Becoming Julie - Cover

Becoming Julie

by Corrupt

Copyright© 2024 by Corrupt

Erotica Sex Story: Jules finds out about becoming a woman with the help of his girlfriend.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   TransGender   School   FemaleDom   Anal Sex   First   Oral Sex   Pegging   .

My name was Jules (after Jules Vern). My life was rather unhappy up to this point. My dad had died a couple years before and I was living with my mom. School was totally depressing, as I was the smallest guy in my class (in fact, there were only a couple girls that were smaller than me). Beyond being small, I was also underdeveloped in other ways. While most of my peers had experienced full puberty, I was lagging, and didn’t have much in the way of muscles or body hair, and had a tiny penis and testicles. The only thing I had to look forward to was that summer was approaching, and I wouldn’t have to attend school for a few months.

One day about a month before the end of the school year, Mr. Wilson (the sponsor of the Future Teachers of America) asked if I would help tutor a fellow student who was having some trouble with math. Seeing I was reluctant, he mentioned that tutoring would look good on my resume, and that it was only until finals (about a month away).

I was totally shocked when Rita, the hottest girl at school came into the office. I had known Rita since we were in grade school, and we used to occasionally play together when we were kids. Mr. Wilson told her that I had agreed to tutor her. “I’ll leave the details up to you two, I’ve got to run pick up my son” Mr. Wilson said as he left the office. Rita asked if I could tutor her at her house since it was on my way home from school. I quickly agreed, as if I could have refused her anything.

We decided that I would tutor Rita three days a week, starting that next Monday. The first couple sessions went well, although I had a hard time concentrating with Rita next to me, our bodies occasionally touching, and the smell of her perfume. After each session, she would thank me, and give me a peck on the cheek, which just about tore my heart out of my chest. After the third session, she thanked me, gave me kiss, and pulled me closer. Putting her hand on my arm, she caressed my arm for a moment, and then seemed to shudder and remove her hand. She looked like she was collecting her thoughts, or deciding how to say something. Then she said, “Jules, I like you, but I have this thing where I’m really repulsed by body hair. I’ll understand if you don’t want to, but if we’re going to get closer, you’ll have to remove your body hair for me”. It seemed kind of a strange thing to me, especially since I had so little hair to begin with, but like I said earlier, I couldn’t find it in myself to say no to Rita, especially after the attention she had given me the last couple weeks. She gave me a little tub of some cream and told me where, how and when to apply it, and warned me to keep it away from my head and eyes. I went home and immediately used the cream before showering, and sure enough, I was hairless from the neck down after my shower.

The next day I had tutoring, I went to Rita’s. She looked at me and rubbed my arm. She then put her hand under my shirt and smiled, kissed me on the lips and said thanks for doing this for me. She then said it felt like my skin was dry from the chemicals in the hair remover, and took out what she said was moisturizer. She rubbed on my arms, back and chest. It smelled kind of fruity, but I wasn’t going to complain when she was basically giving me a massage. She had me pull my pants down and lay down so she could get my thighs. I was taken by surprise when she pulled my underwear down and spread the moisturizer around my dick and balls. It’s so cute she said as she stroked it. A moment later I exploded, and jets of cum shot up into the air, and onto my shirt, pants and underwear. I was unsure of myself, but Rita smiled, laughed and seemed pleased at what had happened. She said I couldn’t walk home covered in cum, and told me to strip so she could put my things in the wash. She took my clothes and left to put them in the washer, and when she came back she had some underwear, shorts and a shirt for me. The underwear looked like panties, but she called them “boy shorts”. The boy shorts went right up the crack of my ass, and the shorts were very tight. The shirt was kind of girly and left my belly button and tummy exposed. Rita said let’s get started with the tutoring, and I kind of forgot about what I was wearing for the next couple hours. By the time we were finished my clothes were washed and dried, so I changed into them. Rita gave me a great kiss, even sticking her tongue inside my mouth. She asked if I had a good time, and when I said yes, she said then we’ll have to do it again. Before I left she gave me some pills and said to take one once a day and that it would help keep my hair from growing back. She also reminded me to do the hair removal routine with the cream at least twice a week.

The next couple weeks were about the same. I’d get to Rita’s and she would give me some panties, shorts and a shirt to wear so she wouldn’t have to clean my clothes, and she would moisturize my body, and make me cum. Finals week came and Rita passed her test with flying colors. We decided to continue the tutoring so she would have a head start on next year. We had to move the tutoring back a couple hours though, because Rita started taking a cosmetology class. When I got to her house, she was usually studying, either painting her fingernail or her toenails, or doing her makeup.

One day she said that practicing on herself wasn’t the same as doing someone else’s nails, and asked if she could do my nails. I wasn’t thrilled about it, but she said she would make it worth my while, so I agreed. She did my nails in pink, then said the color wasn’t right for me and removed it, and repainted them bright red. While the polish was drying, she pulled down my panties and shorts and gave me my first blowjob. I’m not sure how much practice she had doing it, but it was about the best experience I ever had. She gave me little licks along the bottom, then swirled around the head, deep throated me and softly sucked. I came like I never had before.

The next time I went over instead of shorts she gave me a skirt to wear. She said it would be easier to give me a blowjob wearing a skirt instead of shorts. She did my nails and then orally pleasured me again. She also did what I later learned what was called a snowball after she did the blowjob. This continued for a couple weeks, and at some point she started playing with my ass while blowing me. It started with a finger pressing on my hole and then progressing to finger(s) being fully inserted, to a small dildo or vibrator. This brought my orgasms to an even higher level than I thought possible.

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