Young Martin, His Girlfriend’s Mother, and Her Granny - Cover

Young Martin, His Girlfriend’s Mother, and Her Granny

Copyright© 2023 by storyace

Chapter 3: Kendra Is a Fun Loving 70 Year Old

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3: Kendra Is a Fun Loving 70 Year Old - A high school basketball ringer from east LA gets a scholarship to a wealthy prep school. His girlfriend’s mother is the first to seduce him, and granny wants some too.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   Interracial   Black Male   White Female  

Things got kind of routine; school, studying late with Haley most nights, basketball practice and games, then fucking her mother, then riding out to her grandma’s place to fuck her too, deliver money, and pick up more merchandise for my brother to sell.

I was hoping to have enough to cover my school costs by the time I was ready to start college. Of course, that was assuming I got the SAT scores to get in at all. I was a basketball star at Haley’s middle class high school, but I was realistic about being worth enough to a college team to get financial or admission advantages. Being 6 feet tall, I’d be a short guy in college.

Kendra was a blast, she always hung out with Nadja and me for a couple of hours (which annoyed Nadja though). She lowered the price by 10% on the condition that I pass the saving along, and soon I was moving 10 pounds a week. She was like the professor of weed and weed dealing, always with a lesson for me; and I sucked up every word. You can’t learn that shit in school you know.

“I’ve been doing this sort of thing for 50 years.” She told me as she counted the money one week, “Few people are happy about handing over money like you are.”

“Yeah, well it’s your money; as soon as I hand it over it’s like a weight off my back.” I told her.

She smiled at me; “That’s because you’re an honest guy, Martin. That attitude will take you far in whatever you decide to do.”

I didn’t feel honest. An honest guy wouldn’t sleep with Aurora and Nadja.

I didn’t need the money Aurora was giving me, I was making a lot from the weed. I didn’t stop seeing her on Sundays though. The fact was, despite the weirdness, I liked doing it with her. I felt like she was addicted to me, I was her drug.

I’d hold Haley’s hand sometimes, and I’d kiss her hello and goodbye. But neither of us made any move to go further.

“So what’s happening with you and Haley?” Aurora asked me as she got dressed after her shower one Sunday afternoon.

It was strange to think the first time we did it, I thought of her as old. Now that I was doing her mother too, Aurora seemed like a young woman to me.

“Nothing.” I told her as I peeled off the condom before washing my cock in the bathroom sink. “We hang out. Sometimes we hold hands or something.” I said as I dried off with one of her soft white towels.

“No fondling, or anything?” she pressed as she tilted her head to put earrings on.

“She seems happy enough to just leave it out.” I said as I put on my clothes.

“I don’t want you to fuck her.” Aurora went on as she sprayed a little perfume on her neck.

“Yeah, you said that before.” I told her. I wondered if she ever did ask her doctor about whether it would have been safe, with my big dick and all. But I didn’t say anything.

“I know I’m a total hypocrite.” She said, “But I’m afraid for her Martin. I got pregnant when I was 16, so did my mother and my grandmother. It’s like a family curse, and I don’t want it to happen to my daughter. You’re like, her boyfriend right? At school I mean. The other boys will keep their distance when they know she’s with you, won’t they?”

“Yeah, I guess so.” I said. At that fancy school, I was like the big bad kid no one would fuck with. Sometimes I liked it, sometimes it was a pain in the ass, but that was the reality.

“Anyway, you could never sleep with her now, after we’ve been together, could you? I mean, you couldn’t get it on with both a mother and her daughter.”

“Of course not.” I said, thinking about Nadja as Aurora brushed her hair in the mirror. Then she squeezed herself into a really hot dress.

“How do I look?” she asked me, “Not too slutty?”

I realized that she was seeing someone, she was dressing for a date.

“Nah, you look great Aurora.”

“Thanks Martin. See you next week?”


If they gave only out fucking scholarships, I was sure I’d get me a free ride through college.

It was spring, I was up at Nadja’s. I liked her more and more; she was always straightforward, never beating around the bush about anything. And of course, she had that great tight pussy.

But this time was different. “I met someone.” She told me. “Well, re-met actually. He’s an old boyfriend I hadn’t seen for years. You know I really like you Martin, and you know I always enjoy your visits ... but this is a guy I could possibly be with. I hope you’re not too hurt by this. You look hurt, are you hurt?”

