Blackmailing My Sister Sabrina - Cover

Blackmailing My Sister Sabrina

by Greatness

Copyright© 1999 by Greatness

Incest Sex Story: He saw his sister doing things that she prefers that people don't know. He was smart enough to use that to get what he wants.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Blackmail   Incest   Brother   Sister   Gang Bang   First   Oral Sex   .

Hi I'm Michael, Michael Storm. I'm 12 years old, and yesterday sex was the farthest thing from my mind. Girls were never something I really was interested in. My friends and I thought that girls were gross! But today for the first time in my life, I noticed something that I never even wanted to look at, let alone play with.

I was standing outside the bathroom door, waiting for my sister to get out of the bathroom. I really had to pee so I pounded on the door and yelled, "Come on Sabrina! Hurry up, or I'm going to pee in my pants!"

I had to go so bad my cock was hard. I hated trying to pee when it was like this. Trying to bend it down to pee hurt. I was getting mad and I was biting my lip trying not to pee. Finally the door snapped open. Sabrina with standing in the doorway with a towel wrapped around her wet hair, and another one wrapped around her body. "Don't rush me, Shit!"

Standing there hopping up and down, with my hand holding my cock trying not to pee. "Out of the way!" I said, as I pushed by her into the bathroom.

"Hurry up so I can dry my hair," Sabrina snarled back at me as I slammed the door.

As I stood peeing, I thought how pretty my sister really was. "No, she's a girl, and my yucky sister." But when I finished peeing, my cock stayed hard in my hand. "Why?"

I thought of Sabrina standing in her towel drifted back into my mind. I rubbed my balls, and squeezed my cock, trying to get it back to (what I thought was) normal.

As I squeezed, a weird feeling went through my body. Well not weird bad, but weird good. So instead of squeezing I moved my hand up and down my little shaft. Thoughts of my sister standing in the hall dripping wet, went through my mind again. Then... Sticky stuff squirted out of the head of my cock. "WOW!" The feeling almost knocked me off my feet. I stroked again and more shot out, "Double WOW!" I could hardy breathe. I had to do it again. Then...

"Come on, Shit. I need to dry my hair!"

"O-oh okay, I'm almost done," I replied, trying to sound normal. But I know it came out making me sound like I was out of breath. I wiped the white stuff off my hand, then opened the door. "Here you go YOUR HIGHNESS."

"Ha Ha, very funny," Sabrina said, as she went by me back into the bathroom.

When she pushed by me, her tits brushed up against my arm. For some reason it felt good. Sabrina had nice boobs too. The older guys were always talking about getting their hands on her BIG HOOTERS. That's what they called them. I always thought they make her look stupid. But tonight they made her look different. I guess you could say sexy.

I looked back at the door and it was open just a crack. I could see her in the mirror. Sabrina was standing running her fingers through her wet hair. Sabrina's hair was actually pretty tonight, long, naturally curly, and blonde. She looked in the mirror and tried to look sexy. She smiled and puckered up her lips. Then she reached down and squeezed her boobs through the towel. She licked her lips, then dropped the towel on the floor. She was now naked! She cupped her breasts lifting then up and let go, they bounced and jiggled. She looked in the mirror and stared at her hands as she squeezed her tits, and pulled on her nipples.

That was enough for me. My cock got hard again, and I didn't even have to pee! As Sabrina played with her nipples, I rubbed my cock. I don't know how big my sister's tits were, but the boys at school always said that they must be 37-D at least. They said they probably would sag without a bra, but they didn't. She closed her eyes and kept pulling and twisting her nipples. As she played with them, they even got hard!

I never could figure out why men thought women were anything to look at. But now I couldn't imagine anything that I'd rather look at more than Sabrina, my own sister playing with her boobs. The feeling started swelling up in me again. I looked down at my cock. There was stuff running out of the end, making my hand slide easily up and down the shaft of my cock. I looked back to see what Sabrina was doing. What I saw made me squirt sticky stuff all over the bathroom door. She had one of her breasts in both hands, and had bent it up to her mouth. She ran her tongue around her big hard nipple, then locked her lips around it and started sucking.

