First Taste (a Poem) - Cover

First Taste (a Poem)

by Peter Duncan

Copyright© 2024 by Peter Duncan

Poem Sex Story: A poem about her fist fellatio

Caution: This Poem Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Heterosexual   First   Oral Sex   .

Is fellatio the ultimate in oral gratification or simply an instinctual need for seed
Does a girl think of having a “pee-pee” in her mouth when she first changes a baby
Or is it when she sees a boy in tight Levis with a pronounced bulge
Perhaps when petting with a special boy and sensing the mysterious hardness of an erection
Thinking of what is there and mysteriously finding his hardness in her hand
Swallowing the lump in the throat before kissing the end where he had just peed
She sniffs in repulsed awareness as her lips peck the lavender surface, which she finds so mystifying
Lips part and smooth over the mysterious knob, which brings his eager hand to her head
And to his hesitant force her lips open wide, and she finds her mouth stuffed with his sex
Thoughts of smells and propriety disappear as she marvels at new sensations of his pinkness and fleshy fulness
And like a baby suckling milk from a bursting teat, she suckles for a finish that is sure to cum
“Shall I stop and pull off?”
“Shall I take his sperm in my mouth?”
Then, as youthful urgency overrides thoughts of gentlemanly behavior, fills her mouth with warm wetness
And she thinks, “Eew, what shall I do now?”

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