My Three Sisters - Cover

My Three Sisters

Copyright© 1999 by Emerson Laken-Palmer

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Growing up with three sisters could lead to unexpected adventures.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Romantic   NonConsensual   Incest   Brother   Sister   Spanking   First   Oral Sex  

I stared through the large old fashioned keyhole into my older sister's bedroom as she got dressed for school. She wasn't doing it slowly or even very sensuously, just very matter a factly like she did most days that I watched her, but I still found it incredibly exciting. Just the sight of her long, raven colored hair, tanned legs, flat stomach, round ass, large breasts, and glimpses of her dark, perfectly shaped bush and pink, pouting pussy lips were enough to drive me into a frenzy and turn my dick into a tent pole. On certain glorious occasions, she would have to bend over to pick something up, when still nude, and then I would catch a glance of her ass in all it's glory and once I even saw her puckered little anus and was overwhelmed with the desire to push my tongue up it until my face was buried between her cheeks.

Yes, I had a "thing" for my older sister. I knew about the incest taboo and how wrong it was to even fantasize about sex with your sister but that just made the idea that much more erotic and exciting to me!

When she pulled the last of her clothes on, I quickly stood up and walked back into my room.

I was surprised this time when I returned to my room because Susan, one of my younger sisters, was in my room watching my television.

"Hey, squirt! What are you doing in my room? It's not Saturday! Who said you could watch my TV?" I yelled at her.

Susan turned to look at me. "Mom said I could, cause she's watching news downstairs and I wanted to watch cartoons." she explained.

I had sat down on the bed next to her and kind of leaned forward to hide my, still evident, erection.

It was hard being the only boy with three sisters and a mom, with no other brothers or father around the house. My parents were divorced and Mom never brought the men she dated home. And she wouldn't let my older sister bring any boyfriends around either. So 99% of the time I was the only guy in the house.

My older sister was Rachel, she was sixteen and Miss Popular in school. A cheerleader and a straight A student. Mom was so proud of her. I got so sick of hearing, 'Why can't you do as good in school as Rachel?' and 'Why don't you have nice friends like Rachel's?' Of course my resentment to her didn't stop me from drooling over her body every morning. Not that it did me any good. Rachel looked at me (if she even bothered to look at me) as if I were some dweeb from another planet.

Susan was 14 and, I guess, developing a body similar to Rachel's. How would anyone know? Susan was an odd acting kid who, as far back as she began putting clothes on by herself, always dressed like a boy. Her standard outfit was baggy jeans and sports jerseys or lose fitting, plaid flannel shirts. She had reddish brown hair but she always wore it slicked back and tied in a ponytail or tucked up into a cap. She acted like a kid too, always watching cartoons and sucking on lollipops. She was the closest thing to a brother I had! She was athletic and enjoyed sports and rough play. She was the one sister I got along the best with, despite her always barging into my room without being asked.

Christa was the youngest. She was the baby and got away with murder. Eleven years old and spoiled rotten. She was blonde, like my mother, and Mom doted on her and Christa used her to get what she wanted. And she never gave up the chance to get me into trouble. She was already tall (at least as tall as Susan) but had only just begun to develop. You could just see some budding knobs under the fronts of the frilly dresses she liked to wear.

And then there was me. A 15 year old boy of average height and build. Reddish blonde hair, like my dad had. Not too bad looking (but no Brad Pitt) and surrounded by girls at home, but unable to meet a single girl outside of the house who seemed even willing to talk to me.

So there I sat, with my 14 year old sister watching cartoons on my bed, and an erection that showed no signs of abating, when I happened to look over and notice that Susan, along with her oversized, flannel shirt, was wearing my new, pre-faded Levi's. Laying on her stomach, I could see that she had them cinched up around her waist with a thin belt.

Damn her nerve! I said to myself. She hadn't asked me, as usual, and I hadn't even worn them but once myself.

"Squirt," I yelled, making her head turn to me from the TV.

She looked at me, under the brim of her cap, with indifferent curiosity. "What?"

"Aren't those MY jeans?"

"Yeah," she shrugged, "I didn't think you'd mind."

"Well, hell yes, I do mind so take them off!"

