Wicked Wanda - Cover

Wicked Wanda

by Caesar

Copyright© 1999 by Caesar

Incest Sex Story: A young girl uses the powers found within a book to get her own way with her mother and sister.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/ft   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Mind Control   Incest   Mother   Sister   Daughter   Group Sex   Voyeurism   .

Copyright© 1998-2003

I dined with Lord Hughing Fitz-Bluing
Who said, "Do you squirm when you're screwing?"
I replied, "Simple shagging
Without any wagging
Is only for screwing canoeing."

Wanda tried to ignore her sister and mother arguing yet again at the dinner table. Her mind going over the items in the book she had found nearly a month ago at her great-grandmothers house, during that old ladies memorial service.

Not so much a book, but a tome. A thick, very old, leather bound book filled with barely legible hand-written script and diagrams. In fact after sneaking it away (hiding from yet more family arguing by taking the tome to the car), Wanda realized it was written my several generations of ladies. In different ink and writing styles, it seems the tome was divided up into sections that each contained one spell.

Yup, in fact, the book contained literally hundreds of spells. Some dating back probably hundreds of years.

If not for the venerable age of the tome and the fact that so many women had written their notes and observations upon the pages, Wanda would have put little credence it. Within a week of first getting the book, her first test, or spell, confirmed that it did, truly, work as advertise.

It was one of the simpler spells in the book, one requiring little preparatory work. Her mother, upon coming home from work and in a frightful mood, had shouted from downstairs... Wanda knew that it would be the first daughter that her mom came upon that got the brunt of the bad mood thrust upon her. And since Cheryl wasn't here, Wanda would be the chosen one. Seated within her room, the door closed, Wanda quickly turned to the page within the tome that had a spell she remembered. She quickly cast it, using the mundane items it required that she had already collected (small piece of clear glass being the main one).

When the door flew open and her mom strode in, Wanda had thought she was truly about to get in trouble. Even for not calling out when called, would get her a spanking... and in this mood, who knew how bad it could get. Wanda sat on the bed, biting her bottom lip as her mom strode into the room, still in her nurses uniform, and stood with feet apart and hands on her hips looking about. Then, to Wanda's amazement, she simply stalked out of the room and could be heard storming back down the stairs to the kitchen.

It had worked. Her mother could not see her. The book had warned that it wasn't an invisible spell, only that people were made to see what the caster wanted them to see -- in this case, the bed. If Wanda had moved or spoke anything, the casting would have been broken.

After that day, Wanda could hardly take her nose out of the book and wanted to learn as much as possible.

"Wanda... Wanda!"

Whoops, she had been daydreaming again. "Sorry," she spoke in her normally sheepish voice, "what did you say mom?"

"I swear, I have one daughter that is turning into a tramp and another that is deaf and dumb!" Cheryl snickered at her younger sister for the latter comment, Wanda simply ignored her. "I said, can you do the dishes tonight... ?"

Wanda quickly interjected, "But its Cheryl's turn tonight, I have studying to do." Not for school though.

Her mom simply ignored her outburst, and continued. "... Cheryl and I are going over Mrs. Jennings house for a couple of hours?" It wasn't really a question.

A tiny mumble, "Yes mom."

"Good. Cheryl, go get your things ready." Mrs. Jennings often tutored Cheryl, as mom's friend was a university professor and had no problem helping out. It was the summer break, but Cheryl was in two summer school classes. Though she had good grades, Wanda was jealous of the efforts her mom went through trying to get Cheryl's grades past a 'C'.

Within the hour, Wanda was back in her room pouring over another casting. Often the script was old and nearly illegible as well it was written in older type writing and was often hard to understand. It took an effort to understand, in the proper detail it took, each casting.

Time passed without noticing, until Wanda heard the door to the house open and her mom's voice call out, "Wanda?" She knew immediately that her procrastinated chores were about to get her into trouble -- the dishes sat undone in the kitchen. Quickly she turned to a page in the tomb that may helped her out of the trouble she found herself in.

Downstairs, it got quiet until she heard her mothers hard footsteps climbing the stairs. When the door swung open and Wanda turned to see the barely controlled anger in the face of her mother, she had memorized what she needed from the book.

