Taming Ruby - Cover

Taming Ruby

by Bisamrattan

CC BY 4.0 Deed Attribution 4.0 International

BDSM Sex Story: Parents find a way to finally teach their nasty teenage daughter how to behave.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Coercion   Consensual   Reluctant   Slavery   BiSexual   Fiction   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Nudism   Slow   .

Mike came home from work in the evening, tired and hungry. As usual, the apartment was filled with loud rock coming from Ruby’s room, even with the door closed it was still unbearably loud. He took off his shoes and came into the kitchen. His wife Judy was sobbing at the table. He leaned over and hugged her shoulders.

“So what has she done this time?”

“She cursed me, Mike! Called me a cunt and spat on the floor when I asked her to wash the dishes and take out the garbage!”

He kissed his wife on the cheek and gently stroked her hair. “Where is she now?”

Judy sniffed and wiped away her tears. “In her room, as usual.” She sighed heavily.

Mike sighed too. “I’ll take out the trash and do the dishes, honey. Make me some dinner, okay? And then we’ll talk about her.”

“Okay...” She sobbed. “This is impossible! I don’t understand what we did wrong! She was so nice until this puberty started...”

“Maybe nothing. Maybe nothing...”

He picked up the garbage and went to the door.

Really, they tried everything to be good parents. They took care of her, listened to her, fulfilled her wishes when they could. They tried to take her to a psychotherapist when her temper began to spiral down - to three psychotherapists, one after the other, and she rejected them all. They checked her school, and talked to her teachers, and the school was still good. The teachers also noticed Ruby’s increasing obnoxiousness. All teenagers become more or less unbearable around that age, that’s normal, but Ruby was the worst.

They punished her several times. Grounded her, took her phone, made her clean the apartment, go without sweets and chips - nothing helped. Ruby’s rudeness became so unbearable that they couldn’t help themselves, they sometimes hit her when they got mad. They were shocked and scared afterwards every time, but Ruby deserved it! But this only made things worse. The verbal abuse turned into screaming back insults.

The neighbors complained several times - they said she was blaring rock music late at night, banging on the wall, and disturbing their sleep. Mike and Judy apologized each time and promised to do something, but nothing helped.

They had to do something that would work.

“I’m really out of ideas,” Judy poured them tea and brought cookies. “Really, really out.”

Heavy rock continued to thunder from Ruby’s room.

“Right, dear.” He nodded. “We’ve tried everything. It’s time to admit we failed and turn the case over to the specialists.”

She raised frightened eyes at him. Rude or not, Ruby was still her daughter and she did not want anything bad to happen to her.

“What specialists, Mike? The juvenile detention center? The police? Mental hospital? ... What?...”

He grinned sadly.

“Nothing so drastic for now ... Although I like your thoughts, I have to admit ... But I’m thinking of asking my friends for help. Those, you know ... Bradley, Devin, Jeff...”

Her eyes widened.

“ ... And Paul and Aaron, too.”

“Mike! ... You can’t be serious! Those damn perverts!”

He smiled encouragingly.

“Those damn BDSM perverts, yes. If anyone knows how to teach obedience, it’s them.”

“Mike! They, they ... Are going to rape her!” Judy whispered in horror. “They’ll torture her and humiliate her ... They will drive our baby crazy!”

“Well, maybe rape is too far, let’s hope not ... But they will definitely teach Ruby discipline and selflessness. And as for crazy ... she’s already pretty damn crazy.”

Judy lowered her eyes guiltily. Ruby screamed and turned rock louder.

“But what if she doesn’t agree?”

Mike smiled mischievously.

“She won’t agree for sure. Then they will teach her to agree. One way or another ... Let’s try, Judy. They won’t kill her. And they won’t leave any visible scars. They are real masters.”

Judy looked at him and nodded slowly.

“Okay ... Maybe for a week...”

“A week is too short. I’m thinking about a year.”

“Mike! No!”

They negotiated for six months.

He got up and went to Ruby’s room. “Ruby! Turn that shit off! I want to talk to you!”

There was no answer.

“Well, whatever...”

He came in. The music was deafening. The room was a mess. Well, every teenager’s room is a mess, but this was the exemplary and ultimate mess. The Mess. Mike was sure that life on the leftovers had already spawned several independent civilizations. Ruby lay on the bed, not bothering to change out of her street clothes, playing games on her tablet. She didn’t even notice her father coming in. Mike approached and yanked the plug out of the socket. The blissful silence fell like a thunderbolt.

Ruby jumped up in surprise.

“Dad?! What does that mean?!”

“Shut up.”

He sat down on the edge of the bed beside her.

“You’ve won this round, daughter.”

Ruby frowned, confused.

“What round?”

“Your mother and I failed to raise you to be a nice and proper girl. So we’re going to let you be as naughty as possible. I’ve already told my friends, they’re on their way here. You’re going to live with them for six months. I’ve also talked to your teachers. They have agreed to give you this long vacation.”

“Live where? What friends?! Six months?!” Ruby screamed, her eyes wide with fear. “Are you sending me to an asylum?”

