Right Place, Right Time - Cover

Right Place, Right Time

by Ashley

Copyright© 2023 by Ashley

Erotica Sex Story: Young Casey literally couldn't believe it when a gorgeous young blonde dumped her boyfriend right in front of him and then asked him, Casey, to join her in the recently vacated passenger seat of her Porsche. Then she asked him to direct them to a hotel and he damn near burst his pants.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Anal Sex   Analingus   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Squirting   .

That Saturday started fairly normally: got up, washed, and ate breakfast while my dumbass of a step-father Doug talked down to me as he always did, demanding to know what I was going to do with my day and then criticizing it.

I told him I was going to a climate change protest, purely because I knew it would piss him off, and then arranged to meet my mate Chris down at the mall to mooch about and ogle the girls.

As I was leaving Doug bellowed that he and Mom were going to her sister’s and wouldn’t be back till late. “Couldn’t give a fuck!” I called back, but carefully not quite loud enough for him to hear.

I was standing on the sidewalk, waiting to cross, when a yellow Porsche 911 GT3 (OK, I’m a car nerd, so sue me!) pulled up with a loud squeal of tires. It was driven by an absolutely stunning blonde girl and I immediately paid close attention. All I could see were her face, which was amazingly beautiful, and the top half of her chest, where a magnificent golden-brown cleavage was on display in a tight V-necked T-shirt.

She was already red in the face and shouting at the guy in the car with her.

“I’ve had it with you, just fucking get out!” she screamed, and he opened his door and stepped out, looking just as angry as her. “And don’t bother calling or texting, I’m getting someone who isn’t a useless prick!”, she added, throwing some article of clothing at his head. “In fact...” she screeched and looked around at the crowd of now fascinated onlookers.

My heart skipped as she looked straight at me. “You!” she shouted, pointing directly at me. I looked behind me, expecting to see some good-looking bloke standing there, but there was nobody.

When I turned back she was still looking at me and I pointed to my chest and raised my eyebrows frankly in astonishment.

“Yes, you. Cute boy with the awful plaid shirt. Get in.” I thought it was a bit harsh about the shirt but I also thought that if I didn’t take this chance I’d regret it for the rest of my life. I jumped into the passenger seat and pulled the door shut behind me.

“Hi--” I started to say but I was thrown back in the seat and my words were drowned out by the sound of tortured tires as she fishtailed down the street accompanied by the acrid smell of burnt rubber. I fumbled desperately for the seatbelt as she hit third gear and about sixty.

“Where’s a hotel in this asshole of a town?” she demanded. My poor heart skipped a few more beats as the possible implications of that seemingly simple question sank in.

I guess this might be a good time to describe myself as I was then: a slightly taller than average fifteen-year-old virgin, not too bad looking, according to a few tortuously routed messages from girls anyway. Two of whom I’d kissed and one I’d felt up her tits (over her clothes so far, not for want of trying). Oh, and apparently with terrible taste in clothes.

“Keep going along here for a mile or so,” I told her and began to breathe again as she eased off a little on the gas pedal. Now that I wasn’t in fear for my life I risked a glance in her direction. She was wearing a short, yellow mini-skirt which had ridden up so that a tiny triangle of white panties was visible between her long legs which were the same lovely golden color as her breasts.

She was so fucking hot! And she was taking me to a motel! I’d never been so hard in my entire life!

“Take the next right,” I told her, and she looked in my direction and caught me looking at her legs. She just smiled. A smile so dazzling and wonderful that I thought my already sorely abused heart might melt. I was so lost in her smile that we nearly went straight past it.

“In here!” I said at the last second. There was more squealing as she swerved into the lot and then just sat there looking at it for a few seconds.

“Oh no. This won’t do at all.” In all fairness, Benson’s Motel is a flea-pit but there’s nowhere better in town.

“I’m sorry,” I said, and I was. Very, very sorry. Horribly afraid that I’d blown it. Then I remembered Doug’s parting comment.

“There is somewhere else...?” I ventured.

“Is it better than this shit-hole?” It was indeed better than Benson’s. Doug may have been a priceless asshole but he did make good money.

“Oh yes.”

“OK, let’s go,” she said with another of those incredible smiles. I put my hand under my thigh and crossed my fingers, praying with all my heart that Doug and Mom would be gone by the time we got there.

