Celebrating Angela - Cover

Celebrating Angela

by ArielleR

Copyright© 2023 by ArielleR

Erotica Sex Story: Molly's girlfriend Angela got big news about her future and of course they had to celebrate! Two trans women hit the town, the couch, and the bedroom, enjoying each other the whole time

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   TransGender   Fiction   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Safe Sex   .

I was having a quiet morning on my couch chatting casually on Discord when I got a text from my girlfriend Angela. The text read, “I just got the best news, call me!”

I switched over to my phone app and gave Angela a call. She picked up right away and said “Holy crap Molly, it’s happening!”

“What’s happening?”

“My bottom surgery! I got a date for it, and it’s in two months!”

“It’s finally going to be Vagina Time?”

“Yes, Vagina Time! I’m going to need so much help afterwards but I’m actually getting to do it!”

“That’s amazing! Do you have plans for today?”

“Not really...”

“Let’s make some then! Tell you what, dress up cute and I’ll pick you up at 11.”

“What are we doing?”

“It’s a surprise,” I said, “see you then?”

“Yep! Bye, I’ll go get ready now!”

“Bye cutie!”

I put my phone down and went to change my clothes. I found an orange and pink plaid button-up and cut-off jean shorts in the closet, changed my plain earrings for rainbow studs, and got out my best red sneakers. Back in the living room, I cleared off the couch and tidied a little, and I put four bottles of rich brown ale in the fridge.

Soon, it was time to go get Angela. I packed my messenger bag, got in the car, and drove over to her place, where she was waiting on the sidewalk for me. Freshly dyed and cut purple hair framed her round, gentle face, and she was wearing a strappy polka-dot sundress that accentuated her modest curves. When she saw me drive up, she waved at me and I pulled over.

She got in the car and said, “Hi there gorgeous! Where are we off to?”

“I have a whole day of stuff in mind for us to do together, but first let’s go get lunch!”


“It’s a surprise.”

“Oooh nice,” she said, and we started driving. Where we were going was halfway across town, so it took a little while to get there. When we were getting close, Angela exclaimed, “You’re taking me to Cluck Amok? I never make it out here but I love their chicken!”

“Yep! Here we are!” I parked and we walked over to a modest storefront with a line-up outside. The line moved quickly and soon we were at the counter. The house specialty is Nashville-style hot chicken, served in delicious sandwiches. I ordered my sandwich with medium heat, coleslaw, and pickles, and Angela got hers hot with slaw and a fried egg. On the side I ordered their smoky and sweet baked beans, which came with little chunks of peach, and Angela got creamy potato salad.

We took our lunches to the sunny outdoor seating area and started eating. The crunchy slaw and crispy batter contrasted well with the tender meat and soft bun. Angela dove into her messy sandwich with gusto. When we were done her face and hands were messy with sauce and yolk and she said, “Shit I’m so sloppy with their food here, I don’t know what I’m going to do, they don’t have a bathroom!”

“I knew you’d get messy, so I brought some supplies,” I said, producing a damp towel from my bag.

She wiped herself clean on it and said, “Thanks for always thinking of what I need!”

“Hey this is your special day,” I replied, “Plus next we’ll be going back to my place to chill for a bit, this is the kind of lunch that needs it!”

Angela reapplied her lipstick and stood up, then we walked back to the car hand in hand, full and happy. On the drive back, Angela rested her hand on my thigh and I felt so full of love. The route passed quickly and soon we were parking underneath my apartment.

Before getting out of the car, I reached over to Angela for a kiss. She pulled me in close, looked me in the eye, then kissed me with an insistence that surprised me. We made out quietly in the car for a few minutes, then got out and went upstairs.

When we got there, my partner Leah was just getting ready to go out.

“Leah, I got my surgery date,” gushed Angela, “two more months and then it’s Vagina Time!”

“Oh awesome,” Leah said, “we’ll help any way we can with your recovery, of course!”

“You’re such a sweetheart! Molly’s planned a whole day of celebrations for us.”

“She did, eh? I love how much she loves you.”

“Have anything cool planned for your afternoon?”

“I’m meeting with a client over coffee to discuss their new website design, then going for a walk to find inspiration, so maybe?”

“Hope it goes well,” Angela said, reaching to give Leah a hug. Leah hugged back and smiled, saying, “Have fun, girls,” then hurried out the door.

I sat down on the couch and motioned for Angela to join me. When she sat down I said, “I know that was a heavy lunch, so I thought we could snuggle on the couch and watch TV for a bit.”