“No ... well, yeah, a little.” I admitted. “I know I shouldn’t be.”

“It’s just normal Martin.” She said, “We’ve been doing it together; somehow we fit, we’re like two misfits who fit each other. But we both know we don’t, not really, do we?”

“No, of course not.” I said, “If you found a guy you like, I’m happy for you Nadja.” I said gallantly.

I was surprised at my own feelings; I was all jealous of some old dude I’d never even met, over a woman 35 years older than me. Shit, it wasn’t like we were ever going to be more than fuck-buddies.

“I was thinking we could still share the bed, as long as you understand we aren’t going to have sex.” She said, “But then I realized it would never work. The bed is too small and your cock is too big!”

“Yeah, it would come crawlin’ across lookin’ for you.” I laughed.

“So I’m going to spend the night with Jerry.” She said, “You can stay here and go in the morning as usual, ok?”

“Sure.” I said.

I put a brave face on it, but I was pretty disappointed. I was really looking forward to our usual wild night together.

Kendra came by with the load. As usual, she was wearing a long colorful dress, only this one was slit to the waist and she had patterned stockings on and high heeled boots. Her hair was loose too, shining like snow around her thin shoulders.

“Hey, you’re looking sharp today, Kendra.” I told her. She seemed really happy about the compliment, she sort of lit up before she sat down and counted out the money I’d brought for her.

“Thank you, Martin. I appreciate the way you’re always respectful of me, even though I’m just an old white woman.”

Kendra made something for us to eat and we got to talking until late. She always had funny stories to tell, lovers she’d had, friends, how her last husband had cheated on her and a visit to her gynecologist who was shocked that she wanted a full panel for STDs at 70.

“He says I have the vagina of a 40 year old.” She added proudly. I didn’t think anything of her saying that, since she was always joking about that sort of thing.

She just loved to talk and I always enjoyed listening. It went longer than usual this time, we were having fun, laughing, I didn’t realize we were flirting. Her wide mouth was smiling and her teeth were even and polished. Her blue eyes kept looking at me and somehow I couldn’t stop myself from looking back.

“It’s getting late.” She said at around 11. “I’d better get going. It was fun hanging out with you tonight.”

“Yeah, I had fun too.” I told her as we both stood up.

“Could I have a hug before I go?” she asked, stepping close.

I looked into her old white face; she was still beautiful but I wasn’t attracted to her in that way, I just liked her. She had bags under her eyes, loose cheeks, and wrinkles. She also had a great jawline, a generous mouth, and those damn eyes. Anyway, I couldn’t say no to a hug.

Her body was long, she was a little taller than me in her boots. Her breasts pressed against my chest as my hands went around her waist, which was pretty small, and her hands went around my back and she pulled me tight and held me. The cabin was cold by then, her body was soft and warm.

Now you know a platonic hug is like 3 seconds, and a sexual hug just keeps going, and this one was definitely longer than 3 seconds. She twisted a little and pressed her thigh in between my legs.

“Oh Martin! You have a hardon!” she laughed softly, pressing her thigh a bit deeper. She pulled her face around in front of mine and I was staring into her eyes for a long moment. I had 2 seconds to choose; pull away, or lean in.

I’d been keeping it for Nadja. I fucked Aroura for an hour the night before but didn’t let myself come. I wouldn’t get back into her bed until the next weekend. Now I had her granny’s mouth an inch from mine, her eyes drilling into my head and her long lean thigh pressing against my swollen penis. Oh yeah, for some reason my hands were on the small of her back, holding her tight. Her wide mouth smiled, and my right hand was on the back of her head, and I kissed her.

I suppose I shouldn’t have done that; because as soon as our mouths met, the rest was inevitable.

I realized then that she’d been working me all evening. Her clothes, her hair, her perfume, her stories and jokes, even the meal we’d shared, it was all leading to this pivotal moment. Now she’d made her move, initiated physical contact and made that contact sexual.

Yes, Kendra was trying to seduce me; I’d walked right into it like a virgin. I’d kissed her, held her, pressed my hard cock against her leg.

I didn’t want to fuck things up between us. Did that mean I should fuck her or not fuck her though? I broke the kiss to look at her face, into her eyes. Her bravado was a thin cover over a deep insecurity. Her brazen move on a 17 year old could backfire, and she knew that.

