dropped to his knees and quickly removed Brad's hand from his now throbbing rod. "I'll fix this for you" he said as he slowly slid his wet lips over that hot pillar of flesh.

As soon as his dick made contact with Barry's mouth, Brad imagined it was Amy's tight pussy that was massaging his prick and that she was fucking him doggy style. He immediately started to move his hips back and forth in rythm to Barry's sucking.

Barry liked this. He didn't mind sticking his dick into a nice hot pussy, but he really liked the feel of a throbbing hunk of meat shooting big globs of cream down his throat. He speeded up his sucking and was rewarded with that first taste of pre-cum that leaked from the head of the now expanding cock between his lips. He knew that Brad would be shooting real soon and he wanted to savor every drop, so he slowed down a bit and reached up and rolled Brad's ball between his fingers. This caused Brad to make a little gasping sound and his balls to tighten.

When Barry pushed his head down for one more stroke the cock erupted full force. It filled up his cheeks with enough goo that it started to almost leak out past his lips. He quickly swallowed and steaded himself for the next blast. That soon followed, although it wasn't quite as much, it was coming out so fast that most of it ran down his throat before he could catch the last few drops on his tongue. This he let roll over his gums, while he eased back up the burning rod. When he had just the head left in his mouth, he gave the balls a final squeeze, which caused that last drop to trickle onto his tongue and then he gave it one last hard suck before pulling it out and tucking it neatly back in Brad's pants.

"Wow, that felt almost as good as when we first tried it. Brad's face was returning to normal, but still showing a slightly red glow from his now eased passions.

Barry ran his tongue over his lips to check for any stray moisture that might have escaped his hungry mouth. When he knew that his experienced lips had not failed him he said, "Well now that that little problem is taken care of, maybe we should go dowm stairs and see what mom ahs fixed special for lunch. That appetizer has made me hungry".

Both boys were smiling and giggling as they headed down the stairs to the kitchen.

Downstairs Amy and Bonnie were just finishing setting the table. "Hey guys, what you been up to? You used to run downstairs so fast to eat we thought an army was coming". Both boys knew she was just kidding around.

"Oh, we were just talking about what we might do tonight. Maybe we'll just stay around here with you Amy. I think mom has to work again tonight, so we should stay around and spend some time with you".

"I'm surprised you remembered about my extra shift tonight. That's right Amy, I do ahve to go in tonight. I tried to trade off with Mrs. Phelps, but she had already made plans, so it couldn't be helped. Besides, I know you three

have probably got alot to talk about anyway". Bonnie was a little upset about having to go to work on herr daughter's first day home, but she had arranged to have off the day after so she knew that the kids could get along one night without her.

Dinner went along uneventfully. They had Amy's favorite, meatloaf, augratin potatoes, brocoli and garden salad. "So what are you three going to do tonight"? Bonnie was almost finished with her meatloaf and was feeling full.

"I thought I would stay home tonight mom. I'm kind of beat from the trip, and besides I want to call some of my friends and let them know I'm home". Amy wasn't all that hungry and she was just kind of pushing her food around on her plate.

"Me and Brad are going to watch this new T.V. show that comes on at eight. It supposed to a new science fiction show that might come on every week later. It sounds really good". Barry really liked the brocoli and he was going back for thirds.

"Yea mom, then after that we'll probably play a little video games and go to bed". Brad sitting there kind of day- dreaming and Barry knew that he was probably fantasising about how Amy would look nude again.

"Well it sounds like you kids can get along alright tonight. We'll try amd plan something together later in the week. I'll make sure I can get off a little more so we can go to the movies or something". Then she picked up her plate and set it in the sink. "Barry, I want you boys to clean up the kitchen and let your sister rest. OK. We don't want her coming home and have to start doing household chores right away".

Buy the time she was walking up the stairs Brad and Barry were done eating and they wanted to get done with the dishes quickly so Brad said, "Come on Sis. Why aren't you eating? If you're done we'll pick up here and you can go make them phone calls".

"You two sure have grown up alot. I'm almost afraid to go back to college. Who knows what you'll be like next summer". She smiled at them both and slid back in her chair. "I guess I'm still a little too tired to eat much tonight. Thanks for helping your big sister out. I think I'll see if Cheri is home, maybe she can come over later".

The boys quickly cleaned up the dishes and put the extra food in the refrigerator and then they went outside.

"Amy". Bonnie called her daughter from her room as she was getting dressed for work.

"Yea mom. I'll come up in a second". Amy put down her phone book and walked up the stairs to her mother's room.

"Amy, I hope you don't mind spending your first night home with the twins. They're pretty good boys now adays and I know you three can get along alot better that last summer. Besides, they were so excited last night and this morning about you coming home. I don't know if I told you this on the phone, but I think Brad's got a girl friend. They're really growing so fast. I haven't noticed Barry paying any particular attention to the girls, but I think he'll come around soon enough". Bonnie was just pulling on her half slip and when she bent over to put her legs through Amy was surprised to see that her mom's tits were still pretty firm. When Bonnie put her arms through the straps of her bra Amy helped her with the snaps.

"Are you sure Brad's got a girl friend? I did notice that he's grown a few inches since last summer".

Bonnie smiled. She wanted to tell her exactly where those few inches had grown, but she didn't want to say anything to shoch her daughter. And besides, Amy wouldn't be home all that long and then Bonnie would have those two young studs all to herself again.

"Well sweetheart, how does your mom look"? She was wearing a skirt that was a little tight across the hips but it wasn't too short. But the blouse she had on was cream colored and a little see-through and she ahd left it un- buttoned to just above her bra. It showed plenty of cleavage.

"I sure hope I look that good when I'm a mom. With blouses like that you'll have patients coming back even when they're not sick". Amy Smiled at her mom and gave her a little hug. "It sure is nice to be home mom. I'm glad I didn't change my mind".

"What do you mean Amy? Were you thinking about not coming home"?

"Well there's this guy I've been seeing pretty regular this semester and he wanted me to stay there and spend the summer with him. But I told him that I really wanted to come home this summer. Besides, it's only about two months. If he still wants to see me, he'll still be there when I get back. Also I told him to call me in a few days and maybe he could come here".

"Sure Amy. Any friend of your's is welcome here. It's nice to hear that you're not spending all your time in your books while you're at school. Well look, I've got to get going or I'll be late. We'll talk about your love life later OK. I'll see you when you get up tomorrow". She gave Amy a kiss on the cheek and then started down the stairs.

"OK mom, see you in the morning. Don't work to hard".

Later after Bonnie had been gone for an awhile and Amy had about talked herself out on the phone she said good- bye to Cheri and went in the living room to look for the boys.

They were watching some weird T.V. show that Amy knew she wouldn't like she said, "I think I'll go upstairs and get a shower and get ready for bed. If you guys want a snack

later I'll help you get something when I'm done".

Both boys were wrapped up in the TV and barely heard her walk up the stairs. When the program stopped for a commercial Brad finally realized what Amy had been saying and he got an idea.

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