Happy Families - Cover

Happy Families

by Nathan Foster

Copyright© 1999 by Nathan Foster

Incest Sex Story: Catching her daughter with the girl's boyfriend led to an unexpected cascade of events that led where no family should go...

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son   Daughter   Oral Sex   .

1. A Daughter in Flagrante Delicto

Barbara was in her early thirties, a good looking housewife with two beautiful children, Jack who was 15 and Sophie who was 14. She had a lot to be grateful for but she was also bored with life. The children didn't need her like they used to and their father was so involved with work at this point in their lives that it all became a bit dull. For some time her fantasies had been growing more and more outrageous, spurred on by the lack of any suitable outlet and she was masturbating now more than at any time since she was a teenager.

One particular Monday morning things came to a sudden head. She was feeling a little groggy in the morning and decided to call in sick to work although by the time she had gone back to bed for an hour or so she was feeling substantially better and was grateful for the time off that she had bought for herself. She got up mid-morning, showered and then spent quite some time pampering herself in front of the mirror. She didn't hear anything unusual during all that time so when she wandered downstairs, completely naked and feeling much refreshed it was a shock beyond words that she got when she turned the corner into the living room. On the floor was Sophie, buck naked, lying on her back with her head towards her mother, over her Darren (Sophie's 15 year old boyfriend) had a knee on either side of her head and was angling his very hard cock downwards into Sophie's mouth. What she lacked in technique and experience Sophie was certainly making up for in enthusiasm. Over the slurping and gulping noises she was making it was no surprise that the two teens had not heard Barbara approaching and for almost thirty seconds she stood stunned at the door way watching this hard bodied guy dipping his cock in and out of her daughter's mouth. Barbara knew very well that her daughter was having sex, she had talked to Sophie about it some months earlier and had advised her on birth control and on a couple of occasions Barbara had been quite sure that she had heard the same kinds of noises coming from behind Sophie's bedroom door. She wasn't quite sure that she felt happy if Sophie was screwing so young but it seemed ridiculous and possibly dangerous to start laying down parental dictats when Sophie had come to her for advice. No matter how liberal Barbara was prepared to be as a parent, actually walking in on the pair of them had not been a scenario she had expected and she certainly didn't like the idea that Sophie and Darren were bunking school to screw each other. Still, it would be dreadful for them both to be discovered like this so she resolved to withdraw and speak to Sophie about it later.

This might have been an end to it but for the fact that there was something about the scene which made her linger - only perhaps for a matter of a few extra seconds - but she did stop and look for just that extra moment. Was it something about the sheer animal nature of what she was watching? Was it something about Darren and what she had to admit was his rather appealing body and cock? Was it that she was suddenly face to face with a younger, smoother and firmer version of herself in Sophie and she needed to look for a moments nostalgia? Whatever it was, it was enough for her to linger just those extra few seconds and enough time for Darren to look up and for his face to go slack in sheer terror as he saw his girlfriend's mother standing naked in the doorway way, watching him as he dicked her daughter's face.

"Holy Shit!" He said as he leapt upwards off Sophie, a spay of her saliva hanging from the end of his long thin prick. Sophie jerked her body around and stared in equal dismay at her mother. There was a very awkward moment indeed which hung silently over them for some time. Barbara suddenly became aware of her own nakedness and blushingly and unsuccessfully tried to cover her breasts and grion at he same time - a job that she did not have enough hands to do well. Darren began to stammer out something fairly incomprehensible but Barbara was in control of herself more quickly

"You kids... You kids er... carry on...I'll... I'll head back upstairs for a while." And with that she turned - not fully realising that her ass was bared to their view and made her way back towards the stairs. There was an indescribable silence in the room behind her for some moments but just as she mounted the stairs, she thought she heard her daughter saying to Darren something like 'don't worry' and 'she's cool'

Upstairs sat on her own bed, Barabara could not get the image of her daughter and Darren out of her head and to her dismay Barabara found that she was wet between the legs. She had never thought of Darren as that attractive before, she supposed because she was used to the sight her husbands naked body and it had been a long time since she had thought lustful thoughts about the young male form. Now though, she wasn't so sure. Darren was a slender young man, his torso was honed through swimming and his legs had seemed - from what she could remember now through the haze of embarrasment to be lean, smooth and possibly shaved. And that cock - she could hardly bare to say it even to herself but it was so much leaner and keener, more virile than her husband's, even if it was smaller. These thoughts were ricocheting around her head when there was a timid knock at the door.