I squirted again, causing me to moan out loud. Sabrina's head jerked around and looked at the door. I ran to my room and slammed the door, hoping she didn't see me. After thirty minutes, when she didn't come pounding on the door, I knew she didn't see me or she'd be screaming her head off. I closed my eyes, and quickly fell asleep. I dreamed all night about my sister sucking on her huge tits. When I woke up there was sticky stuff all over my stomach.

The next day at school I couldn't get what happened the night before out of my mind. Why was my cock getting all hard and squirting, and why did watching my sister make my cock hard?

"Hey, Mike!"

Down the hall came my best friend Harry. He was a lot like me. But he was two years older than I, so he was always talking about how sexy this girl looked or how big that girl's boobs were. We talked about everything, so I decided to ask him about what happened to me last night. But I'd tell him that it was about a friend of mine. I didn't want to sound stupid in front of my best friend.

"Did you have fun with your family over the weekend?" I asked, thinking I'd make small talk so I wouldn't sound so stupid jumping in and asking him about sex, and stuff.

"Boring as usual," Harry replied.

We talked about baseball for a little while then I asked, "I overheard Sabrina talking to Mary about sex. But I couldn't hear everything they were saying. I was wondering if you knew anything about, well, sex?"

"Sex? I haven't really done it. But my brother told me about it," Harry said, with that dumb look on his face he always got when I talked about Sabrina. I think he must be in love with her or something.

He told me things that I didn't believe, like putting your cock into a girl's pussy, makes girls pregnant. That didn't sound like it could happen. But I knew now that guys' cocks get hard when they got excited. And if you "jack-off" you cum. He also told me that a girl had a thing near the top of her pussy, called a "clit" that if she rubs it, it would get kind of hard, and it would make them cum just like a guy.

When he got done, he said, "Why don't I come over tonight and we can watch TV or something? Sabrina won't be there, will she?"

"Why wouldn't she be? She lives there, stupid!"

"Well, I didn't want her bothering us."

Sure that's what he was worried about all right. Every time he got to talk to her, he sounded like some babbling dimwit. I couldn't understand why until last night. My sister was actually pretty. No, she wasn't pretty. She was gorgeous, tall five feet nine, 110 pounds, all in the right places. Sabrina was really into fitness. She would run every morning, and go to the gym three times a week. She was toned and tight, with great legs to go with what guys say is her cute bubble butt. With her curly blonde hair and green eyes and a tan that now I knew went everywhere, she could really turn heads.

"Why don't you come over after dinner, about seven?"

"I'll be there at seven," Harry, replied, as he caught sight of Mary, my sister's best friend turning the corner down the hall. "I got to go. See you tonight." Harry ran down the hall to get another look at Mary. Mary has been best friends with Sabrina since they were both eight years old. Sabrina turned out to be the prettier of the two. But Mary was pretty in a different way. She wasn't tall, five feet two, maybe 95 pounds. Her body was as nice as Sabrina's, but Mary's tits weren't nearly as big, maybe as big as grapefruits. She had short red hair, and she had freckles all over. I always thought she looked cute for some reason. While Sabrina could be a real tease, Mary was a little shy. I wondered if Mary had freckles on her boobs? That thought got my cock hard.

Mom and Dad had gone out to dinner with the neighbors. So Sabrina sat across from me at dinner table. As I ate and looked at her, all I could see was her bending her tit up to her mouth and sucking on it. My cock was so hard it hurt. Sabrina put a piece of spaghetti in her mouth and sucked it in. I thought it was gross a couple of weeks ago. But now I was straining to sit still, as she sucked another piece through her pouty lips. With sauce dripping down her chin, she caught sight of me staring at her and said, "What's your problem, Shit?"

"You're gross."

"Oh, am I, Shit?" She replied, as she sucked another in, and took her finger and wiped the sauce that had dripped down her chin off, then stuck her finger in her mouth and sucked it clean. Then stuck her tongue out at me.

The FEELING came over me again and I knew I'd just cum in my pants. We sat for the rest of the meal without saying another word to each other. Sabrina finished first and took her plate to the kitchen. I reached down and rubbed my cock through my pants and came again.

The doorbell rang and Sabrina came running out of the kitchen. "I got it."

"If it's Harry, tell him to come in the kitchen," I yelled, as Sabrina ran by me with her breasts bouncing up and down.

She opened the door and Mary was standing there smiling at her. Up the walk behind her came Harry.

"H-hi Sabrina, you look handsome tonight. No, I mean you look pretty," Harry said all tongue-tied.