"What did I ask you before I left?"

Wanda's hands trembled as she tore a button from her shirt.

The lack of a response seemed to anger her mother further. "Answer me young lady or by god I will tan your ass so red..."

Wanda spoke the words even as she tossed the button over her shoulder (and not watching where it fell).


Wanda sat biting her lip, fearful but anxious to know if her efforts worked.

"What was I saying?" Her mom had spoken in a much calmer voice, her face now turning from anger to puzzlement even as Wanda's turned to contained joy.

"Where Cheryl was mom."

"Oh yes. I dropped her off at Debbie's'." The best friend of Cheryl's since she had been in the third grade (though Wanda knew that her sisters boyfriend often ended up over there with them). After another awkward pause, Wanda's mom simply turned about and calmly (she was rarely calm when it came to her daughters) and walked back downstairs. Within minutes, it was obvious by the sounds from the kitchen that she was doing the dishes.

That was only the beginning.

Never an outgoing teen, Wanda had few friends and few activities that did not involve her sitting in her room with the door closed. Before she had found the tomb, she had poured over novels and had enjoyed old movies -- imagining herself inside the story, outside her real life. Now, nothing mattered except understanding another spell. It may take a week just to get to the point where she comprehended the terms, while other days it only took an hour to understand a whole spell.

As she learned more, she became more anxious to try some of her spells out. Once, she had caused the dirty dishwater still left in the sink to come to a boil, within seconds and without any heat. Another time she had brought her dark bedroom to become as bright as a sunny day when she cast a spell upon the tip of her pen. And another when she created two mirror images of herself that moved separate from herself (meaning she had 3 'Wanda's' in her room each doing something separate).

Yet, with the dozen or so mundane castings, it was the ones that helped her affect her own life that interested her most. You see, she was an introvert, where her sister was the opposite, and had no life outside of her imagination and small room.

So Wanda cast a friendship spell upon Jill (a year older) next door. A girl that had barely spoken two words to her in the years they had lived nearly. Wanda had always liked Jill, an average looking girl but athletic, who didn't hang around the 'cool' girls at school but still had her circle of friends. All that Wanda wanted initially from the friendship was someone to talk with when her eyes became crossed from reading too much of the tome. But after only two backyard chats with Jill, she found the girl boring and was only interested in boys, basketball and field-hockey. So within a week of her spell, Wanda instead found herself only wanting Jill to do things for her.

With another quick spell, Wanda now had someone to do her chores for her. When her mother was at work and her sister was wherever her sister went, Jill would come over and happily wash the dishes, iron and wash the clothes, dust, and even mow the lawn. This left more time for Wanda to study the tome. And much to her enjoyment, the more she studied and cast, the easier the more seemingly complex casting seemed to become to her. She was now understanding more and more of the spells within the book.

Her mother and sister still fought nearly constantly but Wanda found favouritism with her mom. The chores were getting done, she kept out of her mothers hair, and she didn't cause trouble with her sister. Wanda even found herself on the receiving end of a hug from her mother, which felt awkward, was still enjoyable though infrequent.

One way that Wanda kept out of her mothers 'hair' was that she used the spell that she had first cast, when her mother came looking for her. Not finding her youngest daughter, Wanda's mom went on thinking her introvert daughter was finding a life outside her bedroom.

There was only one catch in these actions, one evening when Cheryl was at Debbie's house again and after her mother had just closed Wanda's door (thinking her gone out) after finding it empty, Wanda discovered a part of her mother she never knew.

Her mom's bedroom was at the end of the hallway with Cheryl and Wanda's bedroom across from each other half way down the hallway. This meant, Wanda's one wall was shared with her mother. After thinking herself alone in the house, Wanda's mom (Betty was her name actually) retreated to her own room. Initially thinking herself left alone, Wanda continued with her studying. Within a short time something brought her out of her deep thought, a noise. The noise happened again, a low moan or groan. Pain? After hearing it a couple more times, it seemed to be coming from her mothers room, and though barely audible, deep sighs could also be heard often between the moans.

