Jordanian Connection - Cover

Jordanian Connection

Copyright© 1999 by Nightingale

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A young jordanian man's sexual adventures.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Aunt   Nephew   MaleDom   Oral Sex   Anal Sex  

The hottest experiences life can offer have been happening to me right here in Jordan. The little country located between Palestine, Syria, Iraq and Saudi Arabia, has a screwed-up social system, and other systems for that matter. There are probably in Jordan more lifestyles than there are people. Those lifestyles exist as consequences of the big bang. Nothing about them is deliberate or thought out. It's all chaos. A lifestyle of those does not and usually is not consistent in itself. Some people are very rich and act like the very poor. Others are very poor and act like the very rich, and so on and so forth. There are sorts of acceptable behavior in some areas that are considered outrageous in every other area in the world even the next block and vice versa.

On the same table you would find a heavily veiled girl sitting and talking with another girl dressed in short shorts and a tank top. Without having anything in common, they can be best friends. Some women dress like religious zealots and act like sluts. Others dress like sluts and act like religious zealots. It is so funny you have to live it to believe it or to understand how it works. Actually there is nothing understandable about it.

Living in Sweifiyeh in Western Amman, I came to witness a lot of these contradictions. Maybe this suburb is where these contradictions can be found the most. Western Amman is where most of the rich live. Sweifiyeh is where the most corrupt rich live. Men there are legalized thieves. They take bribes, steal public money, smuggle legally. They are so prestigious no one can prove anything against them, but everyone knows how they earn their money. Women are classy housewives, too classy to work or care about anything but make-up, fashions, jewelry, cars and the like. You would see there more women driving cars than men. Most of them cheat on their all-day busy husbands especially with younger men. Men bend the law to earn extra money and women bend over backwards to earn extra cock.

This story delves into this society in an otherwise heavily sexual account. It does not talk about prostitutes that fill the streets of Amman because this is a common phenomenon in other societies. Since several years, young men, and older ones, no longer have to go up to Syria for a whore or a university coed's hot piece of ass. Neither do they have to go down to Egypt where almost every woman "sews." Everything has become available right here.

Although this story is not all true, great pains have been taken to make it describe reality as accurately as possible. This account contains graphic details of illicit sexual encounters between consenting adults. Therefore it is not intended for minors or those easily offended by this kind of content. It does not contain violence, bondage, water sports, fetishes, but it contains almost everything else, including incest. People who admire the Jordanian social values are warned that this account may burst their bubble. If you know Jordan well, you know it is realistic.

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