"Shut up, you creep," she spat back at him, letting Mary in, then slammed the door in Harry's face.

"Your creepy friend is at the door, Shit!"

I hated it when she called me that. One day I'd make her pay for that. I opened the door and let Harry in. Even though Sabrina had slammed a door on him, Harry still was smiling because he caught a glimpse of my sister.

"Boy, Sabrina looks pretty tonight," Harry said.

I never thought so until yesterday. But she sure was. "You know what? I saw her topless, and she was playing with her tits!"

"No way!" Harry replied, with a wanting look on his face.

"I sure did. She left the bathroom door open a little and I saw her in the mirror. You know how the other guys at school say her breasts would sag without a bra. But they didn't sag at all!"

"I wish I could see that."

"You should have seen it. She even sucked on them!"

"No way!"

"She sure did, and it made my cock hard."

"Boy, I'd do anything to see that."

"I'd like to see it again too. Why don't we sneak up and see if we can get a look at them?"

"I'm right behind you."

I didn't think we would see anything at all. Sabrina would have her door closed. Even if she didn't, there wouldn't be much to see. As we quietly walked down the hall toward Sabrina's room, we could hear them giggling. As we got closer, the giggling turned into voices we could understand.

"Did you see Troy today? He's so cute," Mary said.

"Yeah, he sure is. And I'll bet he's got a big dick too," Sabrina said, which made them both bust out giggling again.

Listening to them you'd never believe they were two 22-year-old girls. Sabrina was a senior at the local college, and Mary was a teachers' aide at our school. They started talking about other stuff that got pretty boring. We were about to leave when...

"You know what I did last night?"

"No, what?"

"I sucked on my own tits. I was feeling horny, and I just pulled them right up and did it. I love having my tits sucked. I was so wet, I thought I'd pass out. Then I heard a noise and stopped. I think my shithead brother was trying to get in the bathroom."

"You can suck on your own? Wow! You're lying, yours are big, but you couldn't," Mary said, with a look of disbelief on her face.

"Fuck. I'd like to see that!" Harry whispered.

I turned the knob on the door and slowly pushed it open, just a little. What luck! Sabrina had a mirror on the wall by the door and one on the wall. We could see everything. They reflected into each other. Sabrina and Mary were sitting on the bed facing each other.

"Show me."

"I don't know."

"I knew you couldn't do it."

"I can too!"

"Prove it!"

They sounded like two ten-years-olds arguing back and forth. Finally Sabrina grabbed her top and pulled it over her head. Then she reached around and unhooked her bra. I couldn't hear Harry breathing anymore. He was like me: holding his breath. Sabrina put her hands on each bra cup holding them on her breasts.

"Pleeeeease," Mary said pleadingly.

"I don't know maybe I shouldn't." As she finished, she rubbed the cups into her breasts then took the bra off and dropped it on the floor.


"Ssssh! They'll hear you."


They were both too preoccupied to hear him. We both started breathing again, but just barely. Watching now was even a bigger turn-on than last night. Mary couldn't take her eyes off Sabrina's breasts. She just stared as my sister's hands cupped her tits. Then Sabrina closed her eyes and began to slowly squeeze them. She would go from the base to the nipples, then back again. Soon her nipples were hard little points that she rolled between her fingers.

Mary had absent-mindedly raised her hands to her own breasts and was squeezing them through her T-shirt. My hand was down on my own cock. I unzipped my pants and started beating away. I didn't bother seeing what Harry was doing. But by the way he was breathing he was enjoying what Sabrina and Mary were doing, too.

Sabrina suddenly stopped and wrapped both hands around her right boob. I knew what was coming. "Here it comes," I whispered back at Harry, not really caring if he heard me or not. Sabrina slowly bent her tit up to her mouth and sucked the nipple into it.

"Ooh," Mary moaned, her eyes as big as saucers. Her hands went under her T-shirt pulling at her nipples, which looked like they would rip through her shirt. Her mouth was half open and her tongue was just hanging out of her mouth licking her lips. I looked at my sister, then back to the expression on Mary's face, then came all over the front of my shirt and pants.

Sabrina let go of her breast, and it fell back into place, but bounced up and down for several seconds. Harry shot his wad watching as a drop of spit dripped off Sabrina's still rock-hard nipple. "I have to stop. That really turns me on. When I get turned on, it makes me lose my mind. I'll do anything," Sabrina said, quite breathless.

