Twins Brad and Barry - Cover

Twins Brad and Barry


Chapter 3

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Brad and Mary find a porn magazine that starts them exploring sexually with each other. Their mother finds out and decides to help them back to the correct path.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   mt/mt   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister  

It was a warm summer afternoon. The sun was gradually making it's way to it's setting and there was a slight breeze.

There was a low moaning sound coming from a group of bushes in the woods about a mile behind Brad and Barry's house.

When Barry first heard these intimate sounds he wanted to walk right in there and see who was at the center of those seductive sounds. But he had learned that it might be better for him if he quietly snuck up and peeked on whoever it was that seemed to be enjoying themselves so much.

When he slowly parted the bushes his eyes almost came out of his head. There was his brother Brad on his knees pumping is cock into Darla Jennings. Sweet Darla. Why she must have been the fantasy girl of half the juniors at Helmstead High. The way she was rolling her head around and the noise she was making he could tell that his brother must have really been going at for some time. Brad was ramming his prick into so hard and so fast that his hips were almost a blur. Barry quietly watched them for about five minutes when suddenly Brad pulled back on her hips and shot load after load of his hot juices into waiting cavern.

When he had gained his senses he leaned back and let his limp dick slip out and he just seemed to gaze into nowhere. That was when he noticed Barry. Putting his finger to his lips Barry motioned for him to come over where he was standing, but to leave Darla there.

"I've got to go take a leak Darla, you stat put and I'll be right back. We can start back in a minute". "Don't you go off and leave me here for long Brad, you're not finished with me that fast. There's still a few more positions we haven't got yet".

"I'll be back before you can blink an eye".

When he got around the bushes he motioned for Barry to follow him out of earshot of Darla. "What are you doing sneaking up on me Barry. If Darla knew you were watching she'd have my hide and I'd never get in her pants again".

"I didn't know it was it you when I first came out here. I was walking over to Tommy's house and I heard these moans so I figured I'd check it out. You're not the only guy to bring a girl out here".

"So what are you hanging around for then. You can see I've got the hottest babe in town on her knees begging to fuck me and I'm going back there now and you're going to get lost".

"Wait a minute. I thought we were brothers".

"Yea, so what"?

"Well, I was thinking. We could kind of share her. If we did it right, by the time she realized what was happening she would be too far gone to stop and then we could both slip her a little sausage".

"What have you got in mind"?

"Well you go back in there and start working her over. You know get her real hot. Then tell her that you want her to suck your dick for a while before you play hide the sausage again. Then when she's all wrapped with your cock in her mouth I'll sneak up behind her and slip her the salami from behind. We'll have her so horny by that time that she'll be begging us to screw the pants off her".

"Well OK, I'll give it a try. But you got make sure she don't notice you sneaking up on her. If she hears you, she might scream and she could bite my peter off".Both boys laughed at that, but Brad quickly ran back to his sweet little honey, Darla.

"What took you so long? Can't you see that this sweet little pussy is just dying to be filled again. I just love the way you make me feel so full inside. Why don't you come over here and give me that big hunk again"?

"I think I'll have me a little dessert first. You lay back and I'll show you something that'll make your head spin".

When Darla laid down on her back brad looked her over real slow. He couldn't believe he was actually here with the prettiest thing in town. Not only did she have one of the sweetest looking asses he had ever seen, she had the best titties too. Even when she laid on her back they just sort of reached out to him as if to say, "come and fell me", or "suck me good". She was so beautiful.

Brad started at her lips. He gently kissed those luscious lips until she gave a little gasp. Then he move around to her neck and slowly ran his tongue along her neck to her earlobe, where he probed with his tongue. Seeing this did not have the desired affect he quickly licked his way down to those luscious orbs. He gave each one a little nip and then started a real slow hard sucking. he moved back and forth between tits like he was undecided on which one was better. Actually he loved her tits the same, but knowing that he was actually sucking and biting on Darla's made it so much more enjoyable.

When he was sure he had enough of her breast he let his tongue run a line down her stomach. He quickly stopped and ran his tongue around her navel and then slowly descended to that most treasured target.

Darla usually wore one of those new thong bikinis. She didn't want any tell tale pubes showing out the skimpy bottom so she kept her bush trimmed down to a cute little stripe that barely left any hair on her pussy at all. Brad had never seen one shaved like that, but that made it all the more pleasing. When his tongue reached the beginning of that sparse patch he ran it along it's sides and then around to her thigh. Here he licked small circles ending each one right where her legs joined her groin. He could tell by the little mewing sounds she made that it was having the desired effect. This encouraged him on farther. Next he ran his tongue back up to the top of her mound. He gently put both hands on either side of her love nest and spread her lips with his hands and did a quick inspection of the treasure that lay hidden beneath that golden fleece. Her clit wasn't as big as big as his mother's, but it looked so inviting that he trembled with the thought of capturing it with his teeth and lips. Slowly he worked his tongue down over the ridge of her mound until it found that little piece of sweet knob. When he reached it he let his tongue run circles all over it until he could feel her body tense. Then he captured it in his mouth and sucked real soft. This brought her ass off the ground. She started moaning like a bitch in heat and she was pushing his face hard against her cunt trying to force more of it in his mouth. Brad knew that she would be loosing her cookies at any moment. Quickly he moved his mouth down to her sweet hole and plunged his tongue in as far as it would go. That was all it took. She skyrocketed. She was moaning so loud and thrashing her head around so much that he thought for sure the whole world would hear. He kept it up for a little bit longer and then he moved his face back and blew little hot breaths on her pussy. She thrashed a little longer and then started to quiet down.

When he sat back up she leaned up to him and quickly gave him the biggest kiss he'd ever had and even snaked her tongue in to taste her juices.

"That was incredible. I've never had anybody do that to me before. You made me feel like my whole body was on fire. I can't believe how good it felt. Can girls make guys feel that good too"?

"I bet if you tried and I told a few things along the way, you could have me blasting off in no time".

She quickly put her hand on his chest to make lay down, but he stopped her and said, "it works much better for men if we kind of stay on our knees. Men like to be able to feel that they have a little control. Even if they really don't".So when he sat back on his haunches with his dick sticking straight out like a flag pole, Darla quickly got on her knees in front of him. He knew she like the taste of her own juices from the way she had frenched him a few minutes ago, so he knew that the scum left on his cock from their last fuck wouldn't stop her now.

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