Twins Brad and Barry - Cover

Twins Brad and Barry


Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Brad and Mary find a porn magazine that starts them exploring sexually with each other. Their mother finds out and decides to help them back to the correct path.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   mt/mt   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister  

It was the beginning of summer and all the kids were out of school for the next three months. As was usual all the kids were ecstatic about not having to go to school for three whole months and Brad and Barry were no different. They had just had their fifteenth birthday at which their mother told them that if they did as well in school the next year as they did this past, that she would be willing to talk about buying them a car. Not a separate when for each of the but one that they could share. This wasn't quite what they wanted but having one car together was better than no car at all.

They had the normal birthday like all fifteen year olds. They each were told they could invite five friends apiece and then they played some of the usual games for fifteen year olds. Of course both boys had invited at least three girls a piece and they had insisted that the party be by the pool in the back yard so that gave them plenty of opportunity to ogle the girls ripening bodies in their cute two piece bathing suits. They had even talked their mother in joining them for a swim when the part was breaking up and everyone was going home. It was this point that they really noticed how well shaped their mother was.

Comparing her to the six teenage girls at the party wasn't even possible. The girls they had invited had bodies that were just starting to get all the curves but weren't quite full. On the other hand their mother was all curves. She wore a modest two piece bikini but they could still see a lot of her charms. Those ripe round breasts that seemed to beg to be squeezed and kissed. They flat belly that lead into a pair of well rounded hips which in turn connected to that other hidden treasure that so far the boys had only seen in magazines. Then there were those slender legs that lead up to that hidden valley of treasure.

By the time everyone had left the party the boys were ready to rush off to privacy of their bedroom and relieve that growing pressure in their swim trunks. Little did they know that Bonnie their mother had been watching them as they were eyeing those sweet teenage asses as they played in the pool. She had some idea that the boys were probably interested in girls because she had seen them more than once ogling her as she doing this or that around the house in her night gown or in her more revealing halter tops and short shorts. She didn't mind that the boys were curious about the female body. As she was only 36 and still in fit shape she was even a little flattered that the boys even noticed her at all. She knew that they both needed like little talking to that most boys get from their father, but her husband had been killed five years prior in a freak accident at his job and now she was resolved to the fact that she was going to have to be the one do the talking.

With this in mind she went to the kitchen and poured herself a big glass of wine to settle her nerves and drank it down in two gulps. Then she headed for the boys room. She knew the boys were probably playing with one of there favorite models or the new game they had gotten for their birthday.

When she got to the door took a deep breath and knocked on the door. "Barry, Brad, may I come in?" She heard the boys shuffling around the room and figured they were probably straightening up a bit so she didn't just rush in. It was lucky for them that she didn't because they had just taken off their swim suits and were going to get into their favorite new past time. Mainly sucking each other's dicks. They had even started to do sixty-nine. But today they hadn't had a chance to get started when their mother had knocked at the door. They quickly put on their swim trunks and took a deep breath before letting her in the room.

"Well boys I'm glad you had a fun birthday party. It seems that your friends really had fun to. She was still wearing her two piece bathing suit and she noticed that it was having some effect on them from the looks of their tight swim trunks. Her pussy gave a little throb a the thought of those tender young cocks and sweet little balls with their soft down of hair.

I came up here to talk to you boys about a serious subject that I think that two teenage boys need to know about. Namely girls. When she mentioned girls both boys looked at each other and turned a light shade of red. But she acted as if she didn't notice so as not to add further to their embarrassment.

"I noticed that you were really ogling at least three of the young ladies at the pool today". She watched them to see if they acted innocent or indifferent. When neither one said anything she continued. "I want you to know that there is nothing wrong with two young men showing interest in members of the opposite sex. In fact it is quite normal for boys and girls to start noticing each other at about your age. But there are some things that you should know before either one of you makes a mistake that could cause big problems in the future". She looked at them both and they seemed interested but acted nonchalant and dumb so she kept going. "Do either of you know anything about what our bodies are made for?" Brad acted nervous and Barry turned his head away in embarrassment not wanting to let his mother see the guilt in his eyes. She took this for indifference and decided to take the bull by the horns.

"I want to tell and show both of you some very important things today that you both ought to know". With this she started to peel off her bikini. Both boys just sat like statues when they saw her nude figure with just her back facing them. Then she turned around and both boys couldn't help but stare. She was beautiful. Every inch a work of art. She noticed their mouths were hanging open so to kind of lighten things up she sat down between them and grabbed their hands and held them for a minute before saying more.

"I think this is probably a little bit of a shock to you but I don't know any other way to approach it. What you see next you is a typical female body. Starting with my neck, my arms, my shoulders and then there are my breasts. Now both of you are probably real interested in breast, so I'll let you each of you get a closer look. But remember, they are real sensitive so don't get too rough. OK".