"If I hadn't seen it, I wouldn't have believed it. I wish I could do that. Bob isn't into tits, and I'm like you, having my tits sucked turns me on to no end," Mary said, as out of breath as Sabrina was.

"You too! Do you want me to suck on yours for you?"

"No way! I'm not a lesbian."

"I'm not either. But I thought you'd like it, that's all." Sabrina's hands were back at her tits pulling on her nipples.

Mary watched Sabrina's hands, then looked around the room. "Well, maybe for a second or two, but that's all," Mary said nervously.

"Take off your shirt and lie down."

My cock sprang back to life as Mary's tits came into view. I was a little disappointed that the freckles didn't cover her boobs, but they were nice anyway. Just like Sabrina's, but not half as big. Her nipples weren't any bigger than the end of my little finger, but they were rock hard.

"Lie down."

"I don't know about this. Maybe this isn't a good idea."

"Are you sure?" Sabrina said, reaching out and touching the tip of Mary's nipple. Mary shivered, then laid down with her hands behind her head. Sabrina flicked her tongue out teasing each nipple.

"Ooh that feels soo good," Mary moaned.

"So you like this do you?"

I nodded yes at the same time Mary moaned, "Yesss."

She took Mary's nipple in her mouth and sucked it lovingly. Sabrina switched from breast to breast, causing Mary's moans to grow louder. I shot my second load, watching as Mary grabbed Sabrina's head and smashed it into her left tit. Sabrina's hand slowly slid down Mary's stomach. As Sabrina continued sucking, she worked her fingers under the waist band of Mary's pants. Mary arched her back toward Sabrina's hands.

Harry shot his second wad five feet in the air, but continued stroking away. Sabrina sat up and unbuttoned Mary's pants, then unzipped them. This was a dream come true. I was about to see my first real pussy. Sabrina grabbed Mary's pants on each side and began pulling them down. Just as we started seeing pubic hairs...

"Michael, are you still awake?!" my Mom shouted.

Sabrina and Mary sat straight up, looking like a deer caught in headlights. "Shit! My parents are home!" They both quickly got dressed. As Harry and I ran to my room, I shouted, "I'm in my room with Harry!"

"It's getting late. Time for Harry to go home!" my Mom shouted back.

"Okay, Mom!"

While we were both cleaning up, we talked about what we had just seen. We were so close to seeing a girl lick another girl. We both hoped that we would get another chance. I don't know what Harry dreamed about, but I dreamed of nothing but getting my hands on my sister's big tits, while Mary sat and watched.

The days that followed were just a blur. My cock was hard the whole time. When I saw Sabrina, all I could see was her naked, sucking on her boobs. I had to get my hands on them. I just had too. Then I got an idea. Being twelve, it sounded like a good idea to me. I told Harry about it and he said that it was a great idea too. And if it didn't work, so what? I was a stupid little kid, so no one would care.

That night after dinner I went up to Sabrina's room and knocked on the door. "Sabrina, I need to talk to you!"

"Go away, Shit!"

Hearing her call me that made me mad. If it was the last thing I did, I'd make her stop calling me that. "It's important!"

"All right. Come in."

I took a deep breath, and squeezed the envelope in my hand. This had to work. Sabrina was looking sexy as usual lying face down on the bed with a magazine in front of her. She was wearing a big T-shirt that just came down enough to cover her shapely ass.

"Well, what?" She said, as she sat up and crossed her legs Indian style, then ran her fingers through her beautiful blonde hair. The T-shirt was just short enough for me to see between her legs. My cock strained, when I caught a glimpse of her blonde pubic hair.

"You know the other night?"

"What night was that?"

"Last night?"

"What about it?"

"You were in your room with Mary."

Sabrina got a nervous look on her face. "So?" She said in a low voice.

"I think you two were sexy playing with your boobs!"

"We were not! Get out of here NOW!"

Time to see if my plan would work. "I've got pictures, want to see?" I said, holding up the envelope in my hand. I didn't have any pictures. But Sabrina being in college, you'd think she'd be smart but she wasn't. I've heard that the only reason she passed anything was because she was so pretty. She'd promise a guy sex, teasing the shit out of them. Then when she got what she wanted, she'd give them nothing. They'd be mad at her, but she just did it again and again. They'd think this time it would be different, but it never was.