I wasn’t sure I wanted to. She was sort of sexy in a weird way, and not at all in other ways. I mean, she had a pretty good figure, long legs and all, and that smile of hers was just wonderful. And I was pretty horny.

Well fuck it, I thought to myself; I could just give her what she wanted. I mean, she did plenty for me you know? I could give her a good reaming, it was the one thing I was good at.

I pulled her tight against myself again. Kendra squeaked and laughed, her bright smile and big blue eyes counterbalancing the creases of her weathered face. Her hands went around my neck and we kissed deep and long. Her tongue was darting in and out of my mouth in a very suggestive way, and I wondered what I might learn from a woman with that much experience.

My mind was telling me no, my balls were saying yes. It was too late to stop now anyway, the decision was made.

“Mmm, oh Martin, what are you doing to me?” she laughed softly, “Do you mind if I sleep here with you tonight? I really don’t feel like driving up all those narrow winding roads in the night, especially with all this money in the car.” She asked.

“Sure, no problem.” I said.

“I mean, I want to sleep with you.” She clarified.

“Yeah, I think I get it.”

Kendra laughed brightly; she was really sexy when she laughed. How was that even possible?

Holy shit I thought to myself; I’d just agreed to sleep with my girlfriend’s great grandma.

I took a quick shower, I dried myself off and went out into the cabin, turned off the light, and climbed the ladder up into the loft bed where the old lady was waiting for me.

“I bet you never slept with a seventy year old before.” She said next to me in the darkness.

“You’re right.” I agreed.

“I haven’t slept with a seventeen year old either.” She said, “Not since I was fifty!”

I laughed half-heartedly.

Then I felt a hand on me in the darkness. Slowly, lightly, sensuously it stroked my body. I lay still, unsure what to do about it. Maybe she’d just stop if I didn’t respond. Maybe this wasn’t really happening, she just liked to snuggle a little.

“You’re so warm.” She mused, “Is this ok, Martin? I’ll understand if you don’t want to, I know I’m past my prime.”

I kept quiet and let her do her thing. It was sort of weird, good and bad at the same time. I remembered the first time I was with Aurora, and then with Nadja I had the same thoughts and feelings. Doubt, fear, excitement. I liked the feeling of her touch, it was friendly, sensual.

Fingers pressed against my forearm, testing the consistency of my muscle. Lightly tracing down, down my thigh to my knee. Up again, I thought she was going to reach for my cock but she didn’t.

Was that disappointment or relief I felt?

The old hand slid down again and found its target, pumping my penis in the secret darkness of the remote cabin as she slid her other hand between my thighs to cup my balls. Oh shit; that felt really good. It shouldn’t have, only it did. As her hand slid up and down my hard rod, I wondered about it all, the nature of attraction.

The cabin was pitch black and silent except for our breathing and the pounding of my heart; I realized I was terrified. Why should I be? She couldn’t harm me. She was just a horny old woman who wanted to fool around with my young black cock, and my young black cock didn’t seem to mind at all.

“Oh Martin! You’re so hard!” she laughed softly.

The fact was that we’d been flirting for months. Kendra always turned up looking good, colorful sharp clothes and a touch of makeup. She always looked at me just a little bit longer than necessary, smiled a little extra. And there was the perfume.

I never figured out what it was; it was flowery and just slightly sweet. It the darkness of that night, her scent wasn’t stronger than before, but the effect was. I leaned in and my nose found her face as I inhaled.

Kendra was cool, I liked her. It could be bad, it could be good. Her touch was surprisingly exciting. I was already getting what I needed from her, if I fucked her I couldn’t pretend it was business.

Then she slid close and kissed me again, except now we were naked in bed. Her old tongue slid around my mouth as her soft hands gently teased my rod. What can I say? It was great. I was making out with a great grandmother and it was great.

“Wow.” She whispered, “I have to admit Martin, I’m not sure about this.”

“Me neither.” I said. My cock was rock hard in her hand.

“Your cock is rock hard in my hand.” She sighed, “I like you a lot Martin, and the color thing is a turn on too, only the age thing is a bit much. What do you think, do you really want to?”

At least I couldn’t see her I thought to myself. In the dark, her age was unimportant. Her voice was nice, her smell was great, and her touch was sexy.

