Caninia - Cover


by BigJW

Copyright© 2023 by BigJW

Incest Sex Story: Caninia is an alternate universe much like earth. Sassy is a mother who finds it impossible to resist the affections of her son when she goes into heat.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Coercion   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Pregnancy   .

Caninia is an alternate universe much like earth. Its inhabitants are humanoid, and physically they are almost identical to humans on earth. Yet, the behavior and mentalities of the Caninians are effectively canine. There are strict societal rules that are observed very much like that of a wolf pack, with an alpha leader in each family or group.

Mating habits are also very canine. Females go into heat approximately every 8-10 months. Because family relationships are so strong, females typically isolate themselves in the family home so that her powerful urge to mate will not result in her being bred by an outsider. Her mate typically protects her intently, rarely leaving the home except to work.

Sassy is a 38 year old wife and mother. She and her mate Spike have a single 19 year old son named Butch. Butch had just completed his basic level schooling and would soon be leaving the family unit to attend advanced school. Most of the young males his age had already left home.

Spike began to sense the early stages of Sassy’s heat period approaching. Her odor wasn’t strong yet, but both of them knew that she would soon be in estrus. They had talked about another offspring and were eagerly looking forward to it. One evening after they mated they talked about Butch, and about how he would be attracted to his mother when her heat became strong. Sassy assured Spike that she would prevent Butch from mating her.

Days passed and Sassy’s heat became stronger. She started to feel an overwhelming need to be mated. Then Spike and Sassy received terrible news. Spike would be deployed immediately to an outlying military post, and Sassy had not yet conceived. There were no options. Spike simply had to go. The parents had a final conversation about the need to keep Butch from mating his mother. Incest is as strong a taboo in Caninia as it is on earth, and Sassy reassured her mate that she would keep Butch off of her, and would also stay in the family home until her heat ended. There was nothing else that could be done. She would simply go through the ordeal of resisting her compulsion to mate during this heat cycle.

Butch could tell that there was something different about his mother. She seemed distant. And then one day he understood. His sense of smell made him understand. His mother was in heat. As her scent grew stronger, he began to feel attracted to her. He felt compelled to spend more time with her. He assisted her in cleaning the kitchen after meals. Every chance he got, he tried to be near her.

One evening Butch and Sassy sat in their family room watching television together. The show became much more sexual than anticipated, and the desire to mate became stronger for Sassy. She could smell her own scent getting stronger, and knew that Butch must smell her as well. She went to the kitchen for drinks and when she returned she sat nearer her son on the sofa.

For Butch, the scent of his mother was becoming too powerful to suppress. He knew that he couldn’t have her. It simply wasn’t right. He knew that if he tried to mate her, she would fight him. He tried to ignore his urge. “Mom? How long before dad comes back?”

“At least a month, baby.”

“Do you miss him?”

“Of course I do,” she said. “More than you know.”

“I’ll take care of you, Mom,” he said.

“Well, that’s nice, honey. But, I can take care of myself.”

Butch reached for his drink, and after he replaced it on the coffee table, he moved a little closer to his mother. “Just remember, Mom. I’m here for you. Anything you need. I’m here.”

What Sassy really needed was to be bred. Her reproductive instincts were growing so powerful that she could barely hold still. She wondered to herself why she wasn’t locked in her bedroom instead of sitting next to a young male. She knew what her scent was doing to him, yet she couldn’t move away.

“You smell really good, Mom.”

“Try to ignore that, baby. Watch TV.”

“Okay, Mom.” He tried to focus on the show but it was no longer possible. His cock began to harden. He reached over and laid his hand on the thigh of his mother. When she didn’t discourage him, he gave her a soft caress.

Sassy knew that she should get up immediately and go to her room, but she couldn’t move. Her reproductive instinct was too overwhelming. She cursed herself for wearing such a light, summery dress, with nothing but a flimsy pair of panties under it. She wasn’t even wearing a bra. Was she intentionally luring him? She hated herself for the possibility that she was.

Butch turned to his mother and leaned forward, pressing his nose to the side of her throat. Oh, god, she smelled so good! He felt her withdraw slightly, moving lower in retreat from him, but also felt her head turn to surrender her neck to him. He kissed her there softly, and when he heard the moan escape her, he bit her gently. Just a nip.

Sassy wanted to resist. Her brain told her that she must resist, but her body was taking control. She ran her fingers into the hair of her strong son and pulled him to her. “Butch, we need to stop.”

“I can’t Mom.”

“Baby, you have to. This isn’t right.”

“I know, Mom, but I need to touch you. You smell so good.”

“Oh, honey. I know. I’m in heat.”

“I can help you, Mom.”

“No, son. Only your father can breed me.”

Butch touched his mother’s breast through the thin dress she wore. Her nipple was rock hard. He squeezed her firmly, asserting himself. She was the alpha in their relationship but at this moment they were simply two animals in the throes of reproductive frenzy.

Why couldn’t Sassy resist him? She wanted to, but couldn’t. When his hand reached behind her for the zipper on her dress she leaned forward enough to allow him. She felt the garment being pulled off of her and then the lips of her son on her breasts. He pushed her down on the sofa and moved between her legs. Without understanding how she could do it, she found herself tearing his clothes off. Soon, he was totally naked and she had on only her wet panties.

Butch sucked the nipples of his squirming mother. He kissed her lips for the first time. His body settled down on top of her and his hard cock rubbed against her panties. They kissed for a long time, their tongues licking at each other, lapping their saliva greedily. Her scent was overpowering to him now. He would fight her if she resisted. Thankfully, she didn’t. He kissed his way downward, past her breasts, past the soft skin of her flat tummy. He had to taste her. He needed to drink the juices that had brought him to this state of exhilaration. As his lips moved lower her scent became more and more powerful.

Butch took the top of his mother’s panties in his mouth and tore them from her. She screamed as she felt the cool air suddenly on her wetness. He flung the drenched panties aside. Her perfume was overpowering. Suddenly, his tongue lashed out and swiped across her flowing pussy. Her juice was amazing! It was the sweetest nectar he’d ever tasted, and he licked her up and down, again and again, drinking her as she produced more and more.

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