The Curse of Scarlaria - Cover

The Curse of Scarlaria

Copyright© 2023 by Terrafic

Chapter 44: The Scarlet Sanctuary

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 44: The Scarlet Sanctuary - Rose, a fifteen-year-old girl mysteriously ends up in another world. She has to learn to survive in a place with rules much different than her home.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Coercion   Consensual   Hypnosis   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Farming   High Fantasy   Body Swap   Magic   Demons   Cream Pie   Lactation   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   Menstrual Play   Public Sex   Small Breasts   Nudism   Prostitution   Royalty  

On their third week in River Point, Rose was losing hope that they would find the sanctuary in the surrounding area. It was late in the evening when she returned to town after exploring all day. She wanted nothing more than to bathe and sleep, but Camellia insisted that Rose needed to have an orgasm before the curse made her horny. Even as Camellia went down on Rose, her thoughts remained on the issues at hand. If she became Queen, would the curse still fill the air of her land? Would she be powerful enough to get rid of her where all others had failed?

Rose decided to take the next day off from traveling and instead spent some time in town. After lunch, she sent both Camellia and Griff away to have time off for themselves. Even if it was risky to walk about alone, Rose needed some time to herself. She wanted to focus on her thoughts and plans and maybe even talk to herself a bit.

She eventually came to the largest dress shop she had ever seen in Scarlaria. The dresses were of fine quality, but the designs caught her attention the most. A section in the back corner of the shop contained dresses that didn’t follow the expected Scarlarian appearance. These were more modern, made in such a way that compared to clothes on Earth.

“Ah, I see you’ve taken an interest in my more exotic collection,” a man said as he approached Rose.

“They are very pretty, yes,” she nodded. “My name is Rose,” she added, reaching her hand out.

“I’m Bishop,” he smiled. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he said, taking her hand and then kissing the top of her fingers.

Rose allowed her hand to linger in Bishop’s as she focused on his energy. She had noticed not long ago that Ivan’s aura was different from anyone else in Scarlaria. And now, she could sense that this man’s aura was different, too. It was more akin to Ivan’s. Did that mean he was from Earth?

“Your clothes, they remind me of a place I once lived,” she said.

“Where did you live?” he asked.

“Manhattan,” she said, looking at his face. Immediately, she could tell it was a name he recognized. “You’re from Earth.”

Bishop hesitated. “Yes,” he said simply. “I found myself here thirty years ago. I never expected to find someone else from Earth.”

“How did you end up here?” she asked.

“I’m not sure. I went to bed with my wife one night and then woke up here. I can’t believe someone else is here who knows what it feels like.”

“I do know,” she smiled. “I also know it’s possible to go back.”

“I don’t think I could go back even if it were possible. It’s been thirty years, so how could I pick up with my family again?”

“Time doesn’t move at the same speed between here and there, but that’s a long story. If you want to know more, you can visit me after you close your shop.”

That evening, Bishop did come to seek more information from Rose. She made him swear an oath of secrecy before telling him the story. He was amazed to learn that it wasn’t only Rose and himself that had come from Earth, but Ivan as well.

“If you’re willing to help me return to my family, I will gladly provide you and your friends with all the clothing you need,” Bishop offered as he prepared to depart.

“I will keep your offer in mind,” she smiled. “There is one thing you can do for me, though,” she added, then leaned close to whisper.

“Certainly,” he said with a grin.

Rose bid him farewell before saying goodnight to the others. She left the room with Camellia and went to utilize the hot bath she had prepared. Rose slipped into the tub and the wonderful hot water it contained. Soon, they would all be traveling again, and Rose decided it would be best to head east again. She had come to Scarlaria in the eastern region, so maybe that held some sort of significance.

The quietness of the room helped Rose think, even though she tried to empty her mind, at least for tonight. In fact, she was surprised by just how quiet it was. She couldn’t hear any footsteps walking on the wooden floor, nor did she hear any faint voices talking in the other rooms. By this time of the night, she expected at least someone to be having sex.

It wasn’t until Rose opened her eyes that she noticed something was wrong. She was still in the bathtub, but it was a different room altogether. It was a far nicer room with burning candles all over. The walls were covered in drapes and tapestries. Surprisingly, Rose found her body to be completely dry as she climbed out of the tub.

“Camellia? Griff? Ivan?” No one answered.

She pushed the door open and stepped into the empty hallway. The structure and layout of the building seemed familiar. As she passed along several rooms, it became apparent that she was in the Scarlet estate back in the capital. It wasn’t as she remembered it, though. The decorations and designs were much different. She turned the next corner and began walking along the main corridor. Rose remembered that this hall eventually split at the end, going left and right. Ahead of her, she could see two large doors upon where a solid wall once stood.

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