Donna's Three Sons - Cover

Donna's Three Sons

Copyright© 1999 by Eros

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - She's lonely and horney and can't afford to be caught having an affair so she turns to the only people that can help

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Incest   Mother   Son   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Voyeurism  

On a hot June day in Los Angeles, Donna Mason looked out her living room window and watched the gardener mowing the front lawn of her house. He was naked to the waist, and he had a broad, hair-matted chest. The sight was turning Donna on like crazy.

The guy was in his fifties, and he didn't even speak English. Donna knew she had to be pretty hard-up to get turned on by the gardener. He'd never attracted her before. But she'd been almost three months without a man, and it was beginning to get to her. She quickly drank down her vodka and tonic and forced herself to turn away from the window.

Striding to the portable bar, the petite blonde mixed herself another drink. There wasn't anything else to do at that time of day. Of course, she could join her three teenage sons in the pool. It was summer vacation, and the boys seemed to spend most of their time in the water. She'd heard them out there when she came home, but had decided not to intrude. Donna strolled to the sliding glass door that led from the living room to the patio. There she stopped and stared. Her sons were out there all right, but they weren't wearing any clothes.

Donna slowly blushed all the way down to her toes. She hadn't seen any of her sons naked since they were about ten or eleven and she'd had to help them with their baths. Now they were young men, their muscular young bodies as adult in contour as any of the imaginary male figures Donna fantasized about as she masturbated. Even Bernie, the youngest, had a man-size cock. Donna still thought of him as her baby, even though he had just turned eighteen. He certainly wasn't a baby anymore, she observed, her glittering eyes glued on his dangling male appendage.

The boys were just skinning out of their clothes. They stood at the edge of the pool, laughing and shoving each other around, looking completely unselfconscious about their nudity. Donna couldn't understand how they'd pull such a stunt with her right there in the house. Then she remembered... they didn't think she was home.

Ordinarily she went to have her hair done at this time every Tuesday. She hadn't told her sons that she'd changed the schedule. So this was what they did when they thought she was out of the house.

Donna carefully kept in the shadows, not wanting the boys to see her. Maybe she could learn something else about their behavior when they thought nobody was watching them. After all, she was the only adult in charge of them, now that their father had chosen to remove himself from their lives.

Just three months earlier, Carl, Donna's highly successful attorney husband, had announced that he was leaving her for his eighteen-year-old secretary. Donna was still in shock from that. Maybe she wasn't as young as his blonde, bimbo girlfriend, but she was still plenty good-looking, and they'd been married twenty years.

Granted, she and Carl hadn't been getting along that well the last few years, and maybe the marriage was failing, but it was still a rude surprise to be suddenly left without a husband... and without sex.

It was the sex part that bothered her most. Watching her naked teenage sons jostle each other at the poolside, watching their virile young cocks bounce and swing, Donna felt her pussy growing hot as fire. Hot, sticky cunt-cream leaked from her neglected cunt, moistening the crotch of her panties. All of a sudden her own sons were getting her turned-on!

"Oh, my God," she moaned, "what's wrong with me?"

Donna already knew the answer, of course... She needed to be fucked, and she needed it desperately. Even when she and Carl were quarreling, they were still physically attracted to each other, and they'd always had pretty hot sex. She missed that regular love-making. In fact it was driving her crazy to go without it.

Now her eyes darted from one handsome teenage prick to another, and she couldn't help wondering what those three magnificent young cocks looked like when they were stiff. Were her boys virgins, or were they fucking their girlfriends? What kind of lovers were they? Could they possibly have inherited their father's talent for love-making?

"Oh, stop it, Donna, that's sick!" she scolded herself.

But she couldn't get the subject off her mind. She was pretty sure that Matt, her eldest boy. was no virgin. Matt was twenty and he'd always been very popular with the girls, even in Junior High. He'd had a long string of girlfriends since then and Donna suspected that it was because Matt liked to 'play the field' as far as women were concerned. He was the typical wolf... always on the prowl.

Her middle son, Terry, was nineteen, and if kids today were anything like they were when she was Terry's age, he'd have lost his his virginity years ago. Like her other sons, he was dark, handsome and sexy-looking, and like his older brother... Terry never lacked for dates.

