Sword of the Goddess - Cover

Sword of the Goddess

Copyright© 2023 by QM

Chapter 50

“Stop using sophistry to justify murder!” Serulon screeched.

“A champion of Colanthus comes at me with a sword, and my dealing with him ... permanently is sophistry?” Darras chuckled. “I defended myself, that’s all; we left the others alive.” His voice carried the weight of his self-defence.

“Be silent, mortal!” Serulon screamed, her belief in the Allfather’s justice fuelling her words. “The Allfather will deal with you eventually, no matter Erren’s trickery.”

“I doubt it,” Erren smiled, enjoying Serulon’s tirade. “If Dad were going to object, he already would have.”

“You do not speak for him; I do!”

“I was just pointing out your inconsistency, sister,” Erren smirked.

“Do not mock me!” Serulon spat. “The Allfather has noted your flouting of the mandates, and he will act!”

“I doubt it,” Erren replied. “If he were going to act, he would have already.”

“Do not speak as if you know his mind!”

“I know the rules as well as you do, sister,” Erren replied. “I also know I haven’t broken them.”

“Your dog murdered a priest!”

“Darras is not a dog, don’t be rude,” Erren snapped back. “This champion attacked Darras with a sword and paid the price for doing so.”

“He also had a bounty on his head from the sheriff of Mozlin,” Darras added.

“You cannot complain if Colanthus chooses to use psychopaths as his champions,” Erren smiled.

“He was still a priest!” Serulon hit back.

“And was judged and found wanting by Dad, no doubt,” Erren replied.

“I will be informing the Allfather of your intransigence,” Serulon huffed, seeing she was getting nowhere with her rogue sister.

“Tell Dad I said hi,” Erren smiled as Serulon faded away.

“Are you in trouble, my love?” Darras asked.

“No, Serulon was just venting her frustrations,” Erren replied. “She’s getting tired of the litany of complaints from Colanthus, Darmela, oh, and my brother, the Dark Lord.”

“So why take it out on you?”

“Part of her remit from Dad,” Erren explained. “She has to investigate any activity by the gods and their agents that affect the world.”

“Seems like she ought to be looking at the complainants, not you,” Darras chuckled.

“Probably, though that’s not how it works,” Erren smiled. “I suspect she’s also finding Dad indifferent to your actions today.”

“You’d think she’d favour you for not complaining,” Darras laughed.

“She’s trying to be even-handed and neutral,” Erren explained. “My enemies can’t grasp that I play by the rules, not Serulon.”

“I suspect you stretch the odd rule,” Darras smiled.

“Oh, I do,” Erren giggled. “I most certainly do.”

Darras stepped through the Isle of the Dark Kin gateway, finding the chamber empty. Outside, a single guard, though not openly holding arms, appeared to be occupied with a book of some sort.

“You are Darras?” the guard asked.

“I am; I’m here to see the Elders,” Darras politely replied.

“Please wait; I’ll get you an escort.” The guard nodded, signalling to a watching Dark Kin, who moved off.

Clever, a guard and a watcher, ’ Erren commented.

Darras mentally agreed, though he held his tongue, knowing the hearing of the Elves would pick up his side of the conversation. Fortunately, Darras did not have to wait long before Klea appeared, indicating that Darras should follow her. It was noticeable that there were no tensions in the atmosphere, unlike Darras’s previous visit and no apparent hostility.

“Things seem calmer, friend Klea,” Darras said.

“The intransigents and hardliners chose to distance themselves from the majority and have settled in a village on the east coast,” Klea replied.

“No violence?”

“Much anger, but no violence,” Klea replied. “They appeared shocked to discover that others were tired of the cycles of violence.”

Darras was taken straight in to see the Elders, finding them sitting around a table to which Darras was invited to sit.

“Be welcome, Agent of the Goddess Wenderos,” the senior elder intoned. “I am Galbras, senior of this Council.”

A definite thaw, ’ Erren confirmed. ‘Giving his name implies recognition of you, hence me.

“It is a pleasure to be here,” Darras replied to Galbras.

“We have gone through the lore on the Jomanti blade and discovered a few things that its guardians were withholding from the rest of us,” Galbras continued. “All, amongst the kin, are supposed to place a hand on the blade when achieving adulthood and the chosen one accepted.”

“And if one is selected?” Darras asked.

