Show Time - Cover

Show Time

by Mat Twassel

Copyright© 2024 by Mat Twassel

Flash Sex Story: Alyssa can't refuse Marlee's invitation. Illustrated.

Caution: This Flash Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Teenagers   Consensual   Fiction   Illustrated   .

Marlee was adamant. “We’ve got to go. The Rialto’s closing. It’s their last week ever.”

“What’s playing?” Alyssa asked.

“It doesn’t matter,” Marlee claimed. “Some submarine picture.”

Alyssa made a face.

“I might have been conceived at the Rialto,” Marlee suggested. “So think of it as a birthday celebration.”

How could Alyssa refuse?

They cut school to attend the matinee. Back row of the empty balcony. Alyssa sat against the far wall. Then an empty seat for privacy, then Tom then Marlee. Tom slurped his Coke. Marlee fed him popcorn. “Mmm, popcorn kisses,” Marlee whispered a minute or two later. A minute or two after that Marlee had Tom unzipped. She was bending over, slurping his cock. She looked up at Alyssa as she sucked. “Want a taste?” her eyes seemed to say.

When Marlee lifted her head, Tom’s cock glistened in the movie light. Alyssa couldn’t help wondering what a guy’s cock would taste like. His cum. Marlee grinned. Was that cum on her lips? She sat back, leaving Tom’s cock out, fat and still fairly erect.

A few minutes later Marlee was sitting in Tom’s lap. There wasn’t much to see. They weren’t moving much. Alyssa listened hard.

Sometime later they groaned almost as one.


Alyssa sighed. She covered her breasts. She tasted the pool of girl cum all but flowing from her cunt.

“Great show, huh?” Marlee said as they walked out. “If we have a girl we’re naming her after you.”

“Haw,” Alyssa responded. “What if it’s a boy?”

“A boy!” Marlee exclaimed. “If it’s a boy it’s yours.”

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