Friday Afternoon - Cover

Friday Afternoon


Chapter 8

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 8 - While masturbating one friday afternoon, he is discovered by his mother who takes his sex education in hand

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son   FemaleDom   Masturbation   Petting  

After having gotten spiffed up for the evening's events, Norma waited quietly for Caroline, going over in her mind exactly what she wanted to happen and how to effect it.

Caroline was nothing if not punctual and sure enough, right at the crack of eight, Norma heard her at the back door. Upon entering, Caroline noticed that there weren't very many lights on so she called softly, "Norma, you here?"

"In here," Norma called back from the living room. Leaving the kitchen Caroline turned that light off as well. When she first saw Norma sitting in an easy chair with her legs crossed and smiling up at her she was so astounded by the pure sexuality emanating from her friend that she was speechless; she just stood there for more than a minute and gawked without saying a word. Then she thought she felt a cold draft, but wasn't sure that it wasn't just her body getting used to the heat radiating from Norma. Not knowing what to say she finally came up with, "I'm sorry. I meant to bring some wine. Shall I go back and get it?"

Norma continued smiling at her in that funny sexy way and said, "No, I've already got some. Why don't we go downstairs to the den, it'll be more cozy down there?"

"Sure - fine - lead the way."

Both women got up and Caroline led them downstairs where the room was illuminated by a few strategically lighted candles.

"Have a seat and get comfortable, why don't you. I've even got some champagne here. It's a special night, huh," Norma said.

Caroline was so entranced that she didn't respond, being satisfied to watch Caroline's every move and admire how absolutely arousing she looked. Finally she said, "God, Caroline, you're absolutely gorgeous tonight. Did you get all dressed up for little ole me?"

"Of course, dear. Who else would I go to this trouble for?" Caroline went over to the wet bar and got the champagne from the cooler and brought it back over setting the bottle on the table and sitting down beside Caroline in such a way that it was obvious she was expecting a kiss. Caroline didn't miss the cue and leaned forward, putting her arm around Norma and started to pull her toward her when Norma resisted and said, "Be careful, darling. I don't want to muss my lipstick just yet. " She then moved away from Caroline and reached for the bottle, picked up the glasses already laid out on the table and poured for both of them.

"Here's to us, Caroline," Norma said.

"And here's to tonight," Caroline answered back. They clinked the glasses together and each took a healthy sip, Caroline to steady her aroused nerves and Norma to give her the courage to go through with her plan. Then Norma looked over at Caroline with all the lust she could bring forth and asked, "Were you really serious about being my love slave tonight, dear?"

"I couldn't have been more serious," Caroline returned, her voice almost a croak as she gazed into Norma's eyes. "I'll do anything you want. I owe it to you for the dirty trick I played on you last week."

"I know, but I don't want you to do it for that reason. I want you to do it just because you want to. Understand?"

"Yes. Completely. And I want to do this. I want you to tell me what you want me to do. I'll do anything."

"Good. I was hoping you'd say that. Well, slave," Norma continued in what sounded like a mock commanding voice, "here's what I want you to do. I want you to finish that glass of champagne and then I want you to stand up, right in front of me, and slowly take your clothes off until you're just in your undies."

"Yes, master - I mean mistress. Whatever you desire," Caroline responded playfully. Eager, she downed the rest of her wine in one gulp and slowly rose and stood right in front of Norma. Reaching one hand up she proceeded to unbutton her blouse at a snail's pace while staring at Norma's face. She took off the blouse and let it drop to the floor. Then she unzipped her slacks and let them drop to her ankles and stepped out of them. Next she bent over and removed her loafers and socks and tossed them aside with a flip and stood up again saying, "Is this what you desire, mistress?"

This might work out better than I imagined, Norma thought, she's really getting into this slave shit. But just wait!

"Very nice slave. Now - I want you to kneel before me and spread your legs real wide. That's it. No, don't touch me - you're not allowed to touch me unless I say so. Understand?"

"Sorry, mistress. Yes, mistress, I understand. And I know I'll be punished if I disobey," Caroline responded once more in a kind of pretend servitude tone of voice. Ha! You have no idea, Norma mused at this.

"Good. Now do just as I say and there might not need to be any punishment."

"Yes, mistress."

Settling back, Norma now took on the air of a regal ruler addressing a serf as she said, "Well. You know, Caroline my slave, I don't think I've ever just sat and watched you masturbate yourself without being involved and that's what I want you to do. Right now. I want you to start playing with that hot, wet cunt of yours. And don't stop until I tell you to. Just use one hand. And with your other hand I want you to start squeezing your breasts and rubbing your nipples. I want to see them real hard. No go on and do it. Satisfy my voyeuristic lust."

Caroline didn't even hesitate as she simultaneously lowered one hand to her crotch and dug into her fuckhole for the copious moisture there and spread it forward, while with her other hand she reached into her frilly white bra and pulled her breast out and began squeezing it and twisting the nipple with finger and thumb.

After a moment or so Norma said, "Very seductive, my little chattel, very seductive indeed. Are you getting warm, dear."

"Oh, yessss, mistress, I'm getting HOT."

Norma let her continue until she could see from the flush of Caroline's face and upper chest and her ragged breathing that she must be nearing the plateau. Suddenly Norma commanded in a loud voice, "Stop! Right now, stop!"

Caroline froze in an instant and let out a soft mewl of frustration.