“No ... It won’t be that easy. To a dungeon. A BDSM dungeon.”

Her eyes widened even more and Mike enjoyed scaring her.

“BDSM? ... Dad! What will they do to me there?”

Mike grinned, shrugged and got up from the bed.

“Whatever they want ... Absolutely whatever they want. No restrictions. Well, see you later, daughter ... In six months.”

“Daaad! Tell me you are joking! Please, Dad!!!...”

He left the room. Judy was waiting for him in the hall.

“Did you tell her?”


“What is she doing?”

“Screaming, crying...”

Ruby was screaming, crying, and throwing things at the door. Mike and Judy watched her for about ten minutes, drinking tea and eating cookies. Then the doorbell rang. Mike invited his friends in, and they shook hands and laughed.

“Hi, Judy!” Devin and Aaron bowed to her.

They were all really good friends. Despite their strange taste in sex games.

“Hi guys...”

“Where is she?”

“In her room.” She lifted her eyes to them. “Please ... Please be nice to her. If possible.”

“Sure, Judy. Despite the bad image, BDSM is really all about safety. We promise.”

Mike opened Ruby’s door. She froze in confusion when she saw the strangers in the doorway.

“Well, daughter. That’s it. Have a nice life!”

Devin grabbed Ruby’s arm while Aaron covered her mouth with a wet, chloroform-saturated pad. Ruby struggled for a while, then passed out in his arms. Paul carried her over his shoulder out of the apartment. Everyone waved goodbye to Mike and Judy, promising to take good care of Ruby, and they left.

Ruby has come to her senses, lying on a comfortable couch in a nice, normal room. Nothing like the BDSM dungeon she had imagined. Phew. She was never really interested in BDSM, so she did not know what to expect, but her imagination painted some really weird and scary pictures.

No. Just a tidy, bright room with her on the couch in her usual clothes. And five men, casually spread out in five chairs, looking at her, talking in low voices and smiling at her.

“She’s awake,” one said.

“Welcome to the real world, Ruby,” another chuckled. “We’re Bradley, Devin, Jeff, Paul, and Aaron, from left to right. Please remember our names. We will give you three days to do so. After that, you will be punished if you confuse us.”

She gave an angry sniffle. Really, she was scared shitless, but she was not going to give them the luxury of noticing that. She resorted to her usual rude and crude style.

“Punished? Will you spank me, assholes? Or just fuck me?”

Bradley grinned and shook his head.

“Ruby ... Ruby ... Such language ... No, you have yet to earn your fucking and spanking. Your first punishment will be a good wash out of your dirty mouth, perhaps ... But that lesson will wait for another day. Today you will start with a simple task. Please undress. Completely.”

Ruby snorted contemptuously.

“Go fuck yourselves. All of you.”

Aaron rose from his chair.

“Wrong answer.”

He pressed a taser to her wrist, and she jerked and screamed in pain.

“It’s on low power, we don’t want to knock you out. Just to cultivate some reflexes.” He looked at the charge gauge. “There’s enough left for about fifty shocks. And then we have several more ready and charged.”

“Now, Ruby,” Bradley said in the same soft voice. “Please undress.”

Ruby sobbed, but bared her teeth stubbornly.

“Fuck you!”

Paul clapped his hands. “Such temper! Such power! You will be a jewel in our collection.”

“Well, wrong answer again.”

Aaron clicked the taser. Convulsion, pain, scream.

“Please undress.”

Ruby shuddered, her teeth chattering. They are so calm ... so damn calm ... they are not yelling, not freaking out. They just keep repeating until she does what they say...

Sobbing, she began unbuttoning. The men watched in silence without moving. Ruby stripped down to her bra and panties. Bradley nodded in approval.

“Very good, Ruby. Now continue, please. Take everything off.”

She hesitated for a moment, so Aaron buzzed the taser in the air and Ruby hastily removed her last pieces of clothing and stood before them, naked and blushing. No matter how bold and brazen she acted, she was still a virgin and had never been naked in front of anyone (except her parents, who had washed her in her childhood, and that did not count).

Jeff whistled. “Wow, what a beauty!”

Devin licked his lips.

“Very good. Thank you, Ruby.”

He took the pile of her clothes, checked the pockets and took out everything of value - the phone, keys, some money ... He turned off the phone, put everything in the wall safe and locked it.

“You’ll get it all back in six months.”

Then he opened a larger door, stuffed all her clothes and shoes inside, closed the door and pushed the button. A few wisps of smoke came out, and Ruby sniffed the smell of burning cellulose.

“You’re not getting your clothes back, sorry. There are no more clothes for you for the next six months.”

“Wha?!!...” Ruby’s mouth dropped open and she froze. “Are you kidding me?!...”

Devin shook his head calmly. “Nope. From now on, Ruby, you’re going to be naked twenty-four seven. Always.”

She gasped in horror. Naked?! She had never been naked, not even in her room! But she looked at Aaron and made no sound.

Her look did not escape their attention.

