Ellen - Cover


Copyright© 1999 by Emerson Laken-Palmer

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 -

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Incest   Brother   Sister   First  

Not that it matters to you but I am not a dirty story writer and this is not a dirty story. At least, I don't mean it to be. This story is one hundred percent true. It all happened just they way I'm describing it. You can judge for yourself if I'm a rotten person or perverted or what.

It all started when I was sixteen and a Junior in High School. I was an alright guy. I didn't get great grades at school, but I was passing. I didn't have girls falling all over me, but I had a girlfriend. Her name was Linda and she was okay looking. I used to take her out to movies and a concert or something.

It was just the sex thing that was driving me crazy. You see, I had never gotten any. Any pussy. Not from Linda. Not from anyone before her either. And I was revved up for it. I really wanted it bad. My hormones were running away with me at that age.

It was always the same though. I'd take Linda to a movie and then for a hamburger. We'd park in front of her house (I had a great car. A Firebird. Linda really liked that car.) She'd let me kiss her for a while. (She was an alright kisser. She didn't like too much tongue though.) Then I'd start to nuzzle and kiss her neck. (She had a great perfume smell in her long, brown hair.) And then I'd start to run my hands over her tits.

That's when she would always start with the "I gotta' go in now." stuff.

She'd push me away and I'd keep trying to gain some ground (maybe get my hand actually into her shirt) but she'd keep pushing me away and then finally (angry as hell) I'd let her go in.

God it was frustrating. And it was also a bad scene. We'd always end our dates on this hostile note. I'd go home and jack off to try and ease this damnable frustration and then fall asleep mad.

I would forget about it (the anger) next day at school though and I'd see Linda and talk to her and say I was sorry and things would be back to normal before our next date.

On this particular day, I ran into Linda in the hallway after class. She looked really great in her tight jeans and sweater.

"Hey Linda," I called to her. "what's up?"

She smiled at me, as I stood by her, but it was a strange, nervous smile. There seemed to be an odd signal in her brown eyes.

"Hey, Danny," she said, "what's new?"

"The football game's tonight," I said to her. "We're going, right?"

Linda looked away, fidgeting with her books. "I'm not going tonight," she said in a quiet voice. "I've got a lot of homework and stuff."

"Not going? But we always go on Friday night!"

"Sorry Danny," she said. "Maybe next week, huh?"

A girlfriend called her from down the hall and Linda walked away quickly with a curt wave to me. This was odd, I thought, but what the hell. My buddy Dave was on the team and (even if Linda wasn't going) I'd go without her.

When I got home, my kid sister Ellen was cooking some canned spaghetti in the kitchen. She was always cooking after-school snacks. (Something that Mom would do if she were home, but both our parents worked and me and Ellen were always on our own until after six.) She liked cooking, I guess. She made brownies and fudge and things like that, for us, sometimes.

"Want some?" she asked, as she licked a splatter of sauce off of her wrist.

"I guess so," I said as I sat down at the table.

Ellen was fifteen at that time. A year younger than me. She was an okay sister (I guess) and we got along pretty well. Oh, we had our fights, now and again, but nothing major. Sisters just invade your space sometimes, you know what I mean?

As I watched her, standing at the stove and stirring the spaghetti, I began thinking about what my buddies had been telling me lately - how foxy Ellen was becoming. I shot them down when I heard it though. Nobody had better touch my little sister! I didn't want guys looking at her, and thinking about her, in that way. I certainly never did.

My sister was just always a person who was there, in my house, like Mom and Dad. You never really notice people in your own family because they are somehow so familiar that you talk to them and deal with them without really paying much attention to them.

Looking at her now, I realized that, although I had become much taller than her in recent years, Ellen was now only a half-a-head shorter than me. She certainly looked enough like me so that nobody would mistake the fact that she was my sister. We both had the same shaped face and the same mouth and nose. Her eyes were blue though (like Dad's) while mine were (my mother's) brown and my dark hair contrasted with her long, full, blond tresses. I guess the major difference between us, when we were little kids, had always been that I was a boy and she was a girl. Or, at least, she HAD been a girl.

I hadn't really paid any attention, until just this moment, to how much she had changed over the last year. Her back was to me now and I could see how nice her round behind looked, in her yellow shorts, and how full and shapely her legs had become. She struck such a sexy pose, as she stood there, without really meaning to. Gosh, it seemed like she'd just had skinny "stick legs" the last time I had even bothered to look at her.

Ellen brought two plates of spaghetti to the table and we sat and ate in silence for a while.

"Going to the game?" she asked as she got up for some milk.

Ellen was a sophomore that year. She wasn't into playing sports, but she liked to go to the games and watch and gab with her friends and cheer for our team.

"Yeah," I said. "What about you?"

"No. I'm going to wait for Eddie to call."

Eddie was (kind of) her boyfriend. I didn't like him. He was a geek. A stupid looking kid with red hair and big ears and freckles. He reminded me of Alfred E. Neuman and I used to tell

Ellen that to tease her. I guess he was a safe guy though. He didn't look like the type that would try anything with her. Mom and Dad wouldn't let her go out with him (or any other boy) anyway.

They told her that she had to wait until she was sixteen. He was a "puppy love" kind of thing with her. Just a boy she talked with on the phone and used to carry her books around at school.

"How is Alfred?" I asked smiling as she leaned over to put a glass of milk in front of me. I couldn't help myself. I could see down the neck opening of her t-shirt. Her breasts (in her white bra) revealed their cleavage to me. Ellen WAS developing very nicely.

"Oh, shut up!" She said as she stood back upright.

