by The Outsider
Copyright© 2009, 2024 by The Outsider. Not intended to infringe on Paramount's rights in any way.
Fan Fiction Sex Story: Jeff Tovette was the low man on the totem pole in the T'Sharan's geology department, and the only male. The outlook on the decade-long survey mission in the Beta Quadrant was good, but he didn't have any friends on-board the ship yet. He just had seven of the most beautiful women he'd ever seen working with him in geology. And they were all senior to him.
Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult Fan Fiction Workplace Science Fiction Aliens Alternate History Space Polygamy/Polyamory .
Stardate 51342.2, Beta Quadrant, Planet NGC 25667-V
Lieutenant (junior grade) Jeffrey Tovette, assistant geologist aboard the USS T’Sharan, NCC-87542, finished his assignment on this uninhabited planet and prepared to beam to his ship.
Starfleet orders transferred Jeff from the USS Coventry to the USS T’Sharan nine months ago. He was lucky to transfer off the Coventry after only six months. He hadn’t enjoyed the Coventry much. In contrast, life aboard the T’Sharan was enjoyable so far, even if he spent most of his off-duty time alone. He needed to work on making friends aboard his new ship.
Jeff was a T’Sharan ‘plankowner,’ an ancient Earth naval term that signified that he was part of the commissioning crew. Tradition stipulated that Jeff or his family could request a ‘plank’ from the deck of the T’Sharan when she decommissioned. Starfleet followed that tradition to this day. T’Sharan, between the people he worked with and the ship itself, was a great place to be. The Coventry, between the people he worked with and the ship itself, had been old and tired.
The T’Sharan was the newest of the Block II Legacy-class deep space explorers. She sailed for her ten-year voyage toward a previously unexplored section of the Beta Quadrant three months ago, just after she was commissioned. That Jeff already felt comfortable on his new ship, and that made him feel more relaxed compared to his first posting. T’Sharan’s destination meant there weren’t too many chances for a transfer in his future that he could see, so that was good.
The geology department on T’Sharan differed from his previous ship. The main reason was that the department head was fair-minded and let you do your work without micromanaging. His department head, Lieutenant Commander Donna Reeves, was fair, told you what she expected of you, and was fun to work for. She was a stone fox and looked damn good in the Starfleet Standard Uniform, too. A big plus in his book. That she wasn’t the flaming asshole that the Coventry’s Commander Richard Jones had been was a godsend, too.
Jeff was the only male geologist on the crew. The other seven were all female: five humans, one Vulcan, and one Andorian. There were many a time Jeff went off shift sporting a major chubby, because all of his fellow geologists were beautiful, not just LCDR Reeves. Jeff was, as the junior officer in the department, careful not to be caught staring at the others and tried to keep a firm rein on his thoughts.
“Commander? I’ve finished my scans, ma’am.”
Jeff handed LCDR Reeves his report after she finished talking to LT Shravan, the Andorian geologist, and his section chief. Jeff fought to keep his eyes from following his coworker’s shapely ass as she walked away, his gaze firmly fixed on the commander’s eyes.
“Very good, Lieutenant,” Reeves responded, reading the preliminary report on his PADD. “Anything of note?”
“It was fairly standard iron ore, ma’am, so no real surprises. There might be a problem with the tricorder, though. There were a few unusual, intermittent readings when I did my scans.” Jeff shrugged. “Nothing I could reproduce, but still strange.”
“Hmmm,” Reeves remarked. She brushed a stray lock of her deep brown hair behind her ear as she looked through the report. Jeff let his eyes wander over his boss’s fantastic body once more. He snapped them back to her face just before she looked up. “Run a Level 2 diagnostic on the tricorder when you get to the lab,” Reeves told Jeff. “Keep the sample in isolation, and have the transporter chief run the decontamination sequence on you as you beam up.”
“Aye-aye, ma’am. Will you have another assignment for me after that?”
“No, Jeff,” Reeves said, allowing herself to smile at her very earnest junior geologist. “I just gave Tiisla the last task for the moment. With a possibly fluky tricorder, we couldn’t trust any of your further readings. You can call it a day once you store the sample on the ship and finish the diagnostic.”
Donna Reeves hadn’t missed Jeff’s reactions to her body when he was around her, but noticed that he tried very hard to hide them. She hadn’t had a single complaint from the rest of the staff. Most made the same comments: they believed Jeff found them attractive, but tried very hard to conceal his reactions and be respectful.
