Sword of the Goddess - Cover

Sword of the Goddess

Copyright© 2023 by QM

Chapter 52

Once the devices had been dropped off with Harinas and his people, Darras and the Elves left Iversirion for Erren’s domain and were joyfully greeted by their goddess.

“Well done, all of you,” Erren said as she led the way to the bathing pool. “You have given the world a magnificent boost by way of magic use that will propel the world to heights greater than the Golden Empire, and the changes will be seen within a decade.”

“It was a chance discovery,” Demala admitted. “Though it is odd that Challis was not aware of it.”

“Ubaids were not known for their curiosity,” Erren explained. If this Casal had ordered him to find the gateway and tamper with it, that’s all he would have done.”

“Would Casal have?” Darras asked.

“Yes, it’s why the First Ones became dominant.”

“There was a possibility of killing him,” Darras mused as they reached the pool.

“I’m glad you didn’t,” Erren replied. “For the moment, I’m gathering information on the destinations these shadows are going to.”

“Guess I’ll have a lot of work soon?”

“You will, my love, mostly in Golsten.”

“If we can help, we will,” Firios offered.

“I’ll mostly be asking Leandomus to free you up to scout out the area where that northern tower is, along with the building between the volcanos,” Erren replied.

“But not entering?”

“No, not with Challis transporting shadows from it.”

“Ah, yes,” Firios nodded.

“Eventually, I’ll be moving Amina’s people in to help Darras get into the tower, but not until I know the lay of the land better,” Erren explained.

“Yes, they’d be just as vulnerable to a shadow as we would.”

“They would, which is why I’m giving you these,” Erren replied, handing over four amulets. “Travelling through a gateway will enable me to activate them, and they will protect you from possession.”

“I take it the effect is not permanent?” Demala asked, scrutinising hers.

“It isn’t, but it should last long enough for most missions,” Erren explained. “A light magic wielder could, in a pinch, restore them.”

“So, Balat and some priests?” Tinara asked.

“And some of the Dryads, though it’s not a common form of magic, I’m afraid.”

“So, they’d be unable to possess us, but we still couldn’t harm one?” Traskis asked.

“Correct, and they’d still be able to attack you, though you’d be able to deal with their victims,” Erren replied. “You’d still need to be careful.”

“Better than nothing,” Firios agreed.

The Elves had returned home, though Erren and Darras sat in the pergola awaiting a guest.

“I take it Serulon is going to object to something?” Darras asked.

“Yes, the objects you found,” Erren replied.

“So, she doesn’t object to the dangerous stuff dug up in the Deadlands but will object to things I find due to your brother’s machinations?” Darras chuckled.

“Possibly, it depends on how she’s going to approach this,” Erren smiled.

“I see,” Darras nodded.

Serulon appeared, slowly phasing into view on the lawn and stalked across to where Erren and Darras sat, sipping wine, Erren smiling whimsically.

“Sister,” Erren greeted Serulon. “I take it you have an issue.”

“You have unleashed forbidden knowledge upon the world,” Serulon replied in cool tones. “Explain yourself.”

“Have I?” Erren asked sweetly. “When?”

“The crystal tablets your ... agent found in Norbard contain that which the world is not ready for,” Serulon said patiently. “As you well know.”

“No, there wasn’t,” Erren replied. “I checked.”

“It contained information on chemical extraction and synthesis that will permit the development of explosives!”

“Yes, and?”

“Such is forbidden, sister; you know this!”

“No, the production method is forbidden,” Erren explained. “Not the means to extract and purify the various chemicals. After all, charcoal, sulphur and nitre crystals are known of.”

“Statistically, such explosives are likely to be developed.”

“Only if our idiot brother interferes,” Erren replied cooly. “So far, though, he’s ignored the temptation to have one of his own come up with gunpowder and tried to trick a follower of Pelegard into inventing a crude version of trinitrotoluene.”

“It matters not,” Serulon countered flatly. “You have given the Elves the means to invent something forbidden!”

“My vision tells me they won’t,” Erren replied. “The flow of the narrative remains unchanged.”

Serulon frowned and appeared to concentrate before looking at Erren again, confused. “What did you just do?” she asked.

“Me, nothing,” Erren smiled. “I’ve been here all the time.”

“Yet one hour ago, the narrative was different! You know this!”

“And I was here one hour ago with my Elf friends,” Erren smirked at a confused Serulon.

Serulon just flickered away, looking angry, if speechless.

“What did you do?” Darras asked.

“Remember when I scanned those tablets?” Erren replied, and Darras nodded. “I gave Harinas the information on certain texts that needed editing and how to do it.”