"Good. That's enough of that for the time being," Norma said, having a hard time controlling the pace she wanted to keep. "Now I want you to stand up again - yes, now, do it. And go over the bar and get the ties that are lying there."

"Ties?" Caroline said, looking puzzled, but turned and noticed what Norma had referred to. She then swayed over to the bar and picked up the ties and brought them back. Standing once more directly in front of Norma and assuming a subservient stance she held out her hand with the ties and Norma took them.

"Now since you're my slave and I can see clearly that you're on the brink of misbehavior I think I'll head that off before it starts. Hold out your hands together in front of you."

"Yes, mistress," Caroline replied meekly as she fulfilled Norma's order.

Norma shook one of the ties loose and proceeded to bind Caroline's two wrists together tightly and firmly as she had done that night with Bobby.

"Why do you feel you need to tie me up, Norma," Caroline inquired with just a hint of trepidation. Suddenly Norma lashed out with her open right hand and cracked Caroline hard across the face.

"Shut up you bitch. No talking unless spoken to. Do you understand?" Norma barked in a low voice. This wasn't the same Norma of a couple of moments ago and Caroline was startled by the sudden change. But all of a sudden Norma softened and leaned forward and kissed Caroline on the cheek and said, "You just have to learn to obey, OK?" very gently.

"Sure - OK. " Caroline answered hesitantly, not sure what was going on.

"Now," Norma continued in a more business like fashion. "Let's see. For my next request I think I'd like you blindfolded. But don't worry this won't last very long. " She picked up another tie from the couch and wound it around the other woman's head, fitting it snuggly over her eyes and tying it at the back. Sure that Caroline couldn't see, Norma then went to the wall behind the couch and loosened the nylon cord tied off there and let it fall through the eye hook she had just recently installed in the ceiling rafter. The other end of the cord slowly descended until it was right in front of Caroline. Then Norma went over and tied the end of the cord around the ties binding Caroline's wrists and returned to the tie off point at the wall and said, "I want you to raise your hands above your head, darling."

Without a word, Caroline complied. When her bound hands were stretched above her head Norma took up the slack in the cord and tied it off once more to the cleat she had installed there leaving the poor woman hanging from the ceiling and virtually helpless.

When she once more stood next to Caroline she viewed her handiwork and stated, "Very sexy. Yes, very sexy," as she reached up and slipped the blindfold from her eyes.

Showing open concern now Caroline said, "Don't you think this is going a little bit too far, Norma?" and once again Norma lashed out with the palm of her hand, this time catching Caroline's big breast from the side with a resounding crack.

As the woman let out a shriek Norma just said in an icy voice, "I Said, 'No talking unless given permission first. ' I thought you understood that. Do you understand now?"

"Yes," was the only response she got from what was now a very frightened woman.

"You're going to like this next part a whole lot, I just know you will, dear," Norma said as she walked over and switched on the television and VCR. "I want you to watch very carefully. I think you'll enjoy this. " She then picked up the remote and switched on the tape machine as she came back to Caroline's side. Then they both looked at the screen as the set warmed up and a picture came on. They both watched fascinated as the tape began to play.

During all of this, Bobby remained stuck on the stairs, hidden behind the partition. He could hear well, but he couldn't see anything and he was dying to get a view of the action, but there was no way he could do so without revealing himself. Without being able to watch, what he heard sounded really weird to him, but it had him totally absorbed. The whole situation was really strange, but highly charged and his cock was swollen with excitement.

"Ah, here we go," Norma said as the video picture came up, "pay attention now my little slave. " As they both looked on, the scene before their eyes was very similar to their own situation. It showed a nondescript, well lit room in the center of which was a young, good looking brown-haired woman suspended from the ceiling the same as Caroline was except her hands were held together with handcuffs. And standing facing her was obviously her mistress. Only this mistress was dressed in a totally black leather outfit including a thin leather mask. There wasn't any audio, but it was obvious that the leather clad woman was lecturing the bound woman and as she did so she would casually fondle and toy with various parts of her body.

Pausing the video with the remote control, Norma then said, "Caroline, dear, I really want you to watch this very closely, because this poor girl's story is you own fate for this evening. I want you to know, also, that I really love you, but you're now going to have to pay for having seduced my son."

Before Caroline could utter a response, Norma simultaneously reached a hand up and cupped Caroline's bare breast while she leaned forward and began licking all over her entire face with her wet tongue, even sticking her tongue in the other woman's nostrils, before shoving it deep into her mouth. She remained there, kissing Caroline and feeling up her tit for the better part of a minute before she finally pulled her head back. Keeping her hand on the bound woman's breast, Norma took one step back and then grasped Caroline's stubby nipple between thumb and fingers and pulled out hard while twisting it viciously at the same time. Caroline let out a howl as the pain shot through her tit, but Norma seemed not in the slightest concerned. Instead she used the remote and once again started the video.

Within seconds, the tall, leather-clothed mistress in the video did the same thing to her victim and it had the same result. Then she stepped forward and roughly inserted one of her hands between the suspended woman's thighs and began to masturbate her. Norma followed suit and did the same with Caroline, only exclaiming, "My, my, aren't we wet, though. This must be really turning you on. " But there was no response from Caroline although her face was now contorted with the combined effects of the pain in her breast and the hand diddling her cunt. Responding to the feel of Norma's hand fondling her pussy, her suspended body began to writhe.

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