Entwined (A Father/Son Love Story) - Cover

Entwined (A Father/Son Love Story)

by geminiboy69

Copyright© 2024 by geminiboy69

Incest Sex Story: A beautiful 20 something yoga teacher has a torrid affair with a handsome older male student. They discover that they have a past...

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Ma   Consensual   Gay   Fiction   Incest   Son   Father   Anal Sex   Analingus   Masturbation   Petting   .

Alex pulled up in front of the gated driveway.

His little Toyota was diminished by the stone walls lined with statues. He felt a mix of fear and excitement pulse through his

slender body as he pulled up to the call box. Sure, this was just another yoga lesson, and the money would be good (he always charged a higher hourly rate for upscale clients), but he had never met this one. Almost all of his students were word of mouth: referrals from friends, other students, or teachers. This was an answer to his Craig’s List ad as a private at-home yoga instructor. That was always a little risky. That last time had been a frightening experience. But he wasn’t going to be cynical. Alex gazed at his sun darkened arms. Sculpted from years of practice. His lovely physique had earned him a good living: a not so guilty pleasure.

Alex shook himself back into professional yoga teacher mode, and pressed the button.

Almost immediately a voice answered. “Come on through.” it said.

The gate swung open. It was as if he were being watched. Alex took a deep breath and drove toward the house.

He stopped in front of the big hedges framing the porch. No one was waiting for him. Alex got out, popped open his trunk

and pulled out his bag of straps, blocks and extra mat.

He could feel eyes gazing upon him from some window. The unease mixed with narcissistic pleasure as he walked up to the porch: he knew he looked sexy, in his tight yellow and black T-shirt and little black shorts. His freshly waxed legs showed just a hint of tattoo along the upper right thigh. He straightened his posture, and drew his shoulders back as he approached the door. It opened before he could reach the doorbell.

“Alex? Sydney. Pleasure to meet you. Wow.” Sydney was a very handsome older man in his late 50’s. His eyes were warm, his presence disarming. He was also in very good shape. Sydney’s gaze drank in Alex all at once. It was like an instant interview -- and he approved.

“Good to meet you Sydney. Beautiful house. I gather you have plenty of floor space for our session”

Sydney grinned. “Oh we could do it in any of fifteen rooms. Hard wood floors, marble foyer, or the even the stone patio out back. It’s the best kept secret yoga studio in the city! Here let me help you”.

Sydney lifted the bag off Alex’s shoulder. Their eyes met for a flash, and that mature gaze in Sydney’s blue eyes revealed a slight hint of something else. Alex, normally cautious and shy, felt a sense of guarded calm. This man was beautiful. Alex hoped he would look so good in thirty years.

“Damn”, Sydney said, “you look like you’ve been doing yoga for a while.” Sydney’s gaze peeled away Alex’s sparse clothing. “I’ve been doing yoga since I was 11.” He felt like a meal on this man’s table.

Alex had been single since he was 18, by choice. His yoga practice had turned much of his sexual desire inward, to a place of calm smoldering self passion. In essence, Alex had been dating himself - in spite of the offers of numerous men and women. But something about this Sydney - no, stop it! This was just another private yoga class and Alex was a true professional.

Alex followed Sydney up the winding staircase. “I’ve been needing a good theraputic yoga session for some time now, but I hate those big sweaty rooms packed with people, all lined up like it’s rush hour! I’m a little shy that way”. Sydney smiled and led Alex into a big empty second story room with hardwood floors that shimmered almost like glass.

“This’ll do”, said Alex, staring in disbelief at the exquisite oil paintings, recessed lighting, and giant mirror on the south wall. There were several lit candles in the corner.

“I’m glad you approve Alex. I want only the best. And that’s what I get.”

“Oh I like to think I’m the best”, Alex chuckled. “I know that’s not a very yogic thing to say.”