“Aye-aye, ma’am. Thank you.” Jeff came briefly to attention before walking a few meters away. “Tovette to T’Sharan. Transporter Room 2?”
“Transporter Room 2, Chief Petty Officer Ramsey, sir,” the chief’s voice said through Jeff’s comm badge.
“Chief, one to beam and one sample for isolation. LCDR Reeves recommends decon sequence.”
“Aye, Lieutenant. Stand by ... Ready, sir.”
Jeff felt the transporter sequence start, then a searing pain before his world went black.
✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦
The pain was the first thing that registered after that. A blinding pain behind his eyes accompanied by waves of nausea, followed slowly by the rest of his senses returning. Jeff ruined the carpet next to his bed not long after that.
“Well, I see you’re awake,” Doctor Henry Campbell, the perpetually rumpled Chief Medical Officer of USS T’Sharan, remarked as he approached wearing a wry smile.
“Sorry about that, sir,” Jeff croaked, wiping his mouth with the sheet from his bed.
“Nonsense, young man,” Campbell replied, waving his hand. “Carpet, we can clean. You’re lucky to still be with us.”
“What happened, sir?”
“There was some random discharge while you beamed back to the ship,” Campbell said as he bent over to read the bio-bed’s readout over the top of his ancient reading glasses. “Hit you square in the head.” He lifted a hypospray to Jeff’s neck and injected him with something. The pain and nausea quickly evaporated. “That would explain the pain and nausea you felt.”
LCDR Reeves walked through the Sickbay door with LT Shravan close behind.
«They’re both so beautiful... » thought Jeff before he could control himself.
“How is he, Doctor?” Reeves asked as she and Shravan approached Jeff’s bed.
“Well, it’s just my opinion, but you should give him a day or two off the duty roster before he collects rocks again.” Reeves smiled at the disheveled old man’s joke while Shravan looked mildly annoyed at the human’s sense of humor. “Seriously, Commander,” Campbell continued. “Lieutenant Tovette is lucky the discharge didn’t disrupt his pattern. And that he only had a headache when he woke up.”
Campbell didn’t mention Jeff’s other symptom, although everyone heard the cleaning ‘bot scrubbing the carpet on the other side of the bed.
“Do we know what caused the discharge?”
“No, and engineering hasn’t seen anything like it,” Campbell replied to Reeves with a twinkle in his eye. “So, just another typical day in Starfleet.” He turned back to Jeff. “Feeling better, young man?”
“Yes, sir,” Jeff replied immediately.
“Good. Now, get out.”
The old doctor winked at him and walked back to his office. Jeff swung his legs over the side of the bio-bed and sat up, waiting for the pain or nausea to return, but they didn’t.
“Lieutenant, you’re off duty for the next few days,” Reeves informed him. “I want you to take it easy.”
“Ma’am, I’m fine,” Jeff protested. “We’ve got way too much work waiting for us on this survey...”
“The rest of us will be fine, Jeff,” Reeves replied, putting a hand on his shoulder. “We can handle the extra work for a couple of days, but we can’t afford to lose you for the rest of our mission because you’re feeling gung-ho.” He tried to protest again, but Reeves raised her hand and cut him off. “Lieutenant Shravan will escort you back to your quarters,” LCDR Reeves insisted.
“Aye-aye, ma’am,” Jeff replied, knowing further protests were pointless. Reeves smiled at her most junior scientist.
“I’ll look in on you tomorrow. Get some rest.”
With that, Reeves turned and walked out. Jeff and Shravan left a few moments later.
“I’ll be fine, ma’am, if you need to get back to the lab,” Jeff said to his section leader as they walked.
“Commander Reeves ordered me to escort you back to your quarters, so that is where my duty lies, at the moment. Besides, it is past the end of my shift,” Shravan replied, “so I am free to do as I wish. I wish to escort you to your quarters.” Tiisla paused, looking at Jeff out of the corner of her eye. “Jeffrey, we are now off duty. Can you not call me Tiisla?”
“Um, it, uh, wouldn’t be proper, ma’am,” Jeff stuttered, feeling the blood rush to his face and elsewhere.
“Of course it is, Jeffrey. I may be your section leader while on duty, but I have only been in Starfleet one standard year longer than you. It is customary for lieutenants of both ranks to call each other by their given names.” By now, they had reached the door to Jeff’s junior officer quarters. Tiisla turned to face him directly. “Jeffrey? Do you not find me attractive?”