On the way we established that her name was Sasha and mine was Casey, and she drove way too fucking fast for me to risk distracting her with anything else. My eyes were never still as they moved from her breasts to her groin and then up to see what exactly it was that was going to kill us when we crashed into it.

Miraculously we arrived in one piece, and even better, Doug’s car was gone.

“Not too shabby,” Sasha said, leading the way to the front door as I followed watching her hips sway and her ass jiggle under that tiny tight skirt.

Now we were actually here I started to have doubts about what was actually going to happen. Surely this spectacularly gorgeous girl, who I guessed to be in her mid-twenties, couldn’t really want to fuck me, a fifteen-year-old schoolboy?! There must be some more rational explanation: she was the world’s prettiest mugger? ... or an axe murderer? ... or a cannibal? All seemed quite reasonable by comparison.

I opened the door and she walked past me and headed straight for the lounge as if she owned the place. I was mesmerized by the way she moved, like a catwalk model, her whole body shimmying in sinuous, sensual movement. She kicked off her shoes and then turned to me.

“Have you got anything to drink Casey?” she asked.

“Sure, what would you like?” I replied, trying to sound casual.

“Vodka rocks would be lovely,” she said, and her fingers started undoing the buttons on her blouse. My mind almost imploded: she wanted a drink, but she looked like she was getting undressed!! I was frozen in place for what seemed like forever until my brain finally came to a decision. I heard her laughter as I literally ran from the room to the kitchen. I dumped some ice cubes into a tumbler and then opened the cabinet where Doug kept his liquor, pulling bottles out frantically, looking for vodka.

I finally found it and tipped some into the glass. I had no idea how much to add and my brain wasn’t working too well. Thinking that I didn’t want to appear mean I more or less filled the glass.

When I walked back into the lounge Sasha had her back to me and was dressed in just a tiny thong and a bra. My legs just stopped working and I stood there, overwhelmed by her simply beautiful, near-naked body.

“Oh my God, you’re perfect,” I thought, looking at her bronzed hourglass figure and the most sublime ass I’d ever seen. She turned around and grinned at me.

“You’re so sweet,” she said fondly, walking towards me, and I realized I must have spoken out loud.

Her breasts were barely covered by a tiny push-up bra and my dick was painfully erect but I didn’t dare adjust it. I only just dared to breathe for fear that somehow I’d manage to fuck everything up.

She took the drink, that I’d completely forgotten about, from my hand and took a sip.

“For fuck’s sake take off that dreadful shirt,” she said, jolting me back from my reverie. Her tone was sharp but her words were accompanied by another million-watt smile. “And those jeans while you’re at it.”

She watched, sipping at her drink, as I fought with suddenly traitorous buttons and fly, until I was down to my underwear. She positively grinned at the way my dick was stretching out my briefs. My heart was in my mouth as she reached behind her back and undid her bra. When she took it off her incredibly firm tits barely moved. They weren’t big but they were an incredible perky shape and topped with small, bright pink nipples.

Then she pushed her panties down to her ankles and stepped daintily out of them.

I stood there, drinking in the sight of my first ever in-the-flesh pussy, and it was simply gorgeous: utterly bald and wonderfully puffy with the cutest little neat slit.

“What?” she demanded after I’d been transfixed for possibly an hour or two. “Haven’t you ever seen a pussy before?” I’m not sure what my expression was but it made her laugh, a wonderful tinkling, girlish laugh. “You haven’t, have you. Oh my God, I’ve bagged a real-life virgin!” she laughed again, happily and prettily, and then looked at me closely.

“Exactly how old are you, sweetie?” I panicked, thinking that the wrong answer could spell disaster.

“Eight--” I began and stopped as she raised an eyebrow disbelievingly. “Sev--” a wagged finger joined the eyebrow. “Six--” She still looked dubious. I lowered my head to my chest and mumbled, “Fifteen.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite hear that?”

“Fifteen,” I repeated louder while peeking up at her and holding my breath. When she grinned I dared to hope that maybe...

“Oh my,” she whispered huskily, almost to herself. “Jailbait.”

With one hand she traced circles over her nipples and with the other she ran a finger up and down her pussy lips. As she pulled it away I could see a strand of sticky fluid extend between her lips and her fingertip. My cock was so hard that it hurt.

“Let me see you, Casey,” she said throatily, looking down at my tented underwear. I felt suddenly nervous about letting her see my junk, in case it wasn’t up to what she was expecting. I took a deep breath and pushed my briefs down to my ankles.

