Working Late - Cover

Working Late

by Mat Twassel

Copyright© 2024 by Mat Twassel

Erotica Sex Story: A painting at an art gallery spurs two employees to a romantic involvement. Illustrated.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   Illustrated   .

Although Pia and Zoe both worked at the Neuhaus Gallery, Zoe as a receptionist and Pia in accounting, and had seen each other at the gallery from time to time, they had never exchanged a word, until one night.

Up in her second-floor office, Pia had been trying without success to untangle a billing mess. About one AM she gave up. When the elevator door at the lobby floor opened, she was surprised to see Zoe. “Hey, I was just going to the basement to check it out the new Louis Treserras,” Zoe said. “Want to come with?”

Down in the basement, Zoe led Pia to the prep room. Switched on the light. Together they stared at the painting.


“What do you think?’ Pia asked after a minute or so.

“It’s very enticing,” Zoe said. “I love her expression, even if I’m not sure what it means. I love that she has a bare breast, and that you can just make out her bush through her gown. And that curl of hair across her cheek. And her hand at her heart.”

“Yes, enticing,” Pia said, turning to Zoe. “Once it goes out on the floor, I’m sure someone is going to snap it right up.”

A moment later Pia and Zoe’s breasts were bare. “I love your little nipples, so tight and tiny,” Zoe whispered, pinched one between thumb and forefinger. Her tongue went into Pia’s ear, and then her teeth captured the earlobe and tugged.


Turning, twisting away, Pia said, “Your breasts are perfect,” and she pressed her face to Zoe’s chest, took Zoe’s plump nipple into her mouth, and sucked. Zoe’s orgasm was underway even before Pia’s hand went beneath her skirt and two fingers plunged into her cunt.


That night Pia made a substantial adjustment to the painting’s price. Most every night since then, Zoe and Pia have been working late.


Until one day the painting’s price was readjusted, and someone snapped it up.


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