Beware of the Occult - Cover

Beware of the Occult

by jack tar

Copyright© 2023 by jack tar

Erotica Sex Story: family holiday to Bali, husband buys a present to boost the wife's sex drive which was lacking, only to find it did not go to his plan.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Mind Control   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   Magic   Demons   Cuckold   Wife Watching   Group Sex   Interracial   Oriental Male   White Couple   Cream Pie   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   Size   Small Breasts   .

The shop was in a dusty back alley. I had to stoop to enter the wooden doorway which led into a gloomy interior. As my eyes adjusted I could see shelves of carvings, very common in Bali, but these were all erotic: women, men, animals and monsters in a breathtaking assortment of positions and combinations. Fascinated and aroused, I made my way deeper into the shop. The carvings further back seemed more sinuous, torturous and powerful. The subjects were twisted, their faces contorted with pain and pleasure. Some of the carvings almost seemed to writhe with actual movement.

As I bent to look more closely, an ancient man emerged from the deepest shadows of the shop. Like most Balinese he was short, his brown face laced with wrinkles, his beard long and white but his eyes were intense, dark and so alert they almost flashed.

“How I help you Sir?” His voice was surprisingly deep. He spoke slowly and although his accent was strong I could understand him easily.

“Ah ... I was looking for a present for my wife...” I faltered under his penetrating stare.

“Something to her pleasure.” He nodded to himself. Although it wasn’t a question I answered.

“Yes ... exactly.”

Talking mostly to himself the old man continued. “But there is more. Your wife ... she no longer gives you pleasure of her body.”

My mouth was dry. “Well I wouldn’t say that exactly ... I mean we both still enjoy sex ... it’s just lately ... she doesn’t seem that keen...” I couldn’t believe I was telling this old shopkeeper the details of my sex life. He just nodded again, his expression unchanged.

“You want grow her desire ... make her fires burn hot down below.”

This time I just nodded. I couldn’t trust myself to speak. He moved closer. I would have stepped back but the shelf, loaded with wooden erotica, was right behind me.

“How hot? Hot like good wife should be or hot like she-monkey in mating time? Does she spread legs only for you or like street whore open for every stray dog who come sniffing her holes.”

My heart was pounding. Somehow this old man had discerned my deepest, darkest fantasy, my secret desire to have my darling, faithful, gorgeous wife give herself willingly to other men. Before I could speak the old man gave one more solemn nod and made a strange gesture with his hand.

“Be it so.” was all he said. He moved back into the shadows at the back of the shop. I heard the creak of a door opening and waited several long minutes. Finally he re emerged and handed me a long rectangular wooden box.

“This,” he said, his voice sounding even deeper, “will do all you desire. If you certain, you use on your unfortunate wife at night but you warned ... no toy, no trick, carving hold strong spirit, always hunger for body and mind. If you use you cannot go back.”

This was getting way too weird. The old guy was clearly crazy. I should have handed back the box but it seemed easier just to pay and get the hell out. Also, in my defense, I was still feeling disoriented by the whole sexual impact of the place.

“How... “ I had to clear my throat. “How much do I owe you?” The old man named a sum. It was a high price ... especially in Bali where everything is so cheap. He also announced the price in such a firm way that I somehow knew the usual haggling was out of the question. I paid over the money, which was every note in my wallet, in fact exactly the sum I had in my wallet. Again that was weird. I thanked him, half bowed and quickly exited the shop.

My guide was waiting by his taxi at the end of the alley. He looked nervous. I managed a reassuring grin. The shop was all he had promised and more. I even bought him a beer before we wound our way back to the hotel.

I arrived at the hotel before Katy and the kids. Of course the first thing I did was open the box. Inside was a wooden dildo. It was large, long and thick, without being enormous. It was beautifully carved from a wood so dark it had an almost oily appearance. It was superbly realistic, but I felt a bit disappointed. What was I expecting? Certainly something more exotic and erotic than a plain wooden dildo.

I took it out of the box. The texture was pleasant ... a little knobbly with carved veins but satin smooth. No splinters here. I found myself stroking it with my hand as though I was pleasuring my own penis. It felt good ... exciting.

There was a sound of people on the stairs. My family. Hurriedly I put it back in the box and hid it at the bottom of my bag just as they walked in. They’d enjoyed a great time at the water park. Katy asked about my day and I told her most of it, but for some reason I left out my visit to the dark little shop.

We had dinner at a restaurant on the beach then went for a walk as the night fell quickly. Even at this hour there were still lots of vendors trying to sell cheap junk.

It was quite late when we got back to our little hotel. The kids went off to their room. They were still excited to have a room to themselves with their own bathroom, television and minibar. When we first arrived in Bali I ordered them not to buy anything from the minibar but having seen the prices I told them they could buy as many sodas and snack bars as they liked.