Susan rolled onto her back and smiled up at me. "No can do," she said. "We have to leave for school in a few minutes and I don't have time to change now."

"There's plenty of time," I yelled, "so, come on! Get them off or I'll TAKE them off FOR you!"

Susan seemed unaffected by my threat. She just smiled defiantly, a dare in her green eyes, as she reached down and grasped the waistband of the jeans, with both hands, and said, "If you think you can, Hulkster, go ahead and try it!"

Angry at such disobedience from a younger sibling, I dove on top of her and began to reach down her stomach to try and unbuckle her belt.

Susan started to laugh loudly and her body squirmed beneath me as she yelled, "Cut it out, Tom! Stop! That tickles!"

I couldn't seem to muster enough strength to pry her hands from the waistband so I decided that maybe another plan might be better. I sat up and straddled her and began to really tickle her now, like I used to when we were younger.

She laughed and squirmed her surprisingly soft, curvy body between my legs. Her lower stomach rubbed directly against my (now erect more then ever) dick and my hands ran all over her flannel covered stomach, down her sides, brushing over the soft lumps of her breasts, into her armpits, her neck, and her legs.

She laughed so loud and long, tears began pouring out of her eyes and down her freckled cheeks.

Finally, when I realized that she had me totally whipped from the effort, and she could barely breathe from laughing, I rolled off of her.

Her plaid shirt had been pulled up from our rough activity and I could see the smooth looking, toned skin of her flat stomach and the thin curves leading out to her hips, where they disappeared into the waistband of my jeans. I stared down for a moment, transfixed by the allure of what Susan kept hidden under her baggy clothes.

But while I was watching, Susan launched her counter-attack and jumped on top of me, and started tickling back.

I could have thrown her off with ease, but I was enjoying it immensely. Laughing loudly, her lithe little body bounced all over me, rubbing and gyrating her hidden crotch right on top of my dick. Her boobs were bouncing all over her chest the erect nipples seemed to show through the fabric, proving that she wasn't wearing her bra again.

With the sight of sexy Rachel already that morning and the feel of Susan all over me now, I shouldn't have been surprised by what happened next, but I was.

Suddenly in mid tickle, my dick lurched, my balls surged and I was coming like a freight train in my pants. I stopped laughing and grunted, my hips bucked up involuntarily, driving my throbbing dick up against my sister's soft, firm pelvis.

She yelped as she felt my hardness press against her pussy and stopped all her tickling. Although it felt like hours, it took only seconds before I stopped cumming on her.

Susan stopped smiling and slid off of me and I just lay there with my eyes closed, too embarrassed to open them. She didn't say anything and finally I opened my eyes.

She was staring at the growing wet spot on my crotch. Her eyes were big and round. When she realized I was looking at her, her face grew red, making her freckles vanish and she looked quickly away.

"I think I'll go downstairs," she said quietly and she turned and left the room.

After lying there for a few seconds, I stood up, grabbed a fresh pair of underwear and jeans, and walked into my bathroom.

I stripped off my pants and underwear. My penis, although now soft, still seemed to be pulsing and hung down at least five inches. Cum slowly dripped from it's tip. I washed up in the sink and bent over to pick up the fresh pair of underwear when the bathroom door opened and my youngest sister Christa walked in.

"Mom says to come down to break..." she started to say, but stopped when she saw me half-naked.

She took a long look at my dick, and I swear she smiled with a glint in her eye, before she ran screaming from the room.

"MOM!!!!!! MOM!!!!!! Tom showed me his thing!!!!!"

Hurriedly throwing my clothes on I ran after her. I almost killed myself running down the stairs, but Christa was way ahead of me.

I found her in the kitchen with our mom.

"... and then he made me look at his thing!" she was saying.

"Thomas Whitt! What on Earth have you done to this child?" my mother demanded.

"Nothing Mom. She walked into my bathroom without knocking," I told her.

Mom eyed me suspiciously, but turned to Christa. "Is that true?"

"Well maybe... But I still saw his thing. It was huge!"

My face grew red with embarrassment as I realized that Rachel and Susan were hearing all this too.

"Now that's enough about what your brother's thing looks like," Mom said. "Lets eat our breakfast."

At the breakfast table I had a hard time meeting anyone's eyes. Especially Susan's.