"Mum?" Sophie sounded deflated, perhaps concilliatory. Barbara quickly pulled the duvet around her nakedness and put on a similarly conciliatory tone when she called Sophie into the room. She was too confused by what she had just seen and more so by the thoughts she was now having to argue. Best to talk this one through sensibly she thought.

Sophie had put on a bath robe and her mum could see her face was still flushed and guessed that Sophie was unaware of the shiny saliva that was coating her chin. It was vaguely endearing.

"Where's Darren?" Her mother asked, suspecting that she knew.

"He went home." Sophie seemed confused by it all too.

"I hope you two haven't had a row now because of this?" Barbara patted the bed beside her indicating that Sophie should sit down. It was a gesture which relieved the tension between them considerably.

"No. No, he was just too embarrassed after..." and her voice trailed off, not quite able to find the words, 'when you caught us shagging.' Barbara suddenly realised that she felt exhausted, just a few minutes of stress and confusion had wiped her out completely.

"You really like him don't you?" Barbara found that she was quite keen to talk about Darren, "I hope he's good to you?"

"Yea I do and he is. Its not quite so good though when it stops half way through." Sophie managed a half smile and Barbara noticed that she too seemed really quite tired and deflated. The bloom of an almost-orgasm was still thick on her cheeks and Barbara couldn't help herself when the thought came 'I bet she's as wet between the legs now as I am.' Barbara, the thirty-something mother of two was horrified by the thought she had just had, but it was nonetheless making her wetter still. It was like somebody else was sitting in her brain. She heard herself saying,

"Well, perhaps I can help there, seeing as I caused the problem in the first place." And she gently pushed Sophie backwards until she was lying on the bed. Sophie's big brown eyes looked up at her curiously but she made no protest. A voice in Barbara's head was screaming 'WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?' over and over. But for some reason she wanted to and was able to ignore that voice.

Babara felt jittery like she hadn't felt since the first adolescent fumblings with this girls father many years ago now. Her breathing became shallow as the sheer weight of anticipation built up inside her - the feeling that comes each time your body experiences a new body, one it hasn't seen or felt before. Slowly she moved the two sides of her daughter's robe apart and Sophie closed her eyes. Sophie's body was quite lovely, her skin was soft and supple to the touch. And what a touch. As Barbara's fingers alighted on her daughter's thigh she felt something like a static charge which seemed to penetrate right down to the base of her spine. Sophie's mouth opened slightly at the first touch and she seemed almost like she was asleep. 'YOU CAN'T DO THIS. YOU CAN'T DO THIS' But she did.

Like the movement of someone adjusting themselves in their sleep Sophie twisted slightly and caused her legs to open a little. Her crotch was a reminder to Barbara of her age. Her hair was dark but it was straight and thin, and although the signs of puberty were well advanced there was not yet any covering with thick bushy hair and the crack of her vagina was easily visible as from the front and more so as it travelled down between her legs where the hair was thinner still. Which is where Barbara's fingers went. Sophie stirred again on the bed as she felt her mother's fingers touch and then begin to rub the still wet lips of her pussy. Her legs spread further still in an involuntary sprawl. Her mother knew what she was doing and soon Sophie was breathing deeply, her almost full breasts rising and falling strongly to the rhythm of her mother's hand movements. They murmured gently to each other - sometimes forming words.

"Darren is very lucky to have you." Barbara said gently, "and from what I saw you should think yourself lucky too."

"mmm-uh" Sophie's reply was lost for the moment. Neither of them were thinking about what they were doing, both were simply lost in the sensation. Barbara in the wetness and warmth of the private hole between her daughters legs and Sophie in the sensuous grindings of her mothers hand. They were not touching elsewhere, in some ways the whole thing remained very utillitarian, mother sitting beside a prone daughter, helping her out with a very natural function. Sophie cleared her throat softly and said "you should teach him to do this."

Barbara gave a little snort, "I don't suppose Darren would be interested in a woman my age for a moment, no, you'll just have to train him yourself." There was a sharp intake of breath from Sophie as her mother chose that moment to introduce two fingers right inside her, her thumb staying outside rotating on her young clitoris.