When it dawned on Wanda what her mom was doing, it caused a strange reaction. She could feel her face flush, her breathing nearly stop and her heart to flutter and quicken. Her body froze and her eyes widened in amazement at the discovery. So far in her young teenage life, Wanda had little to no experience in anything sexual. This includes her own. Oh, a few times, she had awakened in the middle of the night after a foggy dream with her body perspiring and vibrating with a need she knew not what. The pool of her own intimate juices coating her panties, pyjama bottoms and even creating a wet spot on the bed. After each time, she had found herself touching herself above her pyjamas or pressing herself into her bed... each time though, she had finally fallen asleep, uncontented.

She knew, of course, what her mother was doing (mostly from books that she has read). Though she had no idea how it was done nor that her mother did it. And from the sounds generating from the next room, it was obvious her mom was enjoying what she did. Wanda even went so far to open her closet and press her ear to the wall that was the nearest place in her room to her mom (which did help her hear, in better clarity, the noise in the next room).

Within only a moment or two of first realizing what that moaning was, Wanda's own hand pressed upon her shorts, pushing upwards into her sex. Soon she was putting pressure between her legs with the same rhythm that her mom was moaning out. When the moaning increased in both volume and intensity, Wanda found her own vocalization as she could not contain the moans that escaped her. She echoed the sounds next door, but too soon for Wanda, the bed suddenly squeaked violently and the moan turned to a high-pitched squeal that lasted several long seconds before another squeak of the bed and then nothing (but Wanda thought she could hear deep heavy breathing).

With her body trembling, she desired more, needed to hear more. The sweat was nearly dripping from her forehead and Wanda could feel the hot moisture upon her fingers that dampened her shorts. She bit her lip almost to the point of breaking the skin in her frustration. She knew, of course, what had just happened, why the noises had stopped, but that did little to alleviate her own need.

Wanda made her way to her own bed and fell into it, tears of frustration and from need rolled slowly down her cheeks. Eventually she fell asleep.

Wanda knew some part of her changed, that her mind was hard pressed to study the tome even while memories of that evening continued in her mind. At first it was just remembering the noise then it was wondering what her mother was doing in the privacy of her own room and finally it culminated to wondering when her mother would next retreat to her room and again make the noise that so enthralled her younger daughter.

Part of her knew it was wrong to think of these things, with her mom especially. But Wanda had no experience with social interaction, had no experience or had cared about sexuality with men or women. Yet, that seemed to be changing. She wondered, briefly, if she was a lesbian -- not ever having a sexual thought about a boy -- but discovered that she cared not. That she would simply enjoy what desires came upon her and not to place a label upon them, was her conclusion.

Several times Wanda gave her mother the same circumstances that had led to the earlier event. Thinking herself alone in the house, night time... it had not recurred. Nightly now Wanda had an erotic dream, at first she could not remember but awoke as she had always done in a sweat with her sex wet and her mind torn with desire. The longer it was that Wanda was awaiting another recurrence of that event, the more memorable the dreams became. Initially it was simply images of her mother smiling, of a hug, of a private look. Then it became more graphic as she imagined a flash of thigh, of a remembered sight of her mom in panties and bra, or even the one-time flash of seeing her mother in the shower behind the foggy glass. Each night the dreams felt more real more intense, until she dreamed of her mother laying upon her bed beneath the sheets as she moaned and sighed calling out to her, or imagining her mom pressing her clothed body against the kitchen counter, or of her moms hand dripped with sexual dew.

The nights were becoming more difficult to get through while the days were becoming more awkward for the young woman. As much as she tried, she could not stop appraising her own mother. Wanda could become entranced with just the sight of her moms full red lips as they moved throughout dinner. A quick movement of a skirt or the press of a breast against a thin blouse would cause a flutter between her legs.

Though, in time, it was Cheryl that surprised Wanda.