“Oh, Tiisla,” Jeff groaned, “that’s the problem! I find all of you attractive! Commander Reeves, you, T’Sera, Lisa, Catherine, Amanda, and Serena. You’re all the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen! And you’re all on this ship, all senior to me, and all in my department!”
Frustrated, Jeff slapped the sensor pad outside his door, causing it to open. He stomped inside with Tiisla close behind. She touched the pad on the inside of the door frame, closing the door. Jeff turned to see Tiisla just inside the closed door, her hands behind her back, looking at him with a pleading look.
«My God, she’s so damn beautiful, » Jeff thought for about the millionth time.
Tiisla’s look changed from pleading to determined, as if she came to a decision. She rapidly closed the short distance across Jeff’s cabin and pulled his head down into a searing kiss. Jeff snorted in surprise before gathering the shapely Andorian into his arms, pressing their bodies together. One of his hands caressed Tiisla’s tight ass, and she tried to shove her tongue further down his throat.
The next moments were a blur of scattering clothing. Jeff soon gaped at Tiisla in a lacy white bra and panty set. Her blue skin contrasted wonderfully with the color of the silk. Jeff scooped Tiisla into his arms, carried her over to his bunk, and gently laid her down. Jeff flicked open the front of Tiisla’s bra, causing it to spring away from her firm breasts. Her eyes rolled back in pleasure when she felt Jeff’s mouth close around her stiff nipples. Through it, she felt his hands sliding over her smooth skin on her belly and upper thighs.
She moaned as she felt his lips leave her breasts and make their way down her body. A grunt of pleasure burst from her lips as Jeff slid a thick finger under her panties and into her wet pussy. Her hips pumped up and down. She felt his other hand pull her panties aside before his tongue drummed against her clit.
Tiisla’s screams sounded muffled to Jeff as her climax crashed down on her; she had wrapped her long legs around his head while he continued to eat her pussy. He sucked, licked, and kissed three screaming climaxes from his sexy companion. Tiisla then grabbed him by the hair and pulled him up her body, bringing them face to face.
“Fuck me, human,” she growled. “Fuck me RIGHT NOW!”
Jeff quickly and efficiently removed his underwear, freeing his stiff cock. Pulling her panties down her long, shapely legs, he lined up the head of his cock and pushed forward. The sight of Tiisla’s eyes rolling back in her head and her back arching as he entered her almost caused Jeff to cum right then. He held off, somehow. Jeff allowed Tiisla to adjust to his cock before he began slowly fucking her. Every stroke into her body was pure heaven. Seeing her breasts thrust up as her back arched kept his interest.
“Yes, Jeffrey,” Tiisla whispered. “Yes, give me your cock! Fuck me! Take me!”
Tiisla’s words brought Jeff to the point of no return much faster than he had hoped. Her long, sexy legs around him added to his distress. His hips slammed into hers harder for a few more strokes before pushing in one last time. Tiisla screamed in pleasure again as she felt her lover flood her with his juices and trigger another climax. Spent, Jeff slumped forward. Tiisla wrapped herself around him.
“Thank you, Tiisla,” he whispered to his lover while panting for breath. “That was amazing.”
“Yessss,” Tiisla purred, “it certainly was. Five times ... I have never climaxed five times during any encounter, Jeffrey...” Tiisla’s purring and her still-fluttering pussy reversed the shrinking of Jeff’s cock, and it swelled again. Tiisla noticed immediately. “Mmmm! Again? So soon, Jeffrey?” Tiisla brought her mouth up to his and kissed him deeply once again as her hips moved. “Ahhh! Yes, again! Please, Jeffrey!”
Jeff woke once during the night, desperately needing to empty his bladder. He found he couldn’t move. Jeff realized he couldn’t because Tiisla pressed against him and lay partially atop him. He gently disengaged, hoping he wouldn’t wake her, and managed not to. He slipped into the bathroom he shared with the next cabin to complete his business. When he returned, Tiisla had rolled over on her side away from Jeff. He slipped back into bed and spooned up behind her.
He almost bolted out of bed when he felt a soft hand wrap itself around his flaccid cock. Tiisla pumped it, causing it to become erect. Without a word, she placed it between her legs, and impaled herself on him. She then pulled his arms around her. Jeff realized that Tiisla wanted to sleep with him buried inside her. Not being one to complain about his good fortune, he fell back to sleep.
