Cousin's Delight - Cover

Cousin's Delight

Copyright© 1999 by Eric Shon

Chapter 3

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3 -

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Incest   Cousins   First  

The following morning I was woken up by Aunt Linda's voice: "Hey, you sleepy-heads! Time for breakfast!" By the time Bethy, Tyler and I got to the table it was already after 11:00, and by the tousled look of everyone there, no one had gone to church this morning, having preferred to sleep in. The spirited activity of the previous day at Lake Wetauga had taken its toll on everyone... lopsided hair, little crusties in everyone's eyes, and in everyone's face a general look of relaxation from a good night's sleep.

During breakfast, and throughout the day, I kept stealing glances at Carol to see if she would acknowledge our own little activity in the back of Uncle Don's van the night before, but I never managed to make significant eye contact with her. However, after a few minutes at the table I found something to distract me from Carol's eyes.

Uncle Don and Aunt Linda, like my parents, kept a pretty informal family atmosphere. I had been to friends' homes where it seemed like their parents never had any fun, nor did they allow their kids to have any. Meal times were somber occasions and, for me, very uncomfortable whenever I was at their homes. But not here. Aunt Linda was an excellent cook (and so was Uncle Don, for that matter, as I later learned), and she didn't seem as concerned with manners as she did her family enjoying themselves as they ate. So breakfast was an informal affair, what with everybody still in their pajamas or their sleepwear. Bethy and Tyler were in the clothes they arrived in last night, I was still in my cum-stained trunks (I was hoping no one would notice... ), and Tina and Carol were in knee-length night shirts. Uncle Don wore a t-shirt and a pair of jogging shorts, and Aunt Linda wore silk pajama tops with cut-off sweat pants.

It was here that I discovered a little secret. I stood to reach for a couple of pancakes when Aunt Linda, who had just dropped a couple onto Tyler's plate, said, "I'll get it, John."

"Thanks," I said, and stood there holding my plate out. Aunt Linda leaned over, reaching for the pancakes when I noticed how loosely her pajama top fit her. And when she speared the cakes, I could see the swell of her breast, and how it sort of jiggled whenever she moved.

She plopped a stack of three cakes onto my plate and said, "That OK?"

I hesitated for a moment, darting my eyes away from her chest, and said, "Um... no."

"More? OK." And she leaned back over. I leaned in a little, and a little toward her, a pretense to helping make her work a little less difficult, but actually to afford myself a better view down her top. I got as far as her tan-line, but she stood back up before I got any further. "How's that?" she asked as she plopped two more cakes on top of the others on my plate.

"More," I said. I could feel my heart in my throat. I was keenly aware that anybody might figure out what I was trying to do. And I toyed with the thought of quitting because I could feel the surge of blood through my cock, and then everybody would notice!

"Jeez, you're hungry!" She leaned again, I leaned more. I felt myself raise up on my toes, hoping to get a further downward angle down her jammies. It was the right idea. I leaned in far enough to where I saw the upward tilt of the bottom of her breast, and the downward slope of the top of her breast as they approached each other, but her top wasn't loose enough to allow me a view of her nipple. My mind played connect the dots, and I could imagine what it looked like, exactly right where it was, but she stood up again and dropped two more cakes onto my plate. "I think that's enough, young man," she said sternly. My heart caught in my throat. I was caught! I was certain of it! "You'd better see if you can eat those before I put any more on your plate. I've got to feed everyone else, you know!" I looked down to the stack of 7 pancakes on my plate.

"OK," I said. "Pass the syrup?" I watched her pajama top as she served the rest of the family, and I tried to come up with a good reason for standing up again, but every reason sounded stupid. But then, when she sat down she tugged at the tails of her pajama top, which flattened it against her breasts, the silk material highlighting and outlining her nipples pressing against it from the other side. They were erect! Did she know what I was doing? Do girls' nipples get hard like a boy's penis when aroused? Because I wanted it to be, I decided the answer was yes, and under the table there sprouted a handsome woodie. I just ate and ate til that thing died, which didn't happen until I had polished off a second helping of four pancakes and everyone except Uncle Don (was he hiding a boner, too?) had finished, and Aunt Linda cleared the dishes and went to the kitchen.

It was a lazy Sunday, and we all just lay around the house watching TV, and trading stories about my mom and dad. Aunt Linda was a great source of information about my father and some of the stupid things he did as a kid. During one of these stories I discovered that Carol's nightshirt was just as loose her Mom's pajama top. We were all sitting on the floor. Aunt Linda was hugging a pillow, so there was no chance to see anything. And then Carol spun around from sitting Indian style to lying on he r belly, propped up on her elbows. I got a great view of her ample 14-year-old cleavage, and nature took over... or at least the darker side of my nature!

I grabbed Tyler and began to wrestle with him in one of the rare moments of sibling comaraderie I showed him during my teen years. I rolled him over on top of me and let him straddle my chest for a few minutes, tickling him, and then I let him go, pretending that something Aunt Linda said caught my attention. I rolled over onto my belly in the same position as Carol, and right next to her. She still hadn't shown me any acknowledgement of the fact that she had quite thoroughly sucked me off the nigh t before, a mere 10 feet behind her parents' backs, in the rear seat of Uncle Don's van, a first for me, and, I assumed, for her as well!

Propped on her elbows, Carol's tits were pressed against her arms, so I didn't have a view of them, either. Attention was wavering from Aunt Linda's stories, and the pow-wow began to break up. Aunt Carol stood up and tossed the pillow to the sofa, and went to the kitchen. I got up and squatted on my knees. I was getting frustrated, now. But then my baby brother did something for which I'll love him forever. He started wrestling with Carol! Just like he had with me, only he climbed on her back ( oh, if ONLY!) and wrapped his arms under her chin. She dropped her chest to the floor and rolled over, pinning him beneath her. Then she got up on all fours and proceeded to tickle him mercilessly, which is what he wanted in the first place. And there it was! As she knelt over him, both breasts came into unobstructed view as her nightshirt fell away! Tyler's laughter was drowned out by the rush of blood past my ears on its way to my rapidly swelling cock! My vision seemed to become dynamic, like I ha d a zoom lens on each eyeball. Each breast was a pleasant round shape that came to a perfect pink point, like the back end of a balloon. They jiggled and shuddered with each murderous tickle she applied to my baby brother. He cried, "Stop! Stop!" and her instincts told her, correctly, that he was about to wet his pants if she didn't stop. As he lay there, gleefully whimpering in recovery from Carol's tortuous tickling, she looked up at me, her breasts still on display. Her eyes briefly met mine, but shifted to the stretched fabric of my trunks as my cock made itself into an imaginary tentpole. Her eyes sparkled as a naughty smile broke across her lips.

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