In our room next door, I had a quick shower, ever hopeful of some holiday sex. We’d been here several days but it hadn’t happened yet and from the look of it, wasn’t going to happen tonight. Katy had already gone to bed with her novel. As I climbed in beside her and gave her a kiss on the cheek she smiled vaguely and gave me an ““mmmm” but didn’t stop reading.

I lay back, frustrated. The air con made our room bearable but it was still hot. I was only wearing boxers. Katy was wearing a plain cotton nightie which completely covered her firm, smallish breasts. No sign of her delicious long nipples. The nightie was quite short and I imagined it creeping up over her shapely thighs. Was she wearing panties I wondered. I felt my penis stirring so I rolled over, facing away from Katy. A large tent in my boxers would be very obvious under the sheet that covered us.

Katy took this as a signal. Bookmarking her place she lent over, kissed me on the cheek, rolled back, turned off her light and as usual fell asleep remarkably fast. My Katy is an excellent sleeper. She drops off quickly and sleeps so soundly I have sometimes joked that a horde of Mongol cavalry could ride through the room and she wouldn’t wake.

The combination of heat and my semi arousal meant that for me, sleep was far away. I lay there listening to Katy’s steady breathing and contemplated whether I should go for another swim in the pool, even though it was after hours. I carefully slid out of bed, very quietly and gently, although I didn’t need to bother. I could have leaped up and it wouldn’t have disturbed my sleeping beauty.

Opening the fridge to get a water, the light fell on my bag and I remembered the dildo. My stomach gave a little flutter of excitement. What was it the old man had said... “use it on your wife at night” ... something like that. A moment’s search and the box was open, the dildo a dark shape in my hand. It did feel very sleek and sexy. I could almost imagine a tingle in my palm. “Use it on your wife.” It was too tempting.

I crossed to the bed and looked down at Katy. The room was far from dark. A courtyard light shone softly through our thin curtains. I could see Katy’s face, peaceful and ever so cute. The subtle swell of her breasts under the sheet ... the shape of her legs. Maybe if she’d been on her side I would have left her alone. Maybe if her legs had been together I wouldn’t have gone ahead. But she was lying on her back with her legs slightly spread, so open and inviting I couldn’t resist.

With one quick movement I pulled the sheet off her legs, over to my side of the bed. Taking the hem of her nightie between finger and thumb I eased it up as far as could, far enough so that the darkness of her pussy was completely exposed, far enough to see that she was definitely not wearing panties. My excitement doubled and I fought to control my breathing.

As I moved the dildo close to Katy’s pussy I nearly dropped it and only just manage to suppress a gasp of surprise. The dildo had given a definite jerk in my hand. I shook my head. I must be imagining things. Again I moved the dildo close to my sleeping wife’s sex and again it gave an unmistakable wriggle. For a moment it felt alive, more like an eel than a piece of carved wood.

This was impossible. The dildo was solid, heavy wood. There was no battery compartment, no moving parts. Incredulously I reached forward and let the dildo rest on her skin of her right leg. Sure enough it came to life in my hand with vibrating, squirming movement. There was no sound. Fascinated I slid the dildo up her thigh towards her pussy. The movement increased. The dildo gave several sharp tugs as if it were impatient to get closer.

My brain was reeling. This couldn’t be happening. Maybe I was dreaming, an amazingly sexy dream. I let the dildo pull my hand forward until it was right on Katy’s pussy lips. The vibrations became more intense, along with shuddering movements. Katy murmured something in her sleep. I looked closely at her face. She was still deeply asleep. I felt the dildo pull in my hand and looked down. To my surprise the dildo had worked itself into my wife’s vagina. The whole large head and about an inch of the shaft were buried inside her. With some difficulty I pulled the dildo out. There was definite resistance but it emerged shining with her juices, wriggling frantically. I moved it further from her body and the movement diminished then stopped.

OK. I didn’t know how this could be happening but at least I could control it. Katy was still happily asleep. The penetration of this big wooden dick hadn’t hurt her or even disturbed her and her pussy was obviously wet. It was having the desired effect. I moved it back to her pussy and once again the dildo came to life. The movements in my hand were bigger, stronger, somehow more insistent. I placed the dildo right on Katy’s pussy lips. With a vigorous motion the dildo surged forward, almost out of my grasp. A moment later it had forced half its length inside her.

At this stage maybe I should admit that I’m pretty average in the penis department, around five and half inches on a good day. The dildo I’d say was around ten inches and at least twice as thick as mine but there it was, as deeply into Katy as I could go and still going deeper. I could feel it making plunging movements, working its way into my slim little wife, still wriggling and vibrating but now it felt warm to the touch and much more like skin than timber.