Jeff awoke to find that his cabin lights had come up slightly. He programmed them to brighten around 0600 every morning so that his body would maintain its natural circadian rhythm. He vaguely remembered some very erotic dreams from the previous night, a consequence of being still firmly lodged inside the sexy Andorian warming his bed. He tried to lie still and enjoy the sensations, but the throbbing of his cock woke his partner.
“Hmmm,” Tiisla purred, “what a wonderful way to wake up...”
“I’d have to agree with you, ma’am,” Jeff joked.
“’Ma’am,’ is it, ’Lieutenant?’” Tiisla mock-growled. Slipping out of his arms and off his cock, Tiisla flipped Jeff over onto his back, straddled his hips, and lowered herself back onto his manhood. “How about you fuck your ’superior’ officer then, Jeffrey?” she asked. She slammed her hips up and down the shaft, spreading herself open. “You may take that as an order if you wish...”
Jeff never enjoyed following an order as much as he did that one.
Jeff was delighted to learn Tiisla had the day off, especially since it was well into Alpha shift when they finally fucked themselves out. They cuddled up on Jeff’s couch after a leisurely spin through the waterless sonic shower. Jeff tried to explain baseball to Tiisla just before lunch when his door chime sounded.
“Come in,” Jeff called out. Seeing who was on the other side of his door caused him to shoot to his feet. Tiisla did the same. “Good morning, ma’am!”
“Please, Jeff, at ease,” Donna replied. “This is your cabin, after all. Have a seat.” It took Donna a second to process that Tiisla was also there, wearing only what looked like one of Jeff’s off-duty shirts and her panties. “Good morning to you, too, Tiisla.” Looking over at the far wall, Donna recognized an old Earth game. “Baseball? Is that Fenway Park?”
“Yes, ma’am. I grew up not far from Boston. My father used to take my siblings and me to the Red Sox games all the time. A few old teams are still playing, even though Major League Baseball is long gone.”
“Don’t I know it? My father used to take me to Fifth Yankee Stadium when I still lived at home.”
“My condolences, ma’am, for having to watch inferior baseball while growing up,” Jeff said with a twinkle in his eye.
“I’m so glad you’re feeling better, Mister Tovette,” Donna sarcastically replied. There was no love lost between Yankees and Red Sox fans, even five hundred years removed from the sale of Babe Ruth’s contract. It was much more tongue-in-cheek now than at some points in history. “What game is that?”
“The end of the 2011 regular season.” Ah, yes. Jon Lester no-hit the Yankees to clinch the AL East title and eliminate the Yankees from the playoffs for the second straight year. The Sox won the World Series again in 2011, with Lester leading them to victory in Game 2 over the Philadelphia Phillies. “Would you like something to drink, Commander?”
“Since we’re doing nostalgia today, how about a Coke, Mister Tovette?” In short order, Jeff handed her a Coca-Cola in a glass, 12-ounce bottle. Donna recognized the familiar flavor from her childhood in The Bronx. “Perfect, Jeff. A bit more of a bite than I remember. Your programming?”
“I wish I could take credit for it, ma’am. One of my sisters is the computer whiz in the family. That’s the recipe from the mid-1950s, with cane sugar instead of corn syrup.”
Donna nodded, savoring another sip, as she pulled out her PADD.
“A few items, Jeff, and I’ll let you get back to baseball. Jeffrey Alexander Tovette, as of this date, Starfleet Command hereby promotes you to the rank of full lieutenant with all the rights and responsibilities that come with that rank. Do you accept?”
“I do, ma’am!” he answered, coming to attention again. “Thank you very much, Commander.”
“At ease, Jeff. Sit down. You earned the promotion, most certainly, along with the Starfleet Commendation Medal I put you in for. That came through the other day as well.”
Donna pulled a slim case out from under her PADD, opened it, and extended it to him.
“Ma’am, I don’t know what to say...”
“There’s nothing to say, Jeff. Look, you’re the equal of some of the best geologists I’ve ever worked with, and you are so far past most of the others, it’s not even funny. You’re a good team player. You’re respectful of others. I’ve also seen glimpses of you being able to take charge when necessary.
