Donna's Three Sons - Cover

Donna's Three Sons

Copyright© 1999 by Eros

Chapter 6

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6 - She's lonely and horney and can't afford to be caught having an affair so she turns to the only people that can help

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Voyeurism  

"Jeeeeesus! Can't a guy have any privacy! Fuck off, Terry," Matt snarled. "Nobody invited you to this party!"

"I'm not leaving till I get everything you got, big brother," Terry snarled back. "I figure you two are just gonna have to let me in on the fun. There'd be quite a scandal if anybody found out about this."

"You little bastard," Matt cried, "are you threatening to tell on us? I aughta smash your face in!"

It sounded serious, but to a mother's ears it was just another quarrel between brothers. It didn't bother her so much that the that the boys were fighting. That happened all the time. What bothered her was Terry's threat to tell what he'd seen. If word got out that she was committing incest with her own son, the consequences would be awful.

Worst of all, she'd lose custody of her sons. Of course, she wouldn't get the house or any money, either, but that was minor. Donna couldn't bear the thought of not keeping her kids. So obviously she had to do whatever Terry wanted, give him whatever it would take to shut him up. And if she was really honest with herself, she didn't mind the idea at all. After fucking Matt, Donna knew she wouldn't be able to get through the day without his virile young cock pounding her cunt to orgasm, and two perpetually horny young lovers would be even more fun than one.

"Boys, stop fighting," she said.

"But, Mom, you heard what he said," objected Matt. "He threatened to tell on us."

"I know, Matt," Donna said patiently, "but be realistic. Put yourself in Terry's place. Wouldn't you be acting just like he is?"

Matt thought it over. He imagined stumbling on his mother and Terry making love. Donna was right, he'd beg, whine, and threaten any cheap revenge just to get in on the action. Terry was acting like a spoiled little jerk, but Matt really couldn't blame him.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," he admitted grudgingly, "but what are we gonna do?"

"The obvious," Donna said with a sexy smile. "You boys will just have to learn to share me."

That made both Matt and Terry grin ruefully. They'd never been able to share their toys and other possessions all the time they were growing up. But now the whole existence of their family depended on it... They were going to have to share their mother without fighting. It would be a first for the quarrelsome brothers.

"I guess we don't have a choice," Matt snapped.

"That's right, big brother," Terry said with a maddening grin, "so why don't you just stand back out of the way and let me get it on with Mom? You don't look like you could get it up again in a hurry anyway."

"Mom, he doesn't have to rub it in," Matt complained.

"Boys, lay off each other," Donna sighed.

"Now are we going to fight or have fun? It's up to you."

That put a stop to the needling. Matt sat down and lay back on the grass, prepared to give Terry his turn with their mother. Terry started stripping off his clothes and throwing them in every direction. It was quite a job peeling his tight briefs down over his hugely engorged cock, but he finally completed the task. Then he stood before Donna naked, stiff-cocked, and ready. Donna eyed his magnificent young hard-on and her pussy tingled and creamed furiously.

She was beyond guilt by now. The damage was already done. She'd already fucked her eldest son. So what difference did it make if she did it again or if she got it on with yet another son? She was through fighting her overpowering need. Besides, if there was anybody to blame for the way things had turned out, it was her jerk of a husband, Carl.

Even if their marriage hadn't been the greatest in other ways, Carl had given her twenty years of good steady sex and then suddenly cut her off with nothing. Being a naturally highly-sexed woman, it was no wonder she was going out of her mind with horniness and that she couldn't control her lusts. So Donna decided just to forget her guilty feelings and have fun.

"Come here, honey," she purred, flashing Terry a provocative smile.

Donna stretched out on the grass, and Terry hurried to join her, his prick so engorged it hardly moved as he walked. She watched the pearly pre-cum dripping from the flared tip, and she drooled in anticipation. He'd hardly hit the ground before she had her hand on his prick, squeezing it and pumping it with her fist.

"Are we gonna fuck, Mom?" he asked eagerly.

"Yes, honey, but just let me play with your cock a little first," Donna said, her voice husky with arousal.

Terry couldn't turn down a request like that. He lay on his back and let his pretty mother jerk on his stiff prick. She ran her hot little fist up and down his rigid prick-shaft, then bent so low over his engorged hard-on that her hot breath tickled the sensitive tip. Then her tongue shot out, pink and glistening, and Terry yelped with surprise and delight as her wet tongue contacted the swollen head of his cock.