Katy gave a deep moan. I looked up in alarm. She was still asleep but obviously sexually aroused. Her lips were open and she was breathing deeply. Her chest was rising and falling rapidly and even in the low light I could see her erect nipples straining against the fabric of her nightie. Katy moaned again and moved her hips in such a sensual way, opening her legs wider.

The dildo, which already had three quarters of its length inside her, needed no more encouragement and gave a powerful surge which took it right out of my grip and all the way inside her. Katy gave a shuddering cry and her body shook as a splendid orgasm swept over her. Her climax seemed to go on for ages. Surely this would wake her up. It didn’t. As her spasms diminished Katy slipped back into quiet sleep.

Dazed by what I had just witnessed I reached forward to remove the dildo. It was almost completely inside her and slick with her juices. I couldn’t get a decent grip. As I reached inside Katy’s pussy to get a better hold the dildo squirmed in my fingers and wouldn’t budge. After several unsuccessful attempts I heard Katy sigh. I stopped. I didn’t want to wake her ... not with ten inches of dildo jammed inside her vagina. How could I explain that?

Katy sighed again, loudly this time and moved her head from side to side. She wasn’t waking but was in the grip of a powerful dream. I had no doubt that it was a sex dream and that the dildo was causing it. I could hear the dildo moving vigorously inside her, making loud squishing sounds. As I watched Katy licked her lips, her mouth opened and she began threshing about in a much more violent orgasm than before. I just hoped her cries of passion wouldn’t wake the kids.

Again Katy relaxed without waking but the dildo was far from finished. Over the next six hours the dildo brought my beloved wife to orgasm after orgasm, some gentle and intimate, others seismic, body shaking, but even these didn’t wake her. I lost count of how many times she came. I brought myself off three times over the course of the long night then dozed a bit. As the first daylight filtered through the curtains I got up and went to the bed. Katy was lying peacefully asleep. The dildo was lying motionless between her legs.

I picked it up gingerly but it once again felt like carved wood. I quickly put it back in the box and hid the box at the bottom of my bag. I went back to check on Katy. Her pussy looked a little puffy and pink but otherwise normal. After last night’s workout I was surprised it wasn’t stretched wide and gaping.

I climbed back into bed beside her. She rolled towards me and threw her over my chest then slept on. Once again I dozed. I woke to Katy stroking my hair affectionately.

“Morning mister.” She seemed fine. She bent down and kissed me with a smile. “You know my poor little puss is telling me that someone got naughty with her last night. Very naughty. Do you know who that someone might be?”

I must have looked so guilty and alarmed that Katy laughed. “Don’t worry Jimbo, just wake me next time OK?” Jimbo is her pet name for me which she wouldn’t use if she were upset. I reached up, pulled her face towards me and we started a serious kiss which might have led to much more if the kids hadn’t arrived at the door.

That day it was my turn to look after the kids while Katy had a turn at being free to shop and explore. The kids and I had a great day. We visited the monkey temple where a large male macaque stole my whole bag of bananas, much to the kids’ delight. We spent most of the day at the reptile park where the kids were thrilled and horrified to hold a live python and various lizards. Holding the squirming python, with it’s smooth powerful body, reminded me a lot of holding the dildo. Luckily the kids couldn’t read my mind as I thought about the previous night.

Katy also had an enjoyable day. She visited a spa, which is something she had never done before. She bought new sexy clothes including a swimsuit, more revealing than any I’ve ever seen her wear and a new nightie which left nothing to the imagination. I had to wait impatiently until after the kids were asleep for her to model it. She looked stunning. The nightie hid nothing but rather presented her body to be enjoyed.

Katy had another surprise. The full bush between her legs was gone. All that remained was a thin, sparse strip apart from which her luscious pussy was completely bald.

Our love making that night was the longest and best for a very long time. Katy’s body was superbly responsive and she entered into oral, manual and adventurous positions with passionate enthusiasm. As I drifted off to sleep, Katy already asleep in my arms, I silently thanked the old shopkeeper and his amazing, magical toy. It had obviously worked and awoken Katy’s sexuality like never before.

I was wakened some time later by Katy’s groan. She was lying beside me uncovered, naked, her knees up and her thighs wide apart. Her eyes were closed but moving rapidly under her eyelids. Her breathing was ragged and one of her hands was clawing at her left breast. Her other hand was rubbing her clit. Masturbating in her sleep? Had the dildo got to her that much? My heart jumped into my throat as I imagined an awful impossibility. I reached down and touched her soaking pussy. To my horror I felt something large and hard, moving rapidly. At that moment Katy was wracked by a massive orgasm, far more intense than the one she had enjoyed with me.

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