“You are an asset to the T’Sharan and our geology department. I’m glad you’re with us on this mission. I specifically requested your transfer when I became the T’Sharan’s geology department head a year before commissioning. It was simple to arrange with that idiot, Dick Jones. He was all too eager to be rid of you.” Donna leaned back in her chair. “Now that the work stuff is out of the way, may I speak frankly?”
Jeff felt a pit forming in his stomach. Donna saw the dread on his face and moved to head it off.
“Whatever happens between you and Tiisla when you are off duty is of no concern to me, and shouldn’t be a concern to anyone else. I planned to ask that you open yourself to the possibility of closer relationships with the rest of us in the department.” Donna’s eyes sparkled, full of mischief. “I was going to ask that you stop keeping yourself so closed off. I see that little speech is no longer necessary.
“I know that you have been reluctant to get too close to the rest of us for fear of offending us or ‘doing something inappropriate.’ We all know the pressure you are under. Or were under, I suppose. We know you find us attractive, but have tried not to let it show.” Donna watched Jeff’s jaw drop open.
“We are women, Jeff. It is in our nature to attract men and acknowledge when we succeed. We appreciate the respect you show all of us, but it’s time to let yourself relax. We are your colleagues, but we wish to be your friends. It’s going to be a long mission. Not all of us will get as close to you as Tiisla seems to have, though.”
Jeff’s blush deepened as Donna and Tiisla laughed.
“Seriously, Jeff. Do you know how long I’ve waited to serve with someone without having to explain the entire game of baseball to them? Do you think I want to explain the physics of an Uncle Charlie every time I drop the ‘threw him a curve ball’ reference?”
“I hear you, Commander,” Jeff replied. “I just didn’t want to offend any of you. As I told Tiisla yesterday, you seven are all the most beautiful women I have ever known, ever met, and I felt a bit intimidated.”
“And you just provided me with the most fantastic night of sex I have ever had, Jeffrey. And I’ve had plenty of them, so you should no longer feel intimidated,” Tiisla purred.
She held Jeff’s arm and stroked his thigh, making him blush almost crimson. Again.
“Well,” Donna said, standing and straightening her uniform. “I think I will leave you two now.” Donna walked to the cabin door, but stopped just before it opened. She turned back to the couple on the couch. “Jeff, you’re off duty through tomorrow, if not the next day. I’m taking Tiisla off the duty roster tomorrow as well.” Donna held up a hand, cutting them off when they started to protest. “Take the day, you two. Have fun with this new relationship. See if it’s more than a couple of friends having fun together.” That twinkle in her eye returned. “Of course, Doctor Campbell and I did tell you to rest, Jeff...”
Surprisingly, the lovers didn’t jump right back into bed, as wonderful as the sight of Tiisla wearing very little was. She surprised Jeff by wanting to see this ‘baseball’ game on the holodeck. So, he reserved one of the smaller ones on Deck 9 and ‘took’ her to the same Red Sox-Yankees game they watched.
Tiisla enjoyed the game immensely. She asked a few questions about some of the more obscure rules while engrossed in the action on the field. Watching the game with the crowd, one as passionate as the home game Boston fans could be, was thrilling. Jeff bought her a ‘Fenway Frank,’ some peanuts, and a few other items he told her were ‘standard’ baseball game souvenirs.
Tiisla couldn’t believe it when Jeff told her the Americans had eventually found baseball ‘too boring’ and passed it by. As a member of a warrior race, she found the strategy fascinating, especially after he pointed it out to her. Tiisla asked Jeff to start another game when the one he brought her to see finished. So, he picked one of his all-time favorites: Game 4 of the 2004 ALCS. Tiisla had been so excited after Game 4, that she talked about baseball non-stop the entire trip back to Jeff’s cabin on Deck 6. Then for an hour after returning.
She also brought her excitement into the bedroom that night.
✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦
The couple lounged on the couch again after breakfast the next day. Jeff’s door chime sounded again. Jeff walked to the door, triggering the sensor, and caused it to slide open. The person standing in the corridor surprised him a bit.
“Commander!” Jeff blurted upon seeing T’Sera’s new half-pip gleaming on her collar. “Please, come in! Congratulations on your promotion.”
“Thank you, Jeffrey. However, I would prefer you call me ‘T’Sera,’ especially when we are not on duty.” T’Sera recognized the other occupant of the cabin. “Good morning to you as well, Tiisla.”
“Good morning, Commander...” Tiisla stuttered. “Uh, T’Sera,” she corrected herself in response to T’Sera’s raised eyebrow.
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