"Mmmmmmm, mmmmmmmm," Donna moaned.

"Ohhhhhhh, yeahhhhhh, Mom... Lick my cock!" Terry cried hoarsely.

He watched his mother's little pointed tongue zipping around the fat purple head of his prick. She was lapping up all the pre-cum that was spilling from his piss hole, rolling it around in her mouth and savoring it, then gulping it down like it was nectar. The sight turned him on like crazy. No girl he'd ever been out with had done this to him. He'd had several quick blow-jobs in the back seats of his car, but never a leisurely sensuous licking like this. He loved it. He folded his arms behind his head and lay there grinning like a fool as his cock-hungry mother gobbled his cream. This was Terry's idea of heaven.

Unfortunately it was Matt's idea of hell. There he was. watching his younger brother get all Mom's attention and have all the fun, and it was killing him. True, he'd had his turn with her, but he still felt ignored and cheated. Not only that, but the scene was turning him on in some bizarre way. He felt his cock stiffening again.

He watched his mother's gleaming pink tongue swirling around and around the thick head of Terry's cock, and his prick got bigger and bigger. Mom was on her hands and knees as she bent over Terry, her luscious little ass pointed in Matt's direction. He could see her whole pussy-slit, cream-soaked, rosy and fur-fringed. His cock mushroomed to its full dimensions as he thought about crawling up behind her and cramming his stiff prick into her tight clingy little fuckhole.

But, dammit, it was Terry's turn with her. Matt had been asked to sit this one out... keep out of the way. But still he seethed with lust, and his excitement mounted steadily as he stared at his mother's hotly-dripping cuntslit and watched her greedily sucking his brother's cock. Soon he was glassy-eyed with horniness and breathing heavily.

Terry and Donna were totally oblivious of Matt's frustration. They were too absorbed in each other. Terry's lust-glazed eyes followed his mother's tongue as it reamed deep in his piss-hole for more tasty pre-cum. Donna was intent on eating every single drop of his hot salty cock-juice. She worked her tongue around in the cleft of his prick, scooping out all the cream she could get.

Finally she finished cleaning his cockhead, and she raised her head and stared at the rigid, glistening column of fuckmeat. She wanted to suck him off and get a whole mouthful of his delicious young jism, but she also wanted the boy's rock-hard prick in her cunt.

She needed to be fucked worse than anything. Fucking Matt had proved that to her. She absolutely lost control of herself the moment he pushed his cock into her, and she'd been lost to the world while he fucked her. She'd been needing a good hard fuck for months now. She'd gotten it, all right, but she also knew that once wasn't enough. No, that delicious fuck with Matt had just made her eager for more strong, hard fucking. As she studied Terry's stiff, throbbing cockshaft, all she could think of was how she wanted him to ram it deep into her cunt and fuck her with it, hard... fuck her till she squealed in orgasm. She could suck him off some other time. First things first.

She whirled around, presenting Terry with her raised ass and juicy, fur-lined cunt-slit. Terry ogled his mother's glistening pussy, the first mature cunt he'd ever had a good look at. All his sex up to now had taken place in dark, parked cars with young giggling girls. His cock gave a lusty jump as he studied his mother's cream-filled, cunthole.

"Hey, man," Matt said dryly, "you just gonna look at it, or you gonna do something with it? 'Cause if you're not, I'm ready."

Terry glanced over at his older brother and saw that Matt had a belly-hugging hard-on.

"Just keep out of this," he snarled. "You had your turn and left Mom horny! Besides, I'm not in any big rush."

Actually he was, but he wanted to seem cool. Slowly, almost lazily, he went to his knees behind Donna and rubbed the swollen head of his cock up and down through the scorching wet flesh of her pussy-slit. She shivered with excitement, and thick pearly cream leaked from her intensely aroused cunt.

Terry was just as excited as she was, but he didn't want to act like an over-eager kid in front of his wise-ass brother. He sank an inch of his cock into the dark pink little hole at the very center of his mother's pussy, plugging her juicy cuntal opening. When he didn't go any farther, Donna whimpered and clawed at the grass in frustration.

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