At least I knew Rachel would sympathize with me about Christa. She tattled on her more then she did me. Snitching, just yesterday, about how Rachel had brought her boyfriend Darrel to the house and had him in her room with the door closed (I wish I had been home to peer through her keyhole at that!) As it was now, Rache was grounded for two weeks.

Finally it was time for us all to leave for school. As my sisters walked out in front of me I watched each of them with a different emotion. Rachel I watched with desire, Christa with loathing, and Susan with a lingering curiosity.

It was still only spring, but summer was just around the corner.

It promised to be a hot one.

It was that weekend that my buddy Warren invited me to go along with him to a party he had found out about.

It was a loud affair, populated mostly by kids from my high school and McKinley High.

I tried to fit in but I felt out of place with all the popular kids (especially the girls) partying around me and talking and laughing and drinking beer.

Warren, who was much bolder than I am, found a girl to talk with and he soon forgot all about me even being there.

Feeling more out of place, I wandered upstairs, looking for the bathroom so that I could both pee and be away from the frivolity for a few minutes.

I barged into the bedroom by mistake thinking it was the bathroom and was stunned into silence and a raging hard-on by the sight of a naked girl around my age of 15 and the guy who's dick she was sucking who looked like he was at least 20.

The girl was gorgeous. Her long red hair was swept to one side just like in the pornos so I could really see her going to town on his dick. Her cheeks were sucking in and out like bellows, her lips stretched tautly around his massive head, sliding up and down his shaft like a piston. He was on his back spread-eagle while she knelt on her hands and knees between his legs. Her large tits were swinging beneath as she moved, the nipples fully erect as they grazed over the sheets. But it was her ass that drew my attention. Those large round globes bobbing back and forth, clenching and unclenching as she moved. I had to fight the urge to stick my hands out and touch them or (better yet) kiss them and run my tongue up and down her crack.

Rudely, I was drawn from my reverie when the guy with his dick in the girl's mouth, leaned up on his elbows and yelled, "Hey Dude! Showtime's over! Get the fuck outta here!"

"I'm sorry," I muttered. "I was just looking for the bathroom."

It was the girl who answered. Without even taking her mouth off of his dick, she pointed with a hand towards the door and said with her mouth full, "Oohhhwwweerrr tttthhhheerrrr."

I left quickly, closing the door behind me and stood in the hallway for a second catching my breath.

The hallway was crowded with people, either standing, leaning or sitting in groups and in couples talking, smoking, and drinking. As I leaned against the door, I could feel it vibrate from the bass of the stereo downstairs. It looked like a scene from Animal House or Risky Business or Sixteen Candles. It was the first real party that I'd ever been too and I was both happy to discover that all the wild rumors were true and that everything my mother had warned me might happen did seem to be happening, but I was also disappointed because it all seemed to be happening without me.

I didn't even have to use the bathroom, I had just felt so out of place that I needed a destination and the bathroom seemed as good as any.

Still, looking around at some of the scuzzy looking guys talking to some of the pretty girls around me, I thought, The hell with it! If they can get a girl to talk to them, so can I!

I wasn't all that bad looking.

Cheered, I stumbled down the stairs grabbed a beer and started to talk to a girl standing by me. She was there with some friends, a couple of which I knew from school, and she introduced them all to me. To my disappointment I discovered that she already had a boyfriend but, a second later, that didn't matter because I noticed a girl, in a sexy red dress, across the room.

Her back was to me, but her hair was shoulder length and black, her waist was thin and tapered and her ass was large and round. 'This baby's got back!', I thought.

I stared at her, occasionally catching a glimpse of her in profile, but the room was dark and smokey so I couldn't see her face that well. I began to get the nagging feeling that I knew her. I also noticed that she was drinking quite a lot and didn't seem to be getting along with the guy she was talking to. He was one of the older 'college guys' that always show up at these kind of parties hoping to impress the high school girls and get laid.

When this one walked off in a huff, I gathered that he had been turned down.

I sensed my chance, and excused myself from the group I was with, to go talk to her. Only when I arrived, she had wandered off. But then I caught a glimpse of her red dress from down the hall. I pushed my way through the crowd in time to see her go through a door. I also couldn't help but notice she was wobbling and weaving as she walked.