But what about Bernie... her youngest? Just turned eighteen, he still looked so young... even now, lewdly displaying that huge cock of his, Donna thought with a suppressed tingle of lust. Bernie was the 'black sheep' of the family where girls were concerned. He'd always been the shy type, and never exhibited any of the animal magnetism that his two older brothers had done. It might even be possible that he still hadn't gone all the way with a girl yet.

Donna was shocked to find her pussy drooling heavily as she thought about Bernie thrusting his hard young cock into a girl's pussy for the first time. Her own hot cunt began to tingle strangely at the very thought. Then her fevered thoughts evaporated as the boys began diving into the pool. She watched their lean, tanned bodies flying through the air, catching tantalizing glimpses of their young cocks. Within minutes, Donna found herself softly whimpering with need, the crotch of her panties soaked with her molten cuntal cream.

"What am I going to do?" she moaned. "I can't go on like this. I'll go crazy."

But what could she do? Drag the gardener into the house and fuck him? Dash to the nearest singles bar and hijack some stud? It was so frustrating. She couldn't even date, because that might look bad when the divorce went to court. Donna wasn't hurting financially. She had a small inheritance, independent of Carl, which would support her and the boys, but she wanted more out of the jerk!

She wanted the house, and she wanted enough money to get all three boys through college. To achieve that, she'd have to keep her 'nose' clean. She couldn't afford to be caught in bed with anybody till the divorce was over. The only problem was, could she wait that long?

Right now she felt ready to scream with suppressed horniness. It didn't help matters when her three sons started floating on their backs in the swimming pool. That presented her with the sight of three semi-hard cocks. Apparently the cool water had caused the boys' pricks to start stiffening. Either that or they were talking about girls. Donna couldn't hear them because the sliding glass door to the patio was closed.

It didn't matter. The more she watched, the harder their cocks got, three rigid hard-ons cutting through the water like sharks' fins. Just one stiff cock would have been heaven for her at that moment, and the sight of three of them out there, in her own backyard, was just too much. She sighed with longing and rubbed her thighs together, trying to ease the hot ache in her rapidly-moistening pussy, but it was useless.

She was going to have to go to her room and masturbate, as she'd been doing two or three times a day lately. Ever since Carl walked out, she'd had nothing but her own fingers to satisfy her nagging need. She had to beat off before she could get to sleep at night, and often she had to masturbate during the day. She was about to turn away from the window and go to her room, when Terry started jacking off!

There was no doubt in Donna's mind that that was what he was doing. Floating on his back, a wicked grin on his handsome face, her middle son seized his cock and started pumping it like crazy, laughing at something he'd been telling the others.

His brothers laughed as well... and then they started masturbating, too. Donna barely stifled a wail of shock and outrage. Luckily the back yard was well-fenced and none of the neighbors could see what was happening, but it was still a very risky and foolhardy thing to do. All three boys started pumping their stiff young cocks, fists flying. Donna realized that she was accidentally witnessing a jack-off contest.

She gulped the rest of her drink and set the glass aside. She knew she ought to spare herself any more frustration and just quit looking, but somehow she couldn't tear her eyes away from the naughty scene in the pool. It had been so long since she'd even looked at a cock. Donna couldn't resist the sight.

Obviously Terry had practiced this routine. He was floating around effortlessly, his hot horny eyes focused on the sky as he furiously pumped his rock-hard teenage cock. Matt was almost as good as his brother, but once in a while he had to paddle to keep afloat. Bernie was no good at it at all.

As with girls, poor Bernie had always tried to keep up with his older brothers in whatever they did, and the jack-off contest was no exception. The kid was valiantly beating away, but he wasn't so good at floating, and he kept getting water in his face and coughing. At last he reached out with his free hand and grasped the gutter which at least kept him afloat while his fist pounded on his huge hardon.

Soon all three fists were working at lightning speed. As Donna watched, her felt her pussy swelling and flooding. She had a wild urge to stick her hand down inside her shorts and play with herself. She resisted it. It would be too embarrassing if one of the boys happened to glance into the house and see her.

Still, she couldn't ignore the blazing need in her pussy. It was more maddening than ever. She didn't think she could last another day without a man, yet where was she going to find one? And how could she take a lover without Carl finding out? He probably had a private investigator watching the house to catch her in the act, right now!

So she stood there and ached with sexual longing, a longing she could do nothing to appease, staring at her three teenaged sons jack off. She couldn't believe she was watching three gorgeous young hard-ons being wasted, and there was nothing she could do about it.

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