I wrapped my hands went around her small soft head, and then my fingers stoked down her spine. Her body was against me in the dark, warm and friendly. The decision was made, the die was cast now.

She kissed my throat, my chest, my belly, and I knew where she was headed.

Suddenly, she turned on the bedside light. “I have to see this.” She said, “My god, it’s so beautiful! Fantastic.”

She looked at me with her watery blue eyes shining through her tangled white hair; in the dim light, I could barely see her deep wrinkles, the lines around her mouth, or the liver spots on her forehead. She grinned at me, her old tits supported by a lacy but solid black bra. Other than that, she was naked.

“You have the most gorgeous cock I’ve ever seen! And I’ve seen a few you know, haha! I want to suck it, would you like that? Want to watch an old white woman suck your young black penis?”

She looked so happy, so excited as she held my rod in her hands, her mouth in a wide smile and her eyes shining. How could I refuse? I just lay there as the old woman looked into my eyes and lowered her head down to it, until her pale lips met dark cock, and then spread and lowered, sliding over me, engulfing me. Wet warm suction; just like her daughter and granddaughter. The incredible sensual rush of a blowjob was too good to refuse, and Kendra knew it.

“MMMM!” she hummed as she sucked, stroking me up and down with her hands, manicured painted nails tickling my shaft.

I was getting blown by a septuagenarian, and it felt good. I stared at her, unable to tear my eyes away; it was like I was trapped a wet dream nightmare. My hands went to her head again, my fingers slipping into her hair, holding her face as she did her thing to my throbbing stiff cock.

She hummed happily as her old white face bobbed up and down on my black cock, her pale lips sucking and her old blue eyes shining.

She pulled up, took a breath, and grinned at me; “This is just so nice.” She said, “I have to admit I wasn’t sure about it, but now that I have you in my hands it just feels so right!”

She went back to it, and I knew I was going to have to fuck her. I was mixed about it; I liked her just fine, and she was actually sexy in a weird way. I just knew that if we did it together it would be crossing a line that would be hard to come back from. If I did it, I’d probably have to do it every week.

Kendra lifted her face from my rod and rolled onto her back next to me with her long legs wide. She was still wearing the stockings and a lace bra that only partially managed to restrain her big loose breasts. She grinned at me expectantly.

Her hip bones stood up in the soft light, her milk white belly was fairly flat, her thighs separated by that special little bulge, which was shaved smooth so her pink vagina was all there was to see.

Kendra had planned this. She’d prepared herself meticulously, with her sexy underwear and all. I had to do it. There was just no way I could refuse, if she wanted it I had to give it to her.

I got above her on my hands and knees, the tip of my rod on her belly. She looked me right in the eyes as her hands took it and pressed it to her ancient pussy. I was wet with her saliva, and she was a bit greasy there, I think she’d used some lube when I was in the shower.

She held it in her hands, her eyes staring straight into mine as she lifted her hips a little, forcing the end into herself. Her grin widened and she squeezed with her vagina, then slipped her hands around my ass and pulled gently.

“Slowly, baby.” She whispered as I slid it in, “Do me real slow, ok?”

I was still fucking Aurora on Sundays, and spending time with Haley too. My dick shouldn’t have been rock hard as I looked into the old woman’s face, as I penetrated her ancient body. But it was; because despite all the reasons that I shouldn’t be attracted to her, I was attracted to her.

“Holy shit!” she breathed, which was just what I was thinking. “It feels fantastic. Oh baby!”

I couldn’t believe my young black penis was inside that old white woman. It seemed impossible.

“Man, I can’t believe your big young cock is inside me!” she chuckled. “I can feel you in there, right up to my tits!”

I have to admit, her old cunt felt good. She wasn’t super tight like Nadja, or half crazy like Aurora, yet there was something about her, she was special.

Kendra was beautiful. Even though her ass and tits had a lot of hang to them, she had admirable legs and a lean body. Mostly it was her face, her smile. Kendra had amazing energy, energy that had nothing to do with her age.

As I eased my cock in and out of her, I studied her face. Her high cheekbones, strong jawline, straight nose, wide smiling mouth with even teeth. Most of all, her big blue eyes. No, not the eyes themselves, it was the way she looked at me with them. Her desire.

I fucked her gently for a while, and it felt good. My doubts seemed to fade into her happy confidence, Kendra looked at me as though a 53 year age gap was a good thing. She was always teaching me things, her stories always came with some sort of lesson. I’d learned a lot about sex from Aurora and Nadja, I was sure Kendra had something to share here too.

