Sword of the Goddess - Cover

Sword of the Goddess

Copyright© 2023 by QM

Chapter 37

Darras stepped through the gateway onto the lawn and felt all his aches going away as Erren fully healed him. As Erren was nowhere to be seen, Darras presumed she had a visitor and so made his way to the bathing area to remove the dirt and grime of his journey, where other than a jug of cold water and a basin, there had been no way to keep as clean as he’d become used to with Erren. A large chilled mug of ale was also waiting, and Darras supped it gratefully, smiling a little as to how he’d become so pampered living with Erren. Eventually, Darras heard voices, and Erren approached with a young woman, presumably a goddess, whom Darras had not seen before.

“Welcome back, my love,” a smiling Erren greeted Darras. “This is my sister, Sorella, goddess of the sea and its peoples.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Darras replied. Thank you for helping me reach the Isle of the Dark Kin.”

“It was a minor matter, but accepted,” Sorella replied, looking at Darras as Hallis had when she’d first met him. “You do have a fine specimen of manhood there, sister.”

“I know,” Erren smiled. “Nor will I take kindly to any attempts to steal him away from me.”

“Such a prude, sister,” Sorella laughed. “I was simply wondering where I’d find someone like him myself.”

“Plenty of Merfolk around,” Erren replied primly.

“Do you know how they mate?”

“Er ... no, never interested me,” Erren admitted.

“Trust me, it’s very impersonal and involves a male spraying his sperm over a female’s laid eggs,” Sorella chuckled. “The way humans, Elves and Dwarves do it is much more fun, though admittedly, I’m no big fan of beards on women.”

“We’ll have to find you a lusty mariner type then,” Erren giggled.

“Sounds like a plan,” Sorella smiled. “So, you want me to join your plot to thwart our brother?”

“I would; while he tends not to bother himself with the Merfolk kingdoms, he still stirs up trouble through the Sharkmen,” Erren replied as she stripped and got into the pool, joined moments later by Sorella.

“That’s true; there have been several incidents recently where I’ve suspected his influence,” Sorella nodded.

“I can ask Pelegard to develop better weapons for the Merfolk.”

“Interesting, as due to their environment, they have no metalworking ability,” Sorella thoughtfully replied. “What would you expect in return?”

“Hallis will have some needs, but for me, it would just be your aid in keeping an eye on Crusal as they are still spoiling for a fight with Asul, and our brother is constantly meddling there.”

“Keep an eye on their fleets?”

“Yes, if you don’t mind.”

“Very well, in return for your aid in arming the Merfolk against the Sharkmen, I can do that,” Sorella replied. “No doubt Hallis will be after various bits and bobs related to medicine.”

“Without a doubt,” Erren smiled.

“So, who else is in your resistance movement?”

“Doriel, Osruit, Saltak, Crannok and Tsumi, so far. Erren replied.

“Quite the odd mix,” Sorella replied thoughtfully. “I doubt our brother will even consider some of them to be opposed to his machinations.”

“He suspects Doriel and Pelegard,” Erren replied. “Though, as far as I’m aware, he doesn’t realise how united we are in opposing his plans.”

“Damned fool wouldn’t; his idea of an ally is someone he can manipulate into doing his will,” Sorella sighed.

“That’s our brother, all right,” Erren chuckled.

“Very well, count me in, limited as I’ll be in dealing with him.”

“You could also make the Isle of the Dark Kin a no-go area for the curious,” Darras added.

“I will, though they’d struggle with the mist and the reefs anyway,” Sorella smiled. “You designed that place very effectively, sister.”

“I needed someplace to put those who were a danger to society but who weren’t irredeemable,” Erren explained.

“Yes, that busybody Serulon will have been pleased about that, the fuss she kicks up at times because a ship hits the rocks and sailors drown,” Sorella grimaced. “It’s not my problem at all.”

“You’re the goddess of the sea,” Erren chuckled. “That’s how she sees it.”

“I know, but it’s not like I make them hit the rocks!”

“You think that bothers her?”

“True, she’s utterly single-minded about a situation I can do nothing about,” Sorella huffed. “Plus, it’s the wind that blows them there, and she never goes after Venicia.”

“I think Venicia’s attitude puts her off,” Erren smiled. “It’s hard to admonish someone who really doesn’t give a damn.”

“That’s true,” Sorella sighed.

“Talking of Serulon, she’s on her way here,” Erren frowned.

“Any idea why?” Darras asked.

“Probably your activities in Gorfey.”

“What have you had him up to?” Sorella asked.

“Pest eradication,” Erren smiled thinly.

“Mind if I hang around? I rarely get to see her deal with others.”

“Feel free. Now dry up. We’ll meet her at the lawn, as I don’t allow her to wander here.”

Darras and the two goddesses sat under the pergola when Serulon phased into view. As ever, Serulon looked pissed, as usual, though this time, her annoyance was focused upon Darras, along with Erren.

“Greetings, sister, how nice of you to call,” Erren greeted Serulon in whimsical tones.

“Don’t give me that! What is the meaning of loosing your murderer on the innocent?” Serulon snarled.

“Bit rude,” Darras murmured. “I was only defending myself.”

“Nor did you slay any innocents,” Erren added. “They were all irredeemable.”

“You are not permitted direct action!” Serulon yelled.

“I know; that’s why I had Darras deal with it for me.”

“That constitutes the same thing!”

“But I didn’t do it. Be consistent, sister.”

“He murdered Graveley; Darmela is up in arms about it as he was a follower of hers!”

“I didn’t see you taking her to task over the slaying of my priest by her followers,” Erren shrugged. “Or an apology from her either.”

“The circumstances were different.”

“They don’t seem that different to me,” Sorella frowned. “There’s a stench of hypocrisy all over this.”

“Are you calling me a hypocrite?” Serulon asked in flat tones.

“No, Darmela, she can hardly bleat about Darras after her followers’ rampage.”

“I told you; the circumstances were different.”


“Darmela officially complained; Erren did not.”

“That’s because I do revenge, not complaints,” Erren chuckled. “Think of Graveley as the beginning of a delayed revenge.”

“This can only escalate,” Serulon stated.

“How? What’s she going to do? Put curses on people? Oh, wait, she’s already done that in Halgard.”

“You are determined to go down this path?”

“I am; Graveley had enriched himself on the suffering of others and made his soul irredeemable,” Erren replied seriously.

“It is not for you to judge souls!”

“Dad judges them; I just arranged to send them on a bit early.”

“That isn’t your task!” Serulon replied, looking exasperated.

“Why not? I only got Darras to deal with the irredeemable.” Erren replied with a sly smile. “Not like I had one of Darmela’s priests killed, is it?”

“You are determined to go down this course?”

“I am because I have no problem with Darmela going after any of my irredeemables,” Erren replied. “Should she target the innocent? All bets are off; kindly inform her of this.”

Serulon stood silently, deeply in thought, before fading away.

“I don’t think she likes that side of you,” Sorella said into the silence.

“It’s been coming a while. Now that Rachtelin is settled, I can concentrate on dealing with Darmela,” Erren replied. “She offended me greatly; now it’s my turn to offend her.”

“Well, I’ll help, though I’m no use in a land war,” Sorella chuckled.

“I’ve no intention of involving you in this, sister. Just in the matters we discussed.”

“Nevertheless, you’ve piqued my interest, so I’ll do what I can.”

“Not in trouble, are you?” Darras asked as the pair sat cuddling in the living room.

“No, Serulon has already reported me to Dad, and he’s ignoring it,” Erren smiled.

“So, he’d turn up if you were at fault?”

“He rarely does; normally, Serulon just delivers a penalty, as she did with Colanthus and his physical presence upon the land.”

“So, if he does show up, it’s severe?”

“Oh, most definitely.”

“Doesn’t do social events then?” Darras chuckled.

“Hah, no,” Erren laughed.

“What’s next?”

“There’s another shadow in Ducloman stirring up the tribes there,” Erren replied.

“That’s a desert kingdom?”

Yes, though getting overcrowded and running short of its most precious resource, water.”

“I see,” Darras nodded, looking at a map Erren was projecting. “Elven kingdoms to the west and east. Though the eastern route looks easiest ... unless the Duclomani have a shipping presence?”

“They don’t,” Erren confirmed. “And whilst the land route is easy enough, the Elves of Kelnerim are aware of the Duclomani’s situation and are keeping watch.”

“And the Elves of Trillath?”

“Keep a watch, but whose forests are dense and ideal for countering invasions,” Erren replied.

“So, the Duclomani have the numbers, but the Elves have the better armies and territory for dealing with an invasion?”

“Yes, it’s why Ducloman has never expanded.”

“What about North?”

“Technically part of Kelnerim, though practically deserted.”

“Seems the best direction for any migrations,” Darras mused. “Low rolling hills with no doubt streams running down the valleys.”

“Yes, but the number of population to move is significant, even if they follow the river upstream from Pruch.”

“Yes, that could be an issue, but it is possible if the will is there,” Darras nodded.

“That’s why I need you to deal with the shadow; it’s stirring up the masses for an invasion of Kelnerim, one in which there will be no winners.”

“And the Elves won’t stop a northern migration?”

“They don’t have the will or the numbers; the land itself is theirs because the old Empire drew the district borders there,” Erren explained.

“So, kill the shadow and get the Duclomani to head north?”

“You just concentrate on the shadow; I’ll get Tiruk to give you a hand as he’s from there.”

“Yes, he’ll know the customs,” Darras nodded.

“I’ll also get my priesthood involved in Kelnerim to allow human expansion in their northwest.”

“I suspect they’d be more concerned if it were the Dwarves from Dankar pushing south,” Darras replied.

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