Sword of the Goddess - Cover

Sword of the Goddess

Copyright© 2023 by QM

Chapter 41

Erren had prepared the way for the group to enter the gateway in Ventris by casting what she called an aversion spell over the area. It had taken several days to build up to its full strength to avoid coming to the attention of the magic-using denizens of the region. The grotto the group emerged into was empty, and there were no signs of it being used. The Elves immediately began scouting, each with a small bag of herbs and spices around their necks, which Erren had assured Darras would conceal the scent of the group from the numerous denizens of the area who would not take kindly to their presence.

“All clear,” Traskis announced as he ghosted into the grotto half an hour later.

“Good,” Darras nodded. “Let’s go; the area Erren wants to be checked is to the east.”

Traskis emulated a bird call before leading Darras and Balat down an animal trail, heading in their desired direction. The woods of Ventris, a realm of ancient mystery, were unlike anything Darras had experienced before, shrouded in an aura of enigma and an almost palpable sense of malevolence. Erren had warned not to trust any fruit or fungi in the forests despite their similarities to known types, revealing that the ground itself was subtly poisoned by ancient magic used by the first ones in one of the wars that led to their extinction. Every step they took was a step into the unknown, a potential encounter with a deadly creature or a trap set by an unseen enemy.

Darras and Balat, seasoned woodsmen, moved with utmost caution, their every step a testament to their experience and the danger lurking around them. The updates from the Elves were frequent, and the escort would then move out to take their place, a well-coordinated dance of vigilance. Their progress was painstakingly slow, punctuated by heart-pounding pauses to avoid various denizens. These were not just beasts, but the group knew the area was also home to far more dangerous intelligent races, their presence lurking in the shadows. By the end of the day, they were within striking distance of their target, a demon encampment, a menacing presence near a pure water source, a testament to their skill and the perilous journey they had undertaken.

“Whilst there’s a lot of them, they don’t appear to be keeping a watch out,” Firios informed Darras.

“In Ventris?” a puzzled Darras asked.

“Their ... town is in a naturally defensible area, and there are few beasts who would challenge that many demons,” Firios explained. “Demala can also sense a magical barrier, though it won’t detect us as it’s set for far bigger predatory types.”

“Any activity in the encampment?”

“Just normal activities involved with it and their upkeep, no gatherings,” Firios replied.

“Best set up camp for the night,” Darras nodded. “Erren is pretty sure something is going on and wants to know if the Demons are allying.”

“That would be a big problem for Thenarron or the New Territories should they choose to invade,” Balat frowned. “Individual tribes can cause massive problems even for experienced warriors.”

“That’s why we’re scouting,” Darras chuckled. “To either nip it in the bud or get out a warning.”

“I know; even the forest folk are on edge here,” Balat nodded.

“Even the local Dryad?” Firios asked as the other Elves arrived.

“Yes, she’s reporting a mass movement of Demons through territories they normally avoid.”

“How big a mass?” Tinara asked.

“Groups of thirty to forty,” Balat replied. “Considering a normal hunting pack is about five or so, this is significant.”

“All fighting males?”

“Yes, Tinara, all fighting males.”

“Worrying,” Tinara frowned. “They all are known for being able to use magic.”

“Yes, this is why Dryad Malele informed Doriel, who informed Erren,” Balat nodded.

“I’ll slip into the encampment tonight and see if I can pick anything up,” Darras added.

“That would be most dangerous, friend Darras,” Firios objected.

“I’m the only one here who knows their language, Firios; it has to be me.”

“Demala will accompany you; she may be able to help if you run into trouble,” Firios sighed.

“Acceptable,” Darras agreed. “Hopefully, we’ll find out their intentions.”

“Assuming the ordinary Demons down there know and are talking about it.”

“True,” Darras nodded.

The well-concealed encampment was swiftly set up. Balat used his magical abilities to create a path through a dense stand of wood and scrub to a clearing before closing the trail behind them. A deep firepit was dug, and tents were set up as Tinara and Demala prepared a meal. Demala mainly ensured by her magic that no scents were released into the atmosphere. Nor did the forest folk supply any food, Balat explaining that it was tainted by the magical atmosphere.

“Will this affect us?” Traskis asked.

“No,” Balat replied. “Not unless you remain longer than a year.”

“Does it affect the forest folk?”

“Yes, though the blessing of Lomarris ... Doriel prevents it from becoming dominant,” Balat explained. “It causes the folk here to react with more aggression.”

“Can it be lifted?” Demala asked, her keen intellect and magical ability coming to the fore.