“You’ve started to learn,” Jeff nodded in approval. “Keep it up and your life here will be easy and quite pleasant. Now, just a few final touches...”

Paul leaned over and whispered something. “Right, I agree.” He rose from the chair. “Follow us, Ruby. We’ll show you around first. It might help you with our last requests.”

The house was not too big for five men and their occasional guests, and it was pretty standard. Kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms, guest rooms ... all with simple but good quality furniture.

It was a completely different story on the underground.

Ruby walked down narrow corridors with stone walls illuminated by dim electric lights. Aaron led the way, Bradley held her hand, Devin and Paul followed. Jeff stayed upstairs making popcorn - they were going to watch a movie together tonight.

She didn’t understand why they showed her the subway at all. Probably just to scare her ... She kept expecting to see a row of iron cages with the skeletons of former girls rotting inside - but there were none. And that disappointed her a bit. No skeletons. But everything else was in abundance. Racks, tables, chairs, poles, and a lot of other things she could not recognize, with fastenings that could surely be used to bind and tie people in all sorts of ways. Racks of ropes, cuffs, gags, chains, whips and straps. Stacks of dildos, vibrators and everything else. Boxes of needles, clamps, blades ... Ruby shivered.

“Thanks, I think I got the message.”

“You don’t have the half of it,” Bradley smiled. “But it will do for now.”

“Now for the final touches,” Paul continued. “You have too much hair on your body. Not sexy. We want you smooth all over.”

Ruby gasped again. Smooth?! She never shaved!

“Wait! No way! No fucking shaving!”

Bradley squeezed her fingers lightly.

“Shh ... Yes, Ruby. We always get what we want from those who stay here. You will be no exception.”

“And no shaving, of course,” Paul grinned. “By smooth, we mean wax. Shaving is for your head only.”


Her long, black-painted, elaborately shaped haircut was her special pride, she had maintained it for several years...

“N-no! Nooo! Please! I’ll be good, I’ll wax everything, just leave me my haircut! Pleeeeease!”

“Good attitude, almost what we need from you,” Devin nodded. “But no. Request received, request denied. Here, you do as we say.”

Ruby burst into tears. She almost threw herself at them, but Aaron touched her nipple with the taser and she fell to the floor, twitching and screaming.

“Remember this, please,” he said.

Crying and sobbing, Ruby let them lead her into a small bathroom with the waxing kit ready.

“Today we’re going to help you,” Bradley said. “After that, it’s your responsibility to stay smooth.”

“And we can make it even more comfortable for you. Why not, if you follow orders?” Aaron changed his taser to a powerful vibrator and checked how it buzzed.

Ruby made no resistance as they glued wax strips over all her hairy areas. She just sobbed and moaned as Aaron pressed the vibrator head against her crotch. She screamed for the first time when Jeff pulled off the first strip sharply, and not just from pain...

“Ohhh!!! Godddd!!! Owowowowowowow...”

Aaron smiled and pressed harder on the vibrator.

“Try to moan with pleasure instead of pain, Ruby. That will make it easier for you.”

Paul and Devin pulled strips from her legs, Bradley - from her armpits, Jeff - from her pubic area. Ruby screamed, moaned, and twisted under Aaron’s skillful manipulations with the vibrator head, trying to rub against it. She could not separate the waxing pain from the orgasmic bursts.

Then the waxing was over, but the vibrator remained. And Ruby barely noticed, gasping for air between loud moans, as Paul took the haircutter and in a few confident strokes cleared her head. Only then did Aaron turn off the vibrator.

“Perfect. Just perfect. Look at yourself, the mirror’s over there.”

Ruby squirmed and twitched for a few more minutes before she could stand up.

She looked at herself and gasped.

Her formerly voluminous black hairstyle with many dyed red strands was gone. Her head was bare, bald ... Smooth ... Like her whole body ... Smooth ... Except for her eyebrows ... And her eyelashes ... She looked like a damn playdoll!

She stared at her reflection, unable to utter a word.

And - as much as she hated to admit it - she liked what she saw. In a strange, perverse way, but she was beautiful...

“Looks good, Ruby. Very cute,” Paul patted her bald head approvingly. “Now let’s go back upstairs. Movie night.”

“The basic rule is simple. It’s always the same,” Bradley explained. “Obey our orders, and you will be rewarded with all kinds of pleasures. Resist and you will be punished with all manner of pain and humiliation. Your choice. Understand?”

“Y-yes ... Thank you...” She caught her breath. “What do you want me to do during the movie?”

“Good girl! Very good!” He patted her back. “Nothing today, just keep us company. Your real training starts tomorrow.”

She nodded silently.

The movie was fun, and the men weren’t so bad, she thought. They were funny, polite ... They joked and laughed, teased each other, and treated Ruby kindly and respectfully, except for asking her to sit on the floor at their feet.

The popcorn was delicious. Jeff had seasoned it with some expensive spices. Ruby ate a lot. She was starving - she hadn’t eaten all day - and she was used to eating snacks at home while watching TV. At home ... Tears came to her eyes again as she remembered home ... Would she ever return?

There is more of this story...
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