“I don’t have orgasms anymore, so just come whenever you feel like it dear.” She said, orbiting her hips. “I want to feel you shoot your hot young spunk into me, I like that.”

“What if I don’t come either?” I asked half joking.

“I know tricks.” She laughed, pressing a fingertip against my anus. “Go on, do it harder; show me your strength, Martin!”

I sped up, ramming it in and out pretty hard. Kendra just grinned and moaned a little, lifting her hips to meet each stroke.

“Oh fuck.” She gasped, pulling on my ass with each thrust, “Oh fuck, this is crazy. I’m almost there Martin, don’t stop now! I think ... I think...”

Her white face was tensing up, going a little bit pink. If she wasn’t pulling with her hands and lifting with her feet, I would have thought something bad was happening.

My girlfriend’s great grandmother was having an orgasm; and it was beautiful. Her lean old body heaved, her eyes stared at me, and she held me tight as I fucked her with long hard thrusts like I’d learned from her daughter and granddaughter. My cock was rock hard, merciless as her orgasm swept over us. Kendra didn’t scream like Nadja, she sort of moaned and groaned as she came, breathing long and deep.

I stopped, my cock throbbing inside her as she looked up at me seeming a bit shocked.

“I didn’t believe Nadja when she told me you’re a god, Martin! You just made me come for the first time in years.”

She pushed me off and I pulled out of her as I rolled onto my back. Kendra threw a knee over as she straddled me, holding up my wet rod as she towered over me. She pressed my rod into her baby smooth slot and lowered herself over it. She grinned at me through a tangle of white hair, her big tits hanging in the patterned bra as her weight settled on my thighs.

I wasn’t sure whether I was happy about it all; it was fun for sure, and I was happy that Kendra had an orgasm. Only now we were lovers; I knew she’d want to do it again, and again. Just like Aurora and then Nadja, once was never enough.

I felt trapped as she rode me, rotating and rolling back and forth with her fleshy white ass on my dark thighs, my rod standing inside her.

“Man, it feels so good!” she sighed, holding both my hands as she rocked on me, “You’re so beautiful! From the first time I saw you, I had the crazy thought about doing this, and now here we are.”

She twisted and pushed her knee under my thigh, leaning back a little so we were scissoring. I watched her face, and the delight there seemed to be enough for both of us. How could I refuse to fuck a woman who wanted me that much?

“I like this position, your cock goes really deep like this.” She explained softly as she ground her pelvis against me, her big tits flopping in her bra. “I’ve been with big guys before you know, maybe even bigger than you are.” She told me, “A big cock is a good thing, but it doesn’t do it by itself. When I look at you, your face, and you look back at me like that, and I feel your erection so hard and hot inside my body, that’s what does it. Mutual attraction, I want you because you want me.”

Did I though? I guess I must have, because she was right about my erection. That part felt pretty good. And I couldn’t seem to tear my eyes from her face. What was it about her aside from her blue eyes? The symmetry, the triangular shape framed in white hair. The wide mouth. Her nose was a bit large and her skin had some years on it. She had beauty in a way, not like a young woman’s beauty. Her age was part of that, integrated into her strange attractiveness. Kendra wasn’t sexy despite her age, she was sexy because she just was.

Across cultures, across races, across generations, we were making a connection. A deep dark connection, something so evil or so good, that it made its own, new category.

I stared into her blue eyes; what was in there I wondered? What did she want, what did she feel as a teenage penis penetrated her? She just sighed and moaned a little, breathing deep but steady.

I pulled her close, and we fucked silently as we sat in the weird position, she was sitting on my thigh and I was sitting on hers. My hands seemed too big around her face, snowy white hair spilling out through black fingers, I kissed her, and for a moment I loved her.

Our coupling was so wrong, it was right. Neither of us had anything to gain, our business was not affected one way or the other. We were fucking out of pure lust, just for fun, mutual pleasure. I kissed her old mouth, my big stiff black penis throbbed inside her long writhing body, as age and race faded away until there was only the two of us, our spirits connected together as we made deep passionate love in the deep dark night.

“Oh my god, oh my god!” my elderly lover gasped, “I’m going to come again! Come with me, Martin!” she implored me, “Give me your juice!”