“I do love snuggling, and I bet you’ve got something cool to watch.”

“Your favorite time travel Star Trek episodes?”

“Oh yes please! What’s up first?”

“Trials and Tribble-ations, of course”

“I love you, you know me so well!”

“Let’s watch,” I said, and started the episode. She settled in against my shoulder as the opening played. Even in the late summer heat, snuggling with Angela was comfortable and cozy.

Two episodes in, Angela turned to face me and said, “I’m feeling a little frisky here, can you touch me a little?” I responded by reaching over and cupping her breast with my hand. She sighed in relief and relaxed even deeper into me.

I touched her gently through her clothes, then after a minute I dipped my hand into the front of her dress. I searched for her nipple and grazed it lightly when I found it. She gasped in response and turned to kiss me.

We kissed and touched like this for a little while, then Angela pulled away, smiled, and stood up. She reached underneath her dress and smoothly pulled her underwear off, placing it on the coffee table. She winked and sat back down, spreading her legs suggestively.

Taking the hint, I reached up her dress, finding her soft girldick and heavy balls with my fingertips. I slowly stroked the top of her penis from base to tip, each time finding it a little firmer and longer.

“We’d better give these bits a good send-off over the next little while,” I whispered, “They’ve given us such great times!”

“Yes, though they won’t be gone, just different! I’m sure there will be even better times ahead.”

I moved my hand to hold the head of her cock in my palm. Rubbing my hand slowly across it, I said, “Here’s to your clit then, now and future!”

“Now clit feels pretty great,” sighed Angela, a gleam in her eye. I felt her erection grow as I stimulated her glans, and a flush rose up her face. Once she was fully erect, I rolled her foreskin back and forth across her clit head a few times; she moaned in pleasure at the sensation.

I moved my hand down Angela’s shaft and started stroking up and down. I hugged her close while doing so, feeling her move her hips against mine out of excitement. Soon she was on the verge of orgasm. I kissed her hard on the lips and she stiffened, then released herself into climax. We kept kissing through her orgasm and into the aftermath, loving the closeness of the experience.

When we parted, we saw that the show was over and the TV was waiting for us to select another. We left it stopped, and I asked, “When you’re cooled down, do you want to go for a walk?”

Angela replied, “Do you have a fun destination in mind?”

“I do indeed!”

“Then let’s go!” Angela stood up and picked up her panties, daintily pulling them back on underneath her dress. We cleaned ourselves up a little and got ready to go back out.

Outside, the sun was shining high in the sky. In its light Angela’s hair burst into vibrance, complementing the burgundy of her dress. She was absolutely stunning and I was so happy to be out with her.

We walked together for about twenty minutes before I motioned to cut down a small alley passing through a big block of houses. Hidden in the centre of the block was a small park. Shady trees sheltered benches and tables, and a small play structure stood in one corner. We found a bench underneath a big willow tree and sat down together.

“This is a beautiful spot, Molly,” Angela said, “thanks for bringing me here!”

“I thought you’d appreciate how well hidden it is. I know you like secrets.”

“Yeah, you could drive by on the road every day and still not spot this! It’s so quiet for being right in the middle of the city.”

“A friend told me about it, said it was a good place to sit in the shade and read!”

“Well I’m glad for shade and privacy,” she said, then kissed me on the cheek. It was a soft kiss but very inviting, and I turned to meet her lips with mine.

We kept kissing for a little while, then I pulled out my phone and said, “We’ve been offline for a little while, want to catch up with your friends?”

“Only if we get a selfie first,” Angela replied, “I want to brag about my girlfriend!” We got one where the sun shone through the tree to highlight my side shave and Angela’s pretty smile.

I messaged the selfie to my other girlfriend Izumi, writing, “Beautiful day with Angela! I’m so looking forward to you two meeting next time you visit!”

“She looks so happy! Can you put that smile on my face when I visit?”

“I have my plans, sweetheart. I certainly want to!”

“I almost have a time, just need to make sure work’s ok before booking flights”

“Exciting! Love you cutie”

“Love you too,” she messaged. We took our time on our phones just catching up on conversations and messages, but then a reminder alarm went off on mine.

“We’ve got dinner reservations,” I said, “it’s time to head over to Southside Sushi!”

“Mmmm,” Angela replied, “they’re so good!”

“They’re nice and close by, too. Let’s go!”

We got up and walked to the restaurant. There was a short line outside for seating but we were able to go right in to our reserved table. The waiter brought us menus and tea. I sipped the tea and it was hot and pleasantly earthy.

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