She approached me slowly as if I were a frightened animal, and that wasn’t too far from the truth. As she reached out a single fingertip my dick twitched and jumped madly.

“You’re not going to last too long, are you sweetie?” Again I felt my heart sink as I feared the worst. My face must have been filled with abject sorrow because she stroked my cheek gently. “Don’t worry Casey, I am going to fuck you ... I just think I’m going to need a little help to keep up.”

She lowered her hand and I could see her consider taking hold of my erection, and then she thought better of it and took my hand instead, leading me over to the couch where she’d dropped her handbag.

She released my hand and then rummaged in the bag, coming out first with her phone and then with what looked like a bright pink, narrow, plastic egg with a long tail. She lay back on the couch and opened her legs. Her pussy opened up and I almost came on the spot: it was so pretty with a lovely glistening hole that seemed to call out to me. I could see her pink asshole as well, and it seemed to be winking at me.

She beckoned me to stand between her legs, and carefully took hold of the base of my penis, bending it down until it was pointing between her legs. “Lovely,” she declared, and then used the fingers of her other hand to jerk me off me just under the tip.

Instantly I was cumming: massive spurts, all over her pussy and her asshole and she wriggled and giggled, “Oh that’s gorgeous,” she cried, squeaking as each jet hit her. Then she picked up the egg, smeared it with my jism, and handed it to me. “Put that inside me,” she pleaded.

I took hold of it and it was vibrating faintly. I went to place it in her pussy, now covered with my cum, but she took my hand and moved it lower. “Down here,” she said and it was right on her asshole!!

I couldn’t believe it, but there was no mistaking what she wanted. I grasped it firmly and pushed. She moaned softly and it slowly started to slide in, and then suddenly the second half was swallowed and she closed her legs over it and rolled to the side. “Oh fuck I love that so much,” she said, her words almost a growl.

I stood there with my dick softening, looking down on this gorgeous creature whose whole body seemed to be vibrating as she made tiny happy squeaking noises in her throat. I was utterly spellbound: she seemed the embodiment of sexuality and in that moment I adored her with all my heart.

When she uncurled, and I could see her fingers rubbing at the top of he pussy, my dick began to swell again. She spotted it out of the corner of her eye, “Oh goody, it’s back in the game!” she declared and sat up, wrapped her soft hand around my shaft, and then took the tip into her mouth.

“Oh Jesus fuck, that’s awesome,” I groaned at the incredible sensations of her lips and tongue on my knob, putting my hands on the top of her head and stroking her hair. She looked up at me with big, blue, smiling eyes, her head bobbing up and down and driving me crazy. When I was fully erect again she took her mouth off me and grinned, licking her lips.

“Come on then Casey, let’s rid you of your pesky virginity shall we?” she said, yanking me by the hand so that I fell on the couch, and then straddling my thighs so that her sweet pussy was just inches above my dick. ‘This is it!’ I thought, my tiny mind almost blowing. ‘I’m really going to fuck her!!’

She grabbed hold of my dick and then lowered her pussy, ever so slowly, down onto me. I could feel my eyes widening as a warm, wet, slice of heaven enveloped me. When she was all the way down she just stopped and I could feel the walls of her pussy massaging my cock and a gentle tingle from the vibrator in her ass.

I was awestruck: I’d never felt anything so wonderful in my life. I looked up and she’d obviously been watching my face and was smiling at me. “God, that was so hot. I think maybe I’ll only fuck virgins from now on.”

“I love you,” I replied, the only thing that came into my mind. She laughed and bent down to kiss me, her tongue driving into my mouth, while she began to bounce slowly up and down on my erection.

I think I may have been in shock, the amazing sensations overwhelming me, because it was only when she actually lifted my hands and placed them on her breasts that it occurred to me that I could actually touch this goddess. I made up for lost time though, stroking every inch of her silky-soft skin and sucking madly on her hard little nipples.

Sasha’s breaths got increasingly shaky and gasping and I thought she might be getting close. I hoped so, because I knew that I was. And then she reached over to her phone and the vibrations going through my cock became incredibly intense. At the same moment, she screeched at the top of her voice and her arms and legs started to thrash wildly. Between the madly buzzing egg and her pussy, which was now squeezing down on my dick every few seconds I came hard, thrusting as deep as I could with each stroke.

“Oh God Sasha, that was amazing!” I gasped as she collapsed with her head on my shoulder and I held her still-quivering body tight.

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