“A work in progress,” Balat smiled. “The magic of the first ones is hard to counter or dispel.”

“Glad you’re here to vouch for us, Balat,” Darras replied.

“Happy too, though I’m none too comfortable being here myself,” Balat chuckled.

“It does feel oppressive,” Darras nodded.

“It does,” Firios agreed.

Darkness had fallen when Darras and Demala penetrated the Fiend encampment, finding the creatures to still be active and noisy with both squabbles and occasional frenetic sexual activity from the two genders within the encampment, much to Demala’s embarrassment. This Darras ignored as he moved silently through the dark to get near the central firelit area where there appeared to be some communal discussion. Fortunately for the pair, the deep shadows cast by the flames, as well as the night blindness they caused, gave Darras and Demala a lot of concealment and allowed a closer approach than Darras expected.

With Demala keeping a lookout and using her magic to prevent the few guards from detecting them, Darras was able to listen in on the tribe’s discussion of whether they’d accept the call to invade the Tornua region of Thenarron and settle there, away from the inherent danger that Ventris posed for all creatures.

There appears to be no mention of who made the call, ’ Erren commented. ‘Or how they got word of said call either.

Darras nodded, knowing Erren would understand, as he was unsure of the Fiends’ hearing. Then, the discussion around the central fire started to become more heated, with several of the younger (Darras assumed) tribespeople calling upon the majority to follow the call. They were then yelled at by a figure Darras thought was a shaman who berated them for their impatience, pointing out that the Humans of Thenarron would counter any such moves.

‘Without their Elven warriors, they would be no match for us, elder,” one of the younger ones countered.

“And what happened to the Kuric tribe’s warriors when they followed the Dark God’s messenger last year?” the elder replied.

“That was only a single tribe, betrayed by traitors, no doubt,” the younger one sneered. “If we all invade, we will win!”

“And if this Suvn of the Tranta tribe is a traitor to his people?” the elder pointed out. “It is known he is hated by many in his tribe because of his path to power.”

“Only because he called out to invade an unoccupied, safer land!”

“No, because he usurped their elders and killed them in the name of the Dark One,” the elder retorted. “Now we have honeyed words from a betrayer calling the tribes to invade a land that is not ours.”

“Cowards! The land is mostly empty; it could be ours!”

“This land is ours, fool, though if you wish to join Suvn, do so, though do not return, or your life will be forfeit,” the elder sneered, ending the debate.

Signalling to Demala to lead the way from the encampment, Darras mulled over what he had heard, though he remained silent. He concentrated on his movements until the pair reached the campsite. Once there, Darras filled them in on what had been discussed and let them discuss his findings.

“So, this Suvn is a possible cause of the rumours Doriel’s people picked up?” Firios asked,

“Most likely, though I suspect some sort of machinations from the followers of the Dark Lord,” Darras replied.

“Do we know where he is?” Demala asked.

“The forest folk do, hence I do,” Balat smiled.

“So we go there and deal with him?” Tinara asked.

“Depends on the amount of support he has,” Darras nodded. “Dealing with him, that is.”

“We’ll set off at first light,” Firios decided. “Do we need to guard?” he asked Balat.

“No, I’ll be warned if anything dangerous approaches,” Balat replied.

“Good, then let’s rest up.”

Darras was awake before dawn and stirred the fire embers, adding kindling until it was fully alight. He then prepared a simple breakfast as the others awoke and began breaking camp. Once breakfasted, the Elves led the way west, following a map traced out by Balat, animal trails and hidden paths, and avoiding various hostile denizens who would see them as prey. The only dangerous moment came when a Wendigo crossed their path, though it missed the party, concentrating on other larger prey.

It took two days to reach the territory claimed by the Tranta tribe. The Elves could not use farstriding due to what they called a background magical interference with their ability. With the aid of Balat, a safe campsite was set up in dense brush that could not easily be penetrated without his help.

“This encampment is a lot bigger,” Balat warned. “You’ll need to be cautious.”

“We will,” Darras confirmed.

Darkness had fallen when Darras and Demala penetrated the Tranta encampment, finding, like the previous attempt, that it had been built upon a safe zone. The encampment was also crowded, and an air of hostility permeated the environs, with what appeared to be several differing groupings at odds with each other. Still, it meant that the Fiends were focused upon each other, not Darras or Demala, as they slipped through to find a concealed spot where Darras could listen in on a debate ongoing in the centre of the encampment.

“Brothers of the Dark Lord, the time has come to take the lands of Tornua for our own and slip the poison that is Ventris!” a tall, malevolent appearing Fiend stated to the crowd.

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