On a rare morning when the three females sat together for breakfast, the two teenagers being served the meal by their mom, Wanda was awarded a generous amount of her mothers cleavage as the older woman bent over to ladle out the pancakes. Since she had just gotten out of the shower and only wore a robe, Wanda saw nearly to her mothers nipple. A sight not ever seen by her youngest daughter, or at least not before noticed. When her mom turned about, to return the empty platter to the sink before joining her daughters, Wanda glanced at Cheryl and saw, to her horror, that her older sister saw and understood all.

A smirk lay upon her sisters face and the two siblings stared at each other for a long moment before Cheryl blew a kiss and winked. Wanda felt the blood drain from her face, it was one thing to be infatuate with her parent, it was another to have it known by another. She hadn't a button to tear from her clothes for the forget spell that she could use right now on her sister (and the spell had to be used immediately). Cheryl returned to her breakfast, all the while, wearing that smirk knowing it held a bit more power over her own younger sister.

When the breakfast was finished their mom stood up and informed Cheryl it was her turn for the dishes. The elder teen smirked (Wanda was fast disliking that expression upon her sister) and spoke up, "Wanda will do 'em mom, I did the dishes for her last week." A lie of course. Cheryl stood up and simply left the house for summer school classes leaving her younger sister with the dirty dishes (when her mom leaves, Wanda will have Jill do them for her regardless).

Instead, Wanda retreated to her room and poured over the tome looking for a casting that would help her situation. Perhaps the same suggestion spell that had worked on Jill, as it was too late for a forget spell? There were other spells listed of course, most miscellaneous in use and not appropriate in this situation. There were also those that Wanda could use but would rather not, spells like desire or a love spell. The young woman closed the book, having found a casting that she felt was necessary for this situation.

When Cheryl returned from doing whatever she does, she immediately went to her room (ignoring her sister) and slammed the door. With their mother still out, the two girls were alone for several more hours. Wanda knocked but received no answer so she gently opened the door.

"Hey pervert." A greeting that caused Wanda to cringe.

Wanda spoke the words and then tossed the ice cube against her sisters bosom. Immediately the elder teen seemed to stop moving and just stood there before her bed. Wanda had just paralysed (temporarily of course) her older sister. The eyes though, were still alive and panic could be seen within. Wanda barely took notice. She walked the few feet up to her sister and with one finger pressed upon her sisters forehead until the tall shapely girl fell back upon her bed (in the same position she had been standing).

The eyes followed the younger woman. "Now you know." It was spoken calmly (though she was rather excited at the power coursing through her) -- did Wanda mean the spells or of her desire for her own mother? "Whatever you see or hear from now on in this house, is none of your business. Okay Cheryl?" Of course the elder could not reply.

Wanda spoke more of the powerful words and very undramatically nothing happened. But it had, fear ran through Cheryl that she could feel through every fibre of her body. If she had been mobile she would have ran off screaming ripping her own hair from her head. Instead she lay there feeling the unnatural horror that ran through her and seeing her sister's inquisitive face as she watched her.

It lasted only thirty seconds (the tome warned that extended exposure could actually be fatal).

Sweat covered Cheryl's body and she found that her limbs could move, so she turned away from her sister and lay in a fetal position whimpering. "Remember what happened today Cheryl, I could do much worse!" The younger girl left.

A new feeling ran through Wanda's body -- power. She now realized the possibilities of some of the spells that were in her book. How they could be used for her own needs and desires. Oh, she need not frighten everyone that she wanted to manipulate, but there were so many spells within the tomb that she was sure to find something for nearly any situation.

After only a day of contemplation, Wanda knew the two spells that she wanted to use upon her own mother. The first was possibly the most difficult spell she had yet tried to cast, invisibility. The second, a fairly mundane desire spell. In this plan of Wanda's she wanted to finally repeat that last wonderful nights adventures... but this time, to be more intrusive, to be able to experience and understand what her mother was actually enjoying in much closer perspective.

In the four days that went by before Wanda was prepared, everything seemed to go just right for her. Her sister Cheryl had spent as much time away from the house as possible, to the point it was almost obvious that she didn't want to come home, thus the house was empty on the planned evening. The spells and their ingredients seemed to just click within Wanda's mind, everything just made sense. Her mom only worked a short shift that day, and her youngest daughter knew nearly to the minute that she would returning home.