With that she put each boys hands on her breast and let them do the rest. Both boys couldn't believe their eyes. Here they were with their mother and they were feeling her tits. Hesitantly Brad leaned over to make like he was getting a closer look and he gently lifted one breast up to his lips and gave it a little kiss. Bonnie was a bit surprised but not upset. She knew that they would be especially interested in her tits. They were 36 C's and very firm. They just stood straight out with no sag. So When Brad Kissed one she just smiled and ran her fingers through his hair. Then she laid back on the bed and instructed both boys to stand at the side of the bed and watch carefully. "I want both of you to watch very carefully because this will probably save some embarrassing moments later".

With that said she slowly ran her hand down over her stomach until she reached the nearly hairless junction between her legs. "This is called a vagina or as you've probably heard around the school a pussy. It has a few special features that men don't have. To show what I mean I want both of you to take off your swim trunks".

They both looked at each other and hesitated until she reached over and tugged on both of their trunks at the same time at which they pulled them down and kicked them off. "Now that we're all naked none of us has anything to be ashamed of do we"? Brad shook his head no and Barry soon did the same.

"I wanted to show you just what boys and girls do that can get them in trouble if they don't know what they're doing. First this is called a penis or dick for you school boys". At which time she reached out and softly wrapped a hand around each one of their already erect cocks. She gently rubbed them up and down until she knew they were excited past the stage of embarrassment. "These things do a lot more than just pee. They are used for giving each other pleasure. But I'll get to more of that in a moment".

Next she put her hand back on the soft patch of hair between her legs. "My vagina is also made for giving each other pleasure. Before you can learn more about the pleasure though you both need to get a closer look". She had each boy kneel between her legs while she held apart the soft moist lips. This was really starting to get to her. "These are the lips. This is the vagina and this is the clitoris", and she pointed to each one respectively. "Each part is made to give pleasure. Brad I want you to look real close and Barry you'll get to look next".

Brad stepped closer and Barry moved out of the way. "Okay Brad, put your hand right here and feel how soft and juicy I am right here". She then lead his hands to her mons. Then she let him just roam his fingers all over her pussy. It was starting to really heat up. "Now this part is the vagina or hole or love tunnel and probably a few other names that I can't think of right now. Put your finger around it first and feel how wet it's getting, then put a finger inside and feel how hot it feels, then I'll tell you what it's for".

Brad did as he was told and he rubbed around the hole and felt a gooey wetness there, but when he put his finger inside it was like a furnace and he moved it around to get a good feel. His dick was throbbing terribly right now, but Bonnie acted like there was nothing wrong. "Next if you look up a little farther you will see my clitoris. This was made for giving me pleasure. Every woman has one, its just that some clits, like some peters are bigger than others". Hers was obviously bigger because it stuck out like a small cock just begging to be sucked. Brad quickly touched it and then moved aside for so Barry could try it.

Barry was a little more eager. He had been watching everything his mother told Brad and he knew right where he wanted to start. He moved his fingers deftly over the soft fur and reached for her clit. He had seen a man with his face in a girls muff in the magazine and he was aching to get a taste. Gently he put his thumb and forefinger around her clit and started making slow stroking motions just like he had learned to do to his prick. This caught his mother totally by surprise, but it also made her pussy cry out for more so when ducked his head and gave it a little lick she almost jumped off the bed. She quickly pulled his face in close and laid her legs on his young shoulders. Barry took this as a positive sign and started to lick and kiss all over her pussy. He rather liked the taste and besides it smelled great. Before long with his timid little tongue strokes Bonnie's body was reaching a plateau that she hadn't been on for quite some time.

Brad meanwhile was stuck just standing there with a throbbing boner. But Bonnie couldn't forget him for very long. She quickly motioned for him to get up on the bed and to kneel next to her head. He quickly scrambled up by her face. She quickly reached out and pulled his throbbing cock to her now open mouth. At her first touch on his prick he almost lost his cookies. She slowly grasped his cock with her experienced lips and sucked him in up to the balls. He started bucking his hips pressing for release.

Meanwhile Barry was busily sucking her clit like it was a small dick and Bonnie was steadily gaining the orgasm that she needed.When Brad let loose with his first spasm she was ready for him. She held his hips close to her face and sucked him all the way up to his balls and then she even got his balls in too. He was beside himself with pleasure. He was shooting more cum that he ever had with Barry sucking his cock. His mom sure knew how to suck dick good. But Barry was finally bringing Bonnie over the brink. When he put his tongue in her hole that was the final straw. She blasted off. She clamped her legs around his head and rode him like a stud cock. She was bucking so hard and squeezing his head so tight that he thought he was going to suffocate. So he quickly pulled his tongue out of her hole and again started to suck her clitoris. Bringing her to a slow ebbing pace that soon brought her back to herself. Brad had since shot all his wad into her hungry mouth and was sitting on the bed watching his mother tremble with the last of her orgasm.

"Boys, you sure are fast learners. I hope I didn't move too fast and scare you". She said as she hugged each one of them to her breast. But Barry still hadn't found the relief that his rod needed and she quickly saw this as he sat on the edge of the bed licking her come from his lips. She quickly got off the bed and knelt in front of him between his strong young thighs. Barry knew from past experiences with his brother what was to follow so he spread his legs to give more access.

