The Invention - Cover

The Invention

Copyright© 1999 by Dark Paladin

Chapter 10

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 10 - A young man invents a machine that when women are exposed to it will turn into sex machines.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Mind Control   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   MaleDom   Oral Sex  

Sandy woke up with a start, for a moment not sure of his surroundings. He had the same dream he had been having for the same week now, the dream of walking through school, all of the girls bellies swollen with his children. At the end of the hallway stood several virgins, all naked and waiting for him. Waiting for Sandy. Waiting for him to get them pregnant.

Sandy looked around his surroundings. It had been four days since his date with the Brown sisters, having pumped them so full of his cum that there was no way that they couldn't be pregnant. Or, at least he hoped. Though if he hoped that they were pregnant or not, he wasn't sure.

He somehow knew that the Device had altered his mind- altered it in the same way that it made women want to have sex without abandon. Except where the women only seemed to be turned on for the duration of the Device's operation, Sandy seemed to be suffering more long term effects.

He rose up from his chair, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He had skipped school two days in a rose, claiming sickness. He had spent almost of the entire time in the basement, trying to figure out a way to counter the effects of the Device. So far, no luck. He wasn't sure what portion of the brain the Device was even triggering, let alone how to set it right. The Device had been set up with a basic neural network so that it could resolve itself, made to keep Sandy from having to recalibrate the settings to get a good reading. Somehow, part of its carrier wave hit the brain.

Sandy knew that he had to figure out what portion of the brain and set it right- and fast. At the rate things were going, he was almost ready to set off the Device in the middle of school and screw anything that came his way. He couldn't even look at a woman now without imagining her pregnant- even his mother was starting to look good. It was only with the greatest of restraint that he had kept from fucking his own sister again. He had feigned sleep last night to keep from having sex with her when she came to him. Her full white breasts had set his teeth at end, hardly able to hold back his need to suck on her bright pink nipples. He wanted to fuck her pregnant- though the way his luck was going, she already was.

He took a look at the rats under the Device's rays, looking at the monitor. He had started setting the Device to scan specific areas of the mind, hoping that perhaps the Device would trigger some other area of the mind. Perhaps if he could find a section that caused the females to become uninterested in sex. Miss Piggy at least was now in heat, and he should be able to see the results almost instantly.

He looked at Miss Piggy. She was still trying to find some way into the male rats cage so that she could mate. So far, nothing.

Sandy hung his head, almost ready to cry. He was doomed, he knew it. They would have to lock him up in some sort of asylum so that he wouldn't rape all the women he came across, trying to knock them up.

There was a knock on the door upstairs. Sandy turned around, seeing the door open up. "Sandy?" a voice called down. "Are you down here?"

"I'm here," Sandy said. "Who is it?"

He could hear footsteps moving down the stairs, his visitor coming into the light. It was Jennifer, a girl he went to school with and, well, ex now, girlfriend. They had dated for some time until Sandy got tired of Jennifer's prudish behavior.

Jennifer was cute, though somewhat average looking. She had red hair that fell to her shoulders, and light freckles sprinkled over her light skin. Her hazel eyes were full of intelligence, the feature that had attracted Sandy the most.

Now, with his Device altered brain, Sandy was also seeing other things. She wore a pair of jean shorts, her legs appearing from underneath the blue fabric. Her breasts weren't very large, making her appear innocent. Her belly was swollen- Sandy blinked. No, it wasn't. Her belly was flat, flat and waiting for his seed to fill her-

Sandy shook his head, trying to control himself. "Jennifer- what are you doing here?"

Jennifer stood in front of him, looking concerned. "I've been trying to see you for weeks. And now you've missed school for two days in a row, whenever I ask where you've been people tell me about how you've been asking out all of these girls in school- including Tammy Brown, who seem to have had a change of fashion-"

"What about Tammy?" Sandy asked.

Jennifer looked surprised. "I thought you saw her on Saturday. She no longer dresses like Miss Modest- she's taken to wearing shirts that show off her breasts, and short skirts. Seems that after she went out with you, she's decided to become a man magnet." Jennifer laughed lightly. "If you thought she got attention before, you should see the boys drool over her now."

"Is that why you're here- certain that I'm corrupting the girls in school?" Sandy asked, not unkindly. "After all, you seem to have been unaffected by my charms."

Jennifer stuck her tongue out at him. Sandy smiled- the first time he had smiled in days. He suddenly realized how much he had missed her. Missed talking to her, debating with her, sharing things about science with her. Screwing an assortment of girls was well and good, but it now seemed somehow- empty.

Sandy sat down, overcome with emotion. He wanted to cry, laugh, hold Jennifer, impregnate Jennifer, and protect her from him all at the same time. Jennifer looked concerned again, moving next to him. He could smell her, the soft clean sent she had always given off.

"Sandy- what's wrong? What's been going on with you."

Sandy looked at her, seeing her hazel eyes filled with so much concern. _She does care about me, _ he thought to himself. She touched his arm as he took her hand in his.

"Tell me- Sandy, I want to know." She put her forehead against his. "I know that I hurt your feelings when I called you a horny beast- but I still love you. Talk to me?"

Sandy put his hand to her chin, lifting her head. He nodded once, his eyes setting. "All right," he said. "Let's start at the beginning."

Sandy showed her the Device, and how it affected the rats- with her standing out of the way. He left out the details of the women he had been having sex with, but she was able to conclude that he had at least had sex with Tammy- or had used the Device on her. He then told her about the long term effects it was having on him, how he had the overwhelming desire to have sex with girls to get them pregnant. When he finished, she sat down in the same chair that he had sat in just a few minutes ago. She was silent for several minutes.

"If what you tell me is true," she said slowly, "then the odds are that you've been feeling the effects since the first time you turned it on. That might explain why you felt so overwhelmed to use the Device in the first place on other women." Sandy kept his mouth shut, knowing that his original intentions weren't caused by the Device. But it made him feel better that she didn't think any less of him. All during his story his eyes had swept across her body, from the v in her legs to her small breasts. By focusing on his story he had kept from turning the Device right at her full blast until she begged him to fuck her.

"So, before I get taken away to the funny farm, what can I do?" Sandy held his head in his hands.

Jennifer stood up, looking at the Device for a moment. She had already memorized the settings when Sandy showed them to her, being just as brilliant as her friend. She suddenly turned the Device towards the rats cages, turning on the power full blast. She flipped the switch as she moved away, watching carefully.

The effect was instant. All of the female mice went wild, trying to get to the mice, licking themselves to satisfy their lustful urges. The male mice tried to get to them after another few moments, the Device altering their minds with the need to impregnate the mice so close to them.

Jennifer left the Device on, her eyes suddenly growing cold. "This is going to have one of two effects," she said. "This is either going to do what I hope, or else you're going to have to buy yourself some mice."

Sandy watched in horror as his mice went into a frenzy, the female mice squealing in frustrated need, the male mice beginning to get cuts on there little paws from scratching at their cage walls. He could see that Jennifer was effected by this awful sight as she moved closer to Sandy, taking his hand. He squeezed hers in his, waiting, watching.

After almost half an hour, the male mice settled down. They stopped trying to get through their cages, going back to sniffing about and licking their sore paws. The female mice were still sexually needy, but the males showed no effect. Jennifer gave a shout of triumph, turning off the Device.

"I thought so," she said. She turned back to Sandy, grinning from ear to ear. "This thing must have fried your brain more than you thought not to figure it out. After overexposing the mice to your Device, their brains started rewiring the neural connections. Odds are that the hormone structure couldn't take the stress. The neural connections finally broke down, reconnecting in a new pattern."

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