When I reached the door I hesitated. After the incident upstairs I didn't want a repeat. I knocked.

No answer.

I knocked again.

Still no answer.

"Aw fuck it," I said, and opened the door.

Two things struck me as I entered the room. First, I had found the bathroom at last and two, the girl with her red dress hiked up, panties down around her white ankle-sox and red high- heels, passed out on the toilet, was my oldest sister Rachel!

"Shit," I said, "No wonder you looked familiar."

My face blushed with embarrassment and I turned to leave, when my conscience nagged at me to stop and make sure she was okay.

Trying to keep my eyes from her thighs, I shook her by the shoulder.

"Hey Rache, you okay?"

Her only response was to slump against me. Her head resting just above my crotch. I could feel my dick twitch. Valiantly, I ignored it and shook her again. She moaned a little but other then that, nothing.

Knowing that if I let go she'd fall, I gathered her in my arms and eased her down to the floor, so her shoulders rested against the tub and her head lay back along it's edge. Fortunately it was a large bathroom and, even though it was very dimly lit, had plenty of floor space.

Then I stood up and pondered the situation. Here was my older sister Rachel, drunk into oblivion, passed out at my feet with her dress up and panties down around her ankles. I couldn't believe my luck.

I'd seen her naked many, many times and, almost always afterwards, I would masturbate while fantasizing about her.

Quite deliberately, I turned and locked the bathroom door.

Then kneeling by my sister, I slipped her panties off over her heels. They were pink, with white flowers and looked very virginal. Looking down at her, I pressed them to my face and inhaled her musky scent from them. Already, my dick was bursting at my zipper.

Watching her face closely, I ran my hand up her thigh. Her skin was so smooth and perfect that my hand trembled as I moved it. Her face was still and her eyes stayed closed.

Emboldened, I let my hand go up further until it was beneath her skirt. I felt soft warm flesh. And then I felt fine hair. And then I felt skin again, soft, moist skin. I had little actual experience with girls, but I had seen enough pornos to know that she was wet and what it meant. Her pussy lips were parted and slick and I ran a finger down her slit. I ran it back and forth up and down, until she grew even more slick and was almost dripping.

All the time I had done this, she hadn't moved, hadn't even twitched.

I got braver.

For the past couple of years I had wondered if Rachel was a virgin or not. Again, while I wasn't Mr. Experience, I knew how to tell.

I inserted my index finger into her pussy. So slick was her pussy that it seemed to suck it right in. It felt incredible. So warm, soft and moist. It slid in all the way to my 3rd knuckle.

I smiled, kneeling there with my finger deep up my sister's hot pussy. No virgin here.

I began sliding my finger in and out to see if it would get a reaction from her. I tried doing it like I saw in the pornos, fast and hard, but apart from a small grimace, she didn't react at all.

By now my dick was bursting and I knew I didn't have long before I wouldn't be able to help myself. And I didn't know how long it would be before someone needed to use the bathroom.

I stripped off my pants and underwear. My dick snapping up to attention as it was freed. I stood there, naked from the waist down before a girl for the first time. Okay, so she was my sister and unconscious, but still...

Remembering what I'd seen upstairs, I wondered if I could put my dick into her mouth without waking her. Carefully, I stood over her, one leg on either side and crouched down so my dick was inches from her mouth.

But the angle was all wrong and so after carefully pushing my dick down so that her lips just touched the head and I could feel the breath from her nostrils on it, I stood back up and pondered what to do.

I was so horned up that I was ready to pop, only not sure how to go about it.

I didn't really want the first fuck of my life to be with an unconscious girl but...

I took my sister's shoulders and lay her gently down, on the hard tile floor, next to the bathtub. Then I carefully unbuttoned the front of her dress and pulled it open. Her breasts jutted out majestically. Not as large as I had once thought, now that I had seen a few other girls in movies and magazines, but still no slouches for a sixteen year old girl.

Luckily for me her lacy bra had clasps in the front so that was no problem and soon her breasts were free. I gasped when I saw them. Even though I'd seen them through the keyhole, that was nothing compared to this. Her nipples so pink and perky, her breasts so firm that they barely moved at all when her bra had been removed. Then I spread her legs apart wide and flat on the floor, causing the tight skirt of her sexy, red dress to ride up and expose her raven colored bush.