Through heavier breathing still Sophie managed to gasp, "I think you're wrong mum." But that was all she managed before Barbara turned up the pace and began finger frigging her baby daughter's cunt in earnest. The juices were flowing out over her hand and onto the bed and Barbara started rubbing hard, manipulating her fingers inside and out of her daughter, pumping into her deepest recesses and thinking at the same time, despite herself, of the beautiful young cock which had been up there just minutes before. Sophie began to writhe, grinding her hips and pelvis around her mothers hand, alternately spreading her legs to allow her moither as deep as possible, and then squeezing her legs together around mum's hand to savour the exquisite sensation. Just before she came, Sophie started to yelp and cry out, her voice sounded so young and trembling, she thrashed on the bed next to her mother one last time and then fell quiet as Barbara watched the ripples of a shiver run back and forth under Sophie's skin.

They did not say another word but Barbara left her daughter on the bed to sleep which Sophie did immediately.

Nathan Foster - Writer of erotica - slash fanfiction - spirituality and journalism

2. What's Next?

The aftermath of Barbara's experience with her daughter was gentle but significant. They did talk about it but not much, the voice in Barbara's head which had screamed against her during their first encounter soon subsided and it just seemed quite the natural thing to do, a bit of mother daughter bonding. They carried on too. It was only ever a case of Mother fingering her daughter, nothing more, but it became quite regular. For the next month or so, Barbara would go to her daughter's bedroom perhaps every other night, often after Sophie was already asleep, slip her fingers quietly inside her daughter and bring her dozing form to a climax before returning to her snoring husband's side in her own bed. But that was not all that happened. Barbara found she was able to get the vicarious thrill of her daughter's sexual explorations with Darren. It was as if they had suddenly become the most intimate kind of girlfriends. Sophie would talk to her mother about everything she and Darren did together, expressing her reservations, asking her advice and telling her how wonderful things were after the event.

"Mum, he want me to swallow his cum. Is that alright? Its not dangerous or anything is it?" "Well do you want to do it?" Her mum had enquired. "You bet I do." Said Sophie with her minxiest smile on, "sounds like a really sexy idea, you know I like sex when its really slippery and messy, I told you about that baby oil idea we had didn't I and that was cool. I'm just not sure if its alright to swallow cum." Babara gave her daughter the information and the very next day was hearing all about how the divine Darren was over the jerking all over the place when Sophie let him cum in her mouth, the taste or it and consistency were all included in the rerport.

They had a great deal of these conversations in the month or so that followed their first sexual encounter together. It was also implicitly understood between them that Barbara thought Darren was very good looking and that Darren had been very impressed by what he had seen of Barbara. Both women chose not to think about the implications of that.

But night time trips to her daughters bedside and masturbating to the stories that Sophie told her about Darren were not quite enough for Barbara. Although Sophie had grown quite wild at times whilst her mother's fingers were buried deep inside her pubic mound, Sophie never touched her mother there and Barbara always had to relieve herself once she got back to her own bed, trying not to wake up Harry, Sophie's dad in the process.

The next development in Barbara's sex life was almost as unplanned as the first but it happened to some degree as a result of the frustration she felt leaving Sophie's room night after night. Barbara looked in on her son one of those nights. It was something she had done on and off for some time, albeit with decreasing regularity as he had gotten older. But still she felt that both he and Sophie were enough her babies still that she had the right to check on them, as she had done every night when they were little, if only to hear the comforting sound of their breathing.

Jack was asleep. Soundly. His breathing was slightly laboured but he wasn't quite snoring. The curtains were open and the moon made the inside of his room pale and silvery. Jack was sleeping under one sheet only as it was a hot night and his mother, still horny from the fingering she had just come from with his sister noticed a slight tenting in that one sheet.

Jack was a lovely kid. He was fifteen but in some ways much less mature than his little sister. He stood just under 5'9'' which seemed short these days amongst his peers. He had a slim build, not quite skinny but almost and again, in comparison to his peers he was a bit of a weakling. He was shy and quiet and had not yet really come 'out of his shell' as the neighbours often commented to her. His skin was pale because he hardly let it see the sun, preferring instead to spend his time huddled around his computer with friends or hanging around with them at night. It was the difficult age when it was impossible to go into bars and clubs and to be honest, Jack's social skills weren't up to that yet either, he would have scared shitless by a place like that.

