Cousin's Delight - Cover

Cousin's Delight

Copyright© 1999 by Eric Shon

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 -

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Incest   Cousins   First  

It was a typical midwestern August day... sunny and hot. I had just turned 15 two weeks before, and thought at the time that I had grown out of the annual family trip to Lake Wetauga. It had seemed for the last two years that I had grown out of everything. My parents annoyed me, my younger sister, 12 at the time, couldn't breathe without making me want to drive a nail through my head, and it seemed all my baby brother, 7, could do was whine and cry. I had fought to stay home this weekend, but my father, tired of hearing my mother trying to cajole me into wanting to go, finally said, "You're going whether you want to or not... and you'll like it!" Yeah, right.

Every year the trip was the same thing. Rain or shine we packed up Dad's Suburban, headed out around 7:00 in the morning, drove for what seemed like a thousand miles to Sonoma Beach (I always thought it sounded like an old Italian guy swearing!) on Lake Wetauga. Of course, the next year, when my father convinced me to make the trip by letting me get behind the wheel, my first adventure with my new driver's license, the drive turned out to be only about two hours. Too short!

Anyway, we always signed out one of the picnic pavilions that stood about 50 yards from the water, and met my Dad's two sisters and their families, and we'd sit around and talk, grill dogs and burgers, splash and play in the water, play volleyball, roast marshmallows, and then say our goodbyes until Christmas, and then we'd all head home. By the ripe old age of 15, I had grown tired of the ritual, and since I had been forced to come out, I adopted the attitude that day that I would make my parents sorry they made me come.

We arrived, and my Dad made sure I carried something to the pavilion. I set the cooler down without saying a word, but my Aunt Linda said, "Hi, J! Happy belated birthday!" She sized up my tank-top and baggy trunks clad body and said, "Gosh! You've grown so MUCH since last year! And look at those MUSCLES!" I had gone out for freshman wrestling that previous year. I got my ass kicked every match, but the coach kept pushing me to practice hard. So, by the Summer I was pretty toned up, but really gangly. Whenever I look at pictures of me from that time, I just look like all arms and legs, with little patches of virgin hair popping out all over. So, even though she made a comment about my muscles, I still felt she was kind of making fun of me. And that just helped my attitude along...

Then she said, "Carol and Tina are already in the water. Go say Hi." Since my Dad was approaching, and no doubt going to tell me I carried the cooler the wrong way, I made for the beach.

As I walked slowly, Bethy and Tyler, my sister and brother, raced past me and into the water as far as they could go before it was too deep for them to run, and they both tripped headlong into the lake. They both resurfaced, sputtering and laughing, and Carol and Tina swam toward them. In the water I couldn't tell my two cousins apart. They both had brown hair, and both were in the water up to their necks. Carol was 14, Christina 12, the same age as Bethy. I kicked off my shoes and curled my toes in the wet sand. They called to me. "Come on out, J." My name is John... another stupid thing my parents did, giving me a name owned by 44% of the men in this country. So I shucked it in the 7th grade and made all my friends call me J. So by the age of 15, and even still today, the only people who call me John are my parents and my brother and sister.

I said, "Nah, that's OK. I don't feel like swimming." Truth is, at the time our families got together so infrequently that the gatherings were very awkward for me. These people were family, but I felt like I was meeting them for the first time every time. I didn't feel like getting re-re- acquainted again.

Then Carol said, "We're gonna come get you!!" I just shook my head. Then I could see her talking to Bethy and Tyler, and then all four of them fanned out and moved toward me. I just rolled my eyes and dared them to try. I sat on the log that lay there, and waited for them to come after me. My siblings fanned out farthest away from me, then next closest was Tina, and closest was Carol. Two years earlier, as the day ended, Carol tried to kiss me. Well, she DID kiss me. It was supposed to be a goodbye kiss, but she smashed her lips against mine and nearly broke my nose, and held on for about 10 seconds. She was 12, I was 13, and the family all thought it was a hoot. I was embarrassed to hell, but I was keenly aware that my cousin had a crush on me. The next year I didn't let her get near me. And now she was approaching again. Of course, now I was equipped with some slippery wrestling moves, so if she tried to grab me, I would be very elusive!

So I stood there, trying to look cool and tough, grown-up and indifferent. When Carol got to the sand bar and stepped up out of the deeper water, my eyes almost fell out of my head! She was wearing a red bikini that, wet, clung very tightly to her young body and left nothing to the imagination! To this day I don't see how it is physically possible for a flat-chested, no-hip girl of 13 to develop into the full-chested, shapely bikini model she had become at 14! There was bounce and jiggle in her breasts that a 24 year- old would envy! As she approached, I could see her nipples hardening as the cool air hit the bikini fabric, and as the soaked fabric of her bikini bottoms clung tight, I could make out the intricate pattern of hairs on her pussy. I was mezmerized by the hard points of her nipples bouncing and jiggling against the wet bra, and I didn't notice she had gotten within reach until she said, "Hey, Stupid!" and grabbed my arm. Conditioned in wrestling for just such a move, I instinctively countered her move by diverting her arm around in front of her, turning her back to me, and engaging her in a half nelson. I did all this without really thinking about it, and suddenly, with a surprised "HEY" escaping her lips as she was twirled around, her back was against my chest, I was looking down the front of her body and onto those amazing tits, and her butt was mashed up against my crotch. She had to have noticed my cock against her ass cheeks. I have the kind of hard-on that sticks out rather than up, and it had reached full hardness within about four seconds! When her ass bumped into me, I felt it poke her for a brief moment, and then bend upward, flattening against my lower belly.

Completely at a disadvantage, she playfully said, "Gotcha now!" and squirmed to get free, which resulted in her ass grinding exquisitely against my cock! I was afraid she was going to notice it, and that she would freak out about it, so I turned her loose and sprinted for the water, stripping off my tank top along the way.

She and Tina chased after me, but Tyler and Bethy went back to the pavilion for snacks or something. Aunt Linda had a pool at her home, so the girls had always been very good swimmers. I, on the other hand, was a wrestler... and not really very good at that. So both Tina and Carol caught up to me very quickly, trying to splash me and dunk me. Tina stayed beyond my reach, preferring only to splash me with as much water as possible, but Carol kept coming in and climbing onto my shoulders, trying to force my head under water, but each time I countered her, and she wound up going under. One time I flipped her over my head and caught her in my arms, cradling her just on top of the water. One hand was under her legs, but the other was just under her armpit, my fingers resting on the side of her breast. It was amazing to look down at her in my arms, knowing my fingers were RIGHT THERE! Suddenly she wrapped her arms around my neck and flexed her stomach muscles up like a gymnast, and pulled my head down in another attempt to dunk me. My face hit high on her belly, with my cheek and ear pressed tightly against a breast. My hard-on raged the entire time we wrestled in the water, so when I countered her latest move, by pulling my hand out from under her back and forcing her head into the water, she released my neck. Her body was pressed against mine as she slid down the entire length of my body. Under water her face, breasts, then her belly, then her pussy all brushed against my rigid cock. She stayed under water for a few seconds, and the thought flashed through my mind very quickly: I was going to jerk off like a maniac that night!

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