I leaned my face to her pussy and sniffed her fur, thrilling to the strong, sexual scent of Rachel as I took my fingers and separated her lips. Leaning further, I pressed my tongue into her gash and licked over her clit and downward a little.

My sister's pussy tasted salty and earthy with a hint of a metallic flavor that I was familiar with but couldn't quite place.

Whatever it was, the stimulating feminine odor and the taste and the closeness of my prize took over all my thinking.

Holding my dick, I got between her legs and lay myself slowly on top of her, feeling into her warm crotch with my cockhead until I felt the hot, wet opening of Rachel's spread pussy.

Thrilling from the sensations, I pushed my cock up, slowly but firmly, into her warm body, feeling like I wanted to scream from the strong, sexy sensations of my first penetration into a soft, warm, female body.

When I felt our crotches pushing together, I lay myself down on her and looked into the, closed-eyed, familiar face of the beautiful girl I was about to fuck-- my own sister Rachel!

I could feel the warm mounds of her tits pressed against me and then I lifted myself on my arms and started to fuck her, right there on the hard, bathroom floor.

My dick twitched inside of her and I felt it all the way to my balls as I fucked into her forcefully, thrilling to the way her hairy pubic jut pressed so firmly against my loins on every inward push of my cock.

Looking down at her, I could see her body jostle with each of my thrusts but, as I closely watched her face, she just mumbled soft, incoherent, little protests but did not open her eyes or wake up.

I wished my first fuck could have lasted longer but, after only a few dozen strokes in her wet, hot pussy, I began to strongly ejaculate into her.

Realizing the possible peril of what I was doing, I pulled myself back and lurched up so that I was half kneeling over her, holding my cock and shooting the rest of my hot cum in long streams over her tits. Strands of it clung to her nipples while others dripped down the valley between her breasts and then one final surge sent a glob up onto her chin. My knees buckled and I collapsed onto my sister, my elbow holding me up so I wouldn't hurt her. Still she didn't move. I gasped. It had been the most powerful orgasm I'd ever had and I could still see stars and my heart was thumping wildly.

I stared at the mess I had made of her chest. It glistened with my wet semen.

Reaching up I put my finger in the glob on her chin and, on impulse, I pushed up and into her mouth. Murmuring like a baby, she sucked and swallowed it all. The rest I twirled around with my fingers on her chest, tracing circles around her nipples, coating her with my cum. Then, wiping my hands on her skirt, I leaned back and wondered what to do with her.

It occurred to me that I couldn't just leave her there, spread- legged on the floor, for someone else to find. There were probably many guys there, at the party, who would have zero objections to their first (or their thirty-first) time with a girl being with one who was passed out cold. Plus, in a curious way, I was starting to feel like she belonged to me and I always take care of my possessions.

I picked Rachel's panties up from the floor and noticed, for the first time, the wet, red stain in the center of the panty crotch.

Jeez, I thought, she must have just started (or just finished?) her period!

I looked down at my flaccid cock and noticed that it was all coated red and that there were a couple, small clots of blood on the knob of it. My hand was sticky and red too!

Shit! What lousy, fucking luck I had! I didn't even want to THINK about this!

Grabbing a wash-rag from the sink, I cleaned myself up and redressed. Rachel's panties I wadded up and put into my pocket. Then, after carefully checking myself to see that there was no evidence of what I had done, I grabbed my sister's shoulders and hauled her back up to a sitting position against the tub and shook her with brotherly concern.

"Rachel, Rachel, wake up!" I said loudly. "Rache, what's wrong? Who did this to you?"

Finally, she responded, groggy and dazed. It took me a few minutes to even get her to wake up and even when she did, she didn't grasp the situation.

"Hi Tom," she mumbled, "Whater you doing here?"

"C'mon Rache, get up. Cover yourself up, for chrisake!" I shouted.

Finally she became aware that her breasts were on display and her innate modesty drove her to buttoning her dress up halfway and with the right buttons in the wrong holes.

"I've got to get you home," I said and then shook her hard until her eyes semi-focused on mine. "Rache, I have to ask, were you raped?"