“Ah,” Darras smiled. “So, you knew she’d be coming here?”

“I wasn’t sure; it was a minor breach, and she’s been known to overlook those,” Erren replied. “This proves she’s keeping a close eye on me.”

“Does it affect anything?”

“No, it just means I can’t be lax over anything you find or do.”

“You’ve always steered me right so far,” Darras chuckled. “I can’t imagine you failing now.”

“I won’t,” Erren smiled. “She also missed the advance these crystal tablets would give the world because she was so focused on what she thought was a breach of our rules.”

“And the Elves will be able to keep an eye on his tower, too,” Darras nodded, changing the subject.

“They will, though it won’t be easy for them.”

“I’m sure winter gear can be provided?”

“It can, though little or no fighting goes on in winter,” Erren replied.

“True, though Ostar and Trenich fought then. I believe it was the first time in my previous world.”

“It was, and in the first year, it increased the suffering of the soldiers who did it as they were ill-prepared to do so.”

“Yes, I remember,” Darras grimaced, remembering occasions where soldiers had frozen to death whilst on watch. Or where illness had weakened them to the point where they’d just given up and passed on.

“Summer remains the preferred fighting season here as winters are too cold. Spring is for planting, and autumn is for harvesting,” Erren replied. “Though Rachtelin has been known to raid in winter as they have a small professional core to their armies.”

“Yes, though I imagine most of their armies have been disbanded now,” Darras nodded.

“They have,” Erren replied. “The country is still rebuilding, though the threat of bankruptcy is over.”

“The Forest Kingdom loan?” Darras asked.

“Yes, it enabled Rigilo to pay off the Fordelian loans in full, and the repayment interest on the Forest Kingdom loan was far lower over an extended period.”

“It’ll help, though the debt remains,” Darras nodded.

“It does, though Rachtelin will be able to repay it in full from Fordel’s coffers when they bribe Rigilo to leave them alone after he invades.”

“Along with officially permitting your worship there again,” Darras nodded.

“Yes,” Erren smiled.

Darras was in Crusal several days later, dealing with a group of shadows that Erren had tracked from the gateway at Norbard. This had proven to be an easy task, as the shadows had not expected to be targeted so quickly or without hosts. Darras followed their presence to a cellar, where he eliminated them swiftly.

Darras also destroyed the scrying stone there before leaving on the trail of another shadow he could sense in the city of Dremmech. The shadow was in one of the gated communities within Dremmech, though Darras now knew several ways into those areas as used by thieves and paramours.

This ought to give them pause, ’ Erren said. ‘They’ll be wondering how you found them.

“I’m sure they’ll figure out it’s the gateways soon enough,” Darras replied.

True, but they’ll assume it’s me, not the observers I intend to place.

“Probably, at least until we attack that tower.”

True, it’s likely to contain shadows, as well as Challis.

“Not Casal?”

I don’t think so, ’ Erren replied. ‘I suspect he’ll be near this dragon.

“So, possibly in that building between the two volcanos?”

That’s a possibility, yes.

“When we’re ready, we’ll have a look,” Darras replied.

Yes, though Balat and a Dryad are now making their way to the woods near the tower, it won’t be that soon.

“Will Doriel be setting up a domain there?”

It’s possible, though the far north is not a favoured environment for the forest folk.

“Too cold?”

Yes, and not many denizens.

“Wonder who will guard the gateway?”

Good question, I don’t know.

“No doubt you’ll find out soon enough,” Darras chuckled.

Yes, I doubt Doriel will leave it unguarded.

As it was dark, Darras made his way to the gated community where the shadow lurked, and he sought out a hidden entrance to a tunnel leading under the wall. Following Erren’s guidance, Darras swiftly went to a certain entranceway, using his strength to force the lock into a residence.

Upstairs, ’ Erren said. ‘Possibly the same woman you dealt with here before.

“Thought it was familiar,” Darras murmured.

Yes, though no violence, please, they are not beyond redemption ... yet.

“As you command, my Lady.”

Darras felt mild nausea from the presence of a shadow, and it grew stronger as he went upstairs to the same bed chamber of a woman whom he’d rid of a shadow over two years before. With a sense of déjà vu, Darras observed the woman writing at the same desk, though this time he slipped silently into the room to wrench the shadow free from the woman, causing her to fall forward, unconscious at the desk. He then burned several pieces of correspondence chosen by Erren to do with piracy and slavery before slipping away from the residence.

I’m passing on the information about her to my temple, though as a Darmelan, there’s little they can do as yet, ’ Erren informed Darras.

“The slave trade is ending anyway,” Darras replied. “Only the port of Sulimas is really involved anymore.”

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