She leaned back and I pulled my leg out from under her so we were in a missionary position again; where I could give her long pumping strokes, lifting at the end as her granddaughter had taught me.

Her fingers pressed into my ass, her long legs wrapped around my thighs, and her blue eyes stared at me intensely as our orgasms built, until she moaned and thrashed, and I had to pop.

She gasped and held me tight, as if she could feel my fleeting emotion. She was writhing against me with surprising strength. Her fingers dug into my ass and she let out a long soft moan that was different to the sounds she’d been making before.

And then I felt my middle go funny, and I was coming, shooting my young black load into the ancient hippie woman, gangsta kid meets flower power relic in the dead of night.

I stopped, sweating slightly, my weight on my elbows and knees, my body against hers only lightly, her hands on my ass and my cock still inside her as it shrank in humiliation at what we’d done.

“Far out.” She wheezed, “I came. You made me come twice for the first time in fifteen years.”

Kendra freaked me out; I liked it while it was happening but as I rode home the next morning I felt all weird about it. I decided not to fuck her again, no matter what.

The next week when I got there with the money, she was waiting for me in that long green dress that hugged her slim waist. The smell of a baking apple pie hit my nose. The old lady smiled, happy to see me. Her white hair was brushed into a gleaming river of snow, the nails of her long fingers were filed and lacquered.

No one had ever baked a pie for me before. Somehow, she didn’t look too bad.

It was the smile, mainly. Happy, excited as she looked at me with the blue eyes.

Kendra was sexy; she had a sensuous way to her, the way she moved, the way she talked. Just the way she moved her fingers seemed to evoke an intense femininity. I knew it was half fake, it was something she did with intent, not a natural thing. She did it for me, making the effort to turn me on. I have to admit, I liked that. It made me feel special, and that wasn’t something I felt very often. The pie was good too.

I gave her the bag of cash and she counted it out on the table, then packed it away in a stash that was built into the kitchen.

“That sex we did last week, that was really good.” She said as she turned to face me, “I’m not sure it was right, I know you’re still seeing to Aurora. Whatever, anyway, I just wanted to say thanks, it sort of reset my tubes.”

“Yeah, uh, no worries Kendra.” I said, feeling uncomfortable about discussing the subject.

“How do you feel about it?” she asked seriously, “Are we still cool?”

“Yeah, very cool.” I assured her with more confidence than I actually felt.

“Ok, Good.” She said, relaxing into a chair on the other side of the kitchen table, “My sexual impulses have ruined good friendships in the past. If the sex is bad that’s bad, and if the sex is good then everyone wants to do it again, even though we know it probably won’t be that good again, know what I mean?”

“Yeah, that was about what I was thinking.” I said, relieved that the air was cleared.

“I tell you, I was pretty sore after that reaming you gave me.” She said with a little laugh, “I guess a young athlete like you never feels like that.”

“Not from fucking, but I get some pain from basketball and that damn bike ride up here.” I said.

“Really? Say, would you like a massage? I used to be a masseuse, I’m pretty good at it. Go on, take your clothes off and stretch out on the table here.”

I hesitated; because I knew where it would go if she put her hands on me.

“Come on, let me give something back for the pleasure you gave me last week. Please?” she asked.

Well what can you do when a sexy woman pleads with you to strip?

“Take everything off.” She clarified excitedly as I undressed, “Nothing I haven’t seen before, right?”

She unrolled a futon over the table, then threw a sheet over it all; I realized that it was just the right shape for this. The futon fit perfectly too, so I guess it was actually a massage table before it was a kitchen table.

It was simultaneously humiliating and empowering to get naked when she didn’t.

I climbed on and lay on my front. Kendra poured a little olive oil onto my back and started rubbing. It felt good, really good. She pressed her fingers in, not too hard though.

“Touch is primal.” She told me as her hands moved up and down my back. “We associate touch with love. I was a massage therapist for years, we pretended it was something to do with blood flow and anatomy, but really it was always just about touching, laying on hands. Does it feel good?”

“Oh yeah, really good.” I confirmed.

“Your body is beautiful, Martin. Maybe the most beautiful I’ve ever touched, and you know I’ve touched many. Your skin is so smooth and healthy, and your color excites me too. Just to clear the air though, I don’t think we should, you know, go all the way again. It was great, I want to remember it like that.”

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