On the day Wanda had so devilishly anticipated, her mom returned to a quiet house. Betty dropped her purse and kicked off her shoes and called out to her daughters. No answer. She undid the pony-tail holding her shoulder-length thick brown hair and wearily climbed the stairs. A quick look into each of her daughters rooms confirmed that she was indeed alone.

When she closed the door to her room, she thought she felt a whisk of warm air near her face. It had to be her imagination she concluded. She unbuttoned her uniform and allowed it to drop to the floor. The attractive mother had just unbuttoned her rear clasp bra and she felt a small tingle shoot through her body. It took a second for her to steady herself when she became conscious of her own hands holding the 'C' cups of her brassiere. So much so that her nipples poked anxiously against the firm white material and into the palms of her hands.

Betty did a slow spin and looked at herself in the full-length mirror against her one wall. Though she normally was very critical of her appearance, she found that she liked what she now saw. Her curvaceous body was certainly more mature than she had been before the girls were born, there was a definite sexiness about the hourglass figure, the shapely legs, the wide shoulders and high neck. So much so, that Betty was pleasantly surprised to find her sex had that familiar tingle.

She let the bra drop, instantly forgotten, to the carpeted floor. The slight sag was no longer noticeable to the horny mom as she turned before the mirror admiring her breasts. Bringing both hands up, she squeezed and moved the soft flesh about her chest, loving the touch of her own hands. In seconds she moved her hands so she could pinch each nipple between thumb and forefinger. It felt exquisite and caused a thrill of pleasure to shoot up her spin.

Betty knew exactly what she was leading up to, though never has she been so impassioned, so horny as she felt now.

Her gaze moved down to her white nylons and white panties. Though she enjoyed the sight of her legs encased in the sheer white nylon, the wide thick panties hardly showed off her sexy hips and (still) sexy waist. Hurriedly, the thirty-something mother of two hooked both thumbs beneath her panties and shoved roughly downwards. She even gasped in pleasure when she felt the chilled air tickle her now raw flesh. Quickly she pulled each foot from the encased nylon.

When she finally stood back before the mirror and gazed down between her legs, she had to bite her bottom lip in pleasure. The thick brown bush between her legs had droplets of moisture already upon it, never had see been so wet when still clothed before, and she now anticipated the pleasure she was about to give herself.

It seemed to her, that a dam had broke with her patience and she suddenly wanted that pleasure now. She didn't need no gentle patient build-up, her body was ready, it needed to be pleasured now.

Betty turned and fell into her queen-sized bed, driving her crotch into the soft mattress and quilt. It felt so good she already moaned out and then continued to press her hips down into her bed, trying to drive her clitoris a foot below the mattress. The loud groans and gasps of her pleasure sounded intense and loud even in her own ears. It was like a horny nymph slut had taken over her body and needed to be pleasured.

Grinding into the mattress wasn't enough, Betty spun onto her back and threw her legs wide as both her hands attacked her sex. Her left hand was running two fingers up and down between the inner and outer lips of her incredibly wet hot sex. The other hand roughly manipulated the enlarged and highly sensitive clitoris.

With this method she found herself quickly moving towards her objective. "Oh god... !" Was that her, never before had she spoken, never before had she been so hot that she had to speak. "I'm so close... oh god!"

Wanda watched wide eyed as her mom suddenly started to spasm. Her mom's back arched off the bed and the elder woman shoved three fingers of her left hand deep into her vagina. The scream that accompanied the incredible sight pierced the bedroom and the young teens ears.

The young woman stumbled to the door and flung it open but before she could get to her bedroom, dropped to the hallway floor and shoved her hand beneath her dripping wet panties (she had only worn panties and a loose tee shirt). Her mom was still screaming even as Wanda had her first orgasm kneeling on the floor before her moms room, her ass high and facing the foot of her moms bed.

The two ladies orgasmed together, and neither no longer noticed the other.

