Cousin's Delight - Cover

Cousin's Delight

Copyright© 1999 by Eric Shon

Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 -

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Incest   Cousins   First  

I spent the rest of the day up at Lake Wetauga sort of following around my suddenly sexy cousin. We played volleyball with my parents and her parents, and my Dad's other sister and her husband. She was the youngest in his family, and had only recently had a baby, which was in a baby seat in the pavilion, sleeping. The smaller kids, as always, wanted to play, but only messed up the game whenever the ball came to them. Of course, whenever the ball came to me, I messed up the game because I was too busy staring at Carol's ass bouncing around in her bikini. Fortunately for me I had grown somewhat accustomed to the sight, so I could derive pleasure from it without sporting wood. When Aunt Kathy's baby woke up, the game totally fell apart as everyone went to hover around her. Carol and I just sort of volleyed the ball back and forth over the net for a while until she decided she wanted to go back in the water.

Naturally I followed her. We waded into the water, talking small talk, and I was both afraid and hopeful that she would ask me more questions about blowjobs.

She jumped track as soon as she felt safely out of earshot of anybody up the beach. "So, does your... penis... really get long and stiff and hard?" Forget the small talk, get right to the point!!

I tried to hide my shock at the question, and simply said, "Yes it does." I felt strangely like I was teaching a physiology class.

"I think I felt yours when we were playing in the water."

I nearly fell into the water as my heart slipped out of my chest and bounced around a couple of times. She HAD noticed! I stammered, "Nah, um, no."

"Did I make it do that?" she asked, without even hesitating for an instant, a slight smile playing across her lips.

I was still struggling with her first question when this one hit me square in the chest. Just then we heard splashing behind us.

"Hey guys! The water's nice!" It was my Mom.

Carol turned around and said, "Hi Aunt Ellen!" and started walking back toward her.

My Mom looked at me and said, "So I see you're not having such a bad time after all, huh?" I shrugged my shoulders. Mom smiled and said, "It looks like you two have finally found something to talk about." And then, looking at me, she said, "Or is it YOU that has the crush this year!"

"Mo-om!" I shouted, thoroughly embarrassed.

"Oh, stop!" she said. "It was so cute watching Carol follow you all around the lake last year." I rolled my eyes at her specifically because I knew it made her crazy. "Oh, stop, you big baby!" And she leapt forward, trying to dunk me, and I dodged and grabbed her arms and easily dunked her instead. I was so embarrassed I entertained the thought of drowning her, but I figured that might make my Dad a little angry, so I let it pass. I let her up, and she stood with a half-dazed look on her face. "I guess THOSE days are over! My little baby's growing up!"

Mom stayed and chatted with us, mainly with Carol, but I stayed out there stealing glances at Carol's tits.

Before long my Dad was packing up the Suburban, and suddenly I didn't want this day to end. I had spent the whole day with Carol, and Bethy and Tyler were inseparable from Tina. Then I heard my Aunt Linda's husband, Don, say to my Dad, "You know, Steve, with my promotion this year I got a third week of vacation. I'm not doing anything this week, and the kids seem to be getting along so nicely... why not let Johnny and Bethy and Tyler come spend the week with us?"

"I don't know, Don." Dad replied. They're a handful, and they didn't bring any extra clothes with them."

"That's OK. Johnny can wear some of my old stuff, Bethy can wear Tina's clothes... they'd be swapping them anyway! And Tyler, well he'll probably spend all his time in the pool, so all he'll need is his trunks!! If he needs anything else, we'll just buy it. Come on, Steve. It's only a week."

Dad looked at Mom, and she just gave him the "it's fine with me if it's fine with you" look. Bethy and Tyler were screaming, "Yeah Dad!! I wanna go! Let us go! We'll be good..." and on and on.

Dad looked at me. "John?" I tried to give as indifferent a nod as I could without betraying my excitement. A whole week looking at Carol's tits and ass! My dick was already getting hard at the thought.

"All right, Johnny!" I hated 'Johnny' worse than I hated 'John.' "Feel like learning the game of golf this week, kid?"

I feigned enthusiasm for the world's most boring game. "Cool!"

All the vehicles were loaded up, and my parents were giving us all good-bye hugs and kisses. I climbed into the farthest back seat in Uncle Don's Dodge van and was not entirely surprised to see Carol heading back there with me. We sat and waited for the adults to stop prolonging the departure, but they had to hammer out the details for getting us back home at the end of the week.

As The Suburban pulled away, it was a strange sight, seeing both my parents together in the front seat, and nobody else with them It seemed there was always one of us kids with either or both of them at some time or another. I wondered what they were going to do all alone for a week without us kids around!

It was an even longer drive to Uncle Don's and Aunt Linda's house; about three hours. Tyler and Tina and Bethy occupied the middle seat and were trading jokes with Aunt Linda. Carol, beside me, was nodding off within a half-hour. With the few minutes of remaining daylight making it through the window, I got as much of an eyeful as I could get of Carol's tanned legs and the tops of her breasts, all that was revealed by the beach robe she had put on. An hour into the trip the three younger kids were zonked out, and Carol had finally let sleep overtake her, too, and her head had come to rest on my shoulder. I liked this, so I tried to remain still so that she wouldn't sit back up or lean to the other side. I had started feeling drowsy myself, but then Carol shifted, making me alert again. She grunted and sat up, turned her body toward me and rested against me, this time pressing one breast into my arm, and resting her cheek on my bare shoulder. Then her arm fell to my chest, her hand splayed across my solar plexus. With each bump in the road, her hand slid down another inch until it was resting against my abdomen, her thumb covering my navel.

Carol shifted again, pushing with the hand resting on my belly, and it just slid down right over my cock, which immediately started filling with blood, and was soon up to it's swollen capacity, right underneath her hand! I was half-ready to gently remove it, but the other half wanted her hand there. The other half won, and I just sat there, hard-on throbbing, looking at her hand in the twilight, resting on my cock. I felt her hand move a little, and then felt a slight squeeze. Then she raised her head up and looked down at my lap, and said, "Oh my goodness!" She looked into my eyes as she gripped my prick through the thin material of my trunks. "It's so hard and warm, J!"

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