"You don't h-have anything," she replied, in a voice so low I could hardly hear her.

"You're right I don't. I'll just give this to Dad and Mom, and see what they think," I said, turning to leave.

"Wait! What do you want anyway, money?"


"Then what?"

"I want to play with your tits!"

"Fuck you, SHIT! No way in hell are you going to ever touch my breasts!"

"Okay, Mom, Dad, I have something for you!"

"Quiet! Get in here and close the door."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," Sabrina whispered not looking at me at all. "But if you tell anyone, I'll kill you!"

"I don't think you'll do anything. I've got these pictures, and Harry's got copies, too. So if you do anything to me, he'll show everybody."

"Please don't, You can touch my tits but that's all, all right?"

"Sure. I'll just touch them."

I had her. I thought my cock was hard before. But when she said "you can," my cock felt like it would explode any second, before I even got the door closed.

"You won't say anything, will you?"

"You can trust me. I'm your brother."

I sat down on the bed next to her. My palms were sweating. "Why don't you undress really sexy, like a stripper?"

"I won't!"


"Sssh, quiet."

"Are you going to do it, or do I tell?"

"All right, but be quiet."

Sabrina got up and started moving her hips. She ran her fingers through her hair, as she turned around and shook her butt in my face. She kept moving her hips back and forth, like she was fucking some invisible guy. Her hands slowly moved up her body, cupping both breasts squeezing them through her shirt. Her nipples got instantly hard! Then she turned her back to me.

Grabbing the bottom of her T-shirt, she kept moving her hips and slowly pulled the shirt up inch by inch. I came in my pants, watching her tight tanned ass slowly come into view. Up her back the shirt went until it was over her head. She looked over her shoulder and gave me a sexy smile then wadded her shirt up and threw it in my face.

When I got the shirt out of my face, Sabrina was standing with her hands on her hips. She was gorgeous, that's for sure. I took it all in starting for her feet. I slowly looking up her great legs to her pussy. It was perfect too. With a small blonde patch up top, with the rest shaved clean. That made me cum in my pants again. Up I looked to her shapely hips, then to her belly button. I never noticed it before but she had pierced it. She was wearing a little gold ring through it. My cock groaned and got hard again. Continuing up to her breasts, then looking her in the eye.

"Well, was that sexy enough?" Sabrina said, as she spread her feet apart about a foot.

"Y-you bet. Come here, so I can touch your tits."

"If you want them you come get them," she teased. She reached up cupped them, like she was offering them to me. I wasn't about to do what she asked. But she lifted her tit to her mouth and licked her nipple. I got up and walked toward her like a zombie. She was a good tease. I wanted her to come to me, but I couldn't resist her.

I finally reached her. My mouth came right up to breast level. My hand shook as I grabbed both tits. I couldn't cover hardly any of her tits with my hands. I squeezed them hard, which caused Sabrina to grab my hands. "Not so hard." This time I squeezed and pulled but not so hard until my cock felt like it was twice its size.

"Now don't you move," I said, never looking up at her. I didn't want to take my eyes off her tits. I stuck out my tongue and touched her nipple, then smashed her breasts together so that I could lick both nipples at the same time. This was better than I imagined. Sabrina's boobs were soft but firm. Her nipples were hard as pebbles as I sucked them in my mouth. As I went tit to tit sucking, Sabrina started breathing harder. She reached up and smashed my face on her breast. I wasn't about to stop. The harder she pushed, the harder I sucked. She began to pull my head from one breast than the other. She raised her knee and rubbed the crotch of my pants. Her knee rubbed up against my cock caused me to cum so hard I fell to my knees.

"There, Shit. You've got to play with my tits, now get out of here!" Sabrina said, looking down at me with rock hard nipples and the insides of her thighs dripping wet.

I walked out in a daze. I pressed my ear against her door. I could hear her moaning and cussing. I had to see what she was doing. Opening the door just a crack, I could see Sabrina lying in the middle of the floor with her legs spread wide. She had spread her pussy with her fingers, and was rubbing what Harry told me was her clit with the other. I didn't believe Harry when he told me it could get hard. But Sabrina's clit stuck out like a little dick head.

As she rubbed it she cussed my name between moans. She slid one, then two, then finally three fingers inside, frantically fucking herself, while rubbing her clit. She took a deep breath and held it, then started to shake, and squeezed her legs around her two probing hands. I also didn't believe it when Harry told me girls cum like guys. But when Sabrina came she soaked her two hands. She rocked her hips once more and then spread her legs as wide as she could, and came again. Cum shot a foot in the air! Sabrina crawled over to her bed cussing my name one last time, then rolled up and a sexy little ball on her bed and went to sleep.

I closed the door and rubbed my cock, trying to think of anything that would have been better than what just happened. Sabrina had fell for my bluff. I got my hands on a pair of tits that every guy that saw her wanted to touch. And I got to see a girl shoot cum. I could hardly wait to tell Harry about it.

I laid in bed thinking about what happened, then I realize that she called me that name again. I was going to stop that very soon, as I thought of another idea to try on my sister. Wait until I tell Harry. He is going to love it.

I told Harry what I'd seen and done. He made me tell him the part about Sabrina masturbating ten times. When I got to the part where she came, he always said the same thing, "You mean she squirts!? WOW!"

"She let you play with her boobs without seeing if you had anything in the envelope. Man, she is stupid."

"I always told you she was. But you didn't believe me."

I told him what I had in mind to do next. When I told him I'd need his help, he said yes before I could even finish. The plan was simple enough. I was going to get her to suck my dick, and Harry was going to take pictures. That way I'd have real ones, because I wasn't done with my sweet sister just yet. And what I had in mind, she'd might not do. So the pictures would do the trick.

Our parents were going to be gone for the evening, so I told Harry to be here at six, and bring his camera. "Don't worry about the film. I'll buy it."

Harry got here right on time. He was so excited, his cock was hard.

"Okay, be quiet so she doesn't hear you," I said, as we were standing outside Sabrina's bedroom door.

"I'm ready." Harry replied, holding up the camera for me to see.

"Sabrina, I need to talk to you again!"

"Fuck you, Shit. Go away!"

"Are you sure? Those pictures just might fall into the wrong hands?"

"Get in here!"

I smiled at Harry, then went inside, thinking how stupid could she be to fall for this twice. Sabrina must have just got out of the shower. She was sitting on her bed in her bathrobe drying her hair. Boy she looks sexy with wet hair.

"I was wondering if you would do me a favor?"

"I won't do anything for you!"

"Well if that's the way you feel about it, I've got one very nice picture of you sucking on Mary's boobs. I wonder what Dad and Mom would say when I show it to them?" I said.

"You don't have any pictures, you shit!" Sabrina snapped back at me.

She was calling my bluff. I had to think fast. "Well if you're sure? I'll just have to make copies of the picture I don't have, and pass them around at school. You won't mind will you?" I held my breath. If she wanted to see it, I was dead. Sabrina squirmed around for a few minutes, then dropped the towel from her still-wet hair.


"I want you to suck my dick."

"Fuck you, shithead! I'm not sucking you or anyone else's, EVER! That's disgusting!"

"What size should I make the picture? Eight by ten's? That'll be perfect," I said, as I turned to leave.

"Please don't. I'll... I... You won't tell anyone will you?" Sabrina stammered.

"I'll never tell anyone, I promise." I didn't have to worry about telling anyone. Harry couldn't keep a secret, even if you threaten him with death. He'd do the telling for me. The look on her face made me feel sorry for her. Well almost. As I unzipped my pants, Sabrina closed her eyes and swallowed hard.

When she opened her eyes, I was standing in front of her, with my little cock already hard just inches from her lips. I was already so excited my dick was dripping what Harry told me was pre-cum. Sabrina stared but didn't move. "Come on. I haven't got all day."

"Don't you cum in my mouth. And don't you cum on me either. I hate that," she said, as she stuck out her tongue and touched the tip of my cock. She got this look of disgust on her face. Then she again stuck out her tongue and ran it around the head. It felt so good I just smiled. I didn't know if she was good or not. But to me I was in heaven. She licked up and down, she even sucked my balls into her mouth. That caused pre-cum to run out of my cock. She opened her month, then closed her eyes, and put my cock in her month. Neither one of us moved. Then she slowly began to move her head. It felt so good I started moving my hips, trying to fuck her face. She sat still as I continued to move faster and faster.

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