Eventually Wanda crawled off to her room and collapsed in bed and immediately fell asleep with a very content smile upon her face. As for Betty, she eventually opened her eyes and realized the door was open and stumbled over to close it (and though puzzled, she didn't much put any thought into how it had opened). Incredibly the young mother still felt her bodies need and pulled a small (though she now wished it bigger) vibrator from her bedside table. For the first time in her life she orgasmed more than once in a day... in fact she finished three times before falling into an exhausted sleep.

Cheryl quickly pulled on a light sweater (the weather was rather breezy today) and reached for her school bag as the door to her room opened. Wanda closed the door behind her.

Even a week later, Cheryl still intensely remembered the fear and helplessness she had felt at her younger sisters hands. Of course she had tried to understand how it happened but even the memory pained her and she always tried to forget. But she couldn't.

Rarely ever showing any emotion, Wanda now sported a soft smile. "Could I borrow your camera Cheryl?"

When at first her sister had entered her room, Cheryl had felt her body tense up in remembrance of the fear it still held. She remembered exactly the words her sister had spoken and would do anything she now wanted not to repeat the same event.

"Sure." She reached for her camera bag, but it was closer to the door and Wanda calmly got to it first.

Embarrassed she turned her head away as her sister opened the bag to confirm the Polaroid camera lay within. She did indeed find the camera, Wanda also found a small stack of photos that Cheryl had been hiding.

Wanda's smile widened as she slowly viewed each picture. "How does that feel?" Cheryl turned back towards her sister and saw the picture she was holding out to her, it was with Tony, her boyfriend, standing at the foot of the table his cock sticking out of his pants and half submerged into her body, she was naked.

How to answer, "ah..."?

Her sister didn't wait for an answer, "Who took the picture?"

Why lie, if her sister ever found out she may do to her what she had done previously... , "Debbie".

That seemed to surprise Wanda and she asked, "You didn't mind?"

"No." It needed more of an answer, "Tony and I kind of like it."

The next question surprised her, "Did you and Debbie ever make it?"

"No!" She remembered her sister seemed to be checking out their own mother, did that not mean she liked girls? "Debbie wouldn't have minded, but I only went so far as to jerk off in front of her."

That seemed to catch Wanda's attention. She sifted again through the pictures and found one that brought a smile to her face. She showed it to her older sister, it was a recent one that only showed a naked Cheryl masturbating before a mirror.

The whole situation greatly embarrassed Cheryl but she was more anxious to find out why her sister was asking all these questions. And just having Wanda here in the room with her was raising her fear level and she hated the feeling this gave her. She knew she was helpless towards her younger sibling.

"Did she ever do it in front of you?"

Cheryl nodded and elaborated, "We often jerked off together and she always needed to masturbate after watching Tony and me."

There was a long silence as Wanda went though the pictures yet again. Finally she asked, "Would you jerk off for me?" It was very calmly spoken.

Though their mom was still in the house, reading herself for work, Cheryl felt her head nod in the affirmative. Wanda put down the bag and the photos while keeping the camera in her hand.

There was no command to start but Cheryl felt her trembling hands reach up and pull off the jacket she had just put on. She would do it, she didn't want too, but she would. She had too.

The blouse was next and the jeans, all the while ignoring her sister standing at the foot of her bed, waiting for her to masturbate. It was eerily silent as she pulled off her white socks and reached behind her back for her bra clasp. Being seventeen, the eldest sibling had the breasts her mother had many years before. They were 'C' cup in size but firmer, higher up on the chest. Cheryl would have seen the look her younger sister gave her when looking upon her bosom, but had her eyes closed.

The bra landed upon the tiny pile of clothes that Cheryl had already deposited upon the floor. There was only one more piece of clothing, her bikini panties. Upon the thin, well muscled young lady, they looked spectacular - and both sisters knew it. With her back to Wanda, Cheryl quickly and unceremoniously pushed down her panties and stepped out of them.

Cheryl, now completely naked, rolled upon her single sized bed and lay now upon her back. Wanda watched enthralled as her older sister did as she was asked, at first disrobing and then laying naked upon her own bed, legs wide. It wasn't long since her sister would never had even given her the time of day let alone follow such an intimate request. It puzzled the young teen but not nearly as much as it excited her.

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