Johnny's Closet - Cover

Johnny's Closet

Copyright© 1999 by JM

Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Johnny is a horny young teen with three women in the house. He did everything he can to see them naked. But it went beyond that.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Fa/ft   Blackmail   Consensual   Lesbian   TransGender   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Daughter   Grand Parent   Voyeurism   Water Sports  

I'm going to skip ahead a few years for part 5. We'll get back to the lingerie party in a later chapter. In this part, Marie and I are now 10 years older. She's 22 and I am 24. We've been "lovers" all that time, feeding on each other's joy of cumming and of peeking at others. We have been inseparable for a decade. I went to a local college so I could live at home, and Marie chose the same school. When I was 20 and she was 18, I moved to an apartment and she moved into a smaller unit in the same building. We still masturbate together every chance we get, and have experimented a few times with actual fucking. But we like peeking so much that we've perfected ways to watch other people, and we masturbate each other while we watch strangers and friends. We also videotape a lot, and masturbate while we watch the tapes. I've reserved Part V to explain some of our techniques:

The more I think about the past 10 years, the more I believe that I have lead a charmed life. It's every kid's fantasy to catch a brief glimpse of some beautiful girl undressing. But since age 14 I have been able to peek at almost anyone I wanted to. I've done it by employing intelligent plans and also with the help of my wonderful sister and lover, Marie.

Let me give you just one example.

As you know if you've been following my story, Marie and I started masturbating together when I was 14 ands she was 12. Over the years we've continued. I don't think a day has gone by when we haven't each helped each other have at least two orgasms. Even when Marie has her period, she likes to cum at least twice a day, and I don't mind helping her. I see her blood not as anything gross but rather as a love liquid, warm and sweet.

We live in the same apartment building in a New Jersey suburb, and we do everything together. We're both out of college now. I work in an electronics supply store selling top-of-the-line stereos, TV sets and the like, and Marie is an assistant managers at a suburban mall national brand lingerie store. I won't tell you the name; it's a, um, Secret (ha ha).

I'm going to tell you about one of the capers we've performed over the past year, so you can get an idea of what our lives have been like.

As I said, we've figured out ways to see anything we want, to watch anyone we want to, secretly. And while we watch we masturbate together, unless it's in a place where we'd be caught. In those cases we make tape recordings and watch them in my apartment, masturbating each other while the tape runs.

Neither of us has had a steady boyfriend or girlfriend since we started being lovers. We didn't need to. Oh, sure, I dated, and so did Marie, but only so that we could secretly tape our temporary beaus. Once we got what we wanted on tape, we moved on to another "friend." Our tape library consists of hundreds of secretly made fuck and suck sessions, and we even have our boy and girlfriends alone, masturbating when they thought no one was around.

Let me tell you about what we do on vacations.

Vacations are wonderful for peeking, and, with some planning, for videotaping, too. We've really got it down to a science. I don't want you to think I'm suggesting that YOU do what we have done. Understand that if you try this and get caught, it's on YOU. I'm just telling you about our experiences.

Last fall, Marie and I want to New Hampshire for a week, during the beautiful fall foliage season. It's a time when a lot of couples vacation there, some with kids, some just with each other. We are equal-opportunity peekers: We don't care if we're looking in on a single guy or gal or a couple or a family with kids. We do stay away from people with dogs, though, because those animals have a sixth sense that makes them bark when we're looking in.

Here's a technique we perfected last fall. Marie and I checked out a series of motels. The one we choose have to have certain qualities. What we looked for are motels that had a long row of windows in the back. We make sure that this back area is unlit and easy to walk through undetected.

But that's not all. We also make sure that they have at least one of two other things: Either venetian blinds or in-window air conditioners.

When we find a motel that meets those requirements, we drive up to the office and register as husband and wife. But we ask for a specific kind of room. We ask for adjoining rooms on the first floor. We tell the clerk that we're going to be in one of the rooms, and that some friends _ who should be arriving soon _ will be in the other. And need it on the first floor, we say, because the wife in the other couple is handicapped and can't climb stairs.

We pay for both rooms and then go to them. Once we get inside, we start looking around. If the two rooms have venetian blinds, we go to each blind and put a small rip in the cotton strap that supports the bottom slat of the blind. That causes that slat to lie about a half-inch too low, so that when the blind is closed, there's enough of a gap to see into the room from the outside _ but not enough of a gap for anyone inside the room to notice.

Then we look for an in-window air conditioner. You know, the kind that has accordion-fold flaps on the side that expand to make the unit fit snugly. If there is one of those in the room, we take a sharp pen-knife and cut a small slit in one of the folds. Again, we make a hole large enough to see into the room, but not so large that it would be noticed by anyone inside the room.

After about an hour, we go back to the office and act very apologetic. We explain that we called our friends and found out that they had to cancel. The wife had fallen, we say, and broken her ankle, ruining their whole vacation.

We explain to the clerk that not only don't we need the second room... we also would actually prefer to be on the second floor, where it's quieter. Would it be too terrible to change room, we ask. And since we've already taken our luggage out of the car, would it be OK if the room was near the original two, like maybe above one of them?

Most times, this is no problem. We get keys to the new room, move our stuff and turn in the original keys.

And then we wait, hoping that someone interesting will be assigned to those two first-floor rooms.

If we're also lucky enough to have a room on the second floor that adjoins to another room, and if there's no one in it yet, we see if the doors separating the rooms can somehow be adapted to peeping. Sometimes we luck out, sometimes we don't. When we do, it's a bonus. We get to look through a keyhole or tiny self-made hole in that door, or we spread the molding a little to make it possible to see through a crack.

All of this works, of course, only in older places. The new motels are all concrete block and heavy fiberboard doors. But the older ones are perfect, with old wooden-paneled doors that can easily be compromised.

This particular night we were incredibly lucky. Going into the corner room downstairs we saw was a man and woman in their 30s. He was really fat _ looked like more than 300 pounds! She was the opposite: tall and skinny but with decent boobs, about 36C, I guessed. They were an odd couple, but we couldn't wait to see what they'd do after dark.

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