Sydney let out a warm laugh. This man “gets” him. Alex let down his guard a little more. He looked over in the mirror and caught a glimpse of himself. He looked briefly into his own blue green eyes and smiled. It was only a flirtatious glimpse. Sydney hadn’t noticed Alex’s self admiring moment. Or had he? Alex unzipped the bag, and rolled out the mats and equipment.

“Just us?” Alex asked naively. “Yes, just you and me. My wife is away with her family for - for good. The divorce will be final in a couple of months. Is that a tattoo?”

Sydney look down at Alex’s leg. A small cluster of stars poked out just beneath his shorts along his outer thigh. “Yes. The constellation Gemini. My sign”. Sydney’s eye’s widened. “Really? I’m a Leo. When’s your birthday?” Alex smiled innocently. “June 10th.”

The date struck a note with Sydney. “June 10th?” Sydney furrowed his brow, looking at his lithe teacher. “Is everything okay?” replied Alex. “I’m fine. Let’s get started!” Alex placed the mats side by side and paired his phone with Sydney’s expensive sound system.

A slow seductive piece by the Cocteau Twins opened the sequence. Alex had the best playlists for his yoga journeys - as he called them. His larger classes as well as his private students always wanted copies of them. He led Sydney into a calming breathing exercise, lying on the back, supported by a block. A couple of minutes of this, and he led Sydney into several sun salutations. Alex was determined to be the mature, distant teacher – and bring Sydney the challenging, restorative work out he had requested in his e-mail. But there was a strange charge in the air. Alex felt the energy beneath his skin. He didn’t want Sydney to notice.

Sydney was trying to be the respectful student. A good yoga lesson was all he had wanted. He had a sore shoulder, and his hamstrings were tight, so he was willing to pay good money for a top rate teacher. Alex’s credentials were right there on Google, along with the pretty pictures ... Some of the poses on Alex’s website were breathtaking, and Sydney admitted to himself how nice it would be to have an in-home session with such a beautiful instructor. He gulped back his desire, and followed through with the sequence.

“My God how do you do that?” Sydney looked on in amazement. Alex was standing, legs apart, folded forward in deep bend. His hips hinged almost at 180 degrees, with his head touching the floor. He liked it when students were amazed at his poses. He ran his fingers playfully up his smooth hard thighs and giggled. “Oh this is nothing, just a little practice.”

He rose back into standing pose, and looked warmly at his student. Sydney was sweating now. “I have some catching up to do, obviously”. “I can modify the sequence if it’s too much for you”, Alex said. “No” said Sydney,” keep going”.

As the class progressed, the poses got more challenging. Alex had to adjust Sydney in triangle and again in bridge pose. His fingers cradled his older student’s body a little longer than necessary. Alex liked the control. He let down his guard even more now.

Sydney couldn’t help enjoying his younger teacher’s touch. He tried to quell the growing excitement. Alex was a rare beauty. He reminded Sydney of a younger version of himself. It was almost eerie. The sexy blue green eyes, the chiseled delicate features, the honeyed skin, the slender toned limbs. The tight little waist. ‘No!’ he thought, ‘I am not going to lose control’.

Alex was trying to maintain his role as teacher, despite the slow burning in his loins. He demonstrated a series of balance poses. All Sydney did now was watch. Alex started feeling more like a performer, something he secretly enjoyed. His tight shirt clung to his damp chest, his nipples poking up. Beads of sweat dripped down his legs.

The tune on the play list was “La Femme D’Argent” by Air. The slow melodly and beat was an aphrodisiac.

Alex brought his legs wide apart, interlaced his fingers behind his back, and hinged at the hips so deeply that he could look right up at his own ass. He blew it a secret kiss. He then lay on his back, and drew himself into a deep upward bow. He lifted his torso higher, exposing a crescent of smooth tight stomach. When he came back down he peeled his shirt off, and lay back in a supine hero pose. He lifted his bottom off his heels and arched his back, running his fingers along both sides of his waist.