"No," she said, moving her red heels and spreading her legs in a feeble attempt to get up. "I don't think so."

Looking down between her lewdly parted thighs, I could see the pink froth of the cum, I had pumped into her, oozing from the open, gash of her pussy.

"C'mon, lets get you home."

I stood her up, tugging the hem of her dress down as she clung to me and I half dragged-half carried her out of the bathroom and down the hall, feeling her womanly curves jostle against me. A lot of the guys made lewd comments as I passed and some of the girls appeared concerned.

By the door I noticed Lori, Rachel's best friend. She appeared sober and was only sipping from a can of diet Coke.

She hurried over when I called to her.

"Is she alright?" she asked me.

"Yeah, just passed out drunk," I said.

"I's not drunlk," Rachel slurred, holding her finger in front of her face and then trying unsuccessfully to focus on it.

"I'm going to drive her home," I said. "Can you take her car and bring it over to the house tomorrow?"

"Sure, I've already got the keys," she said, holding up and jiggling my sister's pom-pom keyring. "I was going to drive us home. You sure you don't want me to take her to my place? My folks will be asleep."

"No thanks. She's my sister. I'll take care of her."

Lori, who had always thought of me as a nuisance until now, looked at me with a new respect. "You're alright, Tom. I wish I had a brother like you."

"Thanks," I said as I felt Rachel's head flop against my shoulder. "We better go. I'll tell my mom that you needed to borrow the car. She won't mind, she likes you."

Lori held the door while I picked Rachel up and carried her out to the car.

I propped Rache up in the passenger seat but once I sat behind the wheel, she slid over and her head fell into my lap. I didn't move her until I was home.

Luckily all the lights were out, as I pulled into the drive, but I still knew that I couldn't pull this off without Rachel's help.

I climbed out of the car and went around to her side and opened the door.

Pulling her upright, I had to slap her face a couple of times to get her to come to, but finally I began to see some kind of coherence in her eyes.

"What is it? What's going on?" she asked.

"We're home," I said. "You've got to be quiet or Mom will hear us. Can you do that?"

"Yes," she stated and then, smacking her lips said, "I've got a funny taste in my mouth. Were they serving clams at the party?"

I pulled her from the car and, with me only having to help a little, we walked around the house to the back door. Quietly we snuck through the kitchen and up the back stairs, I was just opening Rachel's door when I heard a voice behind me.

"Where have you been? Do you know what time it is?"

We both whirled around.

It was our little sister Christa, the biggest tattle tale since Cindy Brady.

Rachel moaned, "Oh, no! Mom will kill us!"

I patted her shoulder reassuringly, "Don't worry. You get into bed. I'll handle this. Can you make it?"

Rachel nodded, but as I turned to go she said, "Hey Tommy, thanks for taking care of me and getting me home."

"It was nothing," I said, "just go to bed and don't worry."

Christa was tapping her foot as Rachel walked slowly away. "Well, where have you been?" she asked in a husky whisper. She didn't want to wake Mom too soon. I guess she wanted me to dangle for a while.

"Let's go into your room and I'll tell you," I said. "We don't need to wake anybody up."

She eyed me suspiciously, her hands at her shapeless hips. "Tell me here."

Mom's door was just a few feet away.

"Look Christa, I'll explain everything and, if you still want to wake Mom up, I'll help you, okay?" I put on my friendliest big brother stare.

"Okay," she said.

We stepped into her room. A nightmare of pink, lace teddy- bears, and frills. I acted quickly. I wasn't about to let this 11 year old extortionist spoil my plans to get Rachel to give herself to me willingly.

I grabbed her around the waist, covering her mouth with my other hand. She kicked and struggled, squirming this way and that, but I was too strong for her.

I didn't mind the slight noise she was making. I had chosen her room on purpose. It was the room furthest from my mother's. Christa's is at the back while Mom's was at the front.

"Stop squirming!" I hissed in her ear.

Looking at me from the corners of her eyes with a look that could kill, she stopped struggling.

"Okay, " I said. "This is how it's going to be. You ever tell mom that you saw Rachel and me coming home late tonight and I will beat your little ass until it's black and blue! Do you understand me?"

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