“They are not permitted to wield the sword unless there is a definite need.”

“To prevent abuse, no doubt,” Darras nodded.

“Indeed so,” Galbras agreed.

“Have you tested any?”

“We have, and a wielder was found,” Galbras nodded.

“Klea?” Darras asked, making Galbras start in shock.

“Yes, how did you know?”

“Of the Dark Kin I’ve met, I’ve never met one so destined to lead,” Darras replied, feeling Erren’s agreement in the background.

“Astonishing,” Galbras nodded. “Should the need arise, we will permit her to take the sword and use it to deal with this dragon.”

“I thank you,” Darras sincerely replied. “I will ensure her safety.”

“Yes, no doubt it would be extremely unsafe for her to be amongst the kinslayers.”

“Some of them, not all,” Darras replied.

“Ah yes, this Mirion,” Galbras nodded.

“Those Elves I call friends would also ensure her safety,” Darras added.

“I would still be most careful,” Galbras warned. “Klea is not immune to the past hatreds.”

“Nor are my friends, though two of them have met Klea during hostilities, and no violence ensued,” Darras chuckled.

“The two who escorted you to Tornua?”


“Klea mentioned them; it must have been awkward for both sides,” Galbras smiled.

“It was certainly tense, though it was not the first time they had encountered a Dark Kin,” Darras replied.

“This Dark Kin survived?”

“He does,” Darras replied. “He was captured in Comarre when attempting to cause a young Elf to inquire into forbidden knowledge,” Darras replied. “He follows the Dark Lord and worked with the darkness to bring about a weapon that could cause great harm.”

“Do you have a name?”

“Karsal,” Darras replied. “Erren holds him still in a form of stasis.”

“Ah, that’s what happened to the young fool,” another listening Elder sighed.

“I can arrange for him to be returned to you, though a flame of hatred for all burns deep within him,” Darras replied.

“Even his own, still? The Elder asked.

“Yes, he’s a fanatic and sees his kin as weak for not warring openly with the Elves or any who support them,” Darras replied, having been given the details by Erren.

“Whilst my heart aches, it is probably best for your goddess to keep him,” the Elder sighed. “He is my estranged son and was banished from the kin for acts of violence against us.”

“I understand,” Darras nodded in sympathy.

“He would likely try to persuade or coerce Klea into taking up the blade in a war of conquest,” Galard sighed.

“I cannot see Klea being coerced by anyone,” Darras smiled, seeing Galard smile in return.

“Nor could I; hence, either she or Karsal would likely die.”

“Erren won’t release him into your community,” Darras informed the elders after Erren decided. “She is going to attempt to rehabilitate him.”

“Thank you. Despite his violent tendencies, he is a skilled warrior and a danger to anyone who crosses him.”

“I’m sure Erren will eventually succeed,” Darras replied. However, I cannot give you a timescale.”

“We understand and wish the goddess every success,” Galard nodded.

“I’ll take my leave,” Darras announced. “Tiruk will be arriving in two days with trade goods.”

“We will be ready,” Galard replied as the Council looked pleased.

“Welcome back, my love,” Erren greeted Darras with a hug.

“Good to be back,” Darras smiled. “A far easier mission than most.”

“Yes, the Dark Kin have now started down the path of reform, though it will still be centuries before things are fully resolved,” Erren replied. “Also, we have a wielder for the Jomanti blade, should we need it.”

“We’ll still have to be careful should we need to escort Klea,” Darras warned.

“I know; I’ll be working on that with our Elven friends,” Erren nodded.

“So, what’s next?” Darras asked as they reached the bathing area.

“Courantil and a trip into the frozen north,” Erren replied.


“Yes,” Erren nodded. “I doubt you’ll find anything, but it will be good practice.”

“Does Courantil have any issues with Elves?”

“No, though their recruiters would still target them, even knowing your average Elf would have no problems escaping,” Erren smiled. “They trade for foodstuffs, mainly fruits from Jizzard.”

“Not a big market then?”

“No, but it does mean Elves are known of and accommodated.”

“We’ll need cold weather gear, my love,” Darras replied.

“Yes, that’s why Firios and the team will come here first.”

“Right,” Darras nodded.

Several days later, Firios, Tinara, Traskis, and Demala appeared on the lawn and were greeted by Erren and Darras. Explanations were given as the group sat around a table filled with food and drink.

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