Sydney was sitting, watching, his mouth was dry. “My God, what are you doing?”

Alex smiled. “You said to keep going. This is the rest of the sequence.” Sydney gasped. “Fuck. You’re incredibly talented, not to mention limber as hell. What’s your favorite pose?”

“This is one of my favorites ... I usually only do it at home, by myself”.

Alex rose up onto his knees, placed his hands together in prayer, and leaned back. He leaned further and further back, and released his hands to the floor behind him. His back was arched so far, it was almost unnatural. Then Alex crawled his hands along the floor behind him, and brought his forearms to the floor. Delicately, he walked his fingers up his toes. His breathing was steady and slow. Alex relaxed his core, and pulled his hands up over his feet to his calves. He dug his fingers into the muscles, and paused. He exhaled completely ... then he pulled his head up slightly. His face was only inches from the backs of his own thighs, and there, just above, just teasingly out of reach, was his little bottom.

Alex unfolded himself, and drew back up onto his knees. He sat back, sweating, eyes closed, hearing Sydney’s heavy breathing off to the right.

“Bravo teacher. You charge, what was it, a hundred dollars an hour?” Alex opened his eyes. “Yes, $100 per hour.”

“How would you like to make five hundred?”

Alex sucked in his breath. He tried to focus on the candle in front of him. “What? Five hundred?”

“Yes ... Are you game?” Alex sat there, astonished. “What do you want for five hundred?”

“Stand up”, commanded Sydney. Alex stood up. “Raise your arms up over your head.” Alex stood up and lifted his arms. His heart was beating fast. “I’ve - I’ve never done anything like this-”

“Shhhhhhh,” Sydney whispered back, “I’ve never done this before either.”

Sydney walked over to Alex, and gently traced his fingers along Alex’s extended arms, from his wrists, down to armpits. Alex let out a small shudder. His mind was saying “Wait, caution, danger!” but his body was crying “yes!”. Sydney’s light touch grazed the skin on Alex’s stomach. “Is this okay?” Sydney asked. Alex was breathing quickly. He interlaced his fingers over his head, and reached higher. “Mmhhmm.”

Sydney stood behind him, and ran his fingers lightly along both sides of Alex’s body. From his armpits, he traveled slowly over his ribs, down his waist, along the smooth honeyed skin that was so much like his own. Alex let out a small whimper. Sydney hooked his thumbs over Alex’s waistband, pausing. Alex’s sucked in his breath. Then, Sydney pulled Alex’s shorts down. The fabric made a soft cloth-on-skin sound as it traveled down Alex’s sinfully long legs. Alex let out a tiny whimper. Sydney cradled his hands along his teacher’s firm round bottom. The older man let out a small grunt of approval. Alex arched his back slightly in response. A deep throated “Mmmmmm” came from somwhere deep inside Alex.

“So you’re a Gemini”. Sydney examined the elaborate tattoo that curled along Alex’s naked hip. A pattern of black stars did indeed continue up his leg. They framed a pair of twin figurines locked in an embrace. Above them was a small insignia in a foreign tongue. “This is beautiful”. Sydney traced his fingers over the tattoo. “What does this mean?” He playfully ran one finger along the line of text etched into Alex’s hip bone.

“It’s Gaelic. It means ‘I love myself’”. Sydney giggled. “Of course you do.”

Alex was rock hard now. Sydney got down on his knees, and kneeled next to Alex’s tattoo. He leaned in, put one arm around Alex’s waist, and kissed the tattoo. Sydney opened his mouth wide, and kissed it again, running his mouth along the contours of Alex’s side-bottom and around to the front.

“I’ve never done this bef – Ungnhhhh!”