She reached out and slowly rubbed his shaft a few times to bring it to a hardened peak. Then she gently rubbed those soft young balls and she reached out with her tongue and gave them a gentle lick. Seeing that he liked that she sucked one then both into her mouth and rolled them around with her tongue, all the while using a suction on them which caused his cock to tremble with excitement. After a few seconds of this she let them out of her mouth and moved up to his hard young cock. This she gently stroked until he let out a little moan. Slowly she put her lips to the head and gave it a kiss and a gentle tug with her teeth.

As Brad was watching his mother give his brother an expert blow-job his cock started to slowly rise back to a powerful hard- on. He started rubbing it thinking that he could relieve himself by hand. But as his mother slowly let the cock slide between her lips into the warmth that was there he couldn't help but notice her enticing ass sticking out in the air. Suddenly he remembered the picture of the man and woman where the man was kneeling behind the girl and sticking his cock into her pussy. A second later he was off the bed and kneeling behind his mothers soft ass. He put his face in her pussy a gave it a few licks. Bonnie was at first surprised by this action from her other son, but figured that he wanted to taste her sweet pussy also. So she spread her legs a little to give his tongue more access and then continued sucking Barry's sweet cock. When Brad noticed his mom spreading her legs for him he took this as the go ahead. He darted his tongue in her hole to get a taste and then sat down under her ass and quickly clamped his lips over her entire pussy. He started a suction on it that started her clit trembling. But he knew that he wanted something else. So he turned around a pulled open the lips of her cunt quickly rubbed the head of his hard cock along that crease. Then ever so slowly he started to push his throbbing prick into her warmth. When he was half way in and she didn't resist he pushed it all in and then let out a gasp. This was like heaven he thought to himself. So he pulled out and started that slow in and out that he had done to Barry's mouth.

When Bonnie first felt the her son's hard cock rubbing around the wet lips of her pussy she wanted to stop him, but she knew that Barry was soon going to give her that sweet dessert that her taste buds craved. As she felt Brad's hot pillar of flesh start to slide into her burning tunnel she knew that she couldn't stop him. So she went back to work on Barry tasty young cock. She knew that he was really heating up now because he was squeezing his eyes shut and he was rubbing his hands over her head as if he was thinking of trying to fuck her face. When she thought of his juicy young cock pistoning into her mouth and her other son's cock ramming her hungry pussy it sent a thrill up her spine that she hadn't felt since her husband had been alive. So she reached for Barry's hands and placed them on her sensitive tits, at which he caught on and she went eagerly back to bringing that sweet throbbing hard-on to the bursting point.

Barry was doing every thing his innocent young mind could to prolong this joy. Him and his brother had been doing some pretty mean cock sucking before but nothing as good as this. He quickly opened his eyes and looked down at those lush lips as they swallowed his cock up to his balls and made a permanent picture of it his mind. He didn't think he would ever forget this day. The feel of those lips was like wet velvet on his prick. But it was also so warm that it made his toes curl. He knew he couldn't hold back much longer, so he laid down and tried pushing his hips up to meet her mouth as she slipped down on his throbbing hot rod. It was then that he felt her throat close around his cock and that was all it took to push him over the edge.

Bonnie noticed that Barry's cock was swelling even more and she knew from experience that he would be filling her hungry mouth with that much desired liquid fire. So when he started to fuck up into her mouth she made little swallowing motions in the back of her throat to urge him on. On his second thrust she felt that first signal, that one drop of pre-cum that told her that he was going to unload. So she raised her lips up to just the head and put her hand on his stomach to let him know that she was controlling things. Then she made a deep suction and lashed her tongue along the underside of his cock. She wanted to taste every drop of his load. A second later and there it was. His first full spasm completely filled her mouth and she had to puff out her cheeks so that it didn't run back out of her lips. She quickly started to gulp it down. Just when she had swallowed most of it he sent yet another full load into her moist cavern. She was really enjoying this. She hurriedly swallowed it down and then pushed her lips down to the root and even took in his balls. This sent Barry even farther into orbit and he shot another load that was almost as big as the second. But Bonnie was ready and she let this one slide right down her throat and she quivered at the thought of all that sweet young cum reaching her belly. Gently she raised her face back up the shooting hunk and caught the last little dribble on her tongue and kept it there to savor like a fine wine.

Meanwhile Brad was having the time of his life pounding his young cock into her pussy from behind. With each thrust he could feel his balls tighten up and he knew that with a few more stroke he would be sending his burning load deep inside this fiery hot love nest. His pumping was getting to Bonnie too. She wanted to cum with him so she reached down and started to rub her clit in time with his fucking. That did it. She was starting to see stars and she knew he was right with her. When he made his next stroke he seemed to go even deeper and he even nudged her cervix with that sweet cock. This pushed her over the edge. Her flood gates let loose and she was crazy with joy. She pushed back at him and reached back and cupped his balls.

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