I could feel my face redden for a moment. Had she seen me looking down her shirt? God, that would be awful!

She walked out of the kitchen and I could hear her going up to her room.

Aw, to hell with it, I told myself, there's no harm in looking and I tossed all thoughts of her away.

I had gone up to listen to some jams on the stereo and I must have fallen asleep because, when I woke up, it was after seven! I jumped up and ran downstairs. I was late for the game!

Mom and Dad and Ellen were eating in the kitchen when I walked briskly in.

"Sit down and eat, Danny," Mom said as I headed for the side door.

"Can't Mom, I'm late."

"Hey, you gotta have something!"

"I'll get a bite at the game," I said as I left the house.

When I got to school half-time was over and the game was in the fourth quarter. I went to the snack stand and got a hamburger. Bud and Phil were at the stand too and we talked a while about

Phil's new car. By the time I had eaten, the game was over and everyone was leaving the field.

That's when I saw Linda. She was walking with my buddy, Dave, toward the locker room door. I could see them holding hands and talking and, when they got to the door, he kissed her. And she seemed to really kiss him back.

What a bitch!

What a bastard!

I tossed my hamburger wrapper in the trash and walked quickly to my car so that Linda wouldn't see me.

When I got home, Ellen was lying on the couch watching TV. I walked over and made to sit down. I had to push her legs over to make a spot for me to sit.

"What's the matter?" she asked.

I guess I didn't look too good. "Linda! She seems to have dumped me for Dave!"

"Danny, everybody knows Linda has the hots for Dave. That's why she was going out with you-- to get to him."

"Why didn't you tell ME?"

"I tried, don't you remember? But you wouldn't listen to me."

Thinking back, I guess she did. Who listens to their kid sisters anyway?

I put my hand on by forehead and lay back on the couch cushion. Women! They were just too much for a guy like me. Now no girlfriend! How was I ever going to finally score?

After a time of listening to the comedy show on the TV, I pulled my hand away to watch. That's when I noticed Ellen's legs on my lap. She had stretched herself out on the couch again and, I guess, I was in the way. My eyes looked down at her feet, in my lap, and then up her legs and her thighs to the seat of her yellow shorts. I could see the crotch of her white panties, in the leg opening, and make out the outline of her pussy.

Her pussy?


What was I looking at? I quickly averted my eyes back to the TV.

"Shit, Ellie!" I yelled. "Do you have to lay all over me?"

She sat up, next to me, with a hurt expression on her pretty face. "What did I do?"

"Oh, it's not you," I said as I wrapped an arm around her shoulders. I guess I'm mad at myself."

She put her head on my shoulder, to return my hug, and I could suddenly smell the sweetness of her blond hair.

"Forget about Linda," she said. "Lay down on the couch and relax and watch TV. There's room behind me."

Ellen lay back down, but scooted forward and tapped the empty space in back of her.

What the hell, I thought and kicked my shoes off and lay on my side with my sister in front of me.

"Where's Mom and Dad?" I asked wearily.

"Oh, they went to a party somewhere. They didn't say when they'd come home."

Hell. When they went to parties they were out all night. Dad would be cranky in the morning, I thought, as I began to watch the program over Ellen's head.

I couldn't concentrate on the TV however. I kept looking at Ellen as she lay with her back to me. The curve of her hips was so very evident now and the slimness of her waist and (looking down) I could see the jutting of her breasts in her t-shirt. I could suddenly feel my dick hardening quickly in my jeans. I pulled my middle back so that she wouldn't feel it against her. How dare it respond to Ellen like that!

I tried again to watch the show, but I could smell the sweetness of that sandy hair in front of my nose again and something else - Ellen's fragrance. Not a perfume, like Linda's, but a natural, homey, girlish kinda smell.

My dick was as hard as a pipe now.

God, I shouldn't be feeling like this, I told myself. Ellen is my sister! I have feelings for her. I love her, I guess. I shouldn't be feeling lust for her. I should be protecting her from things like this.

I put my arm around her waist and gave her a squeeze and felt her put her hand lightly on my arm in sisterly affection. It was alright, I told myself. My hormones had just crossed my wires for a moment.

I watched the TV, for a time, and things were calming down. But then Ellen casually shifted herself, on the couch, and her round butt was pressed up against my dick again. Instantly my receding boner hardened back to lead-pipe life.

God no! She would be able to feel it! Wouldn't she? Didn't she? Was she possibly so naive that she couldn't recognize a guy's stiff hard-on, right at the crack of her ass?

What was going on, my idiotic brain asked me? Was it possible that she KNEW that I was stimulated and LIKED IT? Oh man! I was starting to tremble with excitement.

What was she thinking? What was she trying to do? There was no way that she couldn't feel it. Did she WANT my boner there?

I looked at as much of her face as I could see, propped up on her arm. She was just looking ahead at the TV. She looked perfectly normal.

I wanted to move back but there was no room on the couch. God, her shapely ass felt good. It was so soft and yet firm feeling as it pressed against me.

I moved my arm up on her body a bit so that my hand was just below her breasts. I could feel the outline of the bottom of her bra on my palm and the softness of her tits on the side of my hand.

Ellen didn't stir. She just kept watching TV.

Was it okay that my hand was there? She didn't mind? Or was she even aware of it? Her hand was still on my forearm. She could pull my arm away if she wanted to. Did she know that I was (sorta) copping a feel?

Man, I was shaking almost from the excitement of this. My mind was racing now with a lot of crazy messages from my nuts. I had to take a chance. A BIG chance. An awful chance! I had to know what would happen. I couldn't let this opportunity pass me by and never know what she was thinking.

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