Sydney took Alex deep into his mouth. Alex keened, his hips gyrating to their own rhythm. His knees buckled. Sydney grabbed hold of Alex’s body and tightly squeezed his bottom, holding him in place. Alex threw his head back as Sydney reached up and raked his tiny nipples. Alex raised his voice to a choked scream. This only excited Sydney more. He dug his fingers deeper into Alex’s bottom, toying with the tight opening. Alex’s strong legs gave way, and he collapsed to the hard wood floor.

Sydney leaned over Alex and rolled him onto his stomach. Almost instinctively Alex raised his ass into the air, and sprawled his legs apart. Sydney slowly while raked his fingers along the cleft of his ass.

“No! No ... I am not ... ready for --” Sydney pressed his thumb up into Alex, causing his torso to shudder and convulse. “No, of course you’re not ready.”

Alex’s chest arched up off the floor. His legs splayed out even further. Sydney slid another finger into his young teacher, and began to gently pump his smooth aperture. Alex dilated and clenched. Sydney felt the muscles tighten around his fingers. Alex rocked his swollen sex against the hard wood floor. Then he arched up even further, his hips bucked, and Alex came with the ferocity of a seizure. His delicate, strong, slender frame shook violently, as hot cum spurted all over the studio floor. Alex heaved and gasped for air. Sydney came suddenly, erupting all over Alex’s back, white streaks of semen all the way up Alex’s spine to his neck.

The two men, teacher and student, collapsed together, drenched with exhaustion. Smooth skin slipped against smooth skin, dripping with sweat and cum. Their heartbeats slowed, their breathing calmed.

Alex rolled his head out to the side.

“Ummmm. Oh my God”.

“Shhhhh” Sydeny whispered, running his fingers through Alex’s hair.

“It’s just that ... that ... I have a business, I can’t afford to jeopardize my work.” Sydney drew his weathered strong hand along Alex’s shoulder blade. “Me too. This is our secret.” Alex liked these words.

“This almost happened once before ... A home lesson. The guy wanted to take me. All the way. He was aggressive. I pushed him back, and got the hell out. It was scary.” Sydney listened quietly. “The next day, I processed the experience in my mind, and part of me started wondering what it might have been like if I had yielded to it.” Sydney looked up.

“And?” Alex bit his lower lip. “I started imagining him taking me, you know ... entering me. I got turned on by the thought.”

Sydney laughed. “Of course. It can be wonderful. You just have to be careful. Especially with an ass like yours!” Alex laughed, feeling Sydney’s fingertips along his tailbone, followed by a hard little spank. Alex continued: “I was an only child. My mom was single and raised me herself, so I was lonely and curious. Sometimes my reflection in the mirror was the best friend I had.”

“Well, it’s a pretty hot reflection”, Sydney said, looking over at them in the wall mirror. “Single mom, huh? That’s tough.”

“Mom was amazing. She was 19 when she had me, so we were like best friends.” Sydney paused at this. Another interesting detail. “Go on.”

“I hardly ever called her ‘mom’. I just called her Evelyn, as if she were an older sister. I still see her when I can afford to fly out to the East Coast.”

Sydney sat up. All this information was stirring up something, but he couldn’t quite figure what it was.

“You okay?” asked Alex. “I didn’t mean to spill my history on you or anything.” Sydney smiled. “Not at all. We all have our histories.”

He pressed five one hundred dollar bills into Alex’s hand. Then he added a sixth. “Thanks for a wonderful class”. Alex folded the bills, and shoved them into his shorts pocket. “Ummm ... I don’t know what to say.” Alex looked innocently off into space.

“Shhhh. Don’t say anything,” Sydney said, “Just love what you do, be happy, and – what is the phrase, ‘love yourself’.” Alex looked up and smiled.

Sydney ran a finger along Alex’s jawline and caressed his collarbone. “You are a great teacher, and an amazing lover, kid. Be careful out there.” Alex turned and headed out the door. He could feel his own body glowing with new fire. He turned and looked back.

“Same time next Wednesday?”

Sydney smiled bewitchingly... “I’ve got fourteen more rooms.”

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