Barbara opened his bedroom door a touch more and stepped inside. Jack was asleep with his mouth open and his head back. He did not look terribly attractive. But then, his mother had just spent a month fantasizing about his sister's boyfriend who was the same age as Jack. It had to be said though that the age was about where the similarity ended. Darren was not muscular in a beefy way but he was sporty and his body toned and hard. Jack's body was hard too but that was mostly bone. Whilst Darren was well developed, Jack looked like he had some maturing still to do. Staring at her son, drenched in the moonlight, she compared him to Darren and found that Jack looked almost feminine by comparison. He stirred suddenly, making Barbara start, but he did not wake. In the process of turning onto his back Jack pushed the sheet down off of his torso and lay exposed from the waist up. He was her son, she could not help but find him beautiful. She reached out a hand and placed it on his chest. His skin surprised her by being silky in a way she had not expected. His angluar face had been dotted with the occasional spot for a couple of years now but here, down in the warmth over his heart, Jack's skin was as soft as the inside of his sisters thighs.

Barbara could feel the same kind of compulsion growing in her, the same kind of excitement as when she had first eased Sophie backwards on the bed. She let her eyes roam over his body, immune somewhat now to the weight of taboo which mighthave pressed upon her a month ago. She followed the arch of his chest and could see the gentle undulation of his ribs under his skin, his stomach fell away in a graceful curve from the bottom of his rib cage and just where his skin started to soften and bloom as it descended into his pubic hair it was covered still by the sheet.

Barbara's eyes were still drawn to his crotch though. Not for anything that she could see explicitly but for the hard rod that quite clearly lurked underneath the thin cotton shroud. She took the moment and the opportunity, her experiences with Sophie had taught her that chances should not be missed. Very gently she peeled back the sheet and allowed her son's cock to stand free. Then she sat down beside the bed, her head close to his erect shaft, and although he stirred again he did not wake. It wasn't so much a cock she thought as a prick. More adolescent looking than a cock. It had a foreskin, that much she knew because it had been her decision to keep it for him. The rest of it was a revelation. It had been many years since she had seen her son naked and in those years there had been a lot of changes. His balls were full and rounded and they hung weightily in a low hanging sac of flesh, his prick itself was not long or thick but it had animal look about it, the same kind of animal feeling went with it as with the sight of Darren doing Sophie. It wasn't a big animal kind of thing but more like a scrappy, strong animal, like a dog. That was it. Looking at Darren's cock was like looking at a dog's dick. But bigger than that, Barbara had to give him that. There was a full bush of hair there now as well which hadn't even started to appear the last time Barbara had seen this part of her son.

She put a hand on his prick. With two fingers she gently rubbed his foreskin a little way back and forth, then took his prick in her coiled hand. It jerked instantlyand she responded by gripping it more firmly. In one slow movement she moved the foreskin back, skinning and exposing his glans which glistened slightly. He began to wake up. 'The moment of truth she thought.'

"Mum?" The half question barely escaped his throat as he woke from some strange dream. "Do you want me to carry on?" She asked very quietly still squeezing gently on his prick. "Mum?" He said again, slightly more clear this time. "Shall I stop?" There was a very very long pause. "What do you think?" He said "I think it looks like you are enjoying it." Barbara could feel the gamble going on here with every nerve end in her body, but it was exciting and it made her wet. "I think..." He paused nervously, "I think you should carry on." The tension in her released suddenly, she lent forwards and took the whole length of his teen prick into her mouth which got the desired reaction. Jack gasped and arched his back, unintentionally pushing his prick deep into her warm mouth. To Barbara her boy's meat tasted really good, not exactly clean, but good. It felt woddy and knotty and full of strength and she savoured the young hardness of it, pushing her tongue every now and again under his foreskin and licking around the sensitive head. She had no idea that Jack would produce so much pre-cum, within a minute of her lips touching his prick she could taste it oozing out of the slit at the top. She remembered what his sister had said about liking sex to be slippery and mucky, she could relate to that now. Barbara soon felt a very tentative hand on the top of her head and with each successive swallowing of his doggy, adolescent